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[ Classic Cryptography Techniques ] 0x0 Sostituition Techniques 0x0x1 Cesare's Ciphrature 0x0x2 PlayFair Ciphrature 0x0x3 Hill Ciphrature 0x0x4 Polialphabetic Ciphrature 0x1 Transposition Techniques 0x2 Rotation Machines -[0x0x1]----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cesare's Ciphrature Cesare's Ciphrature is based on alphabetical letters! This algorithms replace only single letter with a three letter after considering a circula alphabet ! so the first letter after Z is A!! exemple: text = meet me after the toga party ciph = PHHW PH DIWHU WKH WRJD SDUWB To implement this ciphrature tecnique we cas assign a numeric value for every letter in this way: [ a ][ b ][ c ][ d ][ e ][ f ][ g ][ h ][ i ][ j ][ k ][ l ][ m ] [ 0 ][ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ][ 0 ][11 ][12 ] [ n ][ o ][ p ][ q ][ r ][ s ][ t ][ u ][ v ][ w ][ x ][ y ][ z ] [13 ][14 ][15 ][16 ][17 ][18 ][19 ][20 ][21 ][22 ][23 ][24 ][25 ] Now we can apply this mathematics implementation of circular cesare's ciphrature : Ciphred = Encript(word) = (char value + k) mod (26) C = E(w) = (cv+3)mod(26) C = E(m) = (12+3)mod(26) = 15 mod 26 = 15 = P If we want decipher we can use the opposite operation word = Decript(Ciphred) = (Ciphred char - k) mod 26 w = D(C) = (C-3) mod (26) w = D(P) = (15-3) mod (26) = 12 mod 26 = 12 = m The problem of this alghoritm is that if I don't know the k value i can resolve this with 25 different k value : PHHW PH DIWHU WKH WRJD SDUWB Key = 01 oggv og chvgt vjg vqic rctva Key = 02 nffu nf bgufs uif uphb qbsuz Key = 03 meet me after the toga party <= I have found my key!! Key = 04 ldds ld zesdq sgd snfz ozqsx Key = 05 kccr kc ydrcp rfc rmey nyprw ... Key = 25 qiix qi ejxiv xli xske tevxc -[0x0x2]----------------------------------------------------------------------- PlayFair Ciphrature This ciphrature algorithm is based on 5x5 matrix made on a single keyword! Image that our keyword is "monarchy"! The matrix is made excluding the repetition letter and considering i and j char the same char! The firsts cells are the char of keyword, the others are the remaning alphabetic letters [ \ ] | [ 0 ][ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ] ------|-------------------------- [ 0 ] | [ m ][ o ][ n ][ a ][ r ] [ 1 ] | [ c ][ h ][ y ][ b ][ d ] [ 2 ] | [ e ][ f ][ g ][i/j][ k ] [ 3 ] | [ l ][ p ][ q ][ s ][ t ] [ 4 ] | [ u ][ v ][ w ][ x ][ z ] After that we have create the matrix we must encript the text 2 letters by 2 letters follow this rule: [1] If in my text d uring the division for 2 letters, two same letter are behind I must insert a new letter! for exemple i divide the word "balloon" in this way : ba ll oo n since ll are the same letter in the same block I must insert a new letter and balloon became : ba lx lo on now I have 4 block of 2 letters and I can continue! [2] The letter of my text that are in the same matrix row are sostituited with the letter that is on the right it... for exemple in my matrix the string "ar" became "rm" [3] The letter of my text that are in the same matrix colum are sostutited with the letter that is bottom it... for exemple in my matrix the string "mu" became "cm" [4] In the others cases the letter two letter changes row and column with the opposite of the other letter of block!... for exemple the string "ev" of coordinate (2,0)(4,1) became "fu" of coordinate (2,1)(4,0) becouse : row col row col [2] [0] [4] [1] | | | | row-col 2____|_______|____1____ (2,1) | | row-col 0_______4_________ (4,0) exemple: text = hello world [1] Division = he ll ow or ld the second block ll is not correct so I insert x to divide the same letters and insert y to recreate a 2 letters block : he lx lo wo rl dy [2] Control if I have letters of the same row : he -> no lx -> no lo -> no wo -> no rl -> no dy -> yes -> dy became cb -> my string now is: he lx lo wo rl "cb" [3] Control if I have letters of the same column: he -> no lx -> no lo -> no wo -> no rl -> no [4] Change row and column with the opposite of the other letter of block! he -> (1,1)(2,0) -> (1,0)(2,1) -> cf -> my string now is : CF lx lo wo rl CB lx -> (3,0)(4,3) -> (3,3)(4,0) -> su -> my string now is : CF SU lo wo rl CB lo -> (3,0)(0,1) -> (3,1)(0,0) -> pm -> my string now is : CF SU PM wo rl CB wo -> (4,2)(0,1) -> (4,1)(0,2) -> vn -> my string now is : CF SU PM VN rl CB rl -> (0,4)(3,0) -> (0,0)(3,4) -> mt -> my string now is : CF SU PM VN MT CB Ciphred text = cfsupmvnmtcb To decript this text is necessary that you know the keyword so you can recreat the matrix and repeat the same operation used to encrypt the text!! But if you don't know the key you must try 26x26 = 676 different combinations so this is more secure respect the Cesare's ciphrature -[0x0x3]--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hill Ciphrature The therd ciphrature that I want show to you born in the 1929 by Lester Hill! This algorithm take "num" letters from the text and replace this with "num" ciphred letters! To do it we resolve "num" linear equations! In the first time we assign a numerical value to a signle letter as in the Cesare's ciphrature [ a ][ b ][ c ][ d ][ e ][ f ][ g ][ h ][ i ][ j ][ k ][ l ][ m ] [ 0 ][ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ][ 0 ][11 ][12 ] [ n ][ o ][ p ][ q ][ r ][ s ][ t ][ u ][ v ][ w ][ x ][ y ][ z ] [13 ][14 ][15 ][16 ][17 ][18 ][19 ][20 ][21 ][22 ][23 ][24 ][25 ] After that we decide a value to assign tu "num" I use 3 so... I have three linear equations: ciphred = [ key(x,y) word(1) + key(x,y) word(2) + key(x,y) word(3) ] [1] C1 = [k(1,1)w(1)+k(1,2)w(2)+k(1,3)w(3)] [2] C2 = [k(2,1)w(1)+k(2,2)w(2)+k(2,3)w(3)] [3] C3 = [k(3,1)w(1)+k(3,2)w(2)+k(3,3)w(3)] I can rapresents this equations as a vector and matrix form : cyphred key matrix word column column [ c1 ] [ k11 k12 k13 ] [ w1 ] [ c2 ] = [ k21 k22 k33 ] = [ w2 ] = mod 26 [ c3 ] [ k31 k32 k33 ] [ w3 ] I invent my key matrix with arbitrary value [ 17 17 05 ] k = [ 21 18 21 ] [ 02 02 19 ] If I want encript t he text "paymoremoney" I must several block of 3 letters becouse I have set "num" = 3 ... so I divide the text in this way: block 1 = pay block 2 = mor block 3 = emo block 4 = ney Now I can replace the single letter with numerical value assigned it block 1 = pay = (15,0,24) block 2 = mor = (12,14,17) block 3 = emo = (4,12,14) block 4 = ney = (13,4,24) Now that I have "trasformed" all information in number I can apply the algorith [?01] [ 17 17 05 ] [P][15] [?02] = [ 21 18 21 ] = [A][0] mod 26 [?03] [ 02 02 19 ] [Y][24] [?04] [ 17 17 05 ] [M][12] [?05] = [ 21 18 21 ] = [O][14] mod 26 [?06] [ 02 02 19 ] [R][17] [?07] [ 17 17 05 ] [E][4] [?08] = [ 21 18 21 ] = [M][12] mod 26 [?09] [ 02 02 19 ] [O][14] [?10] [ 17 17 05 ] [N][13] [?11] = [ 21 18 21 ] = [E][4] mod 26 [?12] [ 02 02 19 ] [Y][24] And resolve using this equation: [1] C1 = [k(1,1)w(1)+k(1,2)w(2)+k(1,3)w(3)] [2] C2 = [k(2,1)w(1)+k(2,2)w(2)+k(2,3)w(3)] [3] C3 = [k(3,1)w(1)+k(3,2)w(2)+k(3,3)w(3)] [?01] = 17*15 + 17*0 + 5*24 = 255 + 0 + 120 = 375 mod 26 = 11 = L [?02] = 21*15 + 18*0 + 21*24 = 315 + 0 + 504 = 819 mod 26 = 13 = N [?03] = 02*15 + 02*0 + 19*24 = 30 + 0 + 456 = 486 mod 26 = 18 = S [?04] = 17*12 + 17*14 + 5*17 = 204 + 238 + 85 = 527 mod 26 = 7 = H [?05] = 21*12 + 18*14 + 21*17 = 252 + 252 + 357 = 861 mod 26 = 3 = D [?06] = 02*12 + 02*14 + 19*17 = 24 + 28 + 323 = 375 mod 26 = 11 = L If you continue using this tecnique you obtain this ciphred string : LNSHDLEWMTRW To decrypt this ciphrate text are necessary that you know the keymatrix becouse you must calculate the inverse matrix of it and apply the inverse matrix to the ciphred text to obtain a original text To obtain the inverse matrix you must calculate the determinant of matrix first!To calcolate the determinant I can rapresent my matrix in this way -------------- --------- | 17 | 17 | 05 | 17 | 17 | || | \ \ \| | || | \ \ | | || | \ \ |\ | || | 21 | 18 | 21 | 21 | 18 | || 17*18*19 + 17*21*2 + 5*21*2 = 5814 + 714 + 210 = 6738 | \ \| \ | || | \ | \ | || | \ |\ \ | || | 02 | 02 | 19 | 02 | 02 | \/ -------------- --------- -------------- --------- | 17 | 17 | 05 | 17 | 17 | /\ | / |/ / | || | / | / | || | / /| / | || | 21 | 18 | 21 | 21 | 18 | || 2*18*5 + 2*21*17 + 19*21*17 = 180 + 714 + 6783 = 7677 | / / |/ | || | / / | | || | / / /| | || | 02 | 02 | 19 | 02 | 02 | || -------------- --------- DetK = 6738 - 7677 = -939 mod 26 = -3 After that I have found the det of the 3x3 matrix I can calculate the inverse matrix in this way: ----------------- | k11 | k12 | k13 | | \| | | |----[=]----|-----| | |\ | | | k21 | k22 | k23 | | | \|/ | |-----|----[x]----| | | /|\ | | k31 | k32 | k33 | ----------------- k11 = k22*k33 - k32*k23 => (18*19)-(2*21) = 4 - 16 = -12/DetK = 4 ... To the and we obtain this inverse matrix -------------- | 04 | 09 | 15 | | 15 | 17 | 06 | | 24 | 00 | 17 | -------------- If we want control that this matrix it the inverse of our original matrix we must multiple the original matrix with the inverse matrix and we must obtain a new matrix that is the identity matrix The identify matrix is a matrix in witch all values are 0 and only the value in a diagonal are one! -------------- -------------- | 17 | 17 | 05 | | 04 | 09 | 15 | | 21 | 18 | 21 | * | 15 | 17 | 06 | | 02 | 02 | 19 | | 24 | 00 | 17 | -------------- -------------- To obtain the new matrix we must multiply the row vector to column vector! for exemple to obtain the value of k11 we must multiply the row vector of index 1 to column vector of index 1 -------------- ---- k11 = | 17 | 17 | 05 | * | 04 | -------------- | 15 | | 24 | ---- k11 = (17*04) + (17*15) + (05*24) = 443 k12 = (17*09) + (17*17) + (05*00) = 442 ... k33 = (02*15) + (02*06) + (19*17) = 365 ----------------- ----------- | 443 | 442 | 442 | | 1 | 0 | 0 | | 858 | 495 | 780 |mod26 = | 0 | 1 | 0 | | 494 | 052 | 365 | | 0 | 0 | 1 | ----------------- ----------- When we have obtenuted the inverse matrix we can decipher the ciphred message : LNSHDLEWMTRW [ a ][ b ][ c ][ d ][ e ][ f ][ g ][ h ][ i ][ j ][ k ][ l ][ m ] [ 0 ][ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ][ 0 ][11 ][12 ] [ n ][ o ][ p ][ q ][ r ][ s ][ t ][ u ][ v ][ w ][ x ][ y ][ z ] [13 ][14 ][15 ][16 ][17 ][18 ][19 ][20 ][21 ][22 ][23 ][24 ][25 ] LNS = (11,13,18) [11] [ 04 | 09 | 15 ] (11*04)+(13*09)+(18*15) = 431 mod26 = 15 = [p] [13] * [ 15 | 17 | 06 ] = (11*15)+(13*17)+(18*06) = 494 mod26 = 00 = [a] [18] [ 24 | 00 | 17 ] (11*24)+(13*00)+(18*17) = 570 mod26 = 24 = [y] If we repeat the same operation for all ciphred string we obtain the original string -[0x0x4]----------------------------------------------------------------- Polialphabetic Ciphrature This ciphrature tecnique is another monoalphabetic tecnique. The polialphabetic ciphrature is known as Vigenere ciphrature becouse is based on a Vigenere table! The table is the combination of 26 Cesare's ciphrature with scrolling from 0 to 25! the table is this: [a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z] [b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a] [c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b] [d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c] [e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d] [f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e] [g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f] [h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g] [i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h] [j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i] [k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j] [l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k] [m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l] [n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m] [o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n] [p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o] [q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p] [r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q] [s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r] [t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s] [u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t] [v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u] [w][x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v] [x][y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w] [y][z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x] [z][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y] Now imagine that we want encript a message : " we are discovered save yourself" using the key: "hello"! To apply this ciphrature the kay must be lenght as the text that we want encript! So we must repeat the key in this way : message : WeAreDiscoveredSaveYourself key : hellohellohellohellohellohe The message is readed in orizontal way, the key in vertical... so the first char of message is "W" and the key assigned it is "h". To encript we must go in table and find W in orizontal line and h in verthical line... [a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][W][x][y][z] [b][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [c][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [d][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [e][#][#][#]|I|[J][#][#][M][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][Y][#][#][#][#][#] [f][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [g][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [H][#][#][K][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][V][#][#][#][Z][#][#][C][D][#][#][#] [i][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [j][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [k][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [L][#][N][#][P][#][#][S][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][C][D][#][#][G][#][#][#][#] [m][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [n][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [o][#][#][R][S][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][C][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][M][#] [p][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [q][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [r][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [s][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [t][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [u][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [v][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [w][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [x][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [y][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] [z][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#][#] => wh = D => ee = I => al = L => rl = C => eo = S => dh = K => ie = M => sl = D => cl = N => oo = C => vh = C => ee = I => rl = C => el = P => do = R => sh = Z => ae = E => vl = G => el = P => yo = M => oh = V => ue = Y => rl = C => sl = D => eo = S => lh = S => fe = J Encripted Text = DILCSKMDNCCICPRZEGPMVYCDSSJ Since the key is a little word (hello) we have found several repetute associations during the encoding process : ee,rl,eo,sl,etc... if we use a big key we don't found so much repetitions! To decrypt this message we must know the key, if we have the key we can do in this way: Encripted Text = DILCSKMDNCCICPRZEGPMVYCDSSJ key = hellohellohellohellohellohe To decrypt the char "D" with the keychar associated "h" I search in the table the row "h" and in this row I search the char D after I see the first element in the column of D! [ a ][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][ W ][x][y][z] ... /\ ... || [ H ][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][v][w][x][y][z][a][b][c][ D ][e][f][g] ... [ z ][a][b][c][d][e][f][g][h][i][j][k][l][m][n][o][p][q][r][s][t][u][ v ][w][x][y] => Dh = w => Ie = e => Ll = a ... etc This is mine C + GTK implementation of the alghoritm of Polialphabetic Ciphrature! compile and use it to create ciphred text to send what you want without any problem that everyone can decripted it without the key that you have inseret to entrypt the text. Since the alghoritm is based on 26x26 matrix the original text that you want encrypt must be with nothing space and point signature but only the 26 alphabetic letters! For exemple if you want send the text: => hello world this is me life shoul be fun for every one you must open a new file with 0777 permission and write in it => helloworldthisismelifeshoulbefunforeveryone after that you open the software insert the key that you want select the encrypt radio button insert the path of the file that contain the text and click the GO button! in this way the software make a file named encrypt that you can rename as you want this file contain the crypted version of your message! You can send this file to you want, you do your password to it and hi use the the software in the same way. Insert the key the path of file to decrypt select the decrypt radio button and click ok button! The result of it is a file named decrypt that contain the original message! Heppy cyprature to all --[ C U T H E R E ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* Compile it using gcc cipher.c `pkg-config --cflags --libs gtk+-2.0` */ #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <glib.h> #include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <ctype.h> GtkWidget *win; GtkWidget *keyL; GtkWidget *pathL; GtkWidget *entryK; GtkWidget *entryP; GtkWidget *table; GtkWidget *button; GtkWidget *radio1; GtkWidget *radio2; GtkWidget *hbox; void start() { char matrix[26][26]; char *alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; int row,column,count; for(row = 0; row!=26; row++) { count = row; for(column = 0; column!=26; column++) { if(count==26) count = 0; matrix[row][column] = alphabet[count++]; } } int exist,fd,fd2,fd3; char *c; int keycount = 0; const gchar *k,*p; k = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entryK)); p = gtk_entry_get_text(GTK_ENTRY(entryP)); int keylen = strlen(k); exist = access(p,X_OK); if(exist==-1) g_print("Error: %s File not found!!\n",p); else { if((fd = open(p,O_RDWR))==-1) g_print("Error: %s Open in RDWR not permitted!!\n",p); else { if (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (radio1)->active) { if((fd2 = open("encrypted",O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,0777))==-1) g_print("Error: 'encrypted' File not created!!\n"); else { while(read(fd,&c,1)) { if(isupper((unsigned char)c)) c = tolower((unsigned char)c); int col = 0; int ro = 0; while(matrix[0][col++]!= (char)c && col!=26); while(matrix[ro++][0]!= k[keycount]); char *toInsert = matrix[ro-1][col-1]; write(fd2,&toInsert,1); if((keycount)==keylen-1)keycount=0; else keycount++; } } } else if (GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (radio2)->active) { if((fd3 = open("decrypted",O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC,0777)) == -1) g_print("Error: 'decrypted' File not created!!\n"); else { while(read(fd,&c,1)) { int Col = 0; int Ro = 0; while(matrix[Ro++][0]!=k[keycount]); while(matrix[Ro][Col++]!=(char)c && Col!=26); char *Toinsert = matrix[0][Col]; write(fd3,&Toinsert,1); if((keycount)==keylen-1)keycount=0; else keycount++; } } } } } } gint quit(GtkWidget *widget, gpointer gdata) { g_print("Thank you for use CPCGI! Bye Bye...\n"); gtk_main_quit(); return(FALSE); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { gtk_init(&argc,&argv); button = gtk_button_new_with_label("Go!!"); table = gtk_table_new(3,3,FALSE); entryK = gtk_entry_new(); entryP = gtk_entry_new(); win = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); keyL = gtk_label_new("Entry the Key"); pathL = gtk_label_new("Entry the path of file"); radio1 = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(NULL,"Encrypt"); radio2 = gtk_radio_button_new_with_label(gtk_radio_button_group(GTK_RADIO_BUTTON(radio1)),"Decrypt"); hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE,0); gtk_entry_set_editable(GTK_ENTRY(entryK),TRUE); gtk_entry_set_editable(GTK_ENTRY(entryP),TRUE); gtk_entry_set_max_length(GTK_ENTRY(entryP), 200); gtk_entry_set_max_length(GTK_ENTRY(entryK), 50); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox),radio1,TRUE,TRUE,2); gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX(hbox),radio2,TRUE,TRUE,2); g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT (button), "clicked", G_CALLBACK (start), NULL); gtk_signal_connect(GTK_OBJECT(win),"delete_event",GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(quit),NULL); gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(win),"[C]yberdude [P]olialphabetic [C]iphrature [G]tk [I]mplementation"); gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(win),600,100); gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), keyL, 0, 1, 0, 1, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK | GTK_FILL, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK | GTK_FILL, 0, 0); gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), pathL, 0, 1, 1, 2, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK | GTK_FILL, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK | GTK_FILL, 0, 0); gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), entryK, 1, 2, 0, 1, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK | GTK_FILL, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK | GTK_FILL, 0, 0); gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), entryP, 1, 2, 1, 2, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK | GTK_FILL, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK | GTK_FILL, 0, 0); gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), hbox, 0, 1, 2, 3, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK | GTK_FILL, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK | GTK_FILL, 0, 0); gtk_table_attach(GTK_TABLE(table), button, 1, 2, 2, 3, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK | GTK_FILL, GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK | GTK_FILL, 0, 0); gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(win),table); gtk_widget_show(radio1); gtk_widget_show(radio2); gtk_widget_show(hbox); gtk_widget_show(table); gtk_widget_show(button); gtk_widget_show(pathL); gtk_widget_show(keyL); gtk_widget_show(entryP); gtk_widget_show(entryK); gtk_widget_show(win); gtk_main(); return 0; } --[ C U T H E R E ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -[0x1]---------------------------------------------------------------------- Transposition tecnique This tecnique is different from the sobstitution tecnique becouse there isn't only the sobstitution of a letter with another but change the position of only letter too... Imagine that we want cipher the message : hello world this is cyberdude since my message is composit of 25 letters i can divide in a 5x5 matrix in this way: [h][e][l][l][o] [w][o][r][l][d] [t][h][i][s][i] [s][c][y][b][e] [r][d][u][d][e] After that I have create my matrix I must creat a key to change the column order! Since the matrix have 5 columns, my key have 5 element too! the element of key are the index from 1 to 5 in casual way, for exemple : 41253 if I use this key to transposite my matrix I obtain this result key = [4][1][2][5][3] [h][e][l][l][o] [w][o][r][l][d] text = [t][h][i][s][i] [s][c][y][b][e] [r][d][u][d][e] Now using the index of key I can read the column to cipher my message so I read the column with index 1 in this way : eohcd col[1] = eohcd col[2] = lriyu col[3] = odiee col[4] = hwtsr col[5] = llsbd In this way I have obtenuted this text : eohcdlriyuodieehwtsrllsbd But this type of cipher is deciphrable by an attacher using the bruteforce, in particoular if he know that my key is of 5 value he obtain 25 possible key to depcipher the message and it is very simple to do! To resolve this little problem we can retranspose the ciphred text in the same way and using the same key used for the first transposition: key = [4][1][2][5][3] [e][o][h][c][d] [l][r][i][y][u] text = [o][d][i][e][e] [h][w][t][s][r] [l][l][s][b][d] col[1] = ordwl col[2] = hiits col[3] = duerd col[4] = elohl col[5] = cyesb The result of the ciprature of the ciphred text is this : ordwlhiitsduerdelohlcyesb If we cosider the initial text : hello world this is cyberdude and assign an index for only char : h=00 w=05 t=10 s=15 r=20 e=01 o=06 h=11 c=16 d=21 l=02 r=07 i=12 y=17 u=22 l=03 l=08 s=13 b=18 d=23 o=04 d=09 i=14 e=19 e=24 the initial matrix is [00][01][02][03][04] [05][06][07][08][09] [10][11][12][13][14] [15][16][17][18][19] [20][21][22][23][24] after the first ciphrature became this: [01][06][11][16][21] [02][07][12][17][22] [04][09][14][19][24] [00][05][10][15][20] [03][08][13][18][23] after the second ciphrature became this: [06][07][09][05][08] [11][12][14][10][13] [21][22][24][20][23] [01][02][04][00][03] [16][17][19][15][18] so the result of ciphrature is this : ==> 06 07 09 05 08 11 12 14 10 13 21 22 24 20 23 01 02 04 00 03 16 17 19 15 18 This type of permutation is more difficult to decipher if you haven't a key! If you have a key and want obtain the original message you must be the same operation in inverted way using the rows as we have used the column to cipher the message: key = 41253 row | message ----|------------------------ [1] | [06][07][09][05][08] [2] | [11][12][14][10][13] [3] | [21][22][24][20][23] [4] | [01][02][04][00][03] [5] | [16][17][19][15][18] ciphred text: ordwl hiits duerd elohl cyesb row| text matrix row| number matrix ---|--------------- ---|---------------------- [1]|[o][r][d][w][l] [1]| [06][07][09][05][08] [2]|[h][i][i][t][s] [2]| [11][12][14][10][13] [3]|[d][u][e][r][d] [3]| [21][22][24][20][23] [4]|[e][l][o][h][l] [4]| [01][02][04][00][03] [5]|[c][y][e][s][b] [5]| [16][17][19][15][18] CONVERSION TABLE ------------------ | key | became ---|-----|-------- row| [4] | col1 row| [1] | col2 row| [2] | col3 row| [5] | col4 row| [3] | col5 We can reobtain the first ciphred matrix transposing the row with che column as indicate in the prev conversion talbe [e][o][h][c][d] [01][06][11][16][21] [l][r][i][y][u] [02][07][12][17][22] [o][d][i][e][e] [04][09][14][19][24] [h][w][t][s][r] [00][05][10][15][20] [l][l][s][b][d] [03][08][13][18][23] If we reapply the conversion table we reobtain the original text row [4] =| h | e | l | l | o | | 00 | 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | row [1] =| w | o | r | l | d | | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | row [2] =| t | h | i | s | i | | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | row [5] =| s | c | y | b | e | | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | row [3] =| r | d | u | d | e | | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | The correct implementation of this alghoritm is that in the first time assign an index in order to all char of the text and after work only with this index to return only index in the ciphred text! The algorithm must be remeber the char that corrispond to all values to reobtain the original message. -[0x2]--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rotation Machines To understand the way to work of a rotation machine we must imagine a cilinder with 26 input and 26 ouptut! everyone input point is connected with a single output point. We can associate a single alphabet letter to the position. In the next exsemple we don't rapresesnts all link between input and output point becouse is difficult to see the structure byt only for three links : 24,06,07! The situation of the cilinder change every time we use it, in this moment for exemple at the letter A is associate the input point 24 but after that we use it the cilinder ruote in bottom direction and A link to the 23 input point! But we don't want consider the case in witch we have only one cilinder becouse it is very simple to decipher since we must try only 25 different combinations! If we use three cilinder where in the first cilinder we write the originale message and the cilinder number three return the ciphred text we have this type of ciphrature: When we insert a single input (for exemple we click the a button that in this moment is linked with 24 input point) the first return in output the value of current input/output point linked with A that is 24 (in this moment) Note that the input point are ordinated,the output point are stored in unordered way to do the ciphrature! This is an exemple of a single cilinder but we want use three cilinder not only one! input output point point ----------- => A | 24-- 10 | ==> A => B | 25 | 18 | ==> B => C | 26 | 13 | ==> C => D | 01 | 16 | ==> D => E | 02 --24 | ==> E => F | 03 17 | ==> F => G | 04 --06 | ==> G => H | 05 | 25 | ==> H => I | 06-- 22 | ==> I => J | 07-- 11 | ==> J => K | 08 | 15 | ==> K => L | 09 | 01 | ==> L => M | 10 | 08 | ==> M => N | 11 | 12 | ==> N => O | 12 | 02 | ==> O => P | 13 | 14 | ==> P => Q | 14 --07 | ==> Q => R | 16 09 | ==> R => S | 15 26 | ==> S => T | 17 23 | ==> T => U | 18 04 | ==> U => V | 19 19 | ==> V => W | 20 21 | ==> W => X | 21 03 | ==> X => Y | 22 20 | ==> Y => Z | 23 05 | ==> Z ----------- Only one cilinder work in this way: I click A, A in this moment is linked to 24 that in this moment rapresent the output value E but when i have clicked A the cilinder is ruoted in bottom direction so if I click A another time now A is linked to 23 and 23 returne U as output!! But in the first we seid that only one cilinder is simple to decipher for an attacher so we ca use three cilinder to force it to try 25x25x25 different combinations to obtain the correct result. If we work with three cilinder they are sets in this way : when I click A in input cilinder it control the point that in this moment is linked with A and return in output the value linked, this value is linked with the input of the second cilinder that do the same of the first and return the result in input to the therd register that return in output linked output point that in this time corrisponds ad a letter! Another ineresting characteristic is the way inwitch the cilinder rote. The first cilinder route of one position when the second have finished a full rotation and returns in the initial position. But the second cilinder roteate of a one position only when the therd cilinder have finished a full rotation and returns in the initial position so we can said that the therd cilinder cicle every click, the second change position every 26 click and the first every 26x26click. This is an exemple that rapresent the rotation of the three cilinder: cylinder cylinder cylinder one two three ----------- ----------- ----------- => A | 24-- 10 | | 26 ->04 |->| 22-- 01 | A => B | 25 | 18 | | 01 | 11 | | 23 | 11 | B => C | 26 | 13 | | 02 | 14 | | 24 | 16 | C => D | 01 | 16 | | 03 | 26 | | 25 ->22 | D => E | 02 ->24 |->| 04-- 07 | | 26 07 | E => F | 03 17 | | 05 25 | | 01 23 | F => G | 04 ->06 |->| 06-- 12 | | 02 08 | G => H | 05 | 25 | | 07 | 10 | | 03 15 | H => I | 06-- 22 | | 08 | 23 | | 04 26 | I => J | 07-- 11 | | 09 | 03 | | 05 ->09 | J => K | 08 | 15 | | 10 | 09 | | 06 | 25 | K => L | 09 | 01 | | 11 | 21 | | 07 | 18 | L => M | 10 | 08 | | 12 | 08 | | 08 | 14 | M => N | 11 | 12 | | 13 ->06 |->| 09-- 20 | N => O | 12 | 02 | | 14 ->16 |->| 10-- 02 | O => P | 13 | 14 | | 15 | 02 | | 11 | 19 | P => Q | 14 ->07 |->| 16-- 19 | | 12 | 21 | Q => R | 16 09 | | 17 22 | | 13 | 06 | R => S | 15 26 | | 18 20 | | 14 | 24 | S => T | 17 23 | | 19 13 | | 15 | 03 | T => U | 18 04 | | 20 01 | | 16 | 17 | U => V | 19 19 | | 21 24 | | 17 | 04 | V => W | 20 21 | | 22 18 | | 18 | 13 | W => X | 21 03 | | 23 05 | | 19 ->10 | X => Y | 22 20 | | 24 17 | | 20 12 | Y => Z | 23 05 | | 25 15 | | 21 05 | Z ----------- ----------- ----------- If in this moment I click A the cilinder n.1 return 24 as output that in input to the second equals to the input point 04 (in this moment) and the second cylinder return his output and take it in input to the therd cilinder, in this time the input point of the third cilinder that return in output the current point linked : 22 that is in "position" D and we can interprete cyphred(A) = D!! After that the therd cilinder ruote of a one position and the first and second don't move.