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Editorial by philet0ast3r
Some time has passed, since our first try (well, about three months). And here we go for the second time.
Hello and welcome to rRlf #2 - Infiltration of a Nation ... the title-picture is from dr.g0nZo this time,
the subtitle comes from El DudErin0. Ah, I guess it has no meaning at all, he was big intoxicated,
when I asked, if he's got an idea for a subtitle. We had other proposals, but dr.g0nZo thaught,
this would fit most to his titlepicture.
I must underline, that the release of this zine was a 23.5. ... This has some big meaning for a part of the rRlf.
Apology: Hehe, don't expect much code from me in this issue, I had enough to do, finishing school
(well, at least I hope I did so ;) and with articles for other zines ... that partly didn't come out :(
Now, that I got some time, I'll try to learn win32asm, but I guess, I can not let batch go ;]
Ah, we got some bad news again, rastafarie decided to leave the rRlf, because of an creative hole.
So the articles by him in this issue are his last ones.
And to say this again: If you think our zine is bad, here goes your chane of improving it:
Contribute articles by yourself to the next issue of our zine.
We take nearly everything (hehe, as long as we like it).
Now enough of that, I wish you some exciting waste of time with rRlf #2.
Until then.