Infiltration of a Nation
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Project: Free Microsoft Software by alcopaul

I was in my vacation, enjoying the summer's heat on the other side of the world...
Shopping, walking, ogling and any verb with the -ing thingie....
It was fun but sometimes boring coz I don't have my girlfriend with me...

My feet took me to a flea market near the house that I'm staying in ... Cheap goodies .. And softwares....
Compare the price..
                         Best Buy and other similar stores --------- Flea market

MS Office XP Professional         US$500++                           US$25

MS Windows XP Professional    US$199++ (Upgrade)          US$25 (Upgrade?-Full?)
The persons selling the warez copy are for sure earning a lot of bucks.....

I had an idea ... What if I buy ms softwares from the flea market and post those online so everybody can
get it for free...
Humanitarian effort in action, baby...

And I had a plan....

Getting it done


domainless sharers..

1.) Sign up for free webspaces (tripod/fortune city) .... Use different usernames...
2.) Determine the capacity of each webspace...
3.) Divide the files in the installation disk (i.e. MS Office XP)..
     Be sure that the divisions will fit a webspace....
4.) Zip the files and upload...
5.) Zip the remaining files and upload to another webspace...
     Repeat until all the files are uploaded to your different webspaces...
6.) Then sign up for the final webspace that will contain the instructions on how to download
     The files and the links of zipped files...

sharers with domain

1.) Upload the files in your domain....
2.) Then you're done ... :)

Simple .. If your alone, patience is all you need to do these things....
I recommend the steps for groups who want to give commercial softwares for free...

This is all possible if you're kind enough to share your hard bought ms software to the needy others...
Selfishness will render this text useless...

"Bring back the file-sharing days.."
