Windows or Linux (WINE)
by Anonymous
;; Windows or Linux (WINE)
;; This code figures out if it runs at Windows or
;; at Linux (WINE). At windows, it creates a MessageBox.
;; At Linux, it uses a Linux function to write to the
;; current console. This is interesting by the fact, that
;; WINE could be used for infecting Windows AND Linux files.
;; The reason is, that WINE Is No(t) Emulation or sandbox,
;; but "simply" loads the Windows Libraries to be used by
;; the PE file.
;; The tool is not interesting because of coding, but because
;; we can use WINE to create more effective cross-platform viruses.
;; The SEH has been taken from (
;; Thanks a lot!
;; Compile:
;; TASM32 /ml WINE
.model flat ,stdcall
EXTRN ExitProcess:PROC
pushad ; Save Current State
mov esi, offset Handler ; Address of New Exception Handler
push esi ; Save Old Exception Handler
push dword ptr fs:[0] ; Install New Handler
mov dword ptr fs:[0], esp
jmp NoException&Handler ; No Exception Occured, so jump over
Handler: mov esp, [esp + 8] ; Exception Occured, Get old ESP
pop dword ptr fs:[0] ; Restore Old Exception Handler
add esp, 4 ; ESP value before SEH was set
popad ; Restore Old State
jmp ExceptionHandled&Handler ; Exception was handled by @TRY_EXCEPT
NoException&Handler: ; No Exception Occured
pop dword ptr fs:[0] ; Restore Old Exception Handler
add esp, 32 + 4 ; ESP value before SEH was set. 32 for pushad and ...
ExceptionHandled&Handler: ; ...4 for push offset Handler. (No Restore State)
; Exception has been handled, or no exception occured
szCaption db 'Windows and LINUX (WINE)', 0
windows db 'I am running under Windows', 0
linux db 'I am running under Linux (WINE)', 0
@TRY_BEGIN Zero_Address_Access
mov edx, 31 ; Length to write
mov ecx, offset linux ; What to write
mov ebx, 1
mov eax, 4 ; Function: Console Write
int 80h ; Linux System Call
@TRY_EXCEPT Zero_Address_Access
call MessageBoxA, 0, offset windows, offset szCaption, 0
jmp ExitProgram
@TRY_END Zero_Address_Access
call ExitProcess, 0
END WinMain