Noisy Waves: TRNG virus by (o) Intro It is uncommon to find viruses which use hardware enhancements. I heard of a virus which uses GPU to decipher its code. At the time I already knew about hh86's work on Intel AES-NI instruction set to assist AES encryption. It is common, however, to associate viruses and microphone devices in espionage. I present here another technique. Reading you Five PRN (PseudoRandom Number Generators) use mathematical algorithms to generate what would seem to be random numbers from a seed. But due to the fact that PRNG are deterministic at heart, every random number can be guessed from the base seed. Unlike PRNG, TRNG "True Random Number Generators" do not rely on such mathematical algorithms, so they cannot be safely predicted. To generate TRNG there is hardware, but it can be too expensive, and hard to get. Finally, I found aresearch in The author uses background ambient/atmospheric noise. A good source for randomness. And of course, a cheaper alternative. Windows has a set of API easy to use to play or record audio. MCI API is bit boring so I decided to use WaveForm API instead. We record as if we were to create WAV format audio file. We will use just a few APIs, here is a sample code: wave_formatex label near dw WAVE_FORMAT_PCM ;WAVEFORMATEX.wFormatTag (uncompressed data LPCM (linear pulse code modulation)) dw nChannels ;WAVEFORMATEX.nChannels dd nSamplesPerSec ;WAVEFORMATEX.nSamplesPerSec dd nSamplesPerSec * ((nChannels * wBitsPerSample) / 8) ;WAVEFORMATEX.nAvgBytesPerSec dw (nChannels * wBitsPerSample) / 8 ;WAVEFORMATEX.nBlockAlign dw wBitsPerSample ;WAVEFORMATEX.wBitsPerSample dw 0 ;WAVEFORMATEX.cbSize = sizeof WAVEFORMATEX wave_setup label near mov edi, esp ;in stack - API addresses mov ebx, ecx mov ebp, (nSamplesPerSec * RecordingTimeSecs) * ((nChannels * wBitsPerSample) / 8) + sizeof WAVEHDR push ebp push 40h call dword ptr [edi + sizeof WINMM + KERNEL32.kGlobalAlloc] lea ecx, dword ptr [eax + sizeof WAVEHDR] mov dword ptr [eax + WAVEHDR.lpData], ecx mov dword ptr [eax + WAVEHDR.dwBufferLength], ebp lea edx, dword ptr [esi - (offset wave_setup - offset wave_formatex)] push edi push eax push esi push ebx mov esi, esp xchg ebp, eax push sizeof WAVEHDR push ebp push sizeof WAVEHDR push ebp push WAVE_FORMAT_DIRECT push ebx push ebx push edx push WAVE_MAPPER push esi call dword ptr [edi + WINMM.waveInOpen] lods dword ptr [esi] xchg esi, eax push esi call dword ptr [edi + WINMM.waveInPreparedHeader] push esi call dword ptr [edi + WINMM.waveInAddBuffer] push esi call dword ptr [edi + WINMM.waveInStart] waverec_loop label near push sizeof WAVEHDR push ebp push esi call dword ptr [edi + WINMM.waveInUnpreparedHeader] cmp al, WAVERR_STILLPLAYING je waverec_loop call dword ptr [edi + WINMM.waveInClose] First is to setup WAVEFORMATEX. Set FormatTag to be an uncompressed data LPCM input. Set channels to 2, so that it is stereo (or try 1 channel for mono). Samples per seconds, is set to 44.1Khz. Average bytes per second is calculated using number of samples per second multiplied by block alignment. Block alignment is calculated multiplying number of channels by number of bits for each sample per second, and dividing the result by 8. Second is to setup WAVEHDR. Most fields are useless, and we ignore them all with exception of lpData which is pointer to a buffer to receive recording, and then buffer length. Call waveInOpen to open the device for input, and let the function decide which device open because we haven't included any code to find one. If API returns MMSYSERR_NOERROR (0), it's okay, then you might want to check that it returned a handler. WAVEFORMATEX structure is of no use now. Call waveInPrepareHeader to prepare buffer for input data. waveInAddBuffer, will send prepared buffer to input device. waveInStart will start input from device. Finally try to clean up using waveInUnprepareHeader, if buffer is still in queue, keep trying. Once it succeeds, close device. Roger That! I strongly recommend you to not use this data to seed your PRNG. ;) My code uses recordings (if successful) as encryption key on simple XTEA. (o) - gzgztt3/at/