hello boys, I'm Gildo [mmeneghin@inwind.it] this little code is an example of how is possible to write an exploit suitable for a vulnerability of another program ;-) I have inserted this code inside my Dama game, but perhaps that one is boring, so look this littler piece. files are: vulnerable.c is the vulnerable program that run on the victim host, vulnerable send the address of the buffer to overflow, lol! this is a really stupid thing perhaps, becouse usually exploiting common services you can only suppose the address where to jump, I made so becouse I don't care, althought you can easily send formatted exploit string with supposed addresses until you find the right one, or better you can insert at the beginning some nop (0x90) that will save you if you fall in that gap. -------------- exploit.s is the exploit written in AT&T, sorry if you don't like, is executed inside a buffer of vulnerable, so on the remote host, and do simply this: -fork() and parent exit so vulnerable don't stay in a suspened state -create socket and initialize a struct sockaddr_in, with the IP and PORT of my prompttelnet program (see later) -connect to prompttelnet program -redirect the stdin to a socket sock_in, and stdout and stderr to sock_out. Note that I used close and fcntl(really I used dup2 in another exploit and it's better, eheh I don't want to rewrite without a reason) -execve a shell, so you'll be happy -------------- attack.c is the program that attacks the vulnerable, this means that do two things: -ask the address of buffer to overflow -send a formatted exploiting string to vulnerable that is the exploit code that I over told, but differs in some parameters as: *IP where is running prompttelnet *PORT where is tunning prompttelnet *ADDRESS of buffer to overflow in memory *some padding bytes -------------- prompttelnet.s is the program that interface the shell executed on the remote host, so you'l type commands here and they will be executed on the remote host. start prompttelnet where you want, typically on the same machine where you start attack ========================= HOW MAKE I WORK ALL THIS? first start the vulnerable program or make it start from someone else (remotelly), second start the prompttelnet program (locally if you want) third start the attack in this way: attack NOTE_1: you can start all 3 programs on the same computer, but you cannot have a 0 in and NOTE_2: you can try the exploit directly without attack, just running: -prompttelnet -exploit on the same computer, it'll use default IP= and PORT 18002 18003 NOTE_3: I'm sure you'll like to write exploits, I'll give you the file dump that is a perl script that I use to grap opcodes with comments in asm into C files NOTE_4: I wrote this code only becouse I was curious of seeing how work these things, but I know I wrote a very lame thing, and this is only a demo that gives some ideas, not the end purpouse of something at all, sure you'll try more advanced things, tell me about them if you want bye, becouse sizeof(README) is becoming bigger of sizeof(code) ;-)