Terminator Z :: Thanks for the help man, it was good to have someone else getting the input to the magazine moving. Just remember.. "We're not worthy!" :) Rod Fewster :: Keep up the good work with your main money earner ThunderByte.. hhaha John McAfee :: Man, you're fighting a losing battle, that's all I'm going to say. I won't abuse you :). We all know you're living in the past. NuKE :: Down with Aristotle! Once this dude is gone the scene will be alot better off. Waiting on some new virii from you dudes! Phalcon/Skism :: Keep going dudes! You are are always inventing the new viral techniques. All we need now is a working windoze infector Mnemonix :: You are really doing some good stuff, keep up the good work! Immortal Riot :: Hello from Australia! The faith in Europe stays strong.