{ Ok, this is a very quick hack to decrypt TBSCAN32.EXE. This ain't fool proof, but TBSCAN ain't either :-) Once you know how it encrypts, it's very easy to decrypt, as the encryption is fairly standard. Rajaat, November 1998 } uses dos; var buffer : array[0..20000] of word; f : file; i : word; l : word; a : word; begin assign(f,'TBSCAN32.EXE'); reset(f,1); blockread(f, buffer, filesize(f),l); seek(f,0); for i := $149 to filesize(f) div 2 do begin a := buffer[i]; a := a xor $3fe; a := a xor $c9a4; asm mov ax,a rol ax,1 mov a,ax end; buffer[i] := a; end; blockwrite(f, buffer, filesize(f)); close(f); end.