ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Disclaimer ³ Billy Belceb£/DDT ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Welcome to the most boring and unuseful section of the magazine, although it must be done for our own safety ;) As we don't want problems with the justi- ce we must to this. All the information that you can find in this magazine is only for educatio- nal purposes. Yes, we only show you the information, but we don't pull you to virus coding... So you can use this information for whatever you want, for defend your computer from the attack of a virus, know better what a virus is, and such like. So, the misuse of this information isn't responsa- bility of any kind of any of the DDT members and/or collaborators. And the code here isn't useful without compile it, and you have to intentionally go to the \FILES directory for get the binaries, so it makes it your problem. Before doing nothing please take a look to the laws of your country and see if create viruses are illegal... or you'll be an outlaw ;) And please, don't think that a virus is something bad. And if a virus is bad why windows not? The viruses are always labeled as bad things. And why make viruses is bad? And the virus coders are labeled as terrorists and such like They don't understand what a virus is... is the only lifeform that the human race has made... You know what ignorance does. Escuchan a DDT: ù Exigimos la rendici¢n incondicional de las almorranas involuntarias, ù El manteo sistem tico y subvencionado de Sanchez-Drag¢, ù La inclusi¢n de la masturbaci¢n y la sodom¡a creativa como asignaturas obligatorias en pre-escolar, ù Basta ya de ancianos insolventes, ù TODOS A BEBER Y A FOLLAR QUE SON DOS DIAS!!!!! [ (c) 1994-95 by DEF CON DOS - Ciudadano Terrorista (Alzheimer) ] Billy Belceb£, mass killer and ass kicker.