How Mirc send a file, analysis of DCC SEND process ////////////////////////////////////////////////// by DoxtorL. /[T.I]/ August 2000. Introduction: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Nowdays we see a lot of irc worms using the script language provided by Mirc software. All these worms, of course, use and abuse of the DCC SEND process. But who knows really how the process does really works? The following lines give you some infos. Some tips about tc/ip stuff: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All your internet stuffs rely on the use of a DLL called Wsock32.dll in win9x world (and nt?). This DLL offers several functions (APIs) to be used by people to write programs. I don't want to describe all the APis and how to use them, but to send and receive bytes to/from a remote machine, in asm you need to use send and recv APIs; send to send, recv to receive bytes :) To communicate ,using Tc/ip protocol (a langage for computers to exchange datas ) Two programs on different machines have to create a "socket" to com municate. Sockets are virtual things, you can create several sockets but you have one and only one modem running :) A communication on internet is a chat between two sockets. A socket, to communicate, needs three parameters: local IP (easy known by system and programs) , port, remote IP When you want to connect to IRC, Mirc opens one socket sets parameters to IP and port of the irc server. (port= 6660,6667,6668,7000 most of the time). One socket is used to send /receive all messages from IRC server. Even if you have joined several channels, and you're chatting with a bunch of guys and girls...all messages sent or received use one socket and only one!. Don't expect to receive messages that are not for you, the IRC server lets read you only messages you have the rights to get. DCC send : ~~~~~~~~~~ DCC stands for Direct Client to Client. What does it mean? When you exchange messages on irc all the stuff is processed by IRC server. In fact your computer isn't directly chatting with sockets of your friend's puters, it's chatting with a socket of the IRC server. DCC is different, a DCC SEND or CHAT is a direct communication between a socket of your puter and a socket of your friend's computer. But i told you before to communicate, sockets need to have the IP of the other puter and a port set. ( No need for a program to provide the IP of the local puter) To use DCC SEND, the two puters need to know the IP of each other and to decide wich port they will use to communicate. Here is the steps of DCC SEND process C1= puter sending the file C2= puter receiving the file C1 sends a notice to C2: NOTICE lamerC2 :DCC send virus.exe ( this message will be send by a socket of C1 lamerC2 = nick of owner of C2 virus.exe = name of the file to send = IP of sender This message is useless in fact, puter C2 don't use infos provided in notice message to set the right parameters to create a socket to receive the file. You can change the IP (lame spoofing ;) ), but the server will show C2 the nick of sender (C1) Another message will be sent by C1: PRIMVMSG lamerC2 :#1DCC SEND virus.exe 203569230 4566 739#1 PRIMVMSG is the command in IRC protocol to send message What the fuck are 739,4566,203569230? 739 = size of file 4566 =port for the sockets (port is in range 1024-5000) the last one is more harder to explain, but you have guessed, i hope, this number contains infos about IP of the sender. The IP of the sender is In hexadecimal: 0ch.22h.38h.4eh suppress the periods you get: 0c22384eh it's a 32 bits number, it' s the hexadecimal form for the decimal number 203569230 ! Now you get the point ? What is #1? in fact, the message is an ASCIIZ string: db "PRIMVMSG",20h,"lamerC2",20h,":",01h,"DCC",20h,"SEND",20h db "virus.exe",20h,"203569230",20h,"4566",20h,"739",01h,0dh,0ah so #1=01h "20h"s are very important, supress the second 20h and the IRC server will not able to send the message to C2! Now C2 knows the port/IP to create a socket to communicate But C1 ignores the IP of C2! To learn the IP of C2, C1 uses winsock stuff In the process of DCC SEND, C1 is the server and C2 the client Before to send the two messages to the IRC server , C1 creates a socket the port is set to 4566 and that's all for the setting. This socket can't receive or send datas, cause no IP was provided. But the winsock lets the socket to be in listening mode. Wsock32.dll provides an API to set a socket in listening mode: listen. Don't make a confusion between receive and listen. Listen is only : wait for an attempt of a socket of another computer to communicate on a port chosen by C1. When the socket created by C1 to listen detects the attempt, C1 accepts the communication and create a socket (using API accept of wsock32.dll). Now the socket has all the datas to start the communication. the step following is easy to guess. The socket created by C1 to communicate with C2 will send the datas of the file virus.exe, using the API send. But a problem occurs, we can't send more than 4096 bytes when we are using a send, we can't use several send at a time. We need to recv between two send. In fact, after every recv performed by C2, it will send the total numbers of bytes received, since the beginning of receiving process, to C1. (not only the bytes received after the last call to recv) Example: 00h,00h,02h,00h (bytes really sent by C2 to C1) 200h bytes (=512) were received. Last thing, but not the least , Mirc on C2 computer will notice lamerC2 that the DCC SEND is completed only when the socket of C1 used to send the file will be closed or the time left for a socket to be receiving will be reach. Conclusion: ~~~~~~~~~~~ I hope these few lines will help you to understand what is really behind a DCC SEND. i didn't deal with the resume protocol used by Mirc, you can find a description of it in Mirc help file. To experiment, tcip stuff i recommand the use of WinsockApiSpy a good tool to log what is sent or receive by an internet client and show you what APIs are used. (Hint: if you use it, maybe you will need to add the "set" commands in your autoexec.bat) Thanks goes to: Mdrg,mist,t00fic for their help Greets to: All people chatting on undernet virus channel you know who you are :)