Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression
by herm1t

See also the project folder

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; forth in the COPYING file which can be found at the top level
; of this distribution.
; Lempel-Ziv-Welch compression (c) herm1t@vx.netlux.org, 2006-04-19
; int lzw_compress(unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, int len, unsigned char *temp)
; int lzw_expand(unsigned char *src, unsigned char *dst, unsigned char *temp)
; Size of temp buffer
; Bits  Compress        Expand
; -----------------------------
; 14    90225           58143
; 13    45165           40136
; 12    25125           19083
                BITS    32
                CPU     386

                global  lzw_compress, lzw_expand

%define MAX_BITS        14
%if MAX_BITS == 14
%define TABLE_SIZE 18041
%if MAX_BITS == 13
%define TABLE_SIZE 9029
%if MAX_BITS <= 12
%define TABLE_SIZE 5021

%define HASHING_SHIFT   (MAX_BITS - 8)
%define MAX_VALUE       ((1 << MAX_BITS) - 1)
%define MAX_CODE        (MAX_VALUE - 1) 
%define pos                     [ebp + 0]                       ;4
%define buf                     [ebp + 4]                       ;4
%define next_code               [ebp + 8]                       ;4
%define length                  [ebp + 12]                      ;4
%define save_esp                [ebp + 16]                      ;4
%define append_character        [ebp + 20]                      ;1*TABLE_SIZE
%define prefix_code             [ebp + 20 + TABLE_SIZE]         ;2*TABLE_SIZE
%define code_value              [ebp + 20 + TABLE_SIZE * 3]     ;2*TABLE_SIZE

%define decode_stack            [ebp + 20 + TABLE_SIZE * 3]     ;4000

lzw_compress:   pusha
                mov     ebp, [esp + 48]
                mov     save_esp, esp
                mov     eax, [esp + 40]
                mov     buf, eax
                xor     eax, eax
                mov     pos, eax
                mov     ecx, TABLE_SIZE
                lea     edi, code_value
                dec     eax
                rep     stosw
                mov     esi, [esp + 36]
                mov     dword next_code, 256
                xor     eax, eax
                mov     edi, eax
                mov     ecx, [esp + 44]
                mov     length, ecx
                dec     ecx
.while:         xor     eax, eax
                push    ecx
                mov     ecx, next_code
                push    eax
                        push    eax
                        push    edi
                        call    find_match
                        mov     ebx, eax
                pop     eax
                lea     edx, code_value
                cmp     [edx + ebx * 2], word -1
                je      .else
                        mov     di, [edx + ebx * 2]
                        jmp     .end_if
.else:          cmp     cx, MAX_CODE
                ja      .L2
                        lea     edx, append_character
                        mov     [edx + ebx], al
                        lea     edx, prefix_code
                        mov     [edx + ebx * 2], di
                        lea     edx, code_value
                        mov     [edx + ebx * 2], cx
                        inc     ecx
.L2:            push    edi
                call    output_code
                mov     edi, eax
.end_if:        mov     next_code, ecx
                pop     ecx
                loop    .while
                push    edi
                call    output_code
                push    MAX_VALUE
                call    output_code
                push    ecx
                call    output_code
                mov     eax, pos
                shr     eax, 3

.error:         mov     [esp + 28], eax

output_code:    pusha
                mov     eax, [esp + 36]
                mov     esi, buf
                mov     edx, pos
                push    MAX_BITS
                pop     ecx
.bit:           rcr     eax, 1
                jnc     .zero
                bts     [esi], edx
                jmp     .done
.zero:          btr     [esi], edx
.done:          inc     edx
                loop    .bit
                mov     pos, edx
                shr     edx, 3
                cmp     edx, length
                jb      .ok
                mov     esp, save_esp
                xor     eax, eax
                jmp     lzw_compress.error      
        .ok:    popa
                retn    4

find_match:     pusha
                mov     eax, [esp + 36]
                mov     ebx, [esp + 40]
                xor     edx, edx
                inc     edx
                mov     ecx, ebx
                shl     ecx, HASHING_SHIFT
                xor     ecx, eax
                or      ecx, ecx
                jz      .fm_while
                mov     edx, TABLE_SIZE
                sub     edx, ecx
.fm_while:      lea     esi, code_value
                cmp     word [esi + ecx * 2], -1
                je      .fm_done
                lea     esi, prefix_code
                cmp     [esi + ecx * 2], ax
                jne     .fm_L1
                        lea     esi, append_character
                        cmp     [esi + ecx], bl
                        je      .fm_done
.fm_L1:         sub     ecx, edx
                jns     .fm_while
                add     ecx, TABLE_SIZE
                jmp     .fm_while
.fm_done:       mov     [esp + 28], ecx
                retn    8

lzw_expand:     pusha
                mov     esi, [esp + 36]
                mov     edi, [esp + 40]
                mov     ebp, [esp + 44]
                mov     buf, esi
                xor     eax, eax
                mov     pos, eax
                mov     dword next_code, 256
                call    input_code
                mov     ecx, eax
                mov     ebx, eax
.while:         call    input_code
                mov     esi, eax
                cmp     ax, MAX_VALUE
                je      .end_while
                lea     eax, decode_stack
                mov     edx, eax
                cmp     esi, next_code
                jb      .else
                        mov     byte [eax], bl
                        inc     eax
                        push    ecx
                        jmp     .end_if
        .else:          push    esi
        .end_if:        push    eax
                        call    decode_string

                mov     bl, [eax]
.while2:        cmp     eax, edx
                jb      .end_while2
                        push    eax
                        mov     al, [eax]
                        pop     eax
                        dec     eax
                        jmp     .while2
.end_while2:    cmp     dword next_code, MAX_CODE
                ja      .end_if2
                        lea     edx, prefix_code
                        mov     eax, next_code
                        mov     [edx + eax * 2], cx
                        lea     edx, append_character
                        mov     [edx + eax], bl
                        inc     dword next_code
.end_if2:       mov     ecx, esi
                jmp     .while
                sub     edi, [esp + 40]
                mov     [esp + 28], edi

input_code:     pusha
                mov     edx, pos
                mov     esi, buf
                push    MAX_BITS
                pop     ecx
                xor     eax, eax
.bits:          bt      [esi], edx
                rcr     eax, 1
                inc     edx
                loop    .bits
                shr     eax, (32 - MAX_BITS)
                mov     pos, edx
                mov     [esp + 28], eax

decode_string:  pusha
                mov     ecx, [esp + 36]
                mov     edx, [esp + 40]
                lea     esi, append_character
                lea     edi, prefix_code
.ds_while:      cmp     dx, 255
                jbe     .ds_done
                        mov     al, [esi + edx]
                        mov     [ecx], al
                        inc     ecx
                        mov     dx, [edi + edx * 2]
                jmp     .ds_while
.ds_done:       mov     [ecx], dl
                mov     [esp + 28], ecx
                retn    8