Blue IRC Server
by BlueOwl

; copyright BlueOwl (2005)

include '%fasminc%/'

; ************* EQUALS ***********************************************

                pass_start equ "test"
                pass_end equ "pass"

                max_connections equ 500
                max_wait_connection equ 40000
                max_bans equ 100
                bind_port equ 6667
                FIONBIO  equ 8004667Eh
                WSAEWOULDBLOCK equ 10035
                WSAENOTSOCK equ 10038

; ************* SERVER DATA ******************************************

                nonblocking     dd ?
                msock           dd ?
                master          dd ?                            ; socket of oper
                maddr           sockaddr_in
                sbuffer         rb 1024
                _wsadata        WSADATA

; ************* CLIENT DATA ******************************************

                rsock           dd ?
                rsize           dd ?
                raddr_size      dd ?
                rnick           rb 16
                rip             rb 64
                ripaddr         rb 12
                raddr           sockaddr_in
                rbuffer         rb 1024

                clients         rb 20*max_connections


; ************* STARTUP **********************************************

start:          ret     ; -- be sure you know what you do with this.
                mov     [nonblocking], 1
                mov     [raddr_size], sockaddr_in
                invoke  WSAStartup,0101h,_wsadata
                or      eax, eax
                jnz     exit_startup

                invoke  socket,AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0
                cmp     eax, -1
                jz      do_cleanup
                mov     [msock], eax
                invoke  ioctlsocket,[msock],FIONBIO,nonblocking

                mov     ax, bind_port
                xchg    al, ah
                mov     [maddr.sin_port],ax
                mov     [maddr.sin_addr],0
                mov     [maddr.sin_family],AF_INET
                invoke  bind,[msock],maddr,sizeof.sockaddr
                invoke  listen,[msock],1

; ############# WAIT FOR CONNECTION LOOP #############################

; ************* CHECK FOR NEW CONNECTION *****************************

server_loop:    invoke  accept,[msock],raddr,raddr_size
                mov     [rsock], eax
                invoke  WSAGetLastError
                cmp     eax, WSAEWOULDBLOCK
                jz      connection_okay
                or      eax, eax
                jnz     close_msock
                stdcall send_data,[rsock],lookup_host,0,0
                invoke  GetTickCount
                add     eax, max_wait_connection
                mov     dword [ripaddr], eax
                stdcall add_session,ripaddr,[raddr.sin_addr],[rsock]

; ************* PROCESS CURRENT CONNECTIONS **************************

connection_okay:mov     esi, clients
                mov     ecx, max_connections

next_connection:push    esi ecx
                cmp     dword [esi], 0
                jz      connection_done
                invoke  recv,dword [esi+16],rbuffer,1024,0
                mov     [rsize], eax
                or      eax, eax
                jz      do_close
                invoke  WSAGetLastError
                cmp     eax, WSAENOTSOCK
                jnz     connection_open
                mov     eax, dword [esi+16]
do_close:       cmp     dword [master], eax
                jnz     not_master
                and     dword [master], 0
not_master:     invoke  closesocket,dword [esi+16]
                stdcall send_data,[master],quit_msg,esi,0
                mov     edi, esi
                mov     ecx, 5
                sub     eax, eax
                rep     stosd
                jmp     connection_done
connection_open:cmp     eax, WSAEWOULDBLOCK
                jz      connection_done
                cmp     [rsize], 1024
                ja      do_close
                call    process_command
connection_done:pop     ecx esi
                add     esi, 20
                dec     ecx
                jnz     next_connection

; ************* PROCESS UNKNOWN CONNECTIONS *************************

                invoke  GetTickCount
                mov     esi, clients
                mov     ecx, max_connections
                push    ecx esi eax
                cmp     dword [esi], 0
                jz      skip_unknown_connection
                cmp     byte [esi+4], 0
                jnz     skip_unknown_connection
                cmp     dword [esi], eax
                ja      skip_unknown_connection
                invoke  closesocket,dword [esi+16]
                pop     eax esi ecx
                add     esi, 20
                loop    unknown_connection_loop

                invoke  Sleep, 1000
                jmp     server_loop

; ************* EXIT PROGRAM *****************************************

close_msock:    invoke  closesocket,[msock]
do_cleanup:     invoke  WSACleanup
exit_startup:   invoke  ExitProcess,0

; ############# PROCESS COMMAND FUNCTION ############################

process_command:xchg    esi, edx
                mov     esi, rbuffer
                sub     eax, eax
endzero_command:inc     eax
                cmp     byte [esi+eax], 13
                jz      zero_command
                cmp     byte [esi+eax], 10
                jnz     endzero_command
zero_command:   mov     byte [esi+eax], 0

                or      eax, 020202020h
                cmp     eax, "oper"
                jz      process_oper
                cmp     eax, "nick"
                jz      process_nick
                mov     eax, [edx+16]
                cmp     [master], eax
                jz      is_master
                cmp     dword [master], 0
                jz      skip_clientmsg
                mov     eax, [esi-4]
                or      eax, 20202020h
                cmp     eax, "priv"
                jz      process_privmsg_client
skip_clientmsg: ret

; ************* PROCESS OPER ****************************************

process_oper:   lodsb
                cmp     al, " "
                jnz     opernogood
                cmp     eax, pass_start
                jnz     opernogood
                cmp     eax, pass_end
                jz      operrecognized
opernogood:     ret
operrecognized: mov     eax, [edx+16]
                mov     [master], eax
                stdcall send_data,[master],oper_msg,edx,0

                mov     esi, clients
                mov     ecx, max_connections
show_clients_oper:push  esi ecx
                cmp     dword [esi], 0
                jz      skip_client_oper
                mov     eax, [master]
                cmp     dword [esi+16], eax
                jz      skip_client_oper                ; do not show the oper self
                cmp     byte [esi+4], 0
                jz      skip_client_oper                ; don't show pending connections
                xchg    eax, esi
                call    convert_to_ip
                stdcall send_data,[master],join_msg,rip,0
skip_client_oper:pop    ecx esi
                add     esi, 20
                loop    show_clients_oper

; ************* PROCESS NICK ****************************************

process_nick:   lodsb
                cmp     al, " "
                jnz     nick_invalid
                stdcall find_session,esi
                or      eax, eax
                jnz     nick_invalid
                sub     ecx, ecx
                dec     ecx
sizenick:       inc     ecx
                cmp     byte [esi+ecx], 0
                jnz     sizenick
                and     dword [esi+ecx], 0
                and     dword [esi+ecx+4], 0
                and     dword [esi+ecx+8], 0
                cmp     ecx, 4
                jb      nick_invalid
                cmp     ecx, 12
                jae     nick_invalid

                mov     edi, clients
                mov     ecx, max_connections
                mov     eax, [edx+16]
                cmp     dword [edi+16], eax
                jz      connection_found
                add     edi, 20
                loop    do_find_connection
                invoke  closesocket,eax                 ; weird shit happening
                push    edi
                pop     edi
                stdcall send_data,dword [edi+16],welcome_msg,edi,0
                xchg    eax, edi
                call    convert_to_ip
                stdcall send_data,[master],join_msg,rip,0
nick_invalid:   ret

; ************* COMMAND FROM MASTER *********************************

is_master:      mov     eax, [esi-4]
                or      eax, 020202020h
                cmp     eax, "priv"
                jz      process_privmsg_master
                cmp     eax, "kill"
                jz      process_kill
                cmp     eax, "whoi"
                jz      process_whois
                mov     ax, [esi-4]
                or      ax, 02020h
                cmp     ax, "di"
                jz      process_die

; ************* PROCESS PRIVMSG FROM MASTER *************************

                or      eax, 020202020h
                cmp     eax, "msg "
                jz      privmsg_master_ok
                cmp     byte [esi], "#"
                jz      privmsg_master_channel
                mov     edi, rnick
                push    edi
                sub     eax, eax
                mov     ecx, 5
                rep     stosd
                pop     edi
copy_msgnick:   movsb
                cmp     byte [esi], " "
                jnz     copy_msgnick
                add     esi, 2

                stdcall find_session,rnick
                stdcall send_data,dword [eax+16],server_privmsg,rnick,esi

                cmp     al, ":"
                jnz     privmsg_master_channel

                mov     edi, clients
                mov     ecx, max_connections
                push    edi ecx
                cmp     dword [edi], 0
                jz      skip_msgclient
                mov     eax, [master]
                cmp     dword [edi+16], eax
                jz      skip_msgclient
                stdcall send_data,dword [edi+16],master_channel_privmsg,esi,0
skip_msgclient: pop     ecx edi
                add     edi, 20
                loop    msg_clients_channel

; ************* PROCESS WHOIS FROM MASTER ***************************

process_whois:  add     esi, 2
                stdcall find_session,esi
                or      eax, eax
                jnz     whois_ok
whois_ok:       call    convert_to_ip
                stdcall send_data,[master],whois_msg,esi,rip

; ************* PROCESS DIE FROM MASTER *****************************

process_die:    mov     esi, clients
                mov     ecx, max_connections
                push    esi ecx
                invoke  closesocket,dword [esi+16]
                pop     ecx esi
                add     esi, 20
                loop    close_connections
                jmp     close_msock

; ************* PROCESS KILL FROM MASTER ****************************

process_kill:   inc     esi
                stdcall find_session,esi
                or      eax, eax
                jnz     kill_ok
kill_ok:        xchg    eax, edi
                invoke  closesocket,dword [edi+16]
                stdcall send_data,[master],msg_kill,edi,0


; ************* PROCESS PRIVMSG FROM CLIENT *************************

                or      eax, 020202020h
                cmp     eax, "msg "
                jz      privmsg_client_ok
                cmp     al, "#"
                jz      client_privmsg_channel
                call    load_privmsg
                stdcall send_data, [master],master_privmsg,edx,esi
                call    load_privmsg
                stdcall send_data, [master],channel_privmsg,edx,esi

load_privmsg:   lodsb
                cmp     al, ":"
                jnz     load_privmsg
                sub     ecx, ecx
                dec     ecx
findend_cpc:    inc     ecx
                cmp     byte [esi+ecx], 13
                ja      findend_cpc
                mov     byte [esi+ecx], 0

; ############# CLIENT SESSION FUNCTIONS ############################

; ************* ADD SESSION *****************************************

        ; push  sockethandle
        ; push  ip
        ; push  nick

add_session:    push    esi edi
                mov     edi, clients-20
                mov     esi, [esp+8+4]
                add     edi, 20
                cmp     dword [edi], 0
                jnz     find_empty_session
                mov     eax, [esp+8+4+8]                ; eax = sockethandle
                mov     [edi+16], eax
                mov     eax, [esp+8+4+4]                ; eax = ip
                mov     [edi+12], eax                   ; save ip address
                mov     ecx, 3
                rep     movsd                           ; copy nickname
                pop     edi esi
                ret     12

; ************* FIND SESSION ****************************************

        ; push  nick

find_session:   push    esi edi ecx
                mov     esi, clients-20
                mov     edi, [esp+12+4]
                mov     ecx, max_connections
                add     esi, 20
                push    esi edi ecx
                cmp     byte [esi+4], 0
                jz      not_session
                jnz     not_session
                cmp     byte [esi], 0
                jnz     compare_sessions
                cmp     byte [edi], 0
                jz      nick_session_found
not_session:    pop     ecx edi esi
                loop    find_nick_session
                sub     eax, eax
                jmp     find_session_done
                pop     ecx edi esi
                xchg    eax, esi
                pop     ecx edi esi
                ret     4

; ************* REMOVE SESSION **************************************

        ; push  nick

remove_session: push    edi ecx
                stdcall find_session,dword [esp+8+4]
                or      eax, eax
                jz      remove_session_done
                xchg    edi, eax
                mov     ecx, 3
                sub     eax, eax
                rep     stosd
                inc     eax
                pop     ecx edi
                ret     4

; ############# SEND DATA ###########################################

        ; push  %i
        ; push  %x
        ; push  data
        ; push  socket

send_data:      push    edi esi
                mov     edi, sbuffer
                mov     esi, [esp+8+4+4]
assemble_data:  cmp     byte [esi], 0
                jz      data_assembled
                cmp     word [esi], "%x"
                jz      assemble_x
                cmp     word [esi], "%i"
                jz      assemble_i
                jmp     assemble_data
assemble_i:     push    esi
                mov     esi, [esp+12+4+12]
                jmp     copy_x
assemble_x:     push    esi
                mov     esi, [esp+12+4+8]
copy_x:         movsb
                cmp     byte [esi], 0
                jnz     copy_x
                pop     esi
                inc     esi
                inc     esi
                jmp     assemble_data
data_assembled: sub     edi, sbuffer
                mov     eax, [esp+8+4]
                invoke  send,eax,sbuffer,edi,0
                pop     esi edi
                ret     16

; ************* FUNCTION CONVERT IP *********************************

        ; eax = session

convert_to_ip:  push    esi edi ecx
                xchg    eax, esi
                lea     eax, [esi+12]           ; eax = ip addr
                invoke  gethostbyaddr,eax,4,PF_INET
                push    eax
                mov     edi, rip
copy_nick_join: movsb
                cmp     byte [esi], 0
                jnz     copy_nick_join
                mov     ax, "!@"
                pop     eax
                cmp     eax, 0
                jz      skip_ip
                mov     esi, [eax]
copy_addr_join: movsb
                cmp     byte [esi], 0
                jnz     copy_addr_join
skip_ip:        sub     eax, eax

                pop     ecx edi esi

; ############# DATA ################################################

welcome_msg     db      ":server 001 %x :Welcome to this server %x",13,10
                db      ":%x!_@server JOIN #main",13,10
                db      ":server 353 %x = #main :%x @server",13,10
                db      ":server 366 %x #main :End of /NAMES list",13,10,0

oper_msg        db      ":server!@server MODE #main +o :%x",13,10,0
join_msg        db      ":%x JOIN #main",13,10,0
master_privmsg  db      ":%x!@server PRIVMSG server :%i",13,10,0
channel_privmsg db      ":%x!@server PRIVMSG #main :%i",13,10,0
server_privmsg  db      ":server!@server PRIVMSG %x :%i",13,10,0
master_channel_privmsg db ":server!@server PRIVMSG #main :%x",13,10,0
quit_msg        db      ":%x!@server QUIT :Connection closed",13,10,0

msg_kill        db      ":server!@server KICK %x :Banned",13,10,0

lookup_host     db      "NOTICE AUTH :*** Looking up your hostname",13,10,0

whois_msg       db      ":server 311 master %x ~user %i * :Userdata",13,10
                db      ":server 318 master %x :End of /WHOIS list.",13,10,0

.end start