Introduction ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Ancient guys in the VX scene could not believe it when they heard 29A group was releasing his 5th issue in december, just 9 months after 4th issue. We could say we scored a goal to the goal of release 29A magazine within a year, as we promised in this same section in last issue. We also promised we would stop releasing 29A magazine at certain dates, and you, reader, could think 31th december is one of those certain dates, but you would be wrong because back in july we decided to release 5th issue in december, and we, doing a nice work of group, have been successful finishing the issue at the expected time, also being satisfied with our work. In this new release we make a new promise: 29A will try to don't release more huge issues as 4th one, or at least not due to MP3 files. Anyway, it's 29A group who decides what's released, being decission of each reader decide if the zine deserves the download or not. From here, we would like to thank very much all the contributors to 29A #5, those ones who got their work published, and those ones that sent us stuff to publish but we didn't. It's with the efforts of 29A members but also contributors how 29A gets releases of quality, that's why we, in 29A, must be grateful to them. We are also grateful to VaW for his intro for the zine. Darkman, Lethal Mind, Reptile and Sopinky left 29A due their inactivity in the group, Bumblebee and Prizzy left for personal problems and Mandragore joined 29A. Regards and best whises to the ex-members. Apologizes to our readers because in last issue we published a virus (Nemesi by AcidWerks), already published in DIE #1 (SaBoTaGiO by Techno Knight). Thanks to T-2000 for let us notice it. You must notice: 29A issue 5 has to be extracted using Long FileName (LFN). 29Aers hope readers enjoy with this new production from 29A group, and also that antivirus companies enjoy detecting and removing viruses released in our zine, wishing more luck to ex-AVP than last time disinfecting GriYo's CTX or detecting Bumblebee's 99 ways to die.