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Why VX in .NET?
alcopaul/brigada ocho
june 02, 2011

VXing in .NET? .NET framework dependencies? 

Version Version Number 	Release Date 	Visual Studio 		Default in Windows
1.0 	1.0.3705.0 	2002-02-13 	Visual Studio .NET 	Windows XP Tablet and Media Center Editions
1.1 	1.1.4322.573 	2003-04-24 	Visual Studio .NET 2003 Windows Server 2003
2.0 	2.0.50727.42 	2005-11-07 	Visual Studio 2005 	Windows Server 2003 R2
3.0 	3.0.4506.30 	2006-11-06 				Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008
3.5 	3.5.21022.8 	2007-11-19 	Visual Studio 2008 	Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2
4.0 	4.0.30319.1 	2010-04-12 	Visual Studio 2010 

Though it is not installed by default in Windows XP (clean install), it really depends upon the computer manufacturer. When I 
bought my HP computer last 2004 which has Windows XP, it has already Microsoft .NET framework 1.1 installed. Then Windows Update
updated it to .NET framework 2.0. Then to 3.0 and to 3.5. It's most likely that this is also the case with other PC users..

With this, it means that almost everyone (who is a Windows user) has .NET framework thus your .NET malware can take advantage of 
.NET classes and can be executed on almost anywhere. Heck, you can even cross execute it with Linux via Mono.

So why VX in .NET? I just told you why.

Update: I read that Attachmate bought Novell recently and fired the Mono Project team. Miguel de Icaza and the layed off Mono team
started a new company and as of this moment, their website,, showcases .NET for only mobile devices. Mono Project
website is still not updated as of now. The fate of Mono in Linux is unknown at the moment. Hopefully, xamarin will carry on the 
development of future Mono versions. Good thing that Mono 2.6 is installed by default in Ubuntu Linux 11.04.

Update1: Checked twitter and I saw this retweet by Miguel de Icaza...
directhex Jo Shields RT by migueldeicaza
"It'll take some time to iron out, but .NET 4 support is now confirmed for Ubuntu 11.10. [ubuntu/oneiric] mono 2.10.1-4 (Accepted)"
