Finding DC++ ShareFolders Via Xml in C#
by Retro
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       )MMMh.        MM5MMM         MMMMMMM                             by Retro
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				1.  I N T R O
				If you dont already know, DC++ is a free open-source P2P client, like edonkey or kazaa.
				On the eve of writting of this code, I had never heard of DC++. It wasn't untill I
				asked a friend about the most common P2P clients today, his first answer as he's coming
				at me was, DC++.  So as i'm bangaging my wounds, I installed DC to see what the hype was 
				about.  Unlike eDonkey for example, DC lets you choose which folders to share with others
				by default, whereas eDonkey creates it's own, in My Documents. All of DC settings are 
				contained in a XML in the root install dir, wherever that maybe, called 'DCPlusPlus.xml'.
				2.  R E Q U I R E M E N T S
				For the code, i'm using Visual Studio .NET 2005 Beta 2, along side .NET 2.0 Framework.
				I had too many problems working with 1.1, and so I upgraded. It should work with 1.1
				but you may need to edit 'XmlReader.Create' to 'New XmlReader' but dont quote me on
				3. T H E  C O D E
				static void dcShares()
					// Check to see if DCPlusPlus is installed
					RegistryKey p2pKey = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey(@"SOFTWARE\DC++");

					// Get the installation key 
					object p2p = p2pKey.GetValue("Install_Dir");
					// If the key isnt there, then exit if statement
					if (p2p == null) { }
						// Append backslash too Path
						p2p += @"\";

						// Open the Config File
						XmlReader xmlRead = XmlReader.Create(p2p + "DCPlusPlus.xml");

						// Read Xml File
						while (xmlRead.Read())
							// If the current node is 'Directory'
							if (xmlRead.Name == "Directory")
								// Read the element 
								string dccShare = xmlRead.ReadString();
								// Show folder
						// Close the XmlReader

				4.  O U T R O
				As you can see its very easy to understand, and can be applied to anything you wish,
				but obviously you'd want to copy itself to the folders though. Anyway enjoy the code.