GREETINGS Personal greetings goes to.. Macaroni Ted Enjoy '94. Continue with high quality productions! Good luck with whatever you're up too, dude... Dark Image Our US sysop, well hope you enjoy this magazine, and keep on our side, power to you, dude!.. Ripmax Our Australian sysop, Australia, hm, exactly the other side of the earth globe, kinda distance... The Sarge Yeah, on the credits again, I owe you lots dude!, hm, tell me if you can keep up this excellent work. The Flash Tons of credits to you, well, use seat-belts, and don't drive in 200, anyway, fame from TV, cool, :). The Jugde Ahhh, too bad you had to join the military forces, lotsa credits to you dude, (me, phunny speak'n?) Wico Hm, you shouldn't be here, but what the heck, you're one of its kind. Remember, no more 04.30-calls, right? Lord Zero 1000 Years was a kinda phunny virus. Continue with your group, and remember to give our HQ a call, get in touch Scavanger Me?, destructive brain??, nah!, hats off to you, your swedish crazy metal head. Party on in '94, dude.. Dark Avenger I know that you have quitted this kinda stuff, but hell, you're still legendary, and deserves all greets. Dark Angel Hope you get your hands on this one..DAME is cool, hm, seems like you've got a great staff in P/S nowadays.. Memory Lapse 17:ten viruses released, and more to come, yeah, you are cool, do some FidoNET attacks too...Enjoy '94... Priest Your dick! ;) If you spread a Predator ]I[ virus here, I demand a disinfector!. Cool virus, though.. Rock Steady Now I've got the NuKE info-journals, heavy stuff.. Hm, continue with whatever you are up too.. Nowhere Man VCL 1.00 is a kinda legendary work, is the 2.00 avalible without having lotsa cash??, continue.. John Tardy You want us away, right, yeah, sure! But hell, we are NOT any fucking neo-nazis, keep that in mind! Masud Khafir Okey, Arbeit macht frei was a bad joke, but "666", virus = sadistical, get lost! TPE was cool, though.. Incubus Great ANSI for Red Dawn 2! Your RIOT packs are very well spread here, so make more ansi adds for him! Freaking Dooz Okey, think you'll stand here in all further issues too, not now for any reason, but have fun in '94... Maria Karlsson Yeah, this one goes for you, babe! Never have a man done so much for getting so little, as for you.. Patti Hoffman Oh well, Never have so many said so many stupid things about one person, hi Patti. Why ignore us?? Happy '94. John Mcafee Lamborghini, not bad choice, see, progressing, now- adays, we don't just do SCAN fuck-ups. Take care! Mikael Larsson Oh, quite nice NET indeed, for spreading reasons only! Ha, hope you don't mind future attacks :)? Group Greetings flies out to.. ANOI White Christmas, yeah, the right color (:-)), ahhh, kidding TridenT, anyway, stay tuned and continue!!.. DY Just to show that DY still lives, I played around with Tormentor's stuff..Yeah, take care in '94, fellows.. LOC Logical Coders, another new writing group located in Sweden, give our HQ a call, and have phun in '94... PHALCON/SKISM Well, nice to have 40HEX back again. OS/2, hm, can that be something for the future?? Hm, Happy '94.. NUKE Yeah, great group, bigger than I ever could imagine!, A bit much /P/H lately I think, Happy '94 on you too. TRIDENT Are you guys to old to take a joke or something, c'mon, life is far too serious, great group afterall..continue. YAM IVP was lame, you guys could do better!! Did you know you guys have learned how to eat p0TaT0eS, from us?? RABID You guys sleeping, or dead? Or why are Data Disruptor still *sigh*ning with RABID, huh? Have a nice year... ARCV Well, Frisk suggested harder punishments on you guys, (he's nuts!), hope you reads this, and comes back soon. PSYCOSIS Nice poems, I could make it even better, and bigger, tell me where to netmail, and your mag will grow!!.. MAGIC 12 Ahh, you must get some board in Sweden which got your magazine's, I still only got issue #14, what a shame! REBELS/PC Good group, good luck with the PC-scene, hope you guys will win some party soon. Can't spare me for your demos INFINITY Technical Disruptor (Toronto) / Infinity disk-magazine, well, do I hear Data Disruptor here, hmm??..nice mag.. RIOT Oh, here we got a very talanted art group! Continue and remember, Peace In Our Time, NOT! :) hehe.. FRISK INT Well well, good av-product, too bad you got this bad attitude or what ever..Have a sick (frisk) '94, dick. TBAV Finds 9 out of 10 new viruses?? Ha!, in your wild and wet dreams, dick! Good AV-product though..Happy '94.. S&S INT Alan, you seems to be a nice person, your av-toolkit could do with a bit heuristics though. Happy '94! = THE UNFORGIVEN =