Words from Jacky Qwerty ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ> Jacky Qwerty/29A First of all, i would like to send some short comentz and general greetz to the good and bad virus scene. Yes, i think there exists such diference and thats something that should be "pointed" out. Apart from this i'll take the chance to describe my articlez, virusez and utilitiez included in this 29A issue as well as my true purpose on writin and spreadin out this knowledge. The two sidez of virus scene ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Yes, in my humble opinion, i think there is a "good" virus scene, one which is continuosly lookin for new infection ideaz, new platformz and new file formatz to infect. Just for the simple chalenge it poses by itself, not for that stupid nonsense apetite for destruction. Thats childish rubish and we dont like that. We rather enjoy foolin F-Potatoe's last protection or TBAV heuristicz or discoverin Microsoft's untold secretz, etc. This is what we like. This is the good virus scene and we'll stay this way for a long time. The other side is the "bad" virus scene, which is made of vandalz who have childish programin habitz. They move and act by the simple "minimum effort" principle. They rather enjoy randomly writin or formatin a hard drive, than squeezin both skull and brainz out in an atempt to code some more creative and interestin stuff, not the awful boresome shit they're acustomed to. For the former purpose, i'd strongly recomend to download the AVP enciclopedia DOS edition, and take a look at all the "kick ass" virus demoz it containz. Needless to say, I, as a VXer and member of the 29A group team, have nothin to do with this "bad" side of the virus scene and be sure i will reject any chance to become a "vandal" for dayz to come. Did u stick that Bontchy! #8P Greetz to all VXerz ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Warm greetz to all those creative VX coderz around the world who use their brainz and imagination writin fancy creative payloadz - harmless graphicz, soundz, etc - inside their lil' creepy binary creaturez, you all rock! ;) No greetz at all to the increasin number of lamerz and wannabeez who feel they are the bad guyz and best coderz on earth just by writin destructive nonsense rubish and wipin out compz at skool or friendz, you all suck! :( As bein part of the first group, i really hope you enjoy this 29A#2 isue as it is full of hot new ground-breakin kick-ass stuff from top to bottom ;) Quick description ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ For my part i have writen and coded some nifty Win32 (WinNT/Win95/Win32s) virusez: (1) Win32.Jacky, the very first Win32 infector. (2) Win32.Cabanas, the very first resident, stealth, antidebuged, antiheuristic Win32 virus. (3) DogPaw, a simple but powerful DOS virus, which is able to infect DOS, Win3.1, Win95, WinNT and OS/2 aplicationz via a recently discovered back- door, thanx Casio. (4) WM.CAP, my first and only macro virus writen as an entrance to the macro stuff world, simple in structure (who said complex?), but very powerful and infectious by nature - heck i didnt know it would be- come so comon, blame Microsoft for their stupidity -. This is all with res- pect to my virusez. I have also prepared a couple of articlez about macro stuff, they are named (1) Macro virus tricks, and (2) WordMacro.CAP virus description. The first article deals with two known limitationz with actual macro virusez and then proposes solutionz for them. The second article gives a full description of a real macro virus and serves as a good compliment for the first article. Finally, i have writen two especially useful utilitiez for Win32 (with C source code included): (1) GETPROC, a Win32 console aplication very useful for beginerz, which also serves as a compliment for the PE infection tuto- rial. And (2) PEWRSEC, a simple DOS program which will be very useful for you Win32 ASM coderz once you understand the benefitz of a R/W code section on a PE file: you will be able to include the first generation sample of your Win32 virus in the code section, as you usually did in DOS, and you will also be able to debug it with symbolic information included along with the source code. And last but not least, i have prepared myself some useful INC filez for DOS and Win32: (1) USEFUL.inc, (2) MZ.inc, (3) WIN32API.inc and (4) PE.inc. This include filez will make more sense once u have delved yerself into the Win32 world. Scope and Purpose ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ All of these virusez/articlez/utilitiez were all coded with just one goal in mind: to make sure all this information will be given to "otherz" before i leave the scene or the world at worst. I mean, dont let your own knowled- ge be buried along with your body, spread it out before you leave this world. If you're smart enough and really understand this, then you are al- most ready to learn from otherz. Next is that you should be moved or pushed to "learn" just by the simple educational purpose or the chalenge it poses by itself. Then you'll be ready to teach your knowledge and otherz will learn from you. Needless to say, i wouldnt like at all to know that one of my virusez has escaped from this zine coz you didnt understand this. Please dont be a lamer. Now, Enjoy! (c) 1997 Jacky Qwerty/29A.