ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ In the media and oddities ³ Billy Belceb£/DDT ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ We in the media?!? Seems that the world is crazy. Well, hope you like all this information. % In PC ACTUAL % ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Well, here goes the translated version of the article published in the most important paper-printed computer magazine in Spain, PC ACTUAL. We can see a good attitude of the guyz that wrote that article. They are kewl people. Here goes my translation of the article: "Our country is becoming a real potence in the matter of virus creators, in fact, new groups of developers of this kind of programs appear, and begin to make a name in the world underground scene. DDT is mainly spanish, though they accept members from anywhere else in the world, in fact, two of their members are french. Nowadays, they have six members: Billy Belceb£, FRONTIS, zAxOn, dustfaery, TheWizard and Mandragore (^mdrg^). Between their main projects detaches the first number of their e-zine, and the developing of a virus creator, NOP Virus Creator 2.666. The e-zine is a magazine that will have interesting articles for all the knowledge levels, it will appear in english (though it will be probably translated to spanish) and, besides virus, it will have some interviews made to some interesting people in the viric scene. Of the virus generator, Billy Belceb£ assures that it'll be one of the best ones, because the viric engine is being developed by Int13h, a great progra- mmer of the group IKX. All it under a interface made by Billy. The creator won't have destructive payloads, and will be able of make resident viruses, infectors of COM, EXE, SYS, possibility of mid-file infection in COM files, stealth, polymorphysm (highly configurable), tunneling, anti-heuristic... As they said "a kind of tribute for the almost extincted MS-DOS". Besides that projects, they are working in their own creations, showing special interest for the virus developing for Win32 (Win 3.X with Win32s, Win95, Win NT and Win98). " This article was published in the PC ACTUAL N§104, of January 1999, in the page 329. The underground section is signed by the respectable columnists Bernardo Quintero and Antonio Ropero. More information, http://www.pc-actual.es % In PCMANIA % ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ We did it again :) Now in the another of the most important magazines in Spain about computers. I began to be interested in viruses when 29A appeared for the first time in this magazine, so i was very happy of seeing news from DDT in their mag. Well, the exact magazine is PCMANIA N§77, of March 1999, in page 164 (in page 163 there's a screenshot of DDT web). Well, it says something like this: Title : "A new incorporation" "Let's continue with spanish virus creators. We inform of the fundation of a new group, named DDT. Its creator, known as Billy Belceb£ [* hehehe, am i creator of something? am i the messiah? am i god? - BB *] comments us the soon release of their 1st e-zine, and the next aparition of some new and own viruses. It sounds preety interesting, so now we tell you about this group that, without any doubt, we will hear in the future, and when any of their viruses arrive to our hands, it will be properly analyzed". Ok, thanks :) We will be very happy if you analyze one of our viruses, and of course we will send one of them. Btw, the columnist name is Javier Guerrero D¡az. % GaLaDRieL fame % ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ I would never thought about the amount of publicity this virus had. The his- tory is very funny: one day zAxOn and me were at my home, talking, trying to code something, and organizing a bit this magazine... We started to talk about macros, because my friend Flitnic had sent me a little explanation of "how to code macro viruses for word", and we though about code macro for see their spreading captabilities. Then zAxOn said: "i bet you that i code a virus for CorelDraw scripts". Of course, knowing him and his lazyness, i laughed out loud. He went to his home, and 15 minutes after he had coded something, called "GaLaDRieL" that worked at the first try perfectly. Heh, i was very astonished. Some months after, while i was in a friend's home, i was talking with Bernardo Quintero, and suddendly GaLaDRieL came to my mind, and i told him... "Do you know that a member of DDT coded a CorelScript virus?". He quickly said... "Send me!!!". Ok. He firstly mailed to Panda, commenting something... and suddendly the AV became VERY interested... Hehe, they wanted to have the exclusive of being the first one in detect and disinfect it. Of course they were. The next time i went to my friend's home, i was very surprised: all the AV talked about that shitty and lame virus! Even Corel did! Mwhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahha!!! This demonstrated that the originality is the only way for fame. % Future apparitions % ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Possibly we will appear again, but now interviewed in another magazine. Time will bring us the answers. Billy Belceb£, mass killer and ass kicker.