INTRODUCTION TO THE THIRD ISSUE =============================== Yeah, we're back after some months of silence, with yet another comp- letely outstanding issue of the Insane Reality!! Welcome back, and happy happy '94! So, 93 is finally over, the year when everything impossible seemed to happen. Talking about Russia, bad economics, Insane Reality, a white christmas and all that.. well well, it's now over, and as everything good (?), it had to die out, so had the year. But let us now talk about the past, let's hit for the bright future in '94! We're back, the magazine is back, I'm sitting here writing this, on the first of January 1994, without any trace of a hang-over, how odd! Anyway, I can tell you in this little text that no major changes has been made with our magazine. As planned, the code is nearly the same, and same goes for its contents. Yes, we still havn't expanded our virus oriented magazine to that H/P/V/A/C/k-k00l magazine, and we'll never ever do! Anyhow, not as long as the source code stays with us. Well, you can never be sure that no "RABID" or equal will ripp it from our non existent programmer & DeV'eLoP HQ, and start spreading out this funky rag & fuck-you all kind of magazine. Well as long as you call that piece of 100% buggy ugly code with frequently system hangs a magazine. This is the third issue, of many many more to come, yes, we'll continue to develop viruses and create magazine 'til we're blue in the face and green in the eyes, heh, just couldn't resist it! (hello Garbage Heap).. Anyway lotsa stuff has happend since the second issue, and among them, I can gladly tell you that nearly all of them are positive! Not then necessary meaning that we all got aids or something, but still...haha.. Now it's time to go on, so I better quit with this article right away, take care and continue to explore the Insane Reality issue #3. = THE UNFORGIVEN =