Members/joining +-------------+ Since issue #3 there has been another addition to the VLAD team, this is Quantum, another Australian. He seems to be going quite well from the start and I'm sure he'll have a lot to contribute. The group now is pretty much full, we don't really have any room for more members, but if you have something you want published in our magazine, don't hesitate to email me. Check the next article for contact information. Members.. Metabolis } Qark } Australia Darkman } Denmark Automag } France Antigen } America Rhincewind } Unknown :) Quantum } Australia All of us can code (well.. I try ;) and I kinda run things so that's what we all do. There aren't submitions from all of us this issue, but hopefully there'll be one from everyone in the next. Anyways, I got other articles to write heh.. Metabolis/VLAD